Local resident submissions to the City Council electoral review

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13 February 2015

I have lived in Westbury on Trym village since 1991 first with my parents and then more recently with my own family. I have always valued the community which flows out from the historical village centre, under the new boundaries my home would no longer be part of this community and I would consider this a great personal loss.

Surely the history and heritage of Westbury Village should carry some weight and significance when considering new ward boundaries. I fail to understand how it can be seen as acceptable to have the heart of Westbury on Trym Village boundaries moved to fall under the ward of , which does not have the historic significance and village community. Also why it is acceptable for the downsized remaning part of Westbury Village to have only one councillor but this is not ok for any other ward.

I therefore support the proposal to have a partnership ward with Henleaze and to share 3 councillors between us.

I understand this is the only way to maintain the historical identity and preserve the integrity of the whole village.

If other proposed changes were to go ahead I have concern for the value of my property as it would be separated from the historic village centre and fear that at some future date could be absorbed onto other wards.

I would also like to include the following good reasons why Westbury on Trym Village should retain its name, status and boundary:

Westbury on Trym is the oldest settlement in the Bristol area with origins in the 8th Century –a charter to found a monastery was granted by King Offa of Mercia

Canford Lane, Stoke Lane and Hill follow original old routes out of Westbury, towards , and Henbury village (also very old settlements), appear on Tythe maps and clearly demonstrate the connection between the two existing older and newer parts of Westbury on Trym

It still has six active church congregations associated with the village with Bishop Carpenter’s original re-modelled 15thC Parish church - which he wanted to make into a Cathedral - at its heart

The village is still a busy shopping and financial centre, equivalent to a small market town, serving at least 7 other wards besides its own, with a car park and central bus stops and having a well- established Business Association

Its original school room was founded in 1828 (building still extant) and there are now 2 primary and 3 secondary schools, including the famous Redmaids’ and Badminton Schools within the ward

It is proud of the splendid, architect designed Village Hall, built in Victorian Gothic style and established for concerts and education by the well- known Ames family of Cote House. Now well known around Bristol as a venue for weddings and parties, it was saved from destruction in 1970 by a village campaign and on a personal note my daughter’s wedding reception was held there.

It has its own public park and Bowling Club, established a hundred years ago on land from ‘Canford Farm’, whose name it retains in “Canford Park”. There is still a Men’s Club also, founded in 1896 Which under the new proposal this would be separated form the heart of the village.

A War Memorial subscribed and erected by Westbury people graces the centre of the village and hosts a large Remembrance Day service every year, with church leaders, choirs and processions

No less than seven pubs are still supported within its borders, each serving its own group of local supporters, at least four dating back to the days of coaches traveling through on the early Turnpike Rd

An established Conservation Area protects the centre of the historic village and is now under re-appraisal for enlargement after the Westbury Society’s lead in forming a ‘Community Plan’ for future town planning reference

The village is celebrated among other older suburbs in a display at the ‘M Shed’- museum of Bristol’s history

The half of Westbury on the other side of Falcondale Road is a valued and integral part of the original Parish of Westbury on Trym that stretched over a vast area down to and Clifton

This newer part of Westbury on Trym, built between the wars, is still dependent on the original village for all its main services and most importantly, its residents play a full and equal part in the social life of the whole community

The flows through both halves of Westbury giving its name to the village as a whole

It is for all the above personal anf historic reasons I feel very strongly that the Westbury on trym ward must not be split.

Regards Katy Bainbridge

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City of Bristol

Personal Details:

Name: Tim Bainbridge



Organisation Name:

Comment text:

As a resident of Headley Park, we would be in an area that changes and I feel that the proposed change is a better representation of the area. At present we are in the ward which has never really made sense to me since I moved to the area 7 years ago.

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https://consultation.lgbce.org.uk/node/print/informed-representation/4316 16/12/2014 Local Boundary Commission for England Consultation Portal Page 1 of 1

City of Bristol

Personal Details:

Name: Diane Baker



Organisation Name:

Comment text:

I strongly object to the proposal to redraw the ward boundaries in such a way that Westbury on Trym wil be split in two, with the historic village centre placed in Henleaze. This is just the kind of insensitive, bureaucratically driven proposal that gets local councils a bad name. It is both historically insensitive and insensitive to the local residents who are proud to live in Westbury on Trym. Westbury on Trym is the oldest settlement in the Bristol area with origins in the 8th Century. An established Conservation Area protects the centre of the historic village. The very active and well supported Westbury on Trym Society which is concerned with the conservation, planning issues, amenities and community activities of the village is evidence of the strong community feeling and sense of pride felt by residents. The newer half of Westbury on Trym on the other side of Falcondale Road, built in the interwar period, is a valued and integral part of the original Parish of Westbury on Trym and is still dependent on the original village for all its main services and most importantly, its residents play a full and equal part in the social life of the whole community. I would support the proposal to create a "partership ward" with Henleaze, combining the two present wards and sharing 3 councilors between us. This seems like a win-win idea and I hope the council will adopt it.

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https://consultation.lgbce.org.uk/node/print/informed-representation/4502 28/01/2015

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City of Bristol

Personal Details:

Name: Don and Rosie Baker



Organisation Name: N/A

Feature Annotations


Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database rights 2013.

Map Features:

Annotation 1:

Comment text:

Please find attached my objections to transferring the Lake Road area of Westbury on Trym Ward to Bristol We feel very strongly about this, as we have no connection of any type with Southmead, whereas the links with Westbury on Trym and Henleaze are strong and enduring covering the 37 years we have lived in this property. To transfer us in this way would be to effectively disenfranchise us. We would rather stay within a heavily subscribed ward to which we belong, than be moved. We do not attempt to provide a solution to the problem (apart from staying either in Westbury on Trym or being transferred to Henleaze (either solution is equally acceptable). We do believe that the very extensive experience available to the Boundary Commission will enable the Commission to provide an acceptable solution, which would be better than any we can think of. Having so said, if there are options that the Commission would like us to consider, we would be very happy to do so. Needless to say, those options will not include transferall to Southmead. We hope our comments will be of help in the deliberations of the Boundary Commission Yours Sincerely Don and Rosie Baker

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https://consultation.lgbce.org.uk/node/print/informed-representation/4881 17/02/2015 Objections to transferring the Lake Road Area of Westbury on Trym Ward to Southmead

It was with a sense of dismay that we heard of the proposal to redraw the electoral boundaries of the area where we live. This is a repeat of a proposal made in the past that was rejected then, and should be rejected again. After living here for years, it really is distressing that we are being forced to undergo a repeat performance, we simply want to be left alone.

In this document we speak only for ourselves, generalisations are inherently dangerous. However, we suspect that much of what follows is common to that of many others in our community, and as such is representative of a significant section of the local population.

Although the declared purpose of this proposal seems to be to ensure that every ward is of a similar size, that is, at best an approximation, an aspiration. In reality, other factors are involved in setting the boundaries, which do not seem to have been included in this proposal. As we see it, the only consideration has been equality of electorate. The original purpose of what is now the Boundaries Commission was to bring an end to rotten boroughs; we are nowhere near that situation occurring here, so the imperative is at best weak.

WE would suggest that there are other factors that are probably more important that a count of electors, as the Boundary Commission’s website rightly acknowledges, which we think could generally go under the heading of voters being disenfranchised and disenchanted. Important aspects of the voting process, and ‘ownership’ of the system are at risk of becoming lost, for example: voting as part of the community to which you belong, feeling energised by the electoral process, simply the ritual of visiting the polling station to cast your vote with pride. If the only issue that mattered was equality of ward sizes, random lines could be drawn, without regards to what lay on either side of the boundary, that option is totally rejected by the Boundary Commissions own guidelines, otherwise Southmead, Henleaze and Westbury on Trym would simple cease to exist as electoral entities and the community cohesion for which the current boundaries iconise would become compromised.

In our case the community that we belong to is very clear. We make the bulk of our shopping trips to Henleaze and Westbury on Trym, never Southmead. Even our Takeaways are bought in those areas, despite similar facilities existing in Southmead. Our friends live in Henleaze, Westbury on Trym and Redland, we have no social contacts in Southmead. Our children went to school in Henleaze. When we go out for walks (largely for much needed exercise), we cover Henleaze, Westbury on Trym, Horfield etc, never Southmead. We would feel quite uncomfortable venturing there. We have never, never once in all the years we have lived here, visited a pub in Southmead. Our GPs, Dentists and Opticians are based in the same areas as our shops and pubs. We have absolutely no contact with Southmead apart from the rare occasions when we drive through on the way to somewhere else. Whenever we have visited Southmead, probably not in the last two or three years, we have felt like a visitor (intruder) in someone else’s territory. The boundary between our area and Southmead is clearly defined by the barrier at the end of Lake Road (the only road that links our area directly to Southmead) that closes the two areas off from direct transport links – nothing could be clearer. This is not a boundary that gradually shifts from one shade of grey to another as you move along, resulting in a judgment call as to where the natural boundary lies. In this case the boundary is stark and narrow as it is funnelled by the North end of Lake Road and the barrier that is erected there. The barrier did not create the boundary, (it was much needed as the road was used as a ‘rat run’, a serious accident was simply waiting to happen) it is simply a visible physical representation of a much more substantial one held in people’s minds. We doubt if there are any parents in our area that send their children to schools in Southmead.

page 1 of 2 Comments on Draft Boundary Changes

The sense of community is not only important because of the sense of belonging, but also because the needs of our area are no different to those of Henleaze or Westbury on Trym. If we were to be moved to Southmead, we would be involved in voting decisions with regards to local Government elections around issues that are of no concern to us. We have no real interest in, for instance, the shopping areas in Southmead, its policing or social issues. We have every interest in what happens in Henleaze and Westbury on Trym. Our needs are very different to those of Southmead, the needs are distinctly different. We assume that if we were to meet our local councillor, that would involve meeting them in the Southmead area, to which we do not feel we belong. Rightly or wrongly, elected counsellors would be viewed as focussed on the needs of their majority community, as part of Southmead we would feel an ‘add on’, there simply to ‘make up the numbers’. This move would truly disenfranchise us.

