Breed Code List

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Breed Code List Breed code list Description Breed Description Breed Aberdeen Angus AA British Friesian Cross BFX Aberdeen Angus Cross AAX British White BW Angler Rotvieh AR British White Cross BWX Angler Rotvieh Cross ARX Brown Swiss BS Ankole AN Brown Swiss Cross BSX Armoricaine AM Charolais CH Armoricaine Cross AMX Charolais Cross CHX Aubrac AU Chianina CHI Aubrac Cross AUX Chianina Cross CHIX Australian Lowline ALL Chillingham CHL Ayrshire AY Chillingham Cross CHLX Ayrshire Cross AYX Cross Breed Beef CB Baltata Romaneasca BRO Cross Breed Dairy CD Bazadaise BAZ Danish Red DR Bazadaise Cross BAZX Danish Red Cross DRX Beefalo BEL Dairy Shorthorn DS Beef Shorthorn BSH Dairy Shorthorn Cross DSX Beef Shorthorn Cross BSHX Devon Red DEV Belgian Blue BB Devon Red Cross DEVX Belgian Blue Cross BBX Dexter DEX Belted Galloway BG Dexter Cross DEXX Belted Galloway Cross BGX Dwarf Zebu DZE Belted Welsh Black BWB East Finnish Brown EFB Belted Welsh Black Cross BWBX East Finnish Brown Cross EFBX Bison BI English Park EP Blonde D’Aquitaine BA English Park Cross EPX Blonde D’Aquitaine Cross BAX Estonian Red ER Blue Albion BAL Estonian Red Cross ERX Blue Albion Cross BALX Flekvieh FKV Blue Grey BLG Flekvieh Cross FKVX Blue Grey Cross BLGX Frisona Espagnola FE Brahman BR Frisona Espagnola Cross FEX Brahman Cross BRX Gasconne GAS Bretonne Pie-Noire BP Gasconne Cross GASX Bretonne Pie-Noire Cross BPX Galloway GA British Friesian BF Galloway Cross GAX Gayal GAY Marchigiana Cross MARX Gelbvieh GE Meuse Rhine Issel MRI Gelbvieh Cross GEX Meuse Rhine Issel Cross MRIX Gloucester GL Montbeliarde MO Gloucester Cross GLX Montbeliarde Cross MOX Groninger Blaarkop GB Murray Grey MG Groninger Blaarkop Cross GBX Murray Grey Cross MGX Guernsey GU Normande NO Guernsey Cross GUX Normande Cross NOX Hereford HE Northern Dairy Shorthorn NDS Hereford Cross HEX Norwegian Red NR Highland HI Norwegian Red Cross NRX Highland Cross HIX Old English OE Holstein HO Old English Cross OEX Holstein Cross HOX Other Dairy OD Holstein Friesian HF Parthenais PA Holstein Friesian Cross HFX Parthenais Cross PAX Irish Moiled IM Piemontese PI Irish Moiled Cross IMX Piemontese Cross PIX Jersey JE Pinzgauer PIN Jersey Cross JEX Pinzgauer Cross PINX Kerry KE Red Poll RP Kerry Cross KEX Red Poll Cross RPX Limousin LIM Reggiana RE Limousin Cross LIMX Reggiana Cross REX Lincoln Red LR Riggit Galloway RG Lincoln Red Cross LRX Riggit Galloway Cross RGX Longhorn LH Romagnola RO Longhorn Cross LHX Romagnola Cross ROX Luing LU Rotebunde ROT Luing Cross LUX Rotebunde Cross ROTX Maine Anjou MA Salers SA Maine Anjou Cross MAX Salers Cross SAX Malkekorthorn MAL Shetland SH Malkekorthorn Cross MALX Shetland Cross SHX Marchigiana MAR Shorthorn SHO Shorthorn Cross SHOX Tarantaise -Tarina Cross TTX Simmental SM Valdostana Nera VN Simmental Cross SMX Valdostana Nera Cross VNX South Devon SD Vaynol VA South Devon Cross SDX Vaynol Cross VAX Stabiliser ST Wagyu WA Stabiliser Cross STX Wagyu Cross WAX Swedish Red and White SRW Water Buffalo BU Swedish Red and White SRWX Welsh Black WB Cross Swedish Red Polled SRP Welsh Black Cross WBX Swiss Braunvich SB Welsh White WW Swiss Braunvich Cross SBX Welsh White Cross WWX Swiss Orig Braunvieh SOB White Galloway WG Swiss Orig Braunvieh Cross SOBX White Galloway Cross WGX Swiss Grey SG Whitbred Shorthorn WS Swiss Grey Cross SGX Whitbred Shorthorn Cross WSX Sussex SU White Park WP Sussex Cross SUX White Park Cross WPX Tyrone Black TB Yak YK Tyrone Black Cross TBX Zebu ZE Tarantaise -Tarina TT .
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