Land at Cribbs Causeway Round 1 Consultation - Summary Feedback Report
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Land at Cribbs Causeway Round 1 Consultation - Summary Feedback Report Prepared by Avril Baker Consultancy, January 2014 Land at Cribbs Causeway - Round 1 Consultation Skanska/DFE Contents Introduction 2 Consultation Strategy 3 Consultation Activities November/December 2013 3 Key Stakeholder workshop Near neighbours/wider public Feedback 6 Key Stakeholder workshop Written feedback Verbal feedback Additional briefings 10 Henbury & Southmead Neighbourhood Partnership Almondsbury Parish Council Response to consultation feedback and next steps 12 List of Appendices 12 Introduction As part of plans for the wider Cribbs Patchway New Neighbourhood Skanska and Deeley Freed Estates are currently working up a masterplan for a mixed-use development on land at Cribbs Causeway with a view to submitting an outline planning application in early 2014. The current proposals comprise around 1000 new homes, a primary school, community facilities, a mixed-use local centre and public and private open space with a network of green space integrated with foot and cycle paths and sustainable transport links with Bristol and the surrounding area. Site background The site is bounded by the M5 to the west, A4018 to the east, Avonmouth/Filton Railway to the south and existing woodland of Haw Wood to the south west. It currently supports a mix of existing homes and commercial properties including the Saracens and Clifton rugby clubs and open land mainly in the form of grazing paddocks. Opposite the site on the east side of the A4018 is a large commercial area including warehousing, distribution units and car showrooms and some residential areas beyond which lies Filton Airfield and The Mall at Cribbs Causeway retail and leisure centre. The site forms part of South Gloucestershire Council’s proposed Cribbs/Patchway New Neighbourhood (CPNN) which will provide some 5,700 new homes and 50ha of employment land together with a range of community services and facilities. The Council is currently bringing forward a Supplementary Planning Document for the new neighbourhood. AVRIL BAKER CONSULTANCY – JANUARY 2014 2 Land at Cribbs Causeway - Round 1 Consultation Skanska/DFE Consultation Strategy Following meetings with the planning team from South Gloucestershire Council (SGC), it was agreed that where possible there would be co-ordination regarding consultation events between the two organisations. This would enable stakeholders and the wider public to view and consider the Skanska/Deeley Freed proposals within the wider context of the CPNN and avoid people being asked to attend too many separate consultation events. As part of the consultation strategy for the Land at Cribbs Causeway a list of key stakeholders was drawn up and agreed with planning officers at SGC which Skanska/Deeley Freed would manage and use to communicate with their consultees. These contacts form part of a wider distribution list which SGC is using for its wider CPNN consultation. The Skanska/ Deeley Freed contacts list includes councillors and officers from both Bristol City Council (BCC), South Gloucestershire Council (SGC) and nearby town and parishes as well as representatives of statutory consultees, service providers, other groups with an interest in the site and key local amenity groups. A full list of invited key stakeholders is shown at Appendix A. As the project progresses Skanska/ Deeley Freed will continue to actively participate in the CPNN joint landowners group and also provide ongoing briefings as requested through the joint Bristol City Council/SGC Members Forum. Consultation Activities November – December 2013 The first round of consultation took the form of a Key Stakeholder Workshop on Thursday 7 November at Clifton Rugby Football Club which was followed by two Public Drop-in Sessions, one during the afternoon/evening of 7 November with a second public session on Saturday 9 November. At the venue alongside the Skanska/Deeley Freed exhibition additional consultation material on the wider CPNN and emerging transport/infrastructure proposals was also on display as part of a wider public consultation exercise by South Gloucestershire Council. Afterwards the Skanska/Deeley Freed exhibition material was therefore also displayed at South Gloucestershire Council’s further public drop-in events at Filton Library on 8 November and at the Greenway Centre on 12 November. Additional briefings have also been made by Skanska/Deeley Freed to the Henbury & Southmead Neighbourhood Partnership Meeting on 4 December and to members of Almondsbury Parish Council on 18 December. Key Stakeholder Workshop Stakeholders were invited to attend a planning workshop on Thursday 7 November 2013 at Clifton Rugby Club from 