The Voice of a Jewish Woman Freidele Lecha Dodi Ve

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The Voice of a Jewish Woman Freidele Lecha Dodi Ve 1.1 CANTORS, RABBIS, AND CANTORIAL SOLOISTS Cantor Janet Bieber Kol Isha – The Voice of a Jewish Woman Freidele Lecha Dodi Ve’erastich Li Shir Ha Shirim Hine Ma Tov Shur Dodi Ismach Chatan Becala Efent Rebetsin Lecoved Dem Heiligem Shabess Yome, Yome Yiddishe Mame Yismechu Eli, Eli Shechora Ani Abi Gezunt Neshama Carlebach Ani Shelach Ani Shelach Pe’ero Alay Simon Tov Asay L’ma’an Intro – The Mojitz Niggun Chasdei Hashem Zug Zug Zug City of Walls Eishet Chayil Am Yisrael Chai Ma Tovu Barcheinu Avinu Avi Ani Shelach Reprise Neshama Carlebach Ha Neshama Shel Shlomo L’olam Cracow Nigun Haneshama Lach and story K’vakorat Gam Ki Elech Ein K’elokeinu B’shaim Hashem Ana Hashem Tnaim Nigun Y’hi Shalom Shifchi Kamayim Al Aileh Ani Bochea Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach Live in England Adir Hu Mimkomcha Eliyahu Haneshoma Lach Vehareinu Atah Bachartanu Borchi Nafshi Malayim Ziv Esa Einai Harachaman Hu Yakom Chaskele (story) Asher Bara Kel Adon, Od Yishoma Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach The Selichos Experience Pre Selichos Dvar Torah Ashei-Kaddish Lecho Hashem Selach Lanu Ki Al Rachamecha Pesicha Bemotzoei Menucha Derosh Na Zochalim Yotzer Morom Penei Na Retzei Asirosom Shema Koleinu Ashamnu Kaddish-Aleienu Story-End Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach Shuvah Uv’neh Otah Tzur Yisroel Vetov Beinecha Od Yishama Nigun Chasidim Dvai Haser Veyivtechu Becha The Baal Shem Tov Story Shamor Vezachor Shuva David (Dudu) Fisher In God’s Name Shma Israel Tiher Rabbi Ishmael Elu Devorim Av Harachamim Umipne Chataenu Ki Lekach Tov Ad Hena Kol Nidre Haven Yakir Li Veal Yede Avadecha Debbie Friedman And You Shall Be a Blessing B’ruchot Habaot Elohai Mi Chamocha Nasim Shalom Miriam’s Song L’chi Lach V’sham’ru B’tzeit Yisraeil Mi Shebeirach Kadish D’rabanan Holy Place T’filat Haderech Debbie Friedman At Carnegie Hall CD #1 Sing Unto God The Journey Song Medley: Arise My Love, Ani Ma-amin, Dodi Li And the Youth Shall See Visions Al Tasteir Hal’luyah -- Psalm 150 23rd Psalm Mi Shebeirach Save a Life Oseh Shalom The Plague Song CD #2 Medley: The Alef Bet Song, Im Ein Ani Li, Plant a Tree for Tu B’shevat, I Am the Afikomen, The 613 Commandments, The Latke Song Lullaby The Angels’ Blessing You Are the One Miriam’s Song Birkat Halevana Light these Lights This Is the Day Not by Night – Not by Power L’chi Lach Light these Lights (Finale) Debbie Friedman The Journey Continues B’ruchot Habaot The Time Is Now Light These Lights (Oh Hear My Prayer) The Journey Song Kadeish Urchatz Mi Shebeirach Ha Lachma Ma Nishtana Avadim Hayinu L’chi Lach Kadish D’rabanan Miriam’s Song Dayeinu B’chol Dor Vador B’tzeit Yisraeil Ma L’cha Hayam Shir Hama-alot Birkat Hamazon Eiliyahu Hanavi Mir’yam Han’viah Hodu Min Hameitzar Hal’luyah – Psalm 150 L’shana Haba-a Debbie Friedman Let’s Celebrate Fall Holidays: A Brand New Year A Day Called Yom Kippur These Are the Days This Is What We Need to Build a Sukkah When We March on Simhat Torah The Story of Mendel the Charitable Hanukkah; Mi Y’malel Maoz Tzur Watch the Dreidel Spin Light the Menorah The Alef Bet Song The Hanukkah Story Purim: