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WESTERN AUSTRALIAN WAR MEMORIALS WA STATE MEMORIAL: WORLD WAR I AUSTRALIAN ARMY Listed by PLACE of ASSOCIATION LEST WE FORGET WESTERN AUSTRALIAN WAR MEMORIALS WA STATE MEMORIAL: WORLD WAR I AUSTRALIAN ARMY Listed by PLACE of ASSOCIATION The names shown on this list are Soldiers of the Australian Army recorded in the Undercroft of the Western Australian State War Memorial located in King’s Park, Perth. It is the list of Soldiers who joined the Army in Western Australia and was compiled in the late 1920s to mark the opening of the memorial in 1929. The names are inscribed on marble tablets and the order shown beginning at and then to the left of the entrance to the Undercroft. Details on the Memorial show Unit lists and, usually in alphabetic order, family names and initials. Information from the Australian War Memorial Roll of Honour, the Commonwealth War Graves Commission and the National Archives of Australia records has been used for further identification. This record shows Soldier’s Service number (where applicable), cause and date of death, and age in brackets (where known) While the list shows Soldiers mainly who enlisted in Western Australia, some Soldiers who enlisted outside the State have been included as their families resided in the State. The Places of Association as shown on the Australian War Memorial records have been compiled. The qualifying period for inclusion on the Roll of Honour is for the period of establishment of the First Australian Imperial Force that is from 4 August 1914 to 31 March 1921. Soldiers who served with British Forces or who died after this qualifying period but who are recorded on the State Memorial are not able to be given a Place of Association and are listed separately. Soldiers whose cause of death is shown as Influenza or Pneumonia have been additionally listed to show the effect of the 1918 – 1920 Influenza Pandemic on casualties. PLACES OF Ballidu Boddington Burbanks Collie ASSOCIATION Bamboo Creek Bolgart Burekup Collie Burn Bardoc Boologooroo Burracoppin Comet Vale Western Australia Barrabup Boraning Bridge Burswood Como Kimberley Barton Boulder Burtville Cookerup Bayswater Boyanup Busselton Coolgardie Albany Beaconsfield Boyup Brook Coolup Allanson Bedfordale Bridgetown Camballing Coomberdale Ardath Beejording Broad Arrow Canning Coorow Argyle Beenup Brookhampton Canning Bridge Corrigin Armadale Belka Brookton Canning Mills Cottesloe Arrino Bellevue Broome Cannington Cowcowing Arthur River Belmont Broomehill Capel Cranbrook Augusta Benjaberring Broomehill East Carbarup Cuballing Avon Beverley Brown Hill Cardiff Cuballing East Bibra Lake Bruce Rock Carmel Cue Baandee Bickley Brunswick Carnamah Cunderdin Babakin Bicton Buckingham Carnarvon Badgerin Rock Big Brook Bullfinch Caversham Dalwallinu Baker’s Hill Bindoon Bullsbrook Chidlow Dampier Balcatta Blackboy Hill Bunbury Chittering Dandalup Balingup Blackwood Bungulla Claremont Dandaragan Balkuling Bodallin Buntine Collanilling Dangin LEST WE FORGET WESTERN AUSTRALIAN WAR MEMORIALS WORLD WAR I: AUSTRALIAN ARMY listed by PLACES OF ASSOCIATION Dardanup Grass Valley Kronkup Mount Barker Perth Darkan Greenbushes Kukerin Mount Hawthorn Pickering Brook Darlington Greenhills