ATTA News December 2014 teachers-association/newsletters Editor: Colin Fong, Faculty of Law, University of New South Wales, Sydney
[email protected] ATTA website law/australasian-tax-teachers-association Contents 1 Presidential column 1 2 ATTA Conference 2015 2 3 Notice of Meeting: Annual General Meeting 3 4 TTPI Australian Visiting Fellow Awards program 4 5 Arrivals, departures and honours 4 6 New Zealand developments 4 7 Australian and New Zealand tax and related doctoral theses 5 8 IBFD Frans Vanistendael Award for International Tax Law 27 9 Master of Laws in international tax law scholarship 27 10 Call for papers 28 11 Tax, accounting, economics and law related meetings 29 12 ATTA members in the media 31 13 Recent publications 31 14 Quotable quotes 35 1 Presidential column As the year comes to a close there has been the usual flurry of government activity to try to clear up outstanding matters before the end of the year. The most prominent issue, getting the outstanding budget items through the Senate, could not be resolved before the Parliament rose for the year. In particular, universities are still uncertain about funding over the next budget cycle and that is not good for the sector regardless of your opinion on the issue of increased student fees. I think that, no matter where you stand on the political spectrum, we have to agree that over recent years the oppositional nature of politics in Australia has not served us well, and this is reflected in the polls.