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REPORT 'Rrustees of the AUSTRALIAN MUSEUM No.l8 1973 PARLIAMENT OF NEW SOUTH WALES REPORT OF THE 'rRUSTEES OF THE AUSTRALIAN MUSEUM FOR THE Year ended 30 June, 1972 Ordered to be printed, 30 August, 1973 BY AUTHORITY NEW SOUTH WALES-1974 D. WEST. GOVERNMENT PRfNTER. il' 35721- 1 1973- 43 !SOc) CONTENTS Board of Trustees Page 5 Staff List .. 6 Introduction 9 "Space Needs for The Australian Museum" by F. H. Talbot 9 "Retrospect- the last 33 years" by Elizabeth C. Pope, Deputy Director 10 The Australian Museum Society (TAMS) 12 Bonnard Exhibition 13 Honorary Staff 13 Staff Matters 14 Society Affiliations 15 Overseas Visitors 15 Acknowledgements of Co-operation 16 National Photographic Index of Australian Birds 16 Anthropology 16 Entomology 17 Environmental Studies Department 19 Shelf Benthic Survey Group 19 Herpetology .. 20 Ichthyology .. 21 Malacology .. 22 Mammalogy 23 Department of Marine Invertebrates (Crustaceans and Coelenterates) 24 Department of Marine Invertebrates (Worms and Echinoderms) .. 24 Mineralogy 25 Ornithology 25 Palaeontology 26 Education Service 27 Exhibitions Department 28 Library . 29 Photography and Visual Aids .. 30 Scientific Information Officer .. 30 Artificers Department .. 32 32 Assistant Editor-Publications Publications 33 34 Attendance 34 Donations BOARD OF TRUSTEES PRESIDENT Dr K. L. Sutherland, D.Sc., Ph.D., F.A.A., A.R.l.C., M.I.M.M.Aust., F.R.A.C.T. CROWN TRUSTEE Emeritus Professor A. P. Elkin, C.M.G., M.A., Ph.D., D.Litt. OFFICIAL TRUSTEES The Hon. the Chief Justice. The Hon. the Minister for Education. The Hon. the President of the LegisJative Council. The Auditor-General. The Hon. the Chief Secretary. The President of the New South Wales The Hon. the Attorney-GeneraL Medical Board. The Hon. the Treasurer. The Surveyor-Genera] and Chief Surveyor. The Hon. the Minister for Public Works. The Crown Solicitor. ELECTlVE TRUSTEES Sir Frank McDowell. R. C. Richard. Dr R. J. Noble, C.B.E., B.Sc.Agr., Ph.D. Emeritus Professor A. H. Voisey, D.Sc. G. A. Johnson, M.B.E. J. S. Proud, B.E., M.I.M.M.Aust. Mr W. H. Maze, M.Sc. Professor M. G. Pitman M.A., Ph.D. Emeritus Professor D. P. MelJor, D .Sc., F.R.A.C.T. Dr G. F. Humphrey, M.Sc., Ph.D. Professor N. W. G. Macintosh, M.B., B.S., Dip.Anthrop. NATIONAL PHOTOGRAPHIC INDEX OF AUSTRALIAN BIRDS COMMITTEE OF TRUSTEES Chairman: The Hon. Sir Percy Spender, K.C.V.O., K.B.E., K.St.J., Q.C. Members: Mr J. C. H. Gill, B.A., LL.B., F.R.Hist.S.Q. Mr Laurence Le Guay, F.R.P.S., E.F.I.A.P., A.I.A.P. Dr Ursula Hoff, O.B.E., Ph.D. Professor Sir Leonard Huxley, K.B.E., D.Phil., Ph.D., M.A., F.lnst.P., F.A.A. Mr D. G. Lumsden. The Rt Hon. the Lord Mayor of Adelaide, Mr Robert E. Porter. Mr R. C. Richard. Mr V. Serventy. Dr F. H. Talbot, M.Sc., Ph.D., F.L.S. The Hon. Sir Vernon Treatt, K.B.E., M.M., Q.C. Mr R. W. Turner. The Rt Hon. the Lord Mayor of Perth, Alderman Sir Thomas Wardle. Mr J. Wyett. Sir Harold Wyndham, C.B.E., M.A., Ed.D. STAFF DIRECTOR F. H. Talbot, M.Sc., Ph.D., F.L.S. DEP UTY DIRECTOR Elizabeth C. Pope, M.Sc., C.M.Z.S., F.R.Z.S. PRJNClPAL