Young Stars Plus Roman ANDALUSIA

to Emerita to Saetabis

The Roman conquest and Romanisation They also built very good Augusta V (Xàtiva) I

(Mérida) A

rd roads. For example, Via de D At the end of the 3 century BCE, the Romans began their E

L la Plata and Via Augusta. A

final conquest of the Valley. P L A T TA These roads allowed A UGUS IA A In 206 BCE, with the fall of the Carthaginian city of Gadir V to Cartago trade and transport with Nova (Cádiz), all of Andalusia was under Roman rule. (Cartagena) the other cities of the Romanisation happened more quickly in Andalusia than in Empire. the rest of the Peninsula. Most of Andalusia was integrated into the Roman province of Baetica. The Romans founded the cities of Hispalis (), capital of the Roman province Corduba (Córdoba), Baelo Claudia (, Cádiz) and Italica other Roman cities (Santiponce, Seville). Roman road

The Roman city of Italica Find words in the texts that mean the following: was at its most powerful 1 during the reigns of emperors a) started c) established e) permitted mosaic in Roman theatre and , in the the House b) occupation d) constructed f) territory ruled by an emperor nd 2 century CE. of Neptune It had many public 2 Find and write the past simple tense of these verbs buildings (an enormous in your notebook: amphitheatre, a theatre mosaic in and several public baths), the House a) begin c) happen e) found g) decorate an and big of the Birds b) is d) integrate f) build h) allow houses decorated with the Goddess Fortuna dancing priestess magnificent mosaics. 3 Answer the questions in your notebook: a) What was the name of the Roman province that covered nearly They built public buildings and other constructions, such as the all of modern Andalusia? Acinipo Theatre (Ronda, Málaga) and the Cordoba bridge. b) Look at the map of the Roman roads. Where did the main routes begin and end? Where was Italica located?

4 In your notebook, complete the following sentences: a) The Romans completed their conquest in… b) The Romans founded the cities of … of Baelo Claudia (Tarifa) Acinipo Theatre (Ronda la Vieja) c) The Romans built …

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