The House Oflovely Tull 5 Gibbs '
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Thursday, March 22, 4 THE SPOK NE WOMAN 1928 SHORT SERMON FOR LENT Why Westmore Teachers’ Agency By Rev. Louis B. Egan, S. J. Imitation the highest form of praise. Christinns—followers of Chrisi Can Serve YOU Better —xseeking to imitate His example, conforming in a limited way their lives to on earth in Gallilee! His withdrawal for forty days snd nighis His days | Large Western Agency | Attractive Vacancies of fasting and prayer in the desert. The Christian curtailing even Reported Early certain legitimate pleasures and adding self-imposed vesirictions the nore {l Fourteen Years of to prove fealty to the Way, the Truth and the Life. Experience Used by Western The tilled fields reclothe the barredess of wiater with foilage of Superintendents by {| Abundant Direct Calls . .. strives repair sensons of negleet and apathy green, . , The soul to | Many Teachers Promoted turning again to its duties to God and affuirs spiritual, . Habits un- for Teachers worthy of a Christian to be lopped off; Thoughts, words and deeds des- tined to bring forth a rieh harvest to be impianied in their place, the tider FREE REGISTRATION benefitting by the universal spirit spurred on by the example of others Main of prayer and abnegation occasoined by the season of Lent. 715-716 Old National Bank Bldg. 3169 Even the most delectable pleasures pei! if incessant. ... To impose SPOKANE, WASH. some sacrifices on oneself during a few weeks should not prove too onerous, necessity Such a change is salutary, even in the natura! ovder, but of a where Greedy enchancing # the welfare of the soui is concerned. |. of worldly none an oppoitunity to pass; yet many refuse o modicum possessions permits —————————————————————————————————— of inconvenience when the reward is not for life but for SOOTEY, . oo a s No imitation this, but utter folly substituted for wisdom. The folly of the fool who eried in his heart “There is no God”, no One to reward the tribu- lations of those who endeavor to walk in the footsteps of His Son. .. Observance of the Lenten season proves such folly is not ours. The House Lovely includes a paper by Mrs. Martha Cole of on “Architecture and Gardens™; “Mo- Mrs, toori” by Mrs. Donald Meßride: . CLUBS W. A. Hurd on “The Discovery and \ The Manito Garden club will have People of the Philippines,” Mrs, Rie- a unique prograin at the home of Mrs. review one of the Things will Home carda Bacchus 5T W. A. Murray, E. 115 Twenty-second new books of the month. - ;:f street Monday, March 26th, when John R li/:; = W. Duncan, superintendent of parks Mrs. Johin A. Houston will be hos- will speak on “Planting a Picture with tess to members of the Amethyst club Perennials.” The members of the club for their Reciprocity Day program and have entered a contest in designing a Tuesday, March 27th, it her home W. L.asy planting plan which will be judged. 410 Fourteenth avenue. Chapter A, '\ Members of the club will answer to Z. P. E. O, of which Mrs. Houston is roll call on “My favorite garden tool” a member will be represented by Mrs. LY Marr Mrs, 15, Grobel, Mrs. Installation of officers will take C. B and M. Marr will sing two solos and Mrs, Gro- place at the monthly meeting of the ~.f Greditredit Terms will nunibers. Mrs. following bel give two piano 1 Woman's Democratic Club Georg of American Associa- the Hotel Tues- Henry the luncheon at Spokane tion of University Women will have a A, P, Fassett, TRADE IN YOUR OLD FURNITURE day, March 27th. Mrs. A, Starkey repres- officers paper and Mrs. G. president will install the new Alliance will ap- Mrs. L. Lucy, president; enting the Unitarian as follows: pear on the programu. Mary E. Fitzgerald, first vice presi- vice dent ; Mrs. George DBelnap, second J. I. will open her Theresa M. Wood secre- Mrs. Wilson president ; home, E4Ol Twelfth Avenue, tomorrow Kluth, treasurer; Mrs. tary; Mrs. Ida night for a pinochle and bridge given Welsh, corresponding secretary. Mary for the ladies of the Grand Army of The board of trustees include the fol- Gibbs Republic of the Department of Tull the 5 chairman, lowing: Mrs. A. P. Fassett, Friends of Mrs, 8. Binge, Washingtaa and Alaska. -_”'*m“m:-;dn is “-.—n Mrs. E. J. Riley and W. are invited. Mrs Good group of songs the organization First Avenue at Wall Street Mrs, Binge will sing a Masecar, president by Mrs, May department at the meeting accompanied from a two weeks Mrs. Fitzgerald has just returned Robert Collins and north in the interest of “Thomas trip to points will speak on Jefferson.” She reports all circles in may be made with the work. Reservations flourishing condition with wide in- Fassett, a Mrs. terest in the annual convention to be Mrs, C. G. will be hostess to held in Tacoma, June 25-28. Arrange- Betts making the Cultus Club Thursday, March 22, ments have been completed Hotel at her apartment at the Altadena. Mrs, the new Wihthrop headguarters H. E. Rhodehamel will read a paper on for the delegates, Sessions will be held Erected on Historiec Spots in the K. of P. Hall. “Markers will lun in Washington” continuing the study The Spokane chapter serve ¢hildren and of The Northwest which the club is cheon May 6th to school featuring this year. their parents here for the spelling con- Mrs. A. W. Swanson will read a test, TIRED SKINS poem Stoddard King. | | selected by The Pythiun Club met ‘Tuesday 20th, for o'clock H. be hostess to March one luncheon LOTION Mrs. J. Neill will Mrs, S on Walnui | VALAZE SKIN-TONING of The Wednesday Club with I Tipton the members Road, afternoon wis her home at Irvin, Washington, Dishman. The at sewing the philanthropic g f Created by the world’s Wednesday, March 28th. The program spent in for work of the organization. foremost beauty scientist Mrs, Johin F. Davies wAll be hostess T to the members of the Dicken's Cluh Free Lectures on today at her home 82102 Lincoln CHILD PSYCHOLOGY street . The club is reading Pickwick I'apers present. HUMAN ANALYSIS at Mrs., 8, Hanson, t and The home of Otto Freshens, tones, braces PSYCHO-ANALYSIS W317 Eighteenth Avenue, will be the prevents by meeting place today for the Women's 4 fine lines Union of the First Baptist church, Fol- ‘e keeps pores invisible, Dr. Robert Max lowing a 12:30 luncheon a program will be given with Mrs, W. E. Waste in i and tissues youthfully charge. Mrs. J. H. Burch will review firm! Imparts alluring of Vienna, Austria the book “Stewardship in the Lives at the of Women” by H. K. Wallace, and -‘ 1.25 GOLD ROOM, DESSERT HOTEL Mrs. J. N. Garst will give two readings finish. Every Evening at 8 P. M. the Crucifixion from Ben lHur and —_—o—= King Robert of Sicily by Longfellow, Vocational Direction and Analy- She will be accompanied on the pi- WHITEHOUSE sis by Appointment by Miss Ruth Wheeler, Mrs, g ano Riverside, Howard and Sprague Garst and will later pre- Direction of Miss Wheeler E . side at the tea urns. Hostesses for & The Institute of Business Science the day are: Mrs, George Day, Mrs, 717 OLD NAT'L BANK BLDG. Robert Koontz, Mrs, Charles Hart, Main 4411 Mrs, J. N, Sanders, Mrs, Grace Smith and Mrs. Otto Hanson..