We suspect that there are a number of people living around us who would feel very uncomfortable visiting Southmead, in some cases they may feel quite fearful (probably unrealistically, but that is how they may feel). In consequence, they may either not vote or use postal votes which for at least some would distance them from the electoral process. It is almost certain that this proposal would reduce in a lowering of the turnout at elections is that really what we want?

In an ideal world, we would live in an area of mixed housing. Due to the policies of the local government in Bristol following the Second World War, to build large homogenous housing estates, that aspiration is not going to come about for a long time yet. That is where we are, we simply have to accept reality and leave things as they are, even if our counsellors carry more than their fair share of constituents.

We do have to comment that we are disappointed that the Boundary Commission has not gone out of its way to raise the profile of its proposals, although the proposal appears to have been tabled shortly before Christmas. It was not until well into January that we became aware of it, and that was not through the auspices of the Boundary Commission. This is a big deal, and deserved better treatment than it seems to have been given.

With all due respects, we cannot see how anyone involved in this proposal can have actually visited the area. If we were to paint white lines on the ground, the natural boundaries could not be clearer. Simply studying the architecture and the landscaping of the gardens of the two areas, makes the difference obvious, one area is largely 1930s and earlier, built for owner occupation, the other is largely post war, much of it social housing built in the 50s and 60s for rented accommodation. We have little doubt that if one were to dig just a little deeper, eg what types of television programmes are watched, diet, attitude to education etc these differences would become increasingly pronounced. The historic bond goes back over 80 years.

For this proposal to ‘go through’ would leave a nasty taste of a bureaucratic procedure that has simply disregarded our community. It simply would not be fair. The message we will be given is that we do not belong to Westbury on Trym or Henleaze, we do long to Southmead – that is a false and deeply troubling message. Please leave us where we are, we want to feel we belong to and are part of the community in which we vote.

We hope this helps you in your decision.

Don and Rosie Baker 16 February 2015

page 2 of 2 Comments on Draft Boundary Changes

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City of Bristol

Personal Details:

Name: Tara Barker



Organisation Name:

Comment text:

I think this plan - which creates an and Boundary - completely ignores the distinct identities of the Bishopston and Redland communities - that have very strong cultural , social and political links to those areas. What is the reason for doing this? To break these up? I and my peers who live in the Bishopston area would be very annoyed to have our Bishopston identity taken away. We feel very strongly about this indeed. Do what you want to Cotham - which is mainly students - but please leave Bishopston and Redland alone! I would be very annoyed at being in an Ahsley & stokes croft area - and would not bother to vote if that was forced upon me. I have no affinity with this name or place.

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https://consultation.lgbce.org.uk/node/print/informed-representation/4378 06/01/2015 Local Boundary Commission for England Consultation Portal Page 1 of 1

City of Bristol

Personal Details:

Name: Diane Barlow



Organisation Name:

Comment text:

I am a resident homeowner living in Lakewood Road, Henleaze. This road is at the back of Henleaze Lake not Southmead Lake. Is this iconic swimming club which has a unique place in the local landscape along with rich history to be relocated too? On another note, my council tax band is D. I am sure that the current Southmead area is either A or B. Will my council tax be reduced in line with the fall in house prices which will occur should Lakewood Road be included under the Southmead banner? Thirdly, moving Westbury on Trym out of Westbury and into Henleaze? Who on earth thought that one up? Keep Westbury and Henleaze Lake in the Westbury boundary. It makes sense.

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https://consultation.lgbce.org.uk/node/print/informed-representation/4762 12/02/2015

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City of Bristol

Personal Details:

Name: Richard Barry



Organisation Name:

Comment text:

Westbury-on-Trym is an historic settlement that pre-dates Bristol. It centres around the war memorial, with the shops, church, village hall, doctors' surgery all forming a cohesive whole. This community serves a population that regard themselves as Westbury residents, because they use the facilities and enjoy the community ties built up over generations. The proposal that this historic community should be lumped into Henleaze (which itself enjoys its own special identity) is absurd and arbitrarily divorces many Westbury residents, like myself, who live the "wrong" side of Falcondale Road from their natural home. Politically the two centres often have very separate concerns and issues and can be in conflict with one another. They each need their own voice on the City Council. I urge the Commission to leave the boundaries of Westbury ward as they stand and to allow the residents to retain two councillors as their representatives.

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https://consultation.lgbce.org.uk/node/print/informed-representation/4355 05/01/2015 Pascoe, Mark

From: Fuller, Heather Sent: 02 February 2015 09:44 To: Pascoe, Mark Subject: FW: Westbury-on-Trym

From: R BARRY Sent: 02 February 2015 09:28 To: Reviews@ Subject: Westbury-on-Trym

I have previously submitted my view that the Westbury Ward should not be split, on the grounds of the historical and social integrity of the existing village community.

At that time I was unaware of the option of combining the existing Ward in its entirety with the adjoining Henleaze Ward. If the current arrangement cannot be sustained - as would be my preference - then I favour this combination of Wards, rather than a diminished and unrecognisable Westbury Ward.

Richard Barry

1 Local Boundary Commission for England Consultation Portal Page 1 of 1

City of Bristol

Personal Details:

Name: Ruth and Graham Barsby



Organisation Name:

Comment text:

To whom it may concern, I am writing to express concern at the proposal for a new Westbury- on-Trym ward and separate Henleaze ward. Westbury-on-Trym is a very ancient settlement with a thriving Parish Church which will be celebrating its 1300 year anniversary in 2017. The congregation of over 300 members is drawn from the whole of Westbury-on-Trym parish and beyond; with many folk attending regularly from both sides of Falcondale Road. I am horrified at the suggestion that the proposed Henleaze ward be extended to include the Westbury-on- Trym parish church and centre of the village, and that the name ‘Westbury-on-Trym’ be given to a proposed second ward on the west of Falcondale Road. It would make much more sense, it seems to me, for the two to be combined and keep the name ‘Westbury-on-Trym’ where it belongs, with the village centre. Henleaze and Westbury becoming a partnership ward with three councillors would seem to be a workable solution. Westbury-on-Trym Parish boundary is still very much in use and the suggestion of dividing the community into two separate wards is not appreciated. People from both sides of Falcondale Road use the church, the shopping area in the centre of the Village as well as Stoke Lane shops. There are community groups meeting in the Village Hall; people who live on both sides of Falcondale Road using the Library, Canford Park, the old school building, the new school buildings and the Baptist and Methodist church buildings. The several churches work together as far as is practicable (Churches Together in Westbury Area – CTWA) and the clergy from the parish church are involved with all the local schools to one degree or another. Badminton School and Red Maids schools hold regular services in the Parish church, as does the Westbury Academy. Youngsters from across the Parish attend the church choir and youth groups each week. The parish church is at the centre of events in Westbury village, leading a large Remembrance Day parade and service each year; attended by over 800 people from all parts of the area around the War Memorial. They organise the Community Fair, which again involves groups and individuals across the Parish. The Air Training Cadets meet in The College, which is an historic building used by Prince Rupert and now a National Trust property; Scouts and Guides and After School Club all draw children from across the area as well. There is a thriving Westbury-on-Trym Society which seeks to preserve the integrity and the conservation of the area. Henleaze functions as its own community and is separate from Westbury-on-Trym. They have a separate Community Fair and shopping area and although several events and groups attract people from both areas it is not, nor ever will be, part of Westbury-on-Trym and as such should be permitted to remain ‘separate’. To attempt to impose the name of ‘Henleaze’ on the ancient village of Westbury-on-Trym, which had its name before ‘Bristol’ even existed, is a nonsense!