11.30am–1.30pm. This was preceded by an optional walking tour for anyone who wanted to see the extensive site and location in more detail. Key stakeholders were also informed of the public sessions that followed should they be unable to attend the workshop. AVRIL BAKER CONSULTANCY – JANUARY 2014 3 Land at Cribbs Causeway - Round 1 Consultation Skanska/DFE Attendance 39 RSVPs were received from the key stakeholder database of 144 individuals, and on the day a total of 42 individuals attended/signed in. Attendees included representation from Almondsbury Parish Council, Avon and Somerset Constabulary, Avon Fire and Rescue, Bristol City Council (officers and members), BS10 Parks and Planning Group, Clifton RFC, Alder King Property Consultants, First Bus, JMP on behalf of Highways Agency, Merlin Housing Association, Network Rail, Office of Charlotte Leslie MP, Patchway Dementia Action Alliance, Patchway Town Council, RFU, South Gloucestershire Council (officers and members), Southern Brooks Community Partnership, Trinity Network and Wessex Water. During the following Thursday and Saturday public sessions, a further 21 key stakeholders signed in representing: Almondsbury Parish Council, Bradgate Surgery, Bristol City Council, Bristol Rugby, Bristol Saracens RFC, Bristol Tree Forum, British Horse Society, BS10 Planning & Green Spaces, CPRE, Environment Agency, Henbury & Southmead Neighbourhood Partnership and Henbury Community Council. Proceedings On arrival attendees were invited to browse the exhibition boards and talk to team members before taking seats for the presentation. Jason Collard from Skanska welcomed attendees and introduced the project team before handing over to Graeme Phillips from architects John Thompson & Partners who ran through the emerging proposals as displayed on the accompanying exhibition boards. Participants then divided into small discussion groups each facilitated by a member of the project team to discuss and review the masterplan proposals in more detail. To aid discussions large scale copies of the draft masterplan together with aerial photographs of the site and surrounding area and drawing materials were provided on the workshop tables. Suggested topics for discussions included: • access & movement • landscape and ecology • built form and • community facilities/amenities. After an hour of discussions the groups came back together for a plenary session when a representative/s from each table provided feedback on their discussions and key issues raised. The formal meeting then adjourned to enable further individual discussions to continue around the boards and over lunch. Exhibition (see Appendix B) The exhibition consisted of 14 panels describing the following: • Welcome • The Vision • Existing Site Context • Planning Context AVRIL BAKER CONSULTANCY – JANUARY 2014 4 Land at Cribbs Causeway - Round 1 Consultation Skanska/DFE • Movement & Transport • Technical Studies • Key Design Drivers • Landscape Analysis • Landscape Character • Design Concepts • Emerging Masterplan • Emerging Landscape Concepts • Character Areas • Next Steps Also on display were a number of boards from SGC showing latest proposals for the CPNN and associated wider transport measures (See Appendix C). On hand to talk to attendees was a rota of members of the project team representing Skanska/Deeley Freed, PJ Planning, John Thompson & Partners, Illman Young, Key Transport, Nicholas Pearson Associates with ABC as facilitators. A rota of officers from SGC were also present to staff their exhibition. Following the events A3, colour, bound hard copies of the consultation material were sent to Filton Library and Patchway Library as reference documents. Near neighbours and the wider public: Two public sessions were held at Clifton Rugby Football Club on Thursday 7 November from 3.00pm – 7.00pm and on Saturday 9 November from 10.00am – 2.00pm. An invitation in the form of a printed postcard (see Appendix D) was mailed to some 200 local businesses and residents located close to the site which also provided details of the project website. This notification area included addresses in Berwick Drive, Cribbs Causeway, Cribbs Causeway Centre, Catbrain Hill, Catbrain Lane, Charlton Leaze, New Charlton Way, Passage Road and The Close. The residents of Passage Road and adjacent neighbours on Cribbs Causeway (ie those closest to the site) were also offered a private session at the end of both public sessions to enable them to hold more detailed discussions with the team. SGC also promoted the drop–in sessions as part of its wider CPNN consultation update through direct mailings to key stakeholders, groups and organizations across the area, the Council website and through a poster (see Appendix E). At the exhibition members of the Skanska/Deeley Freed team and officers from South Gloucestershire Council were