Lunar and Planetary Science XXX 1739.pdf EXPLORING COMETS, ASTEROIDS, AND RELATED BODIES: A REPORT FROM THE CAMPAIGN STRATEGY WORKING GROUP ON BUILDING BLOCKS AND CHEMICAL ORIGINS OF THE SSES. J. Veverka1, T. Ahrens2, M. Belton3, R. Binzel4, W. Boynton5, P. Feldman6, L. Soderblom7, R. Yelle8, A. Wolf9, and B. Gershman9. 1312 Space Sciences Building, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853 (
[email protected]), 2California Institute of Technology, 3National Optical Astronomy Observatories, 4Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 5Lunar and Planetary Laboratory, 6Johns Hopkins University, 7United States Geological Survey, 8Boston University, 9Jet Propulsion Laboratory Introduction: The Campaign Strategy Working Table 1: Comet Nucleus Sample Return (CNSR) Group on Building Blocks and Chemical Origins (CSWG/BBCO) of the SSES was set up to help chart Objective: Return "pristine" samples of comet nucleus a comprehensive program for the study and exploration material for analysis on Earth of asteroids, comets, and related small bodies in the solar system. An important goal of such studies is to Key Requirements: provide further understanding of the chemical and Obtain three samples (10 gm each) from cor- physical processes that were at work when the solar ing device (top of regolith, 10 cm and 1 m) at one lo- system formed 4.5 billion years ago. Essential steps in cation. achieving this goal include (1) extending the survey of Attempt to obtain one sample (10 gm) at a the diversity of small bodies; (2) improving the chemi- depth of 10 meters. cal/physical chracterization of materials preserved in Obtain samples (10 gm each) from at least key objects through detailed in-situ analyses, and espe- three widely spaced sites on the comet.