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https://consultation.lgbce.org.uk/node/print/informed-representation/4759 12/02/2015 Local Boundary Commission for England Consultation Portal Page 1 of 1

City of Bristol

Personal Details:

Name: Carol Bartlett



Organisation Name:

Comment text:

I wish to object on the proposal to change the name of Westbury on Trym to Henleaze , The village is steeped in tradition and there is very much a village atmosphere and feeling , to change the name away from Westbury on Try is madness , I fully support the Westbury on Trym Society proposal to have a partnership ward with Henleaze represented by 3 councillors which would enable Westbury on Trym to keep its name

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https://consultation.lgbce.org.uk/node/print/informed-representation/4616 05/02/2015 Pascoe, Mark

From: Fuller, Heather Sent: 16 February 2015 10:39 To: Pascoe, Mark Subject: FW: Redraw Borders

From: wendy bartlett Sent: 13 February 2015 16:57 To: Reviews@ Subject: Redraw Bishopsworth Borders

To Whom it may concern

I recently received a letter from my local councillor regarding notification that the government boundary commission were proposing re‐warding the area that I live in.

I do not understand the need to re‐ward the area that we live in. Highridge Road Bishopsworth has been part of the Bishopsworth ward for as long as i can remember. It makes no sense to move the boundaries of this ward to include it in the Hartcliffe ward.

What are the benefits ? Why is there a need to change the way things are? People in the area should be notified of these proposed changes in writing not here them through the grape vine.

Wendy Bartlett

1 Local Boundary Commission for England Consultation Portal Page 1 of 1

City of Bristol

Personal Details:

Name: paiyel Bassi-Gibbs



Organisation Name:

Comment text:

I understand the reason for the changes but you cannot place the heart of westbury, westbury village, outside of westbury. It's idiotic. There must be another way. Find it.

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https://consultation.lgbce.org.uk/node/print/informed-representation/4761 12/02/2015 Local Boundary Commission for England Consultation Portal Page 1 of 1

City of Bristol

Personal Details:

Name: Jonathan Bass



Organisation Name:

Comment text:

I am a resident of Cliftonwood in 'Clifton Ward' in Bristol and the proposal to create a ' and Harbourside Ward' will divide the historic neighbourhood of Hotwells between the new wards of Clifton West and Hotwells & Harbourside as well as dividing Cliftonwood from Hotwells. The community of Cliftonwood and Hotwells, is clearly recognised as a single entity by residents and defined by the parish boundary. The new boundary proposals will divide this established community rather than reflect community identity. Voters in Hotwells & Cliftonwood are currently represented by two Councillors. The proposed 'Hotwells & Harbourside Ward' will have only one Councillor. The rights of this community to lobby for changes through the City Council will be diluted with only one Councillor rather than two working on their behalf. This represents a reduction in electoral equality relative to other 2 or 3 Councillor wards, not an improvement. The proposed changes will also impact on the existing Neighbourhood Partnership structure. This has established itself as an improved system for making local government more responsive and accountable. The proposed changes represent a threat to effective local government in our area that will undermine the work that Council officers and community representatives have undertaken together in improving the delivery of local services.

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https://consultation.lgbce.org.uk/node/print/informed-representation/4725 11/02/2015

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City of Bristol

Personal Details:

Name: Michael Batt



Organisation Name:

Comment text:

I am a resident of the proposed Henleaze ward. I wish to record my view that the proposal to divide Westbury-on- Trym into two halves is a total nonsense. You say on your website that 'We aim to ensure that the pattern of wards reflects the interests and identities of local communities...' Your proposal fails to achieve this aim as it places the historic village of Westbury-on-Trym into Henleaze!! Westbury-on-Trym village is over 1200 years old and you are trying to move it. Please have a re-think. I understand that there is strong local support for a 'Partnership Ward With Henleaze' whereby the two existing wards are combined into one and then have three councillors between them. This is a sensible compromise which I am happy to support.

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https://consultation.lgbce.org.uk/node/print/informed-representation/4800 13/02/2015 Pascoe, Mark

From: Fuller, Heather Sent: 13 February 2015 11:30 To: Porter, Johanna Cc: Pascoe, Mark Subject: FW: Proposed Boundary Changes - Henleaze Swimming Lake

Importance: High

From: Beale, Rachel Sent: 13 February 2015 10:45 To: Reviews@ Cc: Subject: Proposed Boundary Changes - Henleaze Swimming Lake Importance: High

Good morning,

I am currently a very happy resident of Henleaze having lived there for over four years. My parents bought a property in Henleaze nearly twenty years ago and again are very happy and settled in the area and enjoying a peaceful, well deserved retirement.

I have only recently been made aware of the proposed boundary changes which will impact much of the area currently designated as Henleaze. I am sure I am not alone in registering my displeasure at the changes you are proposing which would move our property from Henleaze firmly into the ward of Southmead. On top of this, I find it incredible that you would consider moving Henleaze Swimming lake into the Southmead ward too. The lake has served the residents of Henleaze & Westbury on Trym for nearly 100 years and I am sure, members of the lake will want to fight to protect its local identity. It is known throughout Bristol as a unique landmark in Henleaze which should not be changed or, due to some complicated bureaucratic process, be “moved” into a completely different area of the city.

There has been no information (other than the flyer I received through my door yesterday) about these proposed changes and it seems very late in the day for anyone to “have their say” with any indication of whether it will be considered in the final proposals.

If the council decides to go ahead with this change, I am sure I will not be alone in wondering why this was necessary and the long term impact the change will have on property prices and facilities in the area.

I look forward to your response.

Kind regards,

Rachel Beale


 please don't print this email unless you really need to


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City of Bristol

Personal Details:

Name: Anthony Beckingsale



Organisation Name:

Comment text:

Henleaze / Westbury-on-Trym Bristol - proposed ward boundary changes. The Boundary Commission states: "We aim to ensure that the pattern of wards reflects the interests and identities of local communities as well as promoting effective local government." The proposed ward boundary changes would fundamentally change hundreds of years history of the City of Bristol - and it is not necessary. Yet what the Boundary Commission seeks to achieve i.e. a reduction in the number of Councillors to 3 (thus improving the councillor to resident ratio), can so easily be achieved by combining the existing ward boundaries of Henleaze,Westbury-on- Trym, so keeping the historic integrity, interests and identities of local communities in tact and without anyone becoming upset (except one councillor, maybe!). My reasons: Westbury-on-Trym has its own village centre - war memorial churches, a wide variety of shops,Post Office, GP Surgery etc, the living breathing assets and the focal points that give life to a village. What is being proposed is to move the name of Westbury-on-Trym across the main Falcondale road to a residential area which has no amenities, no focal point but one which you want to call Westbury -on-Trym. That is an absolute nonesense. What is currently called Westbury-on-Trym is proposed to be called Henleaze with all the attendant Westbury-on-Trym amenities. Henleaze is in itself its own residential area with its main Henleaze Road lined with a wide variety of individual shops, small supermarkets, GP Surgery, dentist, churches etc. It would be a travesty for the name of Henleaze to refer to the centre of Westbury-on-Trym. Westbury-on-Trym and Henleaze are defined neighbouring geographical residential areas. From a Ward perspective the overall boundary encompassing both current areas could be defined as the new ward of Westbury-on-Trym and Henleaze to be served by 3 Councillors. This would preserve the historic links with the City of Bristol and achieve your aim to ensure that the pattern of wards reflects the interests and identities of local communities as well as promoting effective local government by achieving a reduction of Councillors to three. The new pattern of wards would mean that each councillor represents roughly the same number of voters as elected members in the central areas of Bristol. The revised proposition as submitted by the Westbury-on-Trym Society would deliver a Ward pattern which - as far as possible – reflects community interests with identified boundaries. The the resulting electoral arrangements would promote effective and convenient local government and reflect the electoral cycle of the council. I therefore support the submission you have received from the Westbury-on-Trym Society and I hope you will give it a huge amount of consideration. Kind regards Tony Beckingsale

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https://consultation.lgbce.org.uk/node/print/informed-representation/4708 10/02/2015 Local Boundary Commission for England Consultation Portal Page 1 of 1

City of Bristol

Personal Details:

Name: john beeby



Organisation Name:

Comment text:

You say on your website that 'We also aim to ensure that the pattern of wards reflects the interests and identities of local communities'. With respect these are empty and meaningless words in relation to the proposed new boundaries between the Henleaze and Westbury on Trym wards wherein Westbury village's churches, war memorial, pubs, Village Hall and shops would be in the new Henleaze ward. Nonsensical of course as it stands given your stated aim above. Please reconsider and redraw the boundaries sensibly. Sincerely, Mr JM Beeby M.A.

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https://consultation.lgbce.org.uk/node/print/informed-representation/4645 06/02/2015 Local Boundary Commission for England Consultation Portal Page 1 of 1

City of Bristol

Personal Details:

Name: keith Beeley



Organisation Name:

Feature Annotations

2: This is a composite part of the Knowle ward

1: This is a natural divide between areas

Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database rights 2013.

Map Features:

Annotation 1: This is a natural divide between areas

Annotation 2: This is a composite part of the Knowle ward

Comment text:

One of the aims of the review and stated in your Q&A sheet is community identity. I feel the adjusted shape as I(high-lighted in green) have shown meets this aim more correctly.

