Letters after species indicate the following: ‘B’ HAWKS DOVES ___ Great-crested Flycatcher (B) regularly breed in the preserve; ‘M’ migrate through ___ Osprey (V) ___ Rock Pigeon (Y) ___ Eastern Kingbird (B) the preserve; ‘R’ rare; ‘Y’ occur year-round; ‘W’ occur ___ Sharp-shinned Hawk (Y) ___ Mourning Dove (Y) only in winter; ‘V’summer visitor; ‘H’ historical. ___ Cooper’s Hawk (Y) SHRIKES CUCKOOS Artwork by Alice Bernat. ___ Northern Goshawk (V) ___ Northern Shrike (W) ___ Black-billed Cuckoo (B) ___ Northern Harrier (V) GREBES ___ Yellow-billed Cuckoo (B) VIREOS ___ Red-shouldered Hawk (B) ___ Pied-billed Grebe (M) ___ White-eyed Vireo (R) ___ Broad-winged Hawk (B) OWLS ___ Horned Grebe (M) ___ Warbling Vireo (B) ___ Red-tailed Hawk (Y) ___ Eastern Screech Owl (Y) ___ Philadelphia Vireo (M) CORMORANTS ___ Rough-legged Hawk (W) ___ Great Horned Owl (Y) ___ Red-eyed Vireo (B) ___ Double-crested Cormorant (V) ___ Bald Eagle (V) ___ Barred Owl (Y) ___ Yellow-throated Vireo (B) ___ American Kestrel (Y) ___ Northern Saw-whet Owl (W) ___ Blue-headed Vireo (M) HERONS ___ Merlin (V)

___ American Bittern (V) NIGHTJARS ___ Peregrine Falcon (R) JAYS, CROWS ___ Great Blue Heron (V) ___ Common Nighthawk (M) ___ Blue Jay (Y) ___ Great Egret (M) GALLINACEOUS ___ Eastern Whip-poor-will (R) ___ American Crow (Y) ___ Green Heron (B) ___ Wild Turkey (Y) ___ Fish Crow (Y) ___ Ring-necked Pheasant (V) SWIFTS, HUMMINGBIRDS ___ Common Raven (Y) WATERFOWL ___ Ruffed Grouse (Y) ___ Chimney Swift (V)

___ Snow Goose (M) ___ Ruby-throated Hummingbird (B) LARKS ___ Brant (M) RAILS ___ Horned Lark (W) ___ Sora (V) KINGFISHERS ___ Canada Goose (B) ___ Belted Kingfisher (B) ___ Wood Duck (B) ___ Virginia Rail (H) MARTINS, SWALLOWS

___ Gadwall (M) ___ Barn Swallow (B) PLOVERS, SANDPIPERS WOODPECKERS ___ Mallard (B) ___ Cliff Swallow (R) ___ Killdeer (B) ___ Yellow-bellied Sapsucker (Y) ___ American Black Duck (M) ___ Northern Rough-winged Swallow (B) ___ Greater Yellowlegs (M) ___ Red-headed Woodpecker (R) ___ Northern Pintail (M) ___ Bank Swallow (B) ___ Lesser Yellowlegs (M) ___ Red-bellied Woodpecker (Y) ___ Northern Shoveler (M) ___ Tree Swallow (B) ___ Solitary Sandpiper (M) ___ Downy Woodpecker (Y) ___ Blue-winged Teal (M) ___ Purple Martin (V) ___ Spotted Sandpiper (B) ___ Hairy Woodpecker (Y)

___ Green-winged Teal (M) ___ Northern Flicker (Y) ___ Upland Sandpiper (H) CHICKADEES, NUTHATCHES, CREEPERS ___ Canvasback (M) ___ Pileated Woodpecker (Y) ___ Semipalmated Sandpiper (M) ___ Black-capped Chickadee (Y) ___ Redhead (M) ___ Least Sandpiper (M) ___ Brown Creeper (Y) ___ Ring-necked Duck (M) FLYCATCHERS ___ Wilson’s Snipe (M) ___ Tufted Titmouse (Y) ___ Bufflehead (M) ___ Olive-sided Flycatcher (M) ___ American Woodcock (B) ___ Eastern Wood-Pewee (B) ___ White-breasted Nuthatch (Y) ___ Hooded Merganser (M) ___ Red-breasted Nuthatch (Y) ___ Common Merganser (V) GULLS ___ Willow Flycatcher (B)

