Tulu Moye Geothermal Development Project - Phase I: Environmental and Social Impact Assessement ESIA Report: Part II of III Version 02 – Nov. 2017 Report no. 17005-01 www.vso.is Borgartún 20 585 9000 105 Reykjavík
[email protected] Geothermal utilization in Tulu Moye ESIA Report Page left intentionally blank. Geothermal utilization in Tulu Moye ESIA Report CONTENT 7 Social impact assessment 15 7.1 Introduction 15 7.2 Impact area 15 7.3 Legislative and policy framework 15 7.3.1 National 15 7.3.2 International 15 7.4 Baseline description 16 7.4.1 Administrative division and governance 16 7.5 Demographics 17 7.5.1 Project area population characteristics 17 7.6 Economic activities 22 7.6.1 Livelihood activities 22 7.6.2 Agriculture 23 7.6.3 Land tenure and land use 25 7.7 Health and health care 28 7.8 Education 31 7.9 Religion, culture, ethnicity 32 7.9.1 IFC Performance Standard 7 34 7.9.2 Indigenous Peoples 34 7.10 Service 34 7.10.1 Roads and site accessibility 35 7.10.2 Distance to the nearest social services 37 7.10.3 Access to water 37 7.10.4 Finance 39 7.10.5 Source of energy 39 7.11 Poverty, deprivation and vulnerable groups 39 7.12 Gender roles 41 7.13 Households ownership and assets 41 7.13.1 Housing quality 42 7.14 Tourism 43 7.15 Impact assessment 44 7.15.1 Impacts during construction and operation phases 44 7.15.2 Impacts during decommissioning phase 46 7.16 Summary of impacts and mitigation measures 47 7.16.1 Impacts during construction phase 47 7.16.2 Impacts during operation phase 48 7.16.3 Impacts during decommissioning phase 48