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https://consultation.lgbce.org.uk/node/print/informed-representation/4815 16/02/2015 Local Boundary Commission for England Consultation Portal Page 1 of 1

City of Bristol

Personal Details:

Name: Stephen Beggs



Organisation Name: Member of the public

Comment text:

My comments relate to the Westbury and Henleaze wards and the boundary between them. It does not seem right that Westbury Village falls into the Henleaze Ward rather than Westbury. Westbury Village has been its own centre for 1,000 years or so, far longer than Henleaze, and should retain the political / democratic / administrative link with the majority of housing within its boundary. The old boundary achieved that link perfectly well. I see no reason to change such a fundamental relationship. The new Westbury Ward, if the proposal is adopted, will not have its parish church within it, its village centre, it's primary school, etc. This cannot be a sensible approach.

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https://consultation.lgbce.org.uk/node/print/informed-representation/4407 12/01/2015 Local Boundary Commission for England Consultation Portal Page 1 of 1

City of Bristol

Personal Details:

Name: Elizabeth Bennett



Organisation Name:

Comment text:

We are writing to comment on the proposed boundary changes to Westbury on Trym and Henleaze in Bristol. We have lived in Westbury on Trym for 12 years and feel very much part of the WOT community. It has a real "village"feel that is unique in Bristol. . We have the church ,church hall and historic part of WOT plus the park,library and local shops like a market town. It would seem strange to split the village artificially. Our children went to the local school and attend scouts in WOT. My son and I visit the parish church regularly to ring the bells and have been welcomed into the church community. We realize there needs to be changes to equalise voters and councillors so we would like to propose the wards of Henleze and Westbury on Trym work together as a partnership ward sharing 3 councillors between them. Liz and Richard BENNETT

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https://consultation.lgbce.org.uk/node/print/informed-representation/4778 12/02/2015 Local Boundary Commission for England Consultation Portal Page 1 of 1

City of Bristol

Personal Details:

Name: Virginia Bergin



Organisation Name:

Comment text:

I am a resident of Hotwells and I do not want Hotwells and Cliftonwood to be divided. We are an historic community, with a great community association, and we should be represented as such. Having looked at the new scheme, I am horrified that the proposed division will cut straight through the heart of our community - right along the Hotwells Road, which, together with the associated Cumberland Basin road system, is a major focus for community concerns re traffic and development plans. Frankly, I am shocked and upset by these proposals as they appear to show no understanding of our neighbourhood. Please do not divide this community.

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https://consultation.lgbce.org.uk/node/print/informed-representation/4637 06/02/2015 Local Boundary Commission for England Consultation Portal Page 1 of 1

City of Bristol

Personal Details:

Name: Dinah Bernard



Organisation Name:

Comment text:

I strongly support the idea of a PARTNERSHIP WARD WITH HENLEAZE for the Westbury-on- Trym area of Bristol. I recently moved to Westbury-on-Trym knowing about it's enviable "Sense of Community" and would hate to see this split asunder. It would be sad, and rather ridiculous, NOT to have the CENTRE of our village actually IN WESTBURY - ON - TRYM !

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https://consultation.lgbce.org.uk/node/print/informed-representation/4722 11/02/2015 From: To: Subject: FW: boundary bishopsworth Date: 22 January 2015 11:46:26

Hi Mark,

Please see submission below for Bristol.


From: bevan garth Sent: 21 January 2015 19:42 To: Reviews@ Subject: boundary bishopsworth

We have reccived a letter from our MP Richard Eddy regrding the boundry changes for Bishopworth ward.We would like register our objection against this as we want to stay as Bishopsworth not Hartcliffe.When we bougth this house we did so because it is was in Bishopsworth

yours G J Bevan Pascoe, Mark

From: Fuller, Heather Sent: 02 February 2015 16:53 To: Pascoe, Mark Subject: FW: Review Officer (Bristol) - Bishopsworth Ward - South Bristol

From: Richard Bevan Sent: 02 February 2015 16:45 To: Reviews@ Cc: Subject: Review Officer (Bristol) - Bishopsworth Ward - South Bristol

Dear Sir /Madam

I wish to add my recommendations to the proposed Southern Boundary of Bishopsworth Ward, Bristol.

I can see no reason why the following small areas cannot be included into the Bishopsworth Ward;  the lower part of Highridge Road including the Lloyds Bank,  Wyatt Avenue and Wyatt Close,  Highridge Crescent,  part of Cutler Road,  Bishop’s Cove,  part of Queens Road adjacent to the Elm Tree Pub  and the evens side of King Georges Road going to Hartcliffe Ward. This would create sensible lines using significant roads within the ward.

I also can see no reason for not adding into these proposals  the continuation of Highrdge Road from the junction of Highridge Green to the boundary which would then place HIGHRIDGE COMMON into the Bishopsworth Ward, which already includes the whole of the Highridge Estate. To not include Highridge Common seem nonsensical.

I am the Chairman of the Highridge Forum a local residents group representing the local community.

Richard Bevan Chairman Highridge Forum

Kind regards Richard & Sue Bevan

1 This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.


2 Pascoe, Mark

From: Fuller, Heather Sent: 29 January 2015 08:49 To: Pascoe, Mark Subject: FW: Westbury-on-Trym, Bristol

From: nigel birkett Sent: 28 January 2015 21:48 To: Reviews@ Subject: Westbury-on-Trym, Bristol

Dear Sir or Madam, I write to object to the proposal to split Westbury down the middle of Falcondale Road, calling the Stoke Lane/Canford side Westbury‐on Trym and putting the village of Westbury‐on Trym itself in with Henleaze and calling it Henleaze.

1. It seems ludicrous to me to have the heart of Westbury‐on‐Trym, the village, with the River Trym itself, the war memorial of Westbury‐on‐Trym fallen, Westbury‐on‐Trym Parish Church and Westbury‐on‐Trym's Village Hall, from the proposed new ward of Westbury‐on‐Trym!

2. The village of Westbury‐on‐Trym is a transport hub chiefly with major bus stops for First Bus and Wessex Bus companies and those stops are all referred to as Westbury‐on‐Trym stops.

3. I live to the Stoke Lane/Canford side of Falcondale Road in Reedley Road and have done for over 20 years. During this time I have always regarded my address as Westbury‐on‐Trym. Westbury‐on‐Trym to me throughout this time has always included the village with the landmarks cited in paragraph 1. above. Indeed on one of our walls at home is a Frank Shipside picture of Westbury‐on‐Trym Parish Church. I cannot imagine the village and all those landmarks being classed as part of Henleaze.

4. I regularly play badminton in Westbury‐on‐Trym Village Hall. Many clubs and societies known as Westbury‐ on‐Trym clubs and societies, have members from both sides of Falcondale Road. Westbury‐on‐Trym Society and Westbury‐on‐Trym Business Association are such examples. Floral displays in shops and businesses from both sides of Falcondale Road enter the Britain in Bloom competition each year, entering as Westbury‐on‐ Trym.

5. The shops and businesses in Stoke Lane and in the village of Westbury‐on‐Trym are all known as Westbury‐ on‐Trym shops and businesses. Those in the village, such as the Post Office, the banks and building society branches and other sundry shops and businesses are all known as Westbury‐on‐Trym based and most have Westbury in their name. There is also Westbury‐on‐Trym Primary School set squarely in the proposed Henleaze ward.

6. The proposed single‐member Westbury Ward has no identifiable centre of its community within the Ward. The centre of the community is Westbury‐on‐Trym Village. To have this heart artificially transplanted into Henleaze Ward ignores many years of history and tradition and is a slight to those commemorated on the war

1 memorial in the centre of the village.

The solution may be rather than this arbritary division of Westbury and Henleaze, to have a 3‐member Ward called Westbury‐on‐Trym and Henleaze.

I'm sure I'm not a lone voice objecting to the existing proposal and hope the Commission reconsiders it and considers the counter‐proposal suggested.

Yours faithfully

Nigel Birkett

2 Local Boundary Commission for England Consultation Portal Page 1 of 1

City of Bristol

Personal Details:

Name: Valerie Bishop



Organisation Name:

Comment text:

I suggest a new 3 councillor ward is created combining Henleaze and all of Westbuty on Trym.. This could be created without redrawing the proposed boundaries. This would not be ideal as Henleaze and Westbury on Trym are two distinct communities but is the only realistic solution. The suggested ward be called Henleaze & Westbury on Trym. This would ensure that both ward names are preserved.

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https://consultation.lgbce.org.uk/node/print/informed-representation/4717 10/02/2015

Pascoe, Mark

From: Fuller, Heather Sent: 04 February 2015 08:26 To: Pascoe, Mark Subject: FW: proposed ward boundaries for "New" Westbury and Henleaze.

From: Celia Blake Sent: 02 February 2015 17:12 To: Reviews@ Subject: FW: proposed ward boundaries for "New" Westbury and Henleaze.

From: Celia Blake Sent: 02 February 2015 14:56 To: '[email protected]' Subject: proposed ward boundaries for "New" Westbury and Henleaze.