___ Alder Flycatcher (B) ___ Bonaparte’s Gull (R) WRENS VULTURES ___ Least Flycatcher (M) ___ Laughing Gull (R) ___ Marsh Wren (H) ___ Black Vulture (B) ___ Yellow-bellied Flycatcher (M) ___ Ring-billed Gull (V) ___ Carolina Wren (Y) ___ Turkey Vulture (B) ___ Herring Gull (V) ___ Acadian Flycatcher (R) ___ House Wren (B) ___ Eastern Phoebe (B) ___ Great Black-backed Gull (V) ___ Winter Wren (B)

KINGLETS, GNATCATCHERS TOWHEES, SPARROWS WARBLERS ___ Golden-crowned Kinglet (W) ___ Eastern Towhee (B) ___ Tennessee Warbler (M) ___ Ruby-crowned Kinglet (M) ___ Chipping Sparrow (B) Albany Pine Bush ___ Nashville Warbler (M) ___ Blue-gray Gnatcatcher (V) ___ Field Sparrow (B) ___ Orange-crowned Warbler (R) ___ American Tree Sparrow (W) THRUSHES ___ Blue-winged Warbler (V) CHECKLIST ___ Vesper Sparrow (R) ___ Eastern Bluebird (B) ___ Golden-winged Warbler (R) ___ Grasshopper Sparrow (R) ___ Swainson’s Thrush (M) ___ Northern Parula (M) ___ Savannah Sparrow (B) ___ Veery (B) ___ Yellow Warbler (B) ___ Song Sparrow (Y) ___ Gray-cheeked Thrush (M) ___ Chestnut-sided Warbler (B) ___ Lincoln’s Sparrow (M) ___ Hermit Thrush (B) ___ (M) ___ Swamp Sparrow (B) ___ Wood Thrush (B) ___ Cape May Warbler (M) ___ Fox Sparrow (M) ___ American Robin (Y) ___ Blackburnian Warbler (M) ___ White-crowned Sparrow (M) ___ Black-throated Blue Warbler (B) ___ White-throated Sparrow (W) MIMICS ___ Cerulean Warbler (R) ___ Dark-eyed Junco (W) ___ Gray Catbird (B) ___ Black-throated Green Warbler (M) ___ Snow Bunting (W) ___ Northern Mockingbird (Y) ___ Yellow-rumped Warbler (M)

___ Brown Thrasher (B) Prairie Warbler ___ (M) ORIOLES, BLACKBIRDS

___ Pine Warbler (B) WAXWINGS, STARLINGS ___ Baltimore Oriole (B) This checklist was produced by the ___ Prairie Warbler (B) ___ Cedar Waxwing (Y) ___ Orchard Oriole (B) ___ Blackpoll Warbler (M) Albany Pine Bush Preserve Commission ___ European Starling (Y) ___ Eastern Meadowlark (R) ___ Bay-breasted Warbler (M) using bird census data collected by ___ Bobolink (R) ___ Black-and-white Warbler (V) PIPITS ___ Red-winged Blackbird (B) Commission staff, partners, and volunteers. ___ American Redstart (B) ___ Rusty Blackbird (M) ___ American Pipit (M) Updated: June 2017 ___ Worm-eating Warbler (R) ___ Common Grackle (B)

___ Common Yellowthroat (B) ___ Brown-headed Cowbird (B) For more information on the Albany Pine Bush, ___ Mourning Warbler (M) FINCHES please visit the Albany Pine Bush ___ Connecticut Warbler (M) ___ Northern Waterthrush (V) ___ House Sparrow (Y) Discovery Center

___ Louisiana Waterthrush (V) ___ Evening Grosbeak (R) 195 New Karner Road ___ American Goldfinch (Y) ___ Ovenbird (B) Albany, NY 12205 ___ Canada Warbler (M) ___ Pine Siskin (W) (518) 456-0655

___ Hooded Warbler (V) ___ Common Redpoll (W) www.AlbanyPineBush.org Eastern Towhee ___ House Finch (Y) ___ Wilson’s Warbler (M) Post your records & photos on our Facebook page! ___ Yellow-breasted Chat (R) ___ Purple Finch (B)

www.facebook.com/AlbanyPineBush ___ Pine Grosbeak (H)

TANAGERS, CARDINALS and THEIR ALLIES ___ White-winged Crossbill (R)

___ Scarlet Tanager (B) ___ Red Crossbill (V)

___ Rose-breasted Grosbeak (B) ___ Indigo Bunting (B) ___ Northern Cardinal (Y)