: Southern Wall Excavations

Region: Hill Country of Judah Site Summary: The Southern Wall Excavations is located within the of Jerusalem in the Jewish Quarter. It is an area known for its extensive archaeological discoveries, revealing the 1st century AD ruins at the southwest corner of the as well as the area directly south of the Temple. The SW corner of the Temple Mount was probably where Jesus was tempted (Mt. 4:5-7). Today what was uncovered at this corner was a 1st Century street (more than 200 feet of a 30 foot wide walkway) and dozens of Temple stones toppled by the Romans in 70 AD. Archaeologically, excavated this area in 1986. Digging continues to this present day primarily by Elat Mazar, his granddaughter. Biblical references

• Matthew 4:5-7; 21:12-17,23-27; 22:1-2 • Mark 13:1-2 • Luke 2:22-52,18:10-14,21:5 • John 2:19; 7:14-52; 10:23 • Acts 3:11,5:12 Biblical characters connected with this site:

• Jesus & His disciples, Simeon, Anna, Pharisees, Temple leaders What is there to see & experience here?

• At the SW corner of the Temple, you can see a 200 foot section of a Roman 1st Century street, dozens of massive stones lying on this street (these were toppled by the Romans in 70 AD at the destruction of the Temple), what is left of Robinson’s Arch located high on the , miqvot (ritual baths), and ancient shops. • On the southern side of the Temple, you can see 1st century steps that would have led into the Temple, many more miqvot, an portions of the (OT ruins from Nehemiah’s day). Treasure thought & personal “take away”

• For sure, Herod’s Temple was a magnificent building! Even the disciples were impressed of its beauty. Jesus taught often in the Temple that once stood tall. When is the last time you gazed at the beauty of Christ and His amazing grace?