To whom it may concern, I am very concerned about the proposals to divide Westbury on Trym into two halves, with the historic village on the Henleaze side of Falcondale Road. The proposed boundaries are misplaced, not taking into consideration the historic nature of Westbury on Trym village. The churches, school, War Memorial and Village hall, are all essential to the character and nature of Westbury on Trym Village. I live in , so would still be in the Westbury on Trym side of the new boundary, but I consider myself a part of Westbury on Trym Village, where my children went to School and various toddler groups. The village is unique and should not be swallowed up in the Henleaze Ward. It just doesn’t make sense. Generations of people have lived in Westbury on Trym and sent their children and grandchildren to the School and churches in the village. Please don’t destroy the heart of this historic village, by dividing it down the middle and taking out the most essential part, the centre of the village. Regards, Celia Blake

1 Local Boundary Commission for England Consultation Portal Page 1 of 1

City of Bristol

Personal Details:

Name: Elizabeth Bloomfield



Organisation Name:

Comment text:

I support the proposal by the Westbury on Trym Society to combine the two present wards of Westbury on Trym and Henleaze into a partnership ward (keeping both names) and sharing 3 councillors. It is accepted that the boundaries need to be redrawn but the historic village should be kept in the Westbury on Trym ward. There are many reasons for this but the main one is that this the wish of many of the residents in the present W o T ward.

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https://consultation.lgbce.org.uk/node/print/informed-representation/4571 03/02/2015 Local Boundary Commission for England Consultation Portal Page 1 of 1

City of Bristol

Personal Details:

Name: Christopher Bloor



Organisation Name:

Comment text:

The proposal to separate Westbury-on-Trym village centre from Westbury-on-Trym ward does not make sense. Henleaze already has a separate and vibrant centre in Henleaze Road, so the majority of people in Henleaze are not much interested in Westbury Village, which has been the centre of Westbury-on Trym since time immemorial. Splitting Westbury Library and Canford Park from the village runs counter to the efforts of the Westbury-on-Trym Society to create links between the park and the vllage. Creating a three councillor ward for Westbury and Henleaze would make better sense as this would not involve splitting an historical entity that predates the City of Bristol.

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https://consultation.lgbce.org.uk/node/print/informed-representation/4377 06/01/2015 Local Boundary Commission for England Consultation Portal Page 1 of 1

City of Bristol

Personal Details:

Name: Michael Blundell



Organisation Name:

Feature Annotations

1: Falcondale Road, remove as boundary between Westbury-on-Trym and Henleaze and make one ward with three councillors of Westbury-on-Trym & Henleaze

Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database rights 2013.

Map Features:

Annotation 1: Falcondale Road, remove as boundary between Westbury-on-Trym and Henleaze and make one ward with three councillors of Westbury-on-Trym & Henleaze

Comment text:

The proposed boundary between the proposed Westbury on Trym and Henleaze Wards is a road which I cross nearly every single day. I live in (part of the proposed Westbuty-on-Trym Ward) and three days a week I go to Westbury on Trym village (the village) to catch my bus to and from work. In addition I shop in the village, my bank is there, my post office is there, as is my medical centre and optician. I attend meetings in the Methodist Hall and go to exercise classes in the Village Hall. The proposed boundary does not reflect community interests at all, there are some streets in the north of the proposed Westbury on Trym Ward where I have never been but I walk along Canford Lane in the village nearly every day. To reflect community interest and identity, the proposed boundary should be removed and make Westbury-on-Trym and Henleaze a single ward with three councillors. Having one councillor will not provide effective local government. It places too much stress on one person. I was recently involved with the Council on a contentious issue to do with a local park. One of my two ward Councillors was Lord Mayor at the time, as Lord Mayor he had substantial commitments in this role and was required to take a neutral stance on contentious issues. The other councillor played a leading role in resolving the issue. If we had just one councillor to call upon, it may not have been feasible for first councillor to be Lord Mayor or I would have had a much reduced service. Bristol City is a large and complex metropolitan city and it requires skill and commitment to make it work and residents need at least 2 member wards to be fairly and effectively represented. An important secondary concern I have with one member wards is that it will be more difficult to attract people of the right calibre to become councillors.

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https://consultation.lgbce.org.uk/node/print/informed-representation/4872 16/02/2015 Local Boundary Commission for England Consultation Portal Page 1 of 1

City of Bristol

Personal Details:

Name: Amy Bodey



Organisation Name:

Comment text:

I feel it is very important that communities such as westbury on Trym are preserved - whilst a boundary will not split a community, it is a pointless reason to alter a historical area and distrubt the sense of belonging.

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https://consultation.lgbce.org.uk/node/print/informed-representation/4830 16/02/2015 Local Boundary Commission for England Consultation Portal Page 1 of 1

City of Bristol

Personal Details:

Name: Ed Bodey



Organisation Name:

Comment text:

I don't understand the proposals to move the boundary of Westbury-on-Trym away from the centre of the actual village of Westbury. It seems non sense all for the traditional heart of the village, the high street, Holy Trinity Church and the core old village to no longer be part of Westbury. I would therefore ask that the area up to the grey stoke avenue junction (I.e. Beyond Westbury-on-Trym primary) remains part of the ward of Westbury-on-Trym. Thanks

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https://consultation.lgbce.org.uk/node/print/informed-representation/4829 16/02/2015

Pascoe, Mark

From: Fuller, Heather Sent: 16 February 2015 10:31 To: Pascoe, Mark Subject: FW: Stapleton Boundaries

From: Sent: 15 February 2015 23:46 To: Reviews@ Subject: Fwd: Stapleton Boundaries

Dear Commissioner,

Please accept the following email received in regards to the City of Bristol "EASTVILLE" ward boundary review.

Kind regards

Chris Harris.

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Roger Bonner" Date: 13 February 2015 14:38:28 GMT To: < Subject: Stapleton Boundaries

The proposed bifurcation of the current Stapleton ward is ludicrous. The community boundaries as they stand, from the Eastville Park to Duchess Gate, is a self contained natural ward – It has a lively and energetic community and is widely regarded as ‘Stapleton Village’, Just to carve out a chunk of the resident community and to merge them with two other communities in which there is no natural link is crazy and a total waste of time and council resources. and Oldbury Court are likewise a natural community with no obvious boundaries in between them. Sorry no way that I look at the proposed bifurcation of the Stapleton Ward makes any sense whats so ever to me. Hence I do hope that common sense prevails and Stapleton Village/Ward//Community is permitted to remain in one undivided state.


Roger Bonner


The Bristol Review Officer,

Local Government Boundary omission for England

Layden House

76-86 Turnmill Street

LONDON EC1M 5LG Thursday 12 February 2015

REF City of Bristol Boundary Review – Ward.

Dear Sirs,

I am writing to show my agreement to the proposed changes for Frome Vale Ward as this is good for the ward as it included a group who also look towards Fishponds for shops and services, join in community activities in Frome Vale and are also part of the same church parish.

I live in the Frome Vale Ward and my details are as follows:-

Mrs E M Booker

I am sending this letter via email which is

From: To: Subject: FW: review of election . Date: 10 December 2014 16:05:35

From: robin boulton Sent: 10 December 2014 15:44 To: Reviews@ Subject: review of election .


The question and point I have is.

Now that Bristol, has an elected Mayor.

Who is now, subject to, ballot box election.

Why do we need an unelected Lord Mayor.

Why do we still need, 68 counciliors, Being rewarded form public funds, to tell him what to do.

When most of them are drawn. From the unemployed and the unemployable.

Would it not be better for the city. Too have 25 elected members.

How could, work full time. robinboulton. Local Boundary Commission for England Consultation Portal Page 1 of 1

City of Bristol

Personal Details:

Name: Barbara Bowden



Organisation Name:

Comment text:

I owe it to my ancestors to protest at the proposed boundary change relating to Westbury-on- Trym. I live in Westbury and my family links with the village go back many generations - my ancestors are buried in Westbury Churchyard. It is with great sadness that I hear of the intention to change the boundaries and effectively split ‘Westbury-on-Trym’ into two halves. Since the main purpose of the boundary change is to even out the voter/councillor ratio, would it not be better to combine the two present wards of Henleaze and Westbury-on-Trym and share three councillors between them? Why complicate the issue by splitting such an historic village? We have a busy shopping and financial centre. Westbury has a strong identity. It is the oldest settlement in the Bristol area. We are a vibrant and thriving community. We do not want to be divided and have our community dissolved. There are many and varied reasons for not dividing Westbury and I hope the strong feelings and views of those of us who live in and around this historic village will not be ignored. I would strongly urge you to combine Henleaze and Westbury-on-Trym and allow them to share three councillors. This simple solution has to be more cost effective and the least disruptive to all concerned.

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https://consultation.lgbce.org.uk/node/print/informed-representation/4795 13/02/2015

Local Boundary Commission for England Consultation Portal Page 1 of 1

City of Bristol

Personal Details:

Name: James Bowyer



Organisation Name:

Feature Annotations

1: Proposed boundary including Henleaze lake area within Henleaze (vice Southmead.)

Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database rights 2013.

Map Features:

Annotation 1: Proposed boundary including Henleaze lake area within Henleaze (vice Southmead.)