CURATOR Dr C. N. Smithers SCIENTIFIC DEPARTMENTS Anthropology Ichthyology D. R. Moore, M.A., Dip.Anthrop., Curator. J. R. Paxton, M.Sc., Ph.D., Curator J. R. Specht, M.A., Ph.D., Assistant Curator D: ~· ~oese, M.Sc., Ph.O., Assistant Curator P. Thompson, B.Sc., Archaeological Research Officer V1rgm•a Moore, Museum Assistant (to 6th April 197') Susan Walston, Dip.lnst.Arch., Technical Officer Ro~y~ Jeffery, Museum Assistant (from 9th May: 197;) Scientific, Conservation Chnstme Horseman, Museum Assistant (half-time fr • Janet L. Smith, Museum Assistant (to 31st July, 1971) 5th April, 1972) om Lynne Hosking, Museum Assistant (from 5th April, Lynne Hosking, Museum Assistant (half-time t 1972 October, I 971, on third-time to 5th April 1972) 0 Sandra McGiness, Conservation Trainee (from 20th M. E. Gregory, Research Assistant (half-timej September, 1971) Janice Mackay, Museum Assistant (from 15th May, Malacology 1972) Suzanne Rudnick, Museum Assistant (from I 5th May, W. F. Ponder, M.Sc., Ph.D., Curator 1972) P. H. Colman, Technical Assistant Colleen J. Robinson, Museum Assistant Director's Research Laboratory Mamma fogy Mr B. Russell, M.Sc. B. J. Marlow, B.Sc., Curator Entomology Linda M. Gibson, Museum Assistant C. N. Smithers, M.Sc., Ph.D., F.R.E.S., Curator Mr M. J. White, Preparator D. K. McAipine, M.Sc., Ph.D., D.I. C., F.R.E.S., Assistant Curator (Insects) (to 22nd J une), Curator Marine Invertebrates (from 23rd June) M. R. V. Gray, M.Sc., Assistant Curator (Arachnids) (Crustaceans and Coelenterates) G. A. Holloway, B.Sc., Technical Assistant D . J. G. Griffin, M.Sc., Ph.D .. Curator Klara C. Kota, Museum Assistant Janet H olloway, Technical Officer (Scientific) Clare I. Trickctt, Museum Assistant Lynne Hosking, Museum Assistant (half-time in Marine Invertebrates . Enton:'ology, Department to 5th April, 1972) M1ss Justme 0 Regan, Research Assistant (to 8th (Worms and Echinoderms) August, 1971) Elizabeth C. Pope, M.Sc., C.M.Z.S., F.R.Z.S., Curator S. P. Kim, M.Sc.Agr., Research Assistant (from 4th Patricia Hutchings, B.Sc., Ph.D., Assistant Curator January) Greta Gray, Museum Assistant Christine Horseman, Museum Assistant (half-time from Alana Peters, Museum Assistant (to 5th April, 1972) 5th April, 1972) Margaret Crouch, (from 5th April, 1972) Studies Mineralogy H. F. Rechcr, Ph.D., Curator R. 0. Chalmers, A.S.T.C. (Geol.) Hon. F.G.A.A., S. S. Clark, M.Sc., Assistant Curator Curator (to 12th October, 1972) H .. Posamcntier, B.Sc., Technical Assistant Joan Hingley, Technical Officer (Scientific) (from 2nd Elizabeth House, Museum Assistant February, 1972) Shelf Bent hie Survey J. Laxton, M.Sc., Leader Ornithology N. Carrick, B.Sc. Helen Fisher, B.Sc. H. J. deS. D isney, M.A., Curator Ellinor. Williams, B.Sc., (Hons.) Christine lrwin, Museum Assistant (to 26th October. J. DaVJe, Technical Assistant 1971) . 