United Nations PlENARY MlmNG. 564th GENERAL (OPENING MEETING) Sunday, 4 November 1956, ASSEMBLY at 4 p.m. Official Records SECOND EMERGENCY SPECIAL SESSION Neu Yorlc

CONTENTS tion, I shall take it that the Assembly approves this Paoc Agenda item 1: suggestion. Opening of the sess ion by the Chairman of the delegation It was so dec-ided. o f Chile ...... Agenda item 2: 5. The PRESIDENT (translated from SpanisJ,) : I !lfinute of silent prayer or meditation ...... should like to point out that the Secretary-General, Statemen t by the President ...... in his telegram convening this emergency special ses­ Agenda item 3: Appointment of a Credentials Committee ...... sion, indicated that credentials of representatives par­ Agenda item 4: ticipating in the first emergency special session would Adoption of the agenda ....•...... be considered valid for their participation in the second Ag~nda .i tem_5 : . emergency special session. 1 he SituatiOn m Hungary...... 4 6. In this connexion, we have recently received a let­ ter from the representative of Hungary, and it is at President: Mr. Rudecindo ORTEGA (Chile). present being reproduced so that it can be distributed to the members of the Assembly. In the meantime, I shall ask Mr. Cordier to read it to the Assembly. AGENDA ITEM 1 7. Mr. CORDIER (Executive Assistant to the Secretary-General) : The letter reads as follows : Opening of the session by the Chairman of the "The permanent mission of the Hungarian People's delegation of Chile Republic presents its compliments to the Secretary­ 1. The PRESIDENT (translated from Spanish): I General of the United Nations and has the honour to declare open the second emergency special session of inform him that the Hungarian Government has not the General Assembly. as yet authorized any of the members of the mission to take part at the emergency special session con­ AGENDA ITEM 2 vened to discuss the item entitled: 'The situation in Hungary'. Furthermore, the mission communicates Minute of silent prayer or meditation that it coul-d not obtain official information and in­ structions from the Government of the Hungarian 2. The PRESIDENT (translated from Spanish) : In People's Republic. As soon as it receives official in­ accordance with rule 64 of the rules of procedure, I in­ formation and instructions from its Government, it vite the representatives to stand and observe one minute will immediately bring them to the knowledge of the of silence dedicated to prayer or meditation. Secretary-General and the Members of the United The representatives stood in silence. Nations. "The Hungarian mission would be very grateful Statement by the Preaident if the Secretary-General would shortly circulate this 3. The PRESIDENT (translated from Spanish): Be­ note among the Members of the United Nations."1 fore we proceed with the appointment of a Credentials Committee, I should like to call to the attention of the AGENDA ITEM 4. members of the Assembly a letter from the President of the Security Council to the Secretary-General [A/ Adoption of the agenda 3280], communicating the text of the resolution adopted by the Security Council on 4 November 1956. In that 8. The P RESI DENT (transl