Kulikup Mount Kokeby Piesseville Day Dawn Greenough Kulin Mount Lawley Pindalup Deeside Guildford Kumminin Mount Magnet Pingaring Denmark Gullewa Kunanalling Mount Marshall Pingelly Derby Gwalia Kundip Muchea Pinjarra Dinninup Kunjin Mullalyup Pintharuka Dongara Halls Creek Kununoppin Mullewa Pithara Donnybrook Hamel Kurramia Mundaring Popanyinning Doodenanning Hamilton Hill Kurrawang Mundijong Port Hedland Doodlakine Harvey Kwolyin Muresk Preston Dowerin Helena Vale Murrin Murrin Protheroe Dudinin Highbury Lake Brown Dumbleyung Highgate Hill Lake Grace Nanga Brook Quairading Dwellingup Hines Hill Lake Yealering Nangeenan Qualen Hoffman Mill Laverton Nannine Queens Park East Beverley Holyoake Lawlers Nannup Quindanning East Brookton Leederville Naraling East Cannington Irwin Leonora Narngulu Ravensthorpe East Claremont Linden Narracup/Narrikup Redmond East Fremantle Jacobs Well Lion Mill Narra Tarra Richmond Hills East Kalgoorlie Jandakot Lowden Narrogin Rockingham East Katanning Jardee Nedlands Roebourne East Kirup Jarrahdale Maddington Needilup Roelands East Narrogin Jarrahwood Mandurah New Norcia Rottnest Island East Northam Jennacubbine Manjimup Newlands Round Hill East Perth Jitarning Marbelup Siding Noggerup East Rockingham Jolimont Marble Bar Nokaning Sandstone East Wagin Margaret River Norseman Sawyers Valley East Wickepin Kalamunda Marradong North Dandalup Serpentine Edjudina Kalgoorlie Marrinup North Fremantle Shackleton Esperance Kanowna Marvel Loch North Greenbushes Shark Bay Karridale Maylands North Kellerberrin Smith’s Mill Ferguson Katanning Meckering North Perth South Fremantle Fernbrook Kellerberrin Meekatharra Northam South Perth Fimiston Kelmscott Menzies Northampton Southern Cross Frankland King River Merredin Nungarin Spearwood Fremantle Kirk Rock Middle Swan Nyabing Statham Geraldton Kirup Midland Junction Stretton Gillimanning Kodj Kodjin Mingenew Ongerup Subiaco Gillingarra Kojonup Minnivale Ora Banda Swan View Gingin Kondinin Mogumber Osborne Park Swanbourne Glen Forrest Kondinup Moojebing Gnowangerup Koojan Moora Palmyra Tambellup Golden Ridge Kookynie Morawa Parkerville Tammin Goomalling Koorda Morgans Peak Hill Tenindewa Gosnells Korbel Mornington Pemberton Tenterden Grass Patch Korrelocking Mortigallup Perenjori Thomson Brook Use Bookmarks to navigate through this document Page 2 of 127 LEST WE FORGET WESTERN AUSTRALIAN WAR MEMORIALS WORLD WAR I: AUSTRALIAN ARMY listed by PLACES OF ASSOCIATION Three Springs Wannamal Williams Yornaning Toodyay Wanneroo Wiluna Youanmi Torbay Warbrook Winchester Yuna OTHER LISTS Trafalgar Waroona Wokalup Trayning Waterloo Wongan Hills NEW SOUTH SOLDIERS NOT Watheroo Woodanilling WALES LISTED ON THE Upper Blackwood Wellington Mills Woolgar QUEENSLAND AUSTRALIAN Upper Chapman Welshpool Wooroloo SOUTH WAR Upper Ferguson West Collie Worsley AUSTRALIA MEMORIAL Upper Preston West Guildford Wurarga TASMANIA Upper Swan West Leederville Wyalkatchem VICTORIA INFLUENZA West Midland Wyening AND Victoria Park Junction Wyndham ENGLAND PNEUMONIA West Perth DEATHS Wadderin West Pingelly Yalgoo PLACE OF Wagin Westonia Yarloop ASSOCIATION SOLDIERS YET Wagin East White Gum Valley Yarri NOT ASSIGNED TO BE FURTHER Walebing Wialkutting Yelbeni IDENTIFIED Walkaway Wickepin