Comment text:

Sir, Please see attached the preferred routing of any boundary change. To NOT encompass the Henleaze lake area (the lake being a SIGNIFICANT local feature of serious historical importance since ~1919) within the proposed Henleaze district is madness. The houses in this area identify very strongly with Henleaze and WoT. Previous Bristol traffic planning would seem to agree with this sentiment - there is no vehicular access to the North End of Lake Road, implying a psychological and even physical demarcation between this peninsula of WoT/Henleaze and Southmead. Indeed to travel from Lake Road or Lakewood Crescent to Central Southmead by car takes a significant loop of a drive in either direction. As a first time buyer who saved for 10 years to buy in a good area, I do not anticipate the draft proposal as being at all positive for my family and I. Whilst it is somewhat supposition, I suspect that failure to include the Henleaze lake area (clue in the name!) within the Henleaze district will affect my house value, restrict access to good schools in the future and increase outgoings on various car and house insurance policies. Please reconsider inclusion of the Henleaze lake area as per my indicated boundary - the Doncaster road forms a natural border both on the map and by inspection, should you chose to visit. Regards, James Resident.)

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https://consultation.lgbce.org.uk/node/print/informed-representation/4668 09/02/2015 From: To: Subject: FW: Proposal by the Boundary Commission to redraw Bishopsworth Ward (Bristol) borders Date: 08 January 2015 11:45:47

From: Christine Bowring Sent: 08 January 2015 10:44 To: Reviews@ Subject: Proposal by the Boundary Commission to redraw Bishopsworth Ward (Bristol) borders

Dear Sir We would like to register that we are against the boundaries being changed. In our view , it is non-sensical as it divides the natural community. We live in the parish of Bishopsworth and our nearby parish church is St Peters. This was once a village and it is recorded in the Domesday Book. Graham and Christine Bowring Local Boundary Commission for England Consultation Portal Page 1 of 1

City of Bristol

Personal Details:

Name: David Bowyer



Organisation Name:

Comment text:

Where will Hotwells people vote? Holy Trinity Church is very convenient, but will no longer be in the ward. Does this mean we in Rownham Mead will be able to opt out of the Cliftonwood bit of the parking scheme and have Rownham Mead only?

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https://consultation.lgbce.org.uk/node/print/informed-representation/4724 11/02/2015 Local Boundary Commission for England Consultation Portal Page 1 of 1

City of Bristol

Personal Details:

Name: Susan Boyd



Organisation Name: Resident of Westbury-on-Trym

Comment text:

Westbury-on-Trym, Bristol - re: proposed Boundary Changes. I have read with dismay the proposed boundary changes for Westbury-on-Trym (WOT) and Henleaze. I strongly object to the proposal to split WOT into two parts, one part remaining 'WESTBURY-ON-TRYM', the other to be re-designated 'HENLEAZE', the dividing line being Falcondale Road. I cannot understand how these boundaries were rationally drawn up except as a numbers game/paper exercise. I feel that insufficient attention has been given to actually applying the aims as set out by the Local Boundary commission - 'ensuring that the pattern of the wards reflect the interests and identities of the local community as well as promoting effective local government' as the proposed ward changes in Westbury certainly don't do this. Westbury-on-Trym is an ancient village (which was here before Bristol) and most certainly has its own identity. Its' local amenities, businesses, community societies, clubs and associations are all based on the current accepted village and ward boundaries. All these groups operate on different levels and work hard to keep the cohesiveness, sense of community and pride in Westbury-on-Trym alive. I therefore am extremely concerned that this proposal to divide Westbury into two wards is likely to divide the community at many levels. I cannot see how this split representation of Westbury will be able to reflect the true needs of the two separate areas in a fair and effective manner at Local Authority level especially in vital matters such as planning, funding and strategic development. I cannot see any sense in the heart of Westbury being separated from the rest of the Westbury community and being absorbed into the Henleaze ward. They are both very separate areas with different identities and different needs. The likely loss of identity of Westbury residents and also the likely loss of effective representation of their needs at Local government level is apparent. I have lived as a resident here for over 30 years and belong to a number of local organisations helping to promote Westbury and I appeal to you not to dismantle Westbury by the present proposed ward changes. Whilst I accept that the ward boundaries in Bristol, due to circumstances as set out, have to be re-drawn, the only possible solution for Westbury, though not ideal, would be to combine the current Westbury-on-Trym and Henleaze ward into one ward with three Councillors. Susan E. Boyd

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https://consultation.lgbce.org.uk/node/print/informed-representation/4765 12/02/2015 Local Boundary Commission for England Consultation Portal Page 1 of 1

City of Bristol

Personal Details:

Name: John Walter Bradfield



Organisation Name:

Comment text:

I live at . I am a previous chairman of the Rownham Mead (Bristol) Management Co. Ltd. I wish to object most strongly to the proposal to divide our local community of Hotwells into two separate wards along the line of Hotwell Road. Hotwells is a real living community.• We have a parish church that serves both sides of Hotwell Road.• We have a fantastic local primary school that serves both sides of the road.• Carol Lilwall and I serve on the Bristol in Bloom Community Association to successfully develop co-operative initiatives on both sides of Hotwell Road - with plenty of prizes and accolades to mark our success.• Hotwells has a pantomime each year, drawing on the whole local community.• We have community initiatives such as the Hotwells & Cliftonwood Community Association and the Cliftonwood and Hotwells Improvement Society. • Together we campaign for our local community and together we fight against things that we think will damage our community.• Currently we are represented by two local councillors who understand us and our local issues. If these proposals are implemented, we would have to deal with two different sets of councillors each of whom would be familiar with only half of our community and its issues. Similarly the community across the dock is equally vibrant with its own initiatives and issues. But very few of these overlap with ours. The proposed boundary changes are intended to provide better representation by our councillors. The effect of splitting our community would do the opposite. Ten years ago Phil Sweeney wrote in the Independent newspaper " The creation of the flyover in the early Sixties created a huge no man's land in the centre of Hotwell Road" but we are proud to have survived. Please - please - do not damage us further with this proposal which is driven by administrators numbers instead of the needs of our community. Keeping Poole's Wharf and Rownham Mead properties in with Clifton Wood and Clifton will hardly alter the numbers, so this would be damage to a community for no real gain. John Bradfield

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https://consultation.lgbce.org.uk/node/print/informed-representation/4704 10/02/2015 Pascoe, Mark

From: Fuller, Heather Sent: 21 January 2015 15:32 To: Pascoe, Mark Subject: FW: Proposed Boundary changes

‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ From: Katherine Bradley Sent: 21 January 2015 14:36 To: Reviews@ Subject: Proposed Boundary changes

My postcode is , and our address has always caused confusion, as the postal address has always been Knowle, since 1934 the Parish has been , the telephone exchange was Whitchurch , and the growing suburb of remote from us. I am in favour of moving the Hengrove and boundary to include Imperial Road. The only information we receive from the council refers to Stockwood Ward, which has no relevance to us here, and we have no information on issues affecting us in Hengrove parish area, on schools, roads, parks etc.

Katherine Bradley

Sent from my iPad

1 Local Boundary Commission for England Consultation Portal Page 1 of 1

City of Bristol

Personal Details:

Name: Betty Branham



Organisation Name:

Comment text:

As residents of Westbury on Trym, we would like to object to the proposed changes in boundaries between Westbury on Trym and Henleaze. The primary reason for this is that the proposed changes would mean that the "village centre" of Westbury on Trym would no longer be in the ward of Westbury on Trym. This is a vibrant area of the community, providing important facilities and amenities to all Westbury on Trym residents, and to take the healthcare, retail and leisure facilities out of the Westbury on Trym ward would be a detrimental move for the area. In short, the centre of Westbury on Trym would not be in Westrbury on Trym under these proposals, and that is WRONG. In the draft recommendations paper it is acknowledged what strong community spirit exists in Westbury on Trym, so this factor is clearly understood by the Council. We urge you to reconsider the recommendations, and keep the centre of Westbury on Trym in Westbury on Trym. In addition to the above, we also fail to see the mathematical logic behind the recommendation. Henleaze is the larger ward and is forecast to grow at the higher rate. If the rationale for the proposals is to balance the number of voters per ward, then if anything, the boundary changes should be giving elements of Henleaze to Westbury on Trym so that there are not too many voters in the Henleaze ward in future.

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https://consultation.lgbce.org.uk/node/print/informed-representation/4564 02/02/2015

Local Boundary Commission for England Consultation Portal Page 1 of 1

City of Bristol

Personal Details:

Name: Alexandra Bray



Organisation Name:

Comment text:

Hi, We live in the centre of Westbury-On-Trym and do not wish to support the proposal that the centre of Westbury-on-Trym is now included in the Henleaze ward. We would be willing to support the suggestion that Westbury forms a partnership with Henleaze resulting in shared councillors.

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https://consultation.lgbce.org.uk/node/print/informed-representation/4494 28/01/2015

Local Boundary Commission for England Consultation Portal Page 1 of 1

City of Bristol

Personal Details:

Name: John Brooks



Organisation Name:

Comment text:

I most strongly object to the area being moved from Westbury Ward into Southmead Ward as the local area of Henleaze Lake and adjoining roads is NOT representative of the needs or requirements of Southmead which is primarily council housing or ex-council housing with the socio-economic group associated with that area. The Henleaze Lake are is primarily middle class and professional class with completely different needs and attitudes to Southmead.

