Promoting recovery after trauma Australian Guidelines for the Treatment of Acute Stress Disorder & Posttraumatic Stress Disorder © Phoenix Australia - Centre for Posttraumatic Mental Health, 2013 ISBN Print: 978-0-9752246-0-1 ISBN Online: 978-0-9752246-1-8 This work is copyright. Apart from any use as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, no part may be reproduced by any process without prior written permission from Phoenix Australia - Centre for Posttraumatic Mental Health. Requests and inquiries concerning reproduction and rights should be addressed to Phoenix Australia - Centre for Posttraumatic Mental Health (
[email protected]). Copies of the full guidelines, and brief guides for practitioners and the public are available online: The suggested citation for this document is: Phoenix Australia - Centre for Posttraumatic Mental Health. Australian Guidelines for the Treatment of Acute Stress Disorder and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. Phoenix Australia, Melbourne, Victoria. Legal disclaimer This document is a general guide to appropriate practice, to be followed only subject to the practitioner’s judgement in each individual case. The guidelines are designed to provide information to assist decision making and are based on the best information available at the date of publication. In recognition of the pace of advances in the field, it is recommended that the guidelines be reviewed and updated in five years’ time. Publication Approval These guidelines were approved by the Chief Executive Officer of the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) on 4 July 2013, under Section 14A of the National Health and Medical Research Council Act 1992.