Yerbillon Wamenusking Wilberforce York Wandering Wilga Yorkrakine WESTERN BRUCE William Rufus 3044 ANDERSON Roice Campbell Wounds: 22Sep17 AUSTRALIA 1873 KIA: 6Aug15 (20) BURVILL Herbert Henry 950 ANGOVE Oswald Claude 6285 KIA: 14Jul15 (20) Western Australia KIA: 20Sep17 (26) CLAYTON Wallace 33 KIA: ARTHUR Thomas Elsbury 5547 4Aug16 AINSWORTH Jack 1451 aka Illness (Jaundice): 2Dec16 CONNOR Michael 4258 Illness AINSWORTH Elias Edwin (41) (Abscess): 18Jun16 William KIA: 2May15 (22) BALDRY Albert Ernest 2577 CONWAY Neil John KIA: AINSWORTH Herbert James 1 aka EDWARD Albert KIA: 3May18 (25) KIA: 29Jul16 (22) 30Sep17 (19) Enlisted: SA DIXON Frederick 8852 KIA: GREATOREX Geoffrey BALDRY Frederick Oswald 19Jul16 (20) William Edward 7986 KIA: 4950 KIA: 11Apr17 DONOVAN Christopher 5085 24Apr18 (20) BENNETT Henry Francis KIA: 11Apr17 REGAN Edward 6637 KIA: 2787B KIA: 18Sep18 DOWDELL William Thomas 19May18 (35) BRADY James Alphonse 5340 615 KIA: 12Oct17 (21) WILLOGHBY Alfred Seymour KIA: 11Apr17 DUNN Clarence Patrick 2138 Bolton 3248 KIA: 27Sep17 BRENNEN Ernest George 684 KIA: 3Sep16 (25) (42) Wounds: 9Aug15 (18) EDWARDS Alfred Outtrim 384 BROWN Edward John MID 711 KIA: 29Aug15 Kimberley Illness (Pneumonia): 28Oct18 FAULKNER Lionel Herbert (24) 5090 Illness (Influenza): HICKS Vincent Clarence 865 BROWN George William 854 19Oct18 KIA: 29Aug18 (30) KIA: 19Jul18 (25) FOSTER Frederick Sebastian 894 Wounds: 7May15 (30) Albany 6330 Use Bookmarks to navigate through this document Page 3 of 127 LEST WE FORGET WESTERN AUSTRALIAN WAR MEMORIALS WORLD WAR I: AUSTRALIAN ARMY listed by PLACES OF ASSOCIATION FOTHERINGHAM Peter 2135 McNAMARA John 994 THOMAS Charles 1786 aka KIA: 26May16 (33) Wounds: 3Oct15 (21) DAWSON Charles Thomas GLEDHILL Horace 3834 KIA: MEWS Ernest John 2597 KIA: 29Jul16 16Aug16 (28) Wounds: 5Apr18 (32) THOMAS Harold George 173 GORMAN Cecil Claude 6323 MILLS Samuel Ernest Goold KIA: 15Sep16 KIA: 20Sep17 (27) MC KIA: 25Oct17 (36) THOMAS William Edward GORMAN John Christopher MOUCHEMORE Edward 2827 KIA: 16Aug16 177 KIA: 3May15 Charles 6351 KIA: 3Oct18 THOMPSON Arthur 1479 GRAYSON Alfred 5709 KIA: (22) Wounds: 10May17 12Apr17 (28) NORMAN Percy KIA: 28Mar17 TURNER Walter 29587 Illness GREEN George Robert 102 (26) (Pneumonia): 5Feb19 Wounds: 29Mar18 (28) OREO Daniel 6379 KIA: WARD Alfred Willoughby 6351 GREEN Richard Clarence 4163 20Sep17 Wounds: 5Jul18 (29) Illness (Pneumonia): 25Oct18 OSBORN William Albert WATTS Horton 1850 Wounds: (21) Joseph 4102 KIA: 12Oct17 10Nov17 GROVER Clarence William PARSONS John David 6073 WEAR Aubrey Clement 3305 6084 KIA: 4Oct17 KIA: 11Apr17 Wounds: 29Oct17 (21) HARTNUP Bertie 6272 KIA: PINNEY Charles Starmer 2138 WEST Samuel Martin 1428 aka 11Apr17 KIA: 30Mar18 CHEESMER Samuel Martin HASSELL Oscar Donald PLAYNE John Morton KIA: KIA: 25Jul16 Humfray 112 KIA: 7Aug15 7Aug15 (32) WHEELDON Cuthbert Murray (24) RADFORD Walter Francis 2693 3969 KIA: 24Apr18 (22) HILLS Charles 6035 KIA: Wounds: 17Nov15 WINTERHALTER Gustave 29Mar18 RETELL Paul 3191 Died Adolph 2905 KIA: 12Oct17 HORTIN Sydney Grenville (Drowned at Sea: Loss of Illness (Meningitis): 8Dec16 HMAT Warilda): 3Aug18 Allanson 6225 INGHAM William John RICHARDSON William Robert Robertson 6039
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