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https://consultation.lgbce.org.uk/node/print/informed-representation/4827 16/02/2015 Local Boundary Commission for England Consultation Portal Page 1 of 1

City of Bristol

Personal Details:

Name: Lorna Brooks



Organisation Name:

Comment text:

I object to the proposed boundary revision as the Henleaze Lake area including Lake Road, Delvin Road and the other roads between there and Henleaze should remain in the Westbury ward as it is more suitable to the greatly changed population in this area which is mainly white collar and professional by occupation whose interests MUST be catered for and represented by the Westbury ward rather than the mainly blue collar area of Southmead and the connetations associated with Southmead!

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https://consultation.lgbce.org.uk/node/print/informed-representation/4832 16/02/2015 Local Boundary Commission for England Consultation Portal Page 1 of 1

City of Bristol

Personal Details:

Name: A and S Broome



Organisation Name:

Comment text:

We are residents of Hotwells and think that the new ward of is contrary to the interests of our local community. Hotwells belongs with Cliftonwood and the present system works well with effective local government. There has been a history of destroying Hotwells over the years. Please preserve what is left of our community.

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https://consultation.lgbce.org.uk/node/print/informed-representation/4609 04/02/2015 Local Boundary Commission for England Consultation Portal Page 1 of 1

City of Bristol

Personal Details:

Name: David Brown



Organisation Name:

Comment text:

Local government in Bristol has been of notably poor quality since the reforms of the early 1830s (and it wasn't any better before then!) One major problem has been the sterile disagreements of party politicians leading to delay and inaction. Thus the great opportunity within this review should be an opportunity to reduce the number of Councillors to the barest minimum. None would be ideal. Alternatively, the arithmetically neat solution of keeping the existing wards and reducing their representation to only one Councillor would be bearable. If only! David Brown

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https://consultation.lgbce.org.uk/node/print/informed-representation/4319 16/12/2014

Local Boundary Commission for England Consultation Portal Page 1 of 1

City of Bristol

Personal Details:

Name: Gillian Brown



Organisation Name:

Comment text:

As a resident of Westbury-o-Trym I feel very strongly that Westbury should not be divided. Westbury-on-Trym village is a very old historic area. The rest of the ward very much looks to the village for many shops, post office, banks, opticians, businesses, doctor's surgery, parish church and a Methodist church. Both the churches have halls where a great many activities take place. Falcondale Road does not divide the ward. Children move from one side to the other to go to the two primary schools, shoppers move from one side to the other, the large Canford Park is on the west side of the road and is well-used by all and the business association embraces shops and businesses on both sides of the road. If the ward is split the remaining rump will be a long thin odd ward largely centred on a park and and a small shopping area. There is the possibility of maintaining the current boundaries, minus the Lake Road area and joining the two wards to make a large 3 member one. This would have the disadvantage of it being a large ward which incorporates two distinct areas. The councillors may well feel they do not have quite the same level of personal contact with electors they have now. However, compared to splitting Westbury-on-Trym ward this solution would be preferable. Overall I feel the whole area of North-West Bristol needs to be looked at again, especially with regard to 'natural' areas and communities. It is not an easy task, I appreciate.

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https://consultation.lgbce.org.uk/node/print/informed-representation/4848 16/02/2015 Local Boundary Commission for England Consultation Portal Page 1 of 1

City of Bristol

Personal Details:

Name: Stuart Browning



Organisation Name:

Comment text:

I consider it would be wrong to reduce the size of Westbury-on-Trym ward by excluding the natural heart of the village which includes the War Memorial, the ancient parish church and the village hall and transferring this area to Henleaze ward. Westbury-on-Trym and Henleaze are two distinct parts of North Bristol with separate traditions and characteristics which nevertheless coexist in harmony with one another and should remain so. For example, as a former chairman of the Westbury-on-Trym Village Hall I cannot contemplate finding that fine old building being contained in Henleaze Ward and earnestly request re-consideration of this proposal.

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https://consultation.lgbce.org.uk/node/print/informed-representation/4354 05/01/2015 Local Boundary Commission for England Consultation Portal Page 1 of 1

City of Bristol

Personal Details:

Name: Michael Brown



Organisation Name:

Comment text:

The proposed boundary changes for Henleaze and Wesbury-on-Trym wards where the ancient village of Westbury-on-Trym is divided between the two wards and the centre of the village and the village church will be in the Henleaze ward is insensitive at best and downright perverse at worst. Whist I accept that boundary changes are necessary to cope with shifting population trends, surely we must try and preserve those aspects of village life and historical background that are disappearing all too quickly. The compromise solution put forward by the Wesbury-on- Trym Society after their meeting with representatives of churches, schools, clubs and other organisations of combining the two wards into one and sharing 3 councillors seems to me to be a good one. It would certainly get rid of the nonsense of Westbury-on-Trym village being in Henleaze.

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https://consultation.lgbce.org.uk/node/print/informed-representation/4574 03/02/2015 Local Boundary Commission for England Consultation Portal Page 1 of 1

City of Bristol

Personal Details:

Name: Anthea Bruges



Organisation Name:

Comment text:

I am unhappy about the new proposals for Hotwells and Harbourside. Hotwells has always been linked with Cliftonwood - we have had a flourishing community association for more than 40 years - and to divide it in the way you propose would be destructive of a community. It would leave Hotwells and Harbourside with only one representative when most other areas have the choice of 2 thus having a better chance of having a representative who reflects their views. Your proposals include an area of the centre - round Brandon Hill - in Hotwells and Harbourside when it is clearly neither. Why not put this area where it belongs and leave Hotwells and Cliftonwood intact. It is clear that these proposals have been drawn up ny someone who does not know the area and does not appreciate the importance of existing communities. This is most regrettable.

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https://consultation.lgbce.org.uk/node/print/informed-representation/4772 12/02/2015 Local Boundary Commission for England Consultation Portal Page 1 of 1

City of Bristol

Personal Details:

Name: Kate Bruintjes



Organisation Name:

Comment text:

This seems like a sensible proposal

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https://consultation.lgbce.org.uk/node/print/informed-representation/4334 16/12/2014

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City of Bristol

Personal Details:

Name: Marcus Bruton



Organisation Name:

Comment text:

Sir, I wish to comment on the reshaping of the Clifton East boundaries. The top part of Whiteladies Road has a community developing around the Apsley Road junction with the Farmer's Market and this community has an identity which crosses the existing Clifton East and Cotham North boundaries which at the moment is Whiteladies Road itself. The community living around the old Redland Police Station has more in common with Clifton East than it does with the community towards the southern end of Cotham North. The designs that have been developed are entirely in keeping with the communities living around the Downs end of Whiteladies Road. I think these should definitely be accepted. I also think that Renaming the Cabot ward to Central does have a little too much American about it and I would have preferred to keep the Cabot name although I do accept the boundary changes.

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https://consultation.lgbce.org.uk/node/print/informed-representation/4540 02/02/2015

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City of Bristol

Personal Details:

Name: Caz Buckeridge



Organisation Name:

Comment text:

It's sad to here you want to do away with all together. We have a little community here and do not feel a part of Bishopston, we live off after all! I understand the different wards, but no reason to do away with age old historic names for areas under the changes. Can we not be 'Ashley down' but covered by the Bishopston ward? Seems a real shame to me to be forced to be affiliated to an area with a different socioeconomic feel to it and with different needs/views.

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https://consultation.lgbce.org.uk/node/print/informed-representation/4505 29/01/2015 Local Boundary Commission for England Consultation Portal Page 1 of 1

City of Bristol

Personal Details:

Name: Paul & Melanie Bufton



Organisation Name:

Comment text:

Dear Sir or Madam, We understand the proposed ward of Avonmouth and Lawrence Weston is to include Coombe Dingle and part of Sea Mills, with the ward being removed. The Avonmouth and Lawrence Weston ward will be represented by three Councillors and the number of voters per Councillor will be in the region of 5178, and the total voters for the proposed ward will be 15,535 based on 2013 figures. This will be the largest number of voters for any ward in the city and the geographical area to be covered by three Councillors is considerably greater than any other ward. Compared to other wards in the city, each Councillor will have the largest number of voters and in our view does not provide good electoral equality as the area is also too big for the Councillors to effectively represent. Coombe Dingle/Sea Mills and Avonmouth are geographically distinct and separate. Community interests and identities are associated with the BS9 postcode area, to include local magazines/ papers, social activities, community events, local trade and business. We can walk to our local Post Office, shops and library in Sea Mills and other local shops and facilities extensively used are in Westbury on Trym. We are not part of the Avonmouth community which we believe have their own strong community links and identity. A suggested strong and easily identifiable boundary would be to extend the Avonmouth Ward to Kingsweston Road/B4057 where there is also a boundary of a green corridor and to keep Sea Mills and Coombe Dingle together. The current proposal divides the Sea Mills community with part of Sea Mills falling under the new proposed Stoke Bishop ward and the other part falling under the new proposed Avonmouth and Lawrence Weston ward. Depending on the number of voters to make the proposal equitable, Coombe Dingle and Sea Mills could be included in either the Stoke Bishop or Westbury on Trym Ward. Alternatively Westbury Lane would provide a boundary with the north side of Westbury Lane to be included with the Westbury on Trym ward and the southern side included with Stoke Bishop ward and not separate Sea Mills as per the proposal. We have concerns that being positioned on the outskirts of a vast ward, in an area which is separate and distinct to Avonmouth and Lawrence Weston we believe it will make Councillors jobs very difficult. Although the allocation of funding appears to be increased as three Councillors are proposed, the geographical area funding needs to cover has increased to a disproportionate level. We feel the name used for the proposed new ward results in a loss of Coombe Dingle and Sea Mills’ identity. We sincerely hope that you will reconsider your proposal for the Coombe Dingle/Sea Mills area for all of the reasons above so that it is not included within the proposed Avonmouth and Lawrence Weston ward. Yours faithfully

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https://consultation.lgbce.org.uk/node/print/informed-representation/4876 16/02/2015 Pascoe, Mark

From: Fuller, Heather Sent: 16 February 2015 10:30 To: Pascoe, Mark Subject: FW: Boundary Change Bristol.

