Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Newspapers Collection 3N"O. mOXJR CENTS. TWO DOH.IJ.A.RS A. "PROGRESS -AJSTD iMPROYEMBNT. TOL Xm. NO. 9.} ROCHESTER, N. Y.,-FOR THE WEEK ENDDTG SATURDAY, MARCH 1, 1862. {WHOLE NO. 633. the evil. To ta^x unproductive property was wrong Mr. RANDALL replied that the English required MOORE'S RURAL NEW-YORKER, in principle. You must tax productive property in dogs for watching, &c, as they had no fences, but THE LEADING AMERICAN WEEKLY order that the owner may be able to pay. that their Sporting and hunting dogs were kept con- BUBAL, LITEBABY AND FAMILY NEWSPAPER Mr. E. SHEREILL, of Ontario, was surprised to fined—not allowed to roam, at large. Mr. R. (in reply to a remark by Mr. CONGER,) stated that not CONDUCTED BY D. D. T. MOORE, hear Judge* Ot oppose the tax law. He was in favor ] of taxing dogs, and related instances in which the one American wool-grower in fifty kept a Shepherd With an Able Corps of Assistants and Contributors. poor class of whelps and sheep-killers had destroyed dog. He had just returned from a visit among the sheep-breeders and wool-growers of Vermont Mr. CHA8. D. BBAQDON, Western Corresponding Editor. flocks of sheep in his locality. Mr. S. would tax every dog $5, and more if necessary to exterminate HAMMOND, and other leading sheep men, had no Shepherd dogs; indeed he did not see one in Ver- THE RUKAL NBW-YORKER is designed to be unsurpassed in the race of whelps.
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