South Africa: History and Culture
SOUTH AFRICA: HISTORY AND CULTURE A Summer Institute for School Teachers Funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities Hosted in South Africa by Rhodes University, Grahamstown Sponsored by the School of Social and Behavioral Sciences, University of Arkansas at Monticello JUNE 21-JULY 27, 2013 CHAPTER 1 SEMINAR PARTICIPANTS 1. Mr. Michael Anderson, St. John School, 301 W. Nob Hill, St. John, Washington 99171; 10-12, US history, world history, SAT prep class; school phone - 509/648 3336, ext. 128; home address: 107 E Street, Endicott, Washington 99125; home phone - 509/ 657-3583; email - 2. Miss Christine-Jean Blain, Kurt Hahn Expeditionary Learning, 5800 Tilden Ave, Brooklyn, New York 11203; 9th, humanities, global studies; home address: 1710 Union Street, Apt. D8, Brooklyn, New York 11213; home phone - 631/487-4762; email - 3. Mrs. Hollie Bosse, Laing Middle School, 1560 Mathis Ferry Road, Mount Pleas- ant, South Carolina 29464; 7th, social studies, world history, reading; school phone - 843/849-2809; home address: 974 Governors Road, Mount Pleasant, South Carolina 29464; home phone - 843/901-0742; email - 4. Mr. Stephen Buzzell, Stowe Middle School, 413 Barrows Road, Stowe, Ver- mont 05672; 7th, social studies, language arts, reading; school phone - 802/253-6913; home address: 1729 Stowe Hollow, Stowe, Vermont 05672; home phone - 802/760- 9418; email - 5. Ms. Sarah Cook, Southeast Middle School, 2535 Old Highway 19 Southeast, Meridian, Mississippi 39301; 5-6, intellectuallt gifted, social studies; school phone - 601/ 485-5751; home address: 453 Kynerd Road, Bailey, Mississippi 39320; home phone - 601/737-5732; email - 6.
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