The Voice of Providence February–March 2014 FEATURED STORY: Faith in Words and Deeds Page 8 Volume 27 Number 2 February–March 2014 Published By: Th e Pious Union of St. Joseph Table of Contents Patron of the Suff ering and Dying 953 East Michigan Avenue 1 ........ Lent & Fasting Grass Lake, Michigan 49240-9210 Fr. Joseph Rinaldo, SdC 517-522-8017 voice 517-522-8387 fax 3 ........ St. Joseph: A Journey of
[email protected] Hope and Fidelity Fr. Paul Oggioni, SdC 6 ........ Still Young Aft er a Century Editor In Chief: Fr. Joseph Rinaldo SdC Fr. Paul Oggioni, SdC Editing Team: Joe Yekulis, Kelly Flaherty, 8 ........ Faith in Words & Deeds Fr. Paul Oggioni, SdC Fr. Joseph Rinaldo, SdC Photos: St. Louis Center Archives, 10 ...... Th e Church is Not an NGO Joseph Yekulis, Kelly Flaherty Giuseppe Rinaldo 11 ...... Servants of Charity Expand O St. Joseph, foster father of the Tent of Charity to Jesus Christ and true spouse of the Pforzheim, Germany Virgin Mary, pray for us and the Joseph Yekulis and Gero Lomardo suffering and dying of today. 14 ...... Our Guanellian Cooperator Journey Th e Voice of Providence: Tom Turek Is a non-profi t bi-monthly publication 18 ...... Confession or Sacrament of the Divine Providence Province of the of Reconciliation Servants of Charity, a Catholic Religious Fr. Joseph Rinaldo, SdC Congregation founded by Saint Louis Guanella, (1842–1915). 21 ...... Th e Real Presence Tom Herron Mission: 24 ...... A Healthy Body, Mind Th e divine call places the Servants of Charity and Spirit in the heart of the Church, making us share Caitlin Deis more deeply in her mission in the world and 27 .....