1 HUGO GERNSBACK,Editor Olt JAPANESE RADAR SEE PAGE 4C'4 ADIO-ELECTRONICS IN ALL ITS PHASES LA& CLEVELAND YELLOW CAB COMPANY Uses RAYTHEON TUBES in world's first taxicabs with two -way radio! The eyes of the nation's transportation indus- If you are a radio service dealer, you, too, try are on Cleveland these days, for it is there should realize that Raytheon's combined pre- that the world's first taxicabs equipped with war and wartime tube experience will result in two -way radio are being demonstrated by the even better tubes for all uses. Keep an eye on Cleveland Yellow Cab Company. Raytheon ... and watch for a Raytheon mer- chandising program that will help you be more Officials say that dispatching has proved so successful, in the peacetime years ahead, than much more efficient that future fleets similarly you've ever been before ! equipped will eliminate millions of miles of wasteful "dead" cruising. And they also report Increased turnover and profits... easier stock control Raytheon High- Fidelity Tubes, used in better tubes at lower inventory cost ... these are that benefits which you may enjoy as a result of the both transmitter and receivers, provide clear, Raytheon standardized tube type program, which is dependable reception -even in the tunnels part of our continued planning for the future. I under Cleveland's Terminal Tower. Raytheon This application of Raytheon Tubes is just one Manufacturing Company of many being planned for the postwar period RADIO RECEIVING TUBE DIVISION by progressive manufacturers in the electron- Newton, Massachusetts - Los Angeles New York - Chicago - Atlanta ics field. RAYTHEON All Four Divisions Have Been Awarded Army -Navy "E" With Stars ELECTRONIC AND RADIO TUBES - I WILL TRAIN YOU TO START A SPARE TIME OR FULL TIME 1. E. SMITH, RADIO SERVICE BUSINESS PRESIDENT National Radio Institute 31st Year of Training )ten for Success in Radio WITHOUT CAPITAL The men at the right are just a few of many I have trained, at home in their spare time, to be Radio Technicians. They are now operating I Trained their own successful spare time or full time These Men You Build These and Many Radio businesses. Hundreds of other men I trained are holding good jobs in practically every branch of Radio, as Radio Technicians or Other Radio Circuits with Operators. Doesn't this PROVE that my "50-60 Method" of training can give you, in your spare time at home, BOTH a thorough knowledge of 6 Kits of Parts I Supply Radio principles and the PRACTICAL experi- t`eigi Lins ence you need to help you make more money tr nronyLIC It n_ twhetrmlnrEAñs a f rtu"o By the time you've conducted 60 sets of in the fast -growing Radio industry? f,iratningRED á Experiments with . Radio Parts I supply, Let me send you facts about rich opportuni- agro C1IFF7 rynIE, made Itu3e c: hundreds of measurements and ad- ties in the busy Radio field. See how knowing ewvule, justments, you'll have valuable PRACTI- Radio can give you security, a prosperous fu- CAL Radio experience for a good full or ture lead ... to jobs coming in Television and e T Pr my part -time Radio job! Electronics. Send the coupon NOW for FREE 64 -page illustrated book, "Win Rich Rewards leyomu,urZ Xerth if:gsrn ek in Radio." Read how N.R.I. trains you at home DaRlkno¢ oCatpnDtO4r In spare time. Read how you practice building, Qhat.7..w testing, repairing Radios with SIX BIG KITS of Radio parts I send as part of your Course. a "Ahout slx mo%th after Future for Trained Men Is Bright e In Radio, Television, Electronics , or l, w ^ro l The Radio Repair business is booming NOW. É°nmroÿet saó ñ 1ñ0 -NeDd dam,o There is good money fixing Radios in your spare reg 3 2or_aymTa.Ycirsandea time or own full time business. And trained Radio Technicians also find wide -open oppor- tunities in Police, Aviation and Marine Radio, in Broadcasting, Radio Manufacturing, Public Address work, etc. Send for free book which pictures your present and future opportunities. I Trained Think of the boom coming when new Radios can be made! Think of the backlog of business These Men built up in all branches of Radio! And think of even greater opportunities when Television. FM, Electronics, can be offered to the public! Use only a few hours of your spare time each You build the week to get into Radio NOW. You may never SUPERHETERO- again Fee the time when it will be so easy and DYNE CIRCUIT profitable to started. Mail com- above containing get coupon for µtattoo °rktng In preselector oscillator - plete information. atoa hinny mixer -first detector, µelfo[ huslneaeWeenk. Many Beginners Soon Make SS, n ek You build