From: bullapete Sent: 16 February 2015 02:21 To: Reviews@ Subject: Boundary Change Bristol.

Dear Sir. Please respect our Ashley Ward I find it very difficult to understand just why you would wish to add Stokes Croft to Ashley Ward this makes absolutely no sense whatever. Stokes Croft is a secondary shopping street some 240m in length with a transient population living above run down retail business. It most certainly isn't a geographical area within the City. I urge you most strongly to reject this most unwelcome change to our Ward Boundaries. Regards Pete Bullard. Ashley Ward Resident ( )

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1 Local Boundary Commission for England Consultation Portal Page 1 of 1

City of Bristol

Personal Details:

Name: Ron Bull



Organisation Name:

Comment text:

From a personal point of view I am concerned that the proposal to remove part of Highridge Road plus Wyatt Close etc from the south west corner of the Bishopsworth ward is entirely arbitrary and bears no relation to community focus, amenities etc. If local representation and public engagement is to be meaningful , it needs to reflect the pattern of identity and interaction that occurs on a daily basis. While recognising the challenge of balancing ward size, I would be disappointed to see my local streets reallocated for purely mathematical purposes. From a community interest perspective the proposed 'dog leg' redrawing of the boundary at the southern end of Highridge Green makes no sense. On a more general note I wonder why the arrangements for Bristol City as a whole continue to have different levels of councillor representation, ranging from 1 to 3 per ward.i

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https://consultation.lgbce.org.uk/node/print/informed-representation/4474 27/01/2015 Local Boundary Commission for England Consultation Portal Page 1 of 1

City of Bristol

Personal Details:

Name: charles bulman



Organisation Name:

Comment text:

I wish that Westbury on Trym maintain it's identity with what is seen as the centre of the village ie the church and shops etc. In order to accomplish this, I propose that we have a pratnership Ward with Hernleaze which would mean combining the 2 present wards into one and sharing the 3 councillors between Westbury on Trym and Henleaze.

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https://consultation.lgbce.org.uk/node/print/informed-representation/4655 09/02/2015

Pascoe, Mark

From: Fuller, Heather Sent: 13 February 2015 09:16 To: Porter, Johanna Cc: Pascoe, Mark Subject: FW: Boundary changes

Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged

‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ From: Rosemary Burton Sent: 11 February 2015 15:16 To: Reviews@ Subject: Boundary changes

I would like to register my strong opposition to the proposed boundary change from the Henleaze Lake area to the Southmead Ward. My postcode is

Mrs J R Burton


Local Boundary Commission for England Consultation Portal Page 1 of 1

City of Bristol

Personal Details:

Name: Joanna Butler



Organisation Name:

Comment text:

If the village (around the War Memorial) of Westbury-on-Trym becomes part of Henleaze area as proposed above, then please would the Henleaze Area be renamed "Henleaze and Westbury- on-Trym" to reflect that WoT has its own distinct community. We live in , so between the two, but feel very much part of WoT. Ideally it would be nice to keep the current Westbury-on-Trym boundary but I do understand that sometimes the boundaries need adjusting. I think the people of Westbury-on-Trym would feel far happier about being linked with Henleaze if we didn't lose our name to it.

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https://consultation.lgbce.org.uk/node/print/informed-representation/4385 08/01/2015 Local Boundary Commission for England Consultation Portal Page 1 of 1

City of Bristol

Personal Details:

Name: John Butler



Organisation Name: retired

Comment text:

We have lived in Westbury-on-Trym for over years and enjoyed the village atmosphere and community spirit. Our children were educated at the Westbury-on-Trym primary school and our daughter, now with a family of her own and children who attended the local school, still lives in the village. The proposal to relocate the village historic centre, school, two churches and the local shops in another ward (Henleaze) purely to satisfy some numerical formula for local government representation takes no account of the centuries old history of the village and the strong feeling of identity with the village felt by the people who live here. Henleaze is a much more recent linear development with no centre and no memorial to act as a focus for ceremonial occasion. If this proposal goes ahead, is it the intention to "re-brand" Westbury so that it becomes Henleaze-on-Trym?. If the wards need to be combined in some way, surely it would make more sense to subsume Henleaze within Westbury?. Also, with an ever changing and expanding population, new-build homes and, no doubt, changing political landscapes, is it not highly likely that further changes will be proposed in the not too distant future? In which case surely it would be better to take full account of the views and needs of local residents rather than attempting to satisfy some current arbitrary mathematical formulae to an unnecessarily high degree of accuracy. Not wishing to repeat this, please accept the submission as representing the views of me, and of my wife.

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https://consultation.lgbce.org.uk/node/print/informed-representation/4726 11/02/2015 Local Boundary Commission for England Consultation Portal Page 1 of 1

City of Bristol

Personal Details:

Name: Michael Butterfield



Organisation Name: Yes

Comment text:

I have been dismayed to hear of the proposal to change the boundary of Westbury on Trym. I can understand the need to arrange for comparable numbers of voters for each counsellor, but this should not involve renaming districts so that people who have been happy to be living in one village (e.g. Westbury on Trym) should suddenly find that they are living in another village (e.g. Henleaze). I live in on the west side of Falcondale Road. I shop principally in Westbury village, and also attend social events in the village. I don’t wish to be told that I now live in Canford Park, nor that I am still in Westbury but am no longer part of the community that was formerly known as Westbury, but is now part of Henleaze. Since Westbury goes back to the 8th Century it is monstrous of some boundary commission to say that it is no longer Westbury. It goes back far longer than Bristol and only became part of Bristol in 1904. How can some civil servant have the right to tell us that Westbury parish church is no longer Westbury parish church? Similarly the War Memorial for Westbury is in the middle of the village. It should not be re-designated as the being on the outskirts of Henleaze, which is a much newer community in any event. The River Trym from which the village takes part of its name flows past the centre of the village. It is disregarding geography as well as history to rename the village. I could accept the naming of a combined Ward as “Westbury on Trym & Henleaze”Michael Butterfield

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https://consultation.lgbce.org.uk/node/print/informed-representation/4605 04/02/2015 Local Boundary Commission for England Consultation Portal Page 1 of 1

City of Bristol

Personal Details:

Name: Colin Butterworth



Organisation Name:

Comment text:

With regards to the proposal to split the current Westbury-on-Trym ward and put the village of Westbury-on-Trym with Henleaze is utterly bizarre. The new Westbury-on-Trym is not Westbury- on-Trym! How can you possibly contemplate such a move. I find it inconceivable that I shop in Westbury-on-Trym but under these proposals will be looked after, politically by representatives of Henleaze. Henleaze is a nice place with its own high street but it is not Westbury-on-Trym. Perhaps the officials who made these hair-brained recommendations should have consulted first!

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https://consultation.lgbce.org.uk/node/print/informed-representation/4395 12/01/2015 Local Boundary Commission for England Consultation Portal Page 1 of 1

City of Bristol

Personal Details:

Name: Emma Byrne



Organisation Name:

Comment text:

My only comment is to change the name for the ward 'Avonmouth and Lawrence Weston'. This name does not reflect the fact that Coombe Dingle, Shirehampton and parts of Sea Mills are also in that ward. I think that 'Kingsweston' would be a more appropriate and simpler name that reflects the majority of areas included in the proposed ward. I don't understand why only two of areas included are specifically named. Why were the areas of Avonmouth and Lawrence Weston chosen specifically? It's ridiculous to think that if you live in Coombe Dingle, Sea Mills or Shirehampton your ward name does not reflect that. The current Kingsweston ward incorporates Coombe Dingle, Sea Mills and Lawrence Weston and the name 'Kingsweston' reflects the areas sufficiently. Hence I don't see why the name 'Kingsweston' can at least be incorporated into the newly proposed ward title.

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https://consultation.lgbce.org.uk/node/print/informed-representation/4733 11/02/2015