Fifth Annual Report of the Rochester Chamber of Commerce
FIFTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE ROCHESTER C _HAMBER oF CoMMERCE STATE OF NEW YORK FOR THE YEAR ENDING JANUARY 9TH, 189J. ROCHESTER, 1N. V. : Union and Advertiser Press. 1893. This page is blanl<. r ; .. ·. HENRY C. BREWSTER, PRESIDENT OF THE ROCHESTER CHAMHF.R OF COMMERCF.. This page is blanl<. ROCHESTER CHAMRER OF COMMERCE. INTRODUCTORY. THIS publication, undertaken by direction r>f the Board of Trustees of the Rochester Chamber of Commerce, embraces a sufficient number of copies of the Fifth Annual Report of that body for general distribution. Its preparation has been in charge of the Committee on Statistics and Publication, under the immediate supervision of the Chairman of such Committee and the Secretary of the Chamber. It is handsomely and profusely illustrated, and contains list of membership, yearly report of officers, and descriptive sketches of prominent features of the city, together with compilations ot local facts and figures concerning points of interest and resort, busin ess ad vantages, location, growth, population, and manufactures. The superb illustrations have all been produced at the Rochester UNION AND ADVERTISER establishment, and many of the half-tone pictures are gems of art. Acknowledgment is due to Mr. Wm. C. Barry, for the article on Nurseries, while descriptions of vari ous other industries are from the pens of competent and trustworthy authorities. GEoRGE Moss, W. F. BAL)<AM, Secretary. Clwirman. A RAILROAD CENTRE. H E accompanying diagram very clearly exhibits Rochester as one of the most important railroad centres in the country. Counting the lines of T railway, as they enter and depart from the city, th ere are sixteen separate and distinct routes, as witness : aDCBESTEB N Y.
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