MEASUR- i.f. stage, diode -de- $10 citexr 'lile X ° ING LNSTRUMENT tector-a.v.c. stage and a Week EXTRA In Spare Tinte , venue, SldtemylSNeb. above early in audio stage. It will The doy you enroll I start sending EXTRA MONEY Course, useful for bring in local and JOB Slll ?EiS to help you make EXTRA money fixing Radio work to pick up distant stations. Get Radios in time while learning. You LEARN the thrill of learning pare EXTRA spare time Radio principles from me a >^ In-grasp Lessons- s2arotaamon°°rtto P°IrrrodloyultPm money. It is vacu- at home evenings ta PRACTICE what you learn be building real R Ain ADerdeea, i°. um tube multimeter, spare time while you Circuits with the six kits of Radio parts I send -t -SU bt ea. M.tSMtI\ erogo measures A.C.. D.C. put the set through your knowledge to money while getting ' ER. JR R.F. volts, D.C. cur- fascinating testa! ready for cood full timeo Radio job. rents, resistance,, re- ceiver output. Find Out What N.R.I. Can Do for YOU rro"41,71 3LtiL TITE COTTON for your YR1 E copy of my sa owknna Building the A. M. 64 -pago book. It's with farts about opportunities N'.R.f. workfo 00 paWerk mont packed ae g°e for 1y n, SIGNAL GENERA- for you. head the details abed m Course. See the NORyAY Iher N.R.l. TOR at right will give fascinating jobs Radio offers. See how you can train MILLFJta lleh+un, you valuable experi- at home. Read letters from men I trained, telling what XeiiO rodtoh're ence. Provides ampli- they are doing, earning. No obligation. Just MAIL tude- modulated sig. COTTON in an envelope or paste it at a penny postal. nals for test and ex- J. E. Smith. President. Dept. SEX. National Radio perimental purposes. Institute, Pioneer Nome Study Radio School. Wash- ington 9, D. C. SAMPLE LESSON FREE Rom I will send you a FREE Lesson, "Getting Ac- sOOD OR SAMPIEELEfCN/FREE quainted With Receiver Servicing," to show you how practical it is to train for Radioat homein spare J. E. SMITH, President, Dept. SEX' time. It's a valuable lesson. Study it -keep it -use National Radio IQnstitute, Washington 9, D. C. it- without obligation! Tells how Superheterodyne man and 64 -page book, I 11 al r.i rag me, n °f iiadto checked be. Circuits work, gives hints on -, . .i. will call. Pi, . , v .l Radio Service a Rusines. of My, C Aviation Radie Own Receiver Servicing, Locating C Operating Broadcasting Station. Service Technicians for Radio Defects, Repair of Loud- stores and Factories Army. Navy Radio Jobs C Operating police Radio Stations Spare Time Radio Servicing speaker, I.F. Transformer, Ship and Harbor Gang Tuning Condenser, Government Civilian Radio C Ourt.ting adio (If you have not decided which branch you prefer-mall coupon for etc. 31 Illustrations. facts to help you decide.) Name Age y Radio Course Includes Address !SION ELECTRONICS Zone 4FR QUENCY MODULATION ity State .a RADIO -CRAFT for MAY, 1945 4A7 CL * LAPEL * Crystal Microphone the conversions to utilize AG transmission when Yyou voice Crystal Microphone Pperfected Will be prevalent military that circuits period. Check Public Address and electronic immediate post hone quality. in the Microphone of American is. advantage . It is discernable co Crystal Microphone Public Address JOBBERS Get your name on the list now, to receive important announcements American C7 will make when the Crystal Microphone war time job is done. Public Address RC Home Recorder Crystal Microphone 1915 So. Western Avenue, Los Angeles 7, California 468 RADIO -CRAFT for MAY, 1945 {/nt e Jeff e ox e 1 ur rifi Cway i ` REALLY LEARN RADIO ELECTRONICS and TELEVISION SPRAYBERRY RADIO TRAINING ECHNIC AL íHNICEDCE SKILLED tiI HANDS !UA TRAINED TfCNN/C /AN There's only one sight way to learn Radio Electronics. you must HOW TO READ RADIO DIAGRAMS get it through simplified lesson study combined with actual "shop" AND SYMBOLS me practice under the personal guidance of a qualified Radio Teacher. a valuable new book which explains K AD MONEr In simple. non -technical English how to EL It's exactly this way that Sprayberry trains you . .. supplping reed and understand any Radio Set Dia- real Radio parts for learn -by -doing experience right at home. gram. Provides the quick key to analy:ing TE learn your understanding is clear -cut, you any Radio circuit. Includes translations Thus, you faster, of all Radio symbols. Send for this N acquire the practical "know how" essential to a good -paying Radio FREE book now while supply lasts and job or a Radio business of your own. along with it I will send you another big FREE book describing my Radio - Electronic traininu.
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