CUNDY GREEN BARN BUTTERTON Report on Historic Building Recording

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CUNDY GREEN BARN BUTTERTON Report on Historic Building Recording South West Peak Landscape Partnership Scheme BARNS AND BUILDINGS PROJECT CUNDY GREEN BARN BUTTERTON Report on Historic Building Recording SWP BB Project No. 006 (Barn UID: 0555_B002) Key Information Project Name Cundy Green Barn Report title Cundy Green Barn Butterton: Report on the Historic Building Recording Report Status Final BB Project No. 006 NGR SK0535755765 Planning Reference ENQ/39244 Author Dr C R Parker Heath with contribution by Ken Mycock Illustrations Dr C R Parker Heath Date 12/08/2020 Version and Final: CGB Historic Building Recording Report_final filename Cundy Green Barn Historic Building Recording Page 2 of 69 Contents Key Information.................................................................................................................. 2 Contents ............................................................................................................................ 3 1. Summary ..................................................................................................................... 7 2. Introduction................................................................................................................. 7 3. Setting, Geology and Topography ................................................................................. 8 4. Aims and Purposes....................................................................................................... 9 4.1. Regional Research Aims and Objectives ................................................................. 9 4.2. Historic Building Recording Objectives................................................................... 9 5. Methodology ............................................................................................................... 9 5.1. Coverage .............................................................................................................. 9 5.2. Building recording level ......................................................................................... 9 5.3. Building recording methodology ...........................................................................10 6. Description of the building ..........................................................................................11 6.1. Background .........................................................................................................11 6.2. External Features .................................................................................................11 6.3. Internal Features .................................................................................................12 7. Discussion ...............................................................................................................13 8. Conclusions.................................................................................................................15 9. Archive transfer ..........................................................................................................16 10. References ..............................................................................................................16 11. Illustrations .............................................................................................................18 11.1. Location Maps..................................................................................................18 11.1.1. Location of Onecote in the Country ..................................................................18 11.1.2. Location of Cundy Green Barn in the Peak District National Park .......................19 11.1.3. Location of Cundy Green Barn in relation to the village of Onecote ...................20 11.2. Setting and topology ........................................................................................21 11.2.1. Cundy Green Barn aerial view to northeast of Onecote..................................21 11.2.2. View of barn from main road through Onecote (centre, Moor End View to left), looking northeast ........................................................................................................22 11.2.3. View of barn, looking northwest ...................................................................23 11.2.4. View of barn, looking southwest towards Ipstones Edge ................................24 Cundy Green Barn Historic Building Recording Page 3 of 69 11.2.5. View of the barn, looking east from Public Right of Way ................................25 11.2.6. View of barn, looking north, Butterton Moor in distance and to right .............26 11.2.7. View from barn to the northeast towards Butterton Moor.............................27 11.2.8. View from barn to south with Ipstones Edge to centre and right. ...................28 11.3. Plans ................................................................................................................29 11.3.1. Ground floor plan ........................................................................................29 11.4. Elevations ........................................................................................................30 11.4.1. South West elevation....................................................................................30 11.4.2. North East elevation ....................................................................................31 11.4.3. North West elevation....................................................................................32 11.4.4. South East elevation .....................................................................................32 11.5. Sections ...........................................................................................................33 11.5.1. Long-section L-L1 ..........................................................................................33 11.5.2. Cross-section A-A1 ........................................................................................34 11.6. Photographic record plan .................................................................................35 11.7. Photographs used to illustrate all key points .....................................................36 11.7.1. South West elevation (photo 08.0) ................................................................36 11.7.2. South West and North West elevations (photo 09.0) .....................................36 11.7.3. Window (A) on south west elevation (photo 08.1) .........................................37 11.7.4. Doorway (B) showing 2 phases of blocking (photo 08.3).................................37 11.7.5. Blocking by brick on inside of doorway (A) (photo 8.4) ...................................38 11.7.6. Chamfered lintel, doorway (B) (photo 08.5) ...................................................38 11.7.7. Building debris – linear mound in front of SW elevation (photo 8.7) ...............39 11.7.8. Building debris – brick surround from fireplace? (photo 8.9) ..........................39 11.7.9. Building debris – part of brick arch from a mantelpiece? (photo 8.10) ............40 11.7.10. Building debris – other half of brick arch from a mantelpiece? (photo 8.11) 40 11.7.11. Building debris to SW side of barn (photo 8.12) ..........................................41 11.7.12. The North East elevation (photo 12.0) ............................................................41 11.7.13. The North East and South East elevations (photo 13) ......................................42 11.7.14. Stone lintel over doorway (E) (photo 12.1) showing iron bracket (F) to NW of doorway and hole to SE...............................................................................................42 11.7.15. Iron brackets (F) for rainwater goods on NE elevation looking to W ................43 11.7.16. Iron brackets (F) for rainwater goods on NE elevation looking to E ................43 Cundy Green Barn Historic Building Recording Page 4 of 69 11.7.17. The North West elevation (photo 10) .............................................................44 11.7.18. The North West and North East elevations (photo 11) ....................................44 11.7.19. Wooden lintel (F) (photo 10.1) .......................................................................45 11.7.20. Wooden peg or trunnel in situ on internal side of wooden external lintel ........45 11.7.21. NE side of opening (G) (photo 10.5) ................................................................46 11.7.22. SW side of opening (G) (photo 10.6) ...............................................................46 11.7.23. Bracket (H) to SW of wooden lintel (G)(photo 10.2) ........................................47 11.7.24. Drain (I) (photo 10.3) .....................................................................................47 11.7.25. Concreted area (J) (photo 10.4) ......................................................................48 11.7.26. The South East elevation (photo 14.0) ............................................................48 11.7.27. The South East and South West elevations (photo 15) ....................................49 11.7.28. Small opening (K) to SW end of the SE elevation (photo 14.1) .........................49 11.7.29. Internal view of NW wall (photo 16.0) ............................................................50 11.7.30. Empty mortices in internal wooden lintel (L) and brickwork above (photo 16.1.) ...................................................................................................................................50 11.7.31. Reused beam for internal wooden lintel
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