News from Copenhagen

Number 656 Current Information from the OSCE PA International Secretariat 3 May 2017 Ad Hoc Committee on Migration conducts fact-finding mission to been in camps for over a year waiting for a decision on their asylum application or relocation prospects. There is also a lack of adequate shelter space for unaccompanied minors in specialized smaller facilities. Committee members noted the significant efforts made Members of the OSCE PA’s Ad Hoc Committee on Migration at Eleonas migrant camp in Athens, 2 May 2017. by the Greek government, especially local and regional authorities as well as local populations, in response to the Members of the OSCE PA’s Ad Hoc Committee on Migration significant numbers of migrants and refugees. They stressed are in Greece this week to assess first-hand how the country is that the EU also needs to live up to its commitments, especially coping with the migration crisis and evaluating the impacts of with respect to relocations. European Union policies, including the implementation of the This week’s visit is the third field mission conducted by March 2016 EU-Turkey Statement and the December 2016 members of the Ad Hoc Committee on Migration, who Joint Action Plan. visited Calais and Grande Synthe in May 2016, and Sicily Today, 12 committee members, led by Ad Hoc Committee in September 2016. In its field visits, committee members Chair Filippo Lombardi (MP, Switzerland), completed a field pay particular attention to situation of vulnerable refugees, visit to the Greek island of Lesvos. The mission is hosted by especially women and children, as well as unaccompanied Head of the Hellenic Delegation to the OSCE PA, Georgios minors. Committee members also travelled to Brussels and Varemenos (MP, Greece), and included visits to two refugee Geneva in January 2017 to meet with key officials from the camps in Athens and two in Lesvos, as well as a number of EU and the main international organizations actively involved meetings with relevant officials. In Lesvos, the delegation in managing the migration crisis. met with the OSCE Special Representative and Co-ordinator A follow-up visit to Turkey is also being organized for the for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings Amb. Madina coming weeks, and the Chair of the Ad Hoc Committee on Jarbussynova. The visit will wrap up tomorrow with a meeting Migration intends to present a report and resolution on the of the Ad Hoc Committee in Athens. topic at the OSCE PA’s 26th Annual Session taking place in Lombardi noted that Greece should be commended for its Minsk, Belarus, on 5-9 July 2017. This week’s visit to Greece efforts to speed up asylum procedures and improve conditions is supported by OSCE PA Programme Officer Farimah Daftary in the camps, as well as ensure access to education, but that and includes committee members from , Turkey, , there is a clear sense of desperation as some people have Sweden, Austria, Cyprus, and .

Santos and Sena speak about ’s Upcoming activities and deadlines participation in OSCE at colloquium Next week, on 5-8 May, a seminar in Leinsweiler, OSCE PA Vice-President , will focus on the renewed geopolitical struggle Isabel Santos and Second for spheres of influences and the impacts this is having Committee Chair Nilza on the OSCE area. OSCE PA Treasurer and Head of the Sena addressed a 12 April OSCE PA’s German Delegation Doris Barnett will host the colloquium in Lisbon on meeting, which will include the participation of President “Portugal’s participation in Christine Muttonen. Following this event, Muttonen Isabel Santos addresses OSCE: Achievements and will hold a series of high-level meetings in Tashkent, Lisbon event, 12 April 2017. Challenges.” The event included Uzbekistan, and the next week, will visit Ukraine. the participation of Portuguese Election observation missions are being organized for Speaker of Parliament Eduardo Ferro Rodrigues, former Albanian parliamentary elections on 18 June (registration Speaker Jaime Gama, Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs deadline: 19 May) and the 26 June presidential election in and Cooperation Teresa Ribeiro, Portugal’s Ambassador to Mongolia (registration deadline: 26 May). the OSCE, Graça Mira Gomes, and Amb. Christian Strohal, Delegations are requested to register for the 26th Annual Special Representative of the Austrian OSCE Chairmanship. Session by 30 May. Supplementary items must be received Santos addressed the many challenges that the OSCE faces by 31 May. Amendments to the three General Committee today, noting its value in shaping a comprehensive security Draft Resolutions must be received no later than 21 June, model, while Sena highlighted in particular the role of the and amendments to supplementary items by 28 June. OSCE in the economic and environmental dimension.

For further information contact Head of Communications and Press Nat Parry at +45 33 37 80 40 or email [email protected]