1 R. Snape, B.Sc., (seconded from MWS & DB) Alana Peters, Museum Assistant (from 5th Apnl, 191-) Herpetology Palaeontology H. G. Cogger, M.Sc., Ph.D., Curator A. Ritchie, M.Sc., Ph.D., Curator Robyn Brewer, Museum Assistant. Dorothey Jones, Museum Assistant l. Macadie, Technical Officer EDUCATION SERVICE Patricia M. McDonald B Se M . B.A. (Hons), Dip.Ed. (A· · ., .Ed., E~ucat•on Officer-in-Charge; Stella B. H. Maguirc, D.A.; Nancy J. ~alhn . Education Officer to i2nds~~~~t:;du ciJ')?"~fficer to 16th December, 1971); J udith H. Ruello, M.Sc., ('8: ~: M. Clark, Office Assistant (half- ti~e)·1 9 M iude M. Tyler, A.S.T.C. (part-time); R. C. lnder. Prepara~ r, 1B Murphy commenced dui rs · M. Harkness (part-time) Assistant Education Officer; rs 0 · · Y as temporary Assistant Education Officer on 16th May, 1972 EXHIBITIONS DEPARTMENT B. Bertram, Chief De Della M Clarke 'Offipar1 m~nt of Exhibitions · • ce Ass1stant (half-time) Preparation Section Design and Art Section J. Frazier, Chief.Preparator R Lossin R. W1tchard, Preparators D. Rae, Exhibitions Officer R: Dube~u, Assistant Preparator (from 1st March, J. F~~~~)an, Exhibitions Officer (from 4th January, 1972) . K. Gregg, Artist Judith Clarke, Ass1sta~t. Preparator, (seconded to the Geological and Mmmg Museum) J ane~r!~~~£i~~~ss3~d November, 1971), Celia Tanner, P. Fluke, M. White, Cadet Preparators . A IS 1 ants. G al 1 nderson, Ticketwriter. LIBRARY Mary G. E. Davies, B.Sc., A.L.A.A., Librarian; Dawn South Teacher' Ce . Watson, Clerical 'Assistants rh6 cate, Library Assistant; J. Elizabeth PHOTOGRAPHY AND VISUAL AIDS H D Hughes, A.R.P.S., Photographer and Visual Aids Officer· c v T As . Aids Officer' . urner, soclate Photographer and Visual SCIENTIFIC INFORMATION OFFICER A. Hughes ARTIFICERS A. Carpenter (ln-Charge); T. Lang; K. Forster ASSISTANT EDITOR P. F. Collis OFFICE C. Thomson (In-Charge) to June•. 1972.; B. Shepherd, (19th June, 1972); P.Camp (to 12th May,l972); 1. Lucas (from 3rd May, 1972); Caroltne A. Smcla1~;. Lynette Oxley ; Laura Wadsworth (to 21st January 1972)· Nancy Cancino; Margaret Bray; ~ue Henry; Chnstme Horseman (to 5th April, 1972); Danuta Zarczynski; Norma Bell (to 5th May, 1972); May R1cha~ds (17th May, 1971 to 9th November, 1971); Shelia Hanley; Carlyne Spicer (from 22nd November, 1971); E. Robmson (27th March, 1972); C. Randall (from 3rd March, 1972); Doris Sharpe (from 13th J une, 1972); Lesley Saul (from 14th June, 1972) ATTENDANTS W. Wason (Chief Attendant); R. Simpson ( ~nior Attendant) ; E. Randall, D. Soltan; M. Duncan; R. Aylward ; S. Coops ; D. Hodges; F. Hopper; L. Lew1s; R. Holmes; A. Paley; A. R.osewarn ; N. Bevan; S. Zimeris; D. Walden ; J. Solomon (Gardener); H. Pierson (Night Security); R. Crowe (Night Security); L. Eade (Night Security); Mr C. Papandreas (deceased) CLEANERS Mrs M. Every; Mrs J. Fernandez; Miss R. Diaz; Mr C. Karasperous; Mr E. Littlejohn (retired) HONORARY ASSOCIATES lsobel Bennett, M.Sc. ; Julie Booth; Or R . Catala, D.Sc.; Mr N. Colcman; S. J. Copland, M.Sc.; L. <;ourtney­ Haines; A. D'Ombrain; Dr J. W. Evans, M.A., Sc.D., D.Sc.; H. 0. Fletcher, M.Sc.; Dr D. D. Franco1s, M.Sc., Ph.D.; T. A. Garrard; K. Gillett; Vera Gregg; A. Healy; T . 1redale, F.R.Z.S.•; C. J: Lawler; ~ · Mahoney, B.Sc.; F. D.
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