Policy Forum for London Keynote Seminar Next steps for housing in London and the South East: affordability, meeting demand and the future for social housing Timing: Morning, Wednesday, 13 th September 2017 Venue: The Caledonian Club, 9 Halkin Street, London SW1X 7DR

Agenda subject to change

8.30 - 9.00 Registration and coffee

9.00 - 9.10 Chair’s opening remarks Andrew Boff AM , Deputy Chair, Housing Committee,

9.10 - 9.40 Key issues for implementing the Mayor’s housing strategy James Murray , Deputy Mayor, Housing and Residential Development, Mayor’s Office Questions and comments from the floor

9.40 - 9.55 Assessing priorities for housing in developing the London Plan Duncan Bowie , Senior Lecturer in Spatial Planning and Housing, University of Westminster Questions and comments from the floor

9.55 - 10.05 Case study: housing supply and safety in Camden Councillor Georgia Gould , Leader, London Borough of Camden

10.05 - 11.00 Meeting housing demands for people living and working in London: infrastructure, finance and development Councillor Nicolas Heslop , Chairman, South East England Councils and Leader, Tonbridge and Malling Borough Council James Stevens , Director for London and the Devolved Cities, Home Builders Federation Andrew Montlake , Brand Director, Coreco Jerry Gilbert , Director, ARK Consultancy Questions and comments from the floor with Councillor Georgia Gould , Leader, London Borough of Camden

11.00 - 11.05 Chair’s closing remarks Andrew Boff AM , Deputy Chair, Housing Committee, London Assembly

11.05 - 11.30 Coffee

11.30 - 11.40 Chair’s opening remarks AM , Labour Spokesperson for Housing, London Assembly

11.40 - 12.20 The future of the private rented sector: quality of accommodation, affordability and the Draft Tenants’ Fees Bill Seb Klier , London Campaigns Manager, Generation Rent Simon Gordon , Policy Adviser, Residential Landlords Association Eloise Shepherd , Head of Housing and Planning, London Councils Questions and comments from the floor

12.20 - 12.55 Next steps for social housing: supply, safety and the future for high-rise buildings Steve Stride , Chief Executive, Poplar HARCA John Lumley , Director - Regeneration, London Borough of Hackney Pat Turnbull , Representative, London Tenants Federation Questions and comments from the floor

12.55 - 13.00 Chair’s and Policy Forum for London closing remarks Tom Copley AM , Labour Spokesperson for Housing, London Assembly Sean Cudmore , Deputy Editor, Policy Forum for London