Hag Purim Guess What I Am Once There Was a Wicked Man Heveinu Shalom Aleichem The Purim Story Passover: Eliyahu Hanavi I Am the Afikoman On All Other Nights Im Ayn Li Dayeinu Out Seder Table The Story of the Hoopoe’s Feathers Debbie Friedman Live at the Del Im Tirtzu O Sing Praises Arise My Love Alef Bet Song Mi Shebeirach Oseh Shalom Holy Place V’haeir Eineinu And Thou Shalt Love Miriam’s Song The 613 Commandments Vashti’s Song Happy Thanksgiving The Latke Song The Rainbow Blessing On Wings of Eagles Not by Might L’chi Lach And the Youth Shall See Visions Shir Hama-a lot T’filat Haderech Debbie Friedman One People First to Rejoice One People Gather ‘Round Lift Your Hands Sow in Tears, Reap in Joy Mourning into Dancing Sing Unto God For All That Is Good Hear Our Voices We Return to You I Will Be with You All the Days of My Life Like a Rose Debbie Friedman Renewal of Spirit Asher Yatzar/Elohai Asher Yatzar Elohai N’shamah R’fa-Einu Sh’ma Koleinu 23rd Psalm Mi Shebeirach Eil Na R’fa Na La You Are the One Al Tasteir Lullaby/The Angel’s Blessing Lullaby The Angels Blessing B’yado Hal’luyah – Psalm 150 Debbie Friedman Shanah Tovah Shanah Tovah: A Good Year These Are the Days (of Awe) A Day Called Yom Kippur This Is What We Need to Build a Sukkah When We March on Simchat Torah The Dreidel Song Light the Menorah The Tu Bishvat Song Purim Game Mah Nishtanah Seder Table I Am the Afikomen The 613 Commandments Debbie Friedman Songs of the Spirit Disc One L’cha Dodi Sh’ma V’ahavta Sing Unto God Not by Might, Not by Power Im Tirtzu Laugh at All My Dreams L’dor Vador Arise My Love V’sham’ru Ahavat Olam Ani Ma-Amin Shir Hama-Alot Kumi Lach Oseh Shalom And the Youth Shall See Visions Hodu Mi Chamocha Miriam’s Song L’chi Lach V’sham’ru Mi Shebeirach T’filat Haderech Disc Two The World of Your Dreams Birchot Havdalah Modim The Angels’ Blessing Al Tasteir (Don’t Hide Your Face) 23rd Psalm You Are the One Asher Yatzar Plant a Tree for Tu B’shevat The 613 Commandments Hal’luyah Kadish D’rabanan Build This World Together It’s You Save a Life Seasons of the Moon Alef Bet Song The Water in the Well Devorah’s Song The Latke Song The Dreidel Song Light These Lights Debbie Friedman Sounds of Creation and Freedom Sounds of Creation: Genesis in Song Hinei Tov M’od The Rainbow Covenant Vahakimoti Et B’riti Sarah and Hagar Hatina Chadeich Brother on Brother Ufaratsta Ki Sarita Joseph You’re a Dreamer Forgive and Forget Vayishlacheini Elohim May God Inspire You Sounds of Freedom: Exodus in Song Here I Am The Promise The Ten Plagues Ozi V’zimrat Yah Hear My Voice Mishpatim V’asu Li Mikdash The Eternal Light Adonai, Adonai Kindle No Fires Cloud by Day, Fire by Night Debbie Friedman Sounds of Holiness, Sinai, and Promise Disc 1 Sounds of Holiness: Leviticus in Song Offer Your Gifts to God Wear the Robe Ul’havdil Tear Down the Walls At One V’ahavta L’rei-acha V’nikdashti B’har Sinai B’chukotai Sounds of Sinai: Numbers in Song I Count Ruach Elohim Eil Na F’fa Na La Stop! Look! Remember! Vayiplu Rock Yield Its Water Bilam Joshua, I Wanna Talk with You Where Am I? Eileh Hamitsvot Disc 2 Sounds of Promise: Deuteronomy in Song These Are the Words I Remember You Adonai Is Asking You Uv’nei Y’rushalayim Tsedek Tsedek Tirdof Lo Ta-ashok Sachir Ani Hamakom Mi-Libienu Chazak Chazak Ha-azinu