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P Ub Lishin G/Distrib Ution Daedalic Entertainment GmbH Publishing/Distribution Papenreye 51 | 22453 Hamburg | Germany phone +49 (0) 40 / 432 612 70 mail [email protected] | web www.daedalic.de facebook.com/daedalic | @daedalic Key Contacts Our Expertise Daedalic is one of Germany’s most acclaimed publishers and developers, having won numer- ous awards for genre-defining game series such as Deponia, Edna & Harvey, The Whis- pered World and Memoria. Daedalic publishes and develops high-quality games of all genres, with a strong focus on narrative games and compelling characters. Carsten Fichtelmann Daedalic is currently developing a new line- CEO & Founder up of innovative games, across console, PC and +49 (0) 40 / 806 011 30 mobile platforms – including Silence, the suc- [email protected] cessor to renowned The Whispered World, The Devil’s Men, a wholly unique detective/adven- ture title featuring a unique group of characters and a gripping narrative, Ken Follett’s The Pillars of the Earth and The Long Journey Home the first game from Daedalic Studio West. Platforms PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Wii U and Mobile PC Stephan Harms COO Key Projects Console +49 (0) 40 / 845 041 19 [email protected] Deponia, Blackguards series, The Whispered World, Silence, The Night of the Rabbit, Edna & Harvey, The Dark Eye Adventure series, Ken Fol- lett’s The Pillars of the Earth, The Long Journey Handheld Home, The Devil’s Men. Company Facts Mobile • Employees: 115 PUBLISHING • Award Highlights: 21 German Developer Steffen Roche Awards (incl. »Studio of the Year« 2009 and Studio Manager 2013), six German Computer Game Awards MMOs MMOs DEVELOPMENT +49 (0) 40 / 307 290 98 (incl. »Best Game« 2011 and 2013), three Red [email protected] Dot Design Awards (»Best of the Best« 2009, 2010 and 2013), two Serious Games Awards (»Gold 2011« & »Bronze 2010«), two LARA Games Browser Awards (2009 & 2010), the European Games Award in 2010, and many, many more. • Partners: Amanita Design, Amazon, Apple, Bastei Lübbe AG, CE-Asia, Corbie Games, EuroVideo, Fakt Software, Forgotten Keys, Frogwares, Funatics Software, GoG, Humble Bundle, It Matters Games, Koch Media/Deep Rositha Ruck Silver, Mandragora, Microsoft, Mimimi Produc- HR Director tions, Rondomedia, Runic Games , Sony, Valve/ +49 (0) 40 / 806 011 312 Steam and many more. [email protected] 71.
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