Working Paper 11 Do Pessimistic Assumptions About Human Behavior Justify Government? * BENJAMIN POWELL AND CHRISTOPHER J. COYNE Abstract The evolution from the state of nature to some form of social order has been a central question of political theory for centuries. Many writers begin their analysis of this situation by making pessimistic assumptions about man’s behavior in the state of na ture. In doing so, they conclude that a centralized government is the best possible outcome. We critically reconsider the models of the evolution of government, and the resulting social order, as put forth by Buchanan, and McGuire and Olson. In doing so, we analyze if the pessimistic assumptions prove that a centralized government is in fact superior to the state of nature. * Benjamin Powell (MA, George Mason University) is a Social Change Fellow at the Mercatus Center and PhD candidate in economics at George Mason University. He has been a visiting fellow at the American Institute for Economic Research. Christopher Coyne is a Mercatus Center Social Change Graduate Fellow, and a PhD student in Economics at George Mason University. The ideas presented in this research are the authors' and do not represent official positions of the Mercatus Center at George Mason University. Do Pessimistic Assumptions About Human Behavior Justify Government? BENJAMIN POWELL
[email protected] Department of Economics, San Jose State University, San Jose, CA 95192 CHRISTOPHER J. COYNE
[email protected] Department of Economics, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA 22030 Abstract: The evolution from the state of nature to some form of social order has been a central question of political theory for centuries.