Moses Debbie Friedman The World of Your Dreams Hal’luyah Ma Tovu The Hail Blessing Modim Shelter of Peace The Promise Birchot Havdalah The World of Your Dreams Sh’ma Koleinu Set Me for a Seal The Angels’ Blessing Sam Glaser The Bridge In Israel Hashem Hoshia Al Shlosha D’varim Baruch Hamakom Adon Olam Mikolot Im Eyn Ani Li Ki Heym Chayeynu Eyes Are Open Halelu Kad’sheynu Love to Understand Hiney Ma Tov Raindance Sam Glaser A Day in the Life Modeh Ani Ma Tovu Ve’erastich Li Elokai V’ha’er Eyneynu Oseh Shalom Lo Bashamayim Kah Ribon Learnin’ Machine Blessings Borey Yom Lift My Eyes A Day in the Life Born to Remember Sam Glaser Presence Ma Ashiv Achat Shoalti Tree of Life So Tasis Sheyibasneh Beit Hamikdash Boi V’shalom Haveyn Yakir Li Shehechiyanu Presence Take Me as I Am Shine a New Light Havdalah Believe in Me Al Keyn Av Harachamim Sam Glaser Sam Glaser in Concert with the LA Jewish Symphony Hineni Od Yishamaa Ma Tovu Shabbas Bashana/Adon Olam Born to Remember Happy Birthday Blessing Letter in the Torah Across the River Unbreakable Soul Uv’ney Yerushalayim Ki Heym Chayenu Modeh Ani Asher Bara Yisrael Oseh Shalom Carlebach Medley Yerushalayim Shel Zahav Hatikvah Sam Glaser The Songs We Sing Leyv Tahor Adon Olam L’ma’an Achai Ayshet Cheyil Shalom Aleychem Erev Shel Shoshanim Kol Ha Olam Kulo Bashana Haba’a Yerushalayim Shel Zahav Dodi Li/Miserlu Y’did Nefesh Bilvavi Oifn Pripitshik/Belz/Tumbalaiaika Eitz Chayim Hi Cantor Paul Kowarsky Premier Performance Mitratseh B’rachamim Yism’chu Umip’nei Chataeinu Sim Shalom Halbein Cahtaeinu Shalom Aleichem Vehaya B’acharit Hayamim Essa Einai Esther Lamandier Psaumes de David 93 57 48 13 113 115 4 129 90 99 43 150 16 104 91 142 80 123 138 97 23 134 133 29 131 148 Cantor Joseph Malovany Great Bel-Canto Hebrew Arias Psalm 92 The Song of the Levites Mechalkel Chayim (Thou Sustainest the Living) Sh’ma B’ni (Listen My Son) Hachnessini (Shelter Me) Asher Boro (Who Created Joy) Im Eshk Achech Yerushalayim (If I Forget Thee O Jerusalem) Yedid Nefesh (The Soul’s Beloved) Shim’l Bat (Listen Daughter) Bein N’har Prat (Twixt Tigris and Eupharates) Psalm 128 Cantor Joseph Malovany Sim Shalom Hashem Hashem Im Eshkachech Yerushalaim Mimkomcha Va Havieynu Ten Shabbat ve ten Shalom Ani Maamin Eliyahu Hanavi Ve Ye Ye Taynu Etzel Hakotel Ve Iten Lecha Avinu Shebeshamayim Rachell Mevaka Al Bancha Sim Shalom Moishele Main Fraint Simchu Et Yerushalayim Cantor Sheldon Merel Chants of a Lifetime from Synagogue to Opera La Kol Z’man Adon Olam Shalom Rav Search for Freedom Unehtaneh Tokef R'tzey Hashkiveynu # 2 Kiddush Shalom Rav # 2 K'vakarat Adonai, Adonai Kaddish of Rabbi Yitzchok, Controversy with God Avinu Malkaynu Los Bilbilicos Parigi o Cara from La Traviata Rachel Quand Du Seigneur from La Juive Cantor Sheldon Merel Standing Ovation K’aytz Shatul, Psalm One Adarim Prophecy of Elijah Eylu D’vorim Adon Olam Dicitencello Maria from West Side Story Che Gelida Manina from La Boheme Mister Jim David & Goliath The Love of Spike Malone Meeskite from Cabaret Chanukah – Festival of Lights Lighting the Candles O Chanukah, O Chanukah Chanukah & S’vivon Excerpts from the Passover Oratorio Haggadah, a Search for Freedom The Passover Story The Festive Meal Karpas Dayenu The Lord Brought
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