Gowkthrapple Progress report From: REGENERATION SERVICES

Date: 7 OCTOBER 2009 Ref: MMcClPN

1. Purpose of Report

1.I The purpose of this report is to provide the Local Area Partnership members with an update in terms of progress within the masterplan area of Gowkthrapple.

2. Background

2.I The Council is a lead partner in the regeneration of Gowkthrapple in conjunction with Garrion People's Housing Co-operative and is committed to a housing-led approach to regenerating Gowkthrapple.

2. I In August 2005, a remediation strategy and a strategic masterplan for Gowkthrapple was pursued through a partnership between Council, Scottish Enterprise Lanarkshire and Communities . A first phase of decontamination works was undertaken in June 2006 which allowed the partners to determine the nature of the contamination present at the former Smiths Clockworks site and any necessary remediation options. The Strategic Masterplan commission was awarded to lronside Farrar to address options for future land use in the area, including potential demolition of parts of the housing stock and the provision of new build housing. 2.2 The demolition of 24.6 flats was finalised in July 2007 and approval was also granted that year for the Council to dispose of the entire demolition site to Garrioti People's Hcusirry Co- operative to allow development 0.f the site for sale and rent in partnership with a private developer. 2.3 The Strategic h'lasterplan was developed to provide a framework to deliver sustained regeneration of Gowktlrrapple. 'fhe objective behind this was that it would deliver a strong community and introduce new housing stock capable of rneeting variable needs, protect and enhance local jobs and secure a transformation of the image and physical yuslity of the environment in the estate as a whole.The Vision for Gowkthrapple contained within the Strategic Masterplan states that: Gowkthrapple will become a vibrant small community that oRers a mix of hoi~sirigtypes, fenure and neighbourhoods clustered around a core of community sewices with good local access to services, schools and on-sife convenience shops. Housing will offer a wider mix of type and styles with significantly greater numbers of private secfor owner- occupied housing, but including design neutral affordable housing and social rented housing within four neighbourhoods. Cornmunit-y facilities will be retained and enhanced developed around a new cluster at the main access junction on Castlehill Road. 3. Progress to Date

3.1 To ensure a co-ordinated approach to service delivery, the Gowkthrapple Management Group was formed in February 2006 comprising Officers from Regeneration, Environmental Services, Housing & Social Wsrk Services, Strathclyde Police, NHS Lanarkshire and Strathclyde Fire & Rescue. The main objectives of the group were to work together to improve services, share and develop joint pieces of work and overall work to achieve the shared vision for Gowkthrapple.

The following is an update of the key development in terms of the partners’ work within the estate.

3.2 Garrion People’s Housing Co-operative

Garrion People’s Housing Co-operative, in conjunction with Dawn Homes, completed the first 25 properties for rent in May 2009 and tenants moved into their new homes during May and June. North Lanarkshire Council nominated 12 applicants from their housing list for these properties. A further 12 units for rent are planned, with 7 units for sale under the New Supply Shared Equity Scheme and the remaining 11 for sale by Dawn Homes The site adjacent to Clyde Valley High School will, on completion, have 55 three-bedroom semi- detached and terraced houses. A further 120 units are planned for the Caplaw Place site. A planning application has been made and funding negotiations are at an early stage. It is hoped that some progress on this site will be apparent in the financial year 2010-201 1.

A further key project taking place in Gowkthrapple is the new Community Hub which will be situated in Smith Avenue. Planning permission has been received for the building and Garrion People’s Housing Cooperative are about to acquire the land from North Lanarkshire Council. The Co-op will own and manage the facility with the total capital cost of the project expected to be in the region of €2.4 million. Garrion applied for funding from the Big Lottery’s Growing Community Assets Fund and were successful in acquiring f835,000 in capital and revenue funding. Other funding for the building will come from North Lanarkshire Council, Garrion People’s Housing Cooperative, the Scottish Government’s Vacant and Derelict Land and Wider Role Funds. Collective Architecture was appointed to produce a planning application for the builditig through constnltalion with the local community arid the strategic partners. ‘The design team’ have been working hard to meet timescales required by the Big Lottery and are presently awaiting tet?der returns from a number of contractors interested in building the Hub. It is expected that the contract will be on site by the end of 2009 with completion in January 20 11.

The I-.iub wi!l provide office facilities far staff From Ho~ising& Social Work Services who are currently based in Allershaw Tower, Gowkthrapple and Garrion People’s Mousirig Cooperative staff. ‘The building will also comprise of multi-purpose meeting rooms, a local retail autlet and a community cafk. There has also been an expression of interest %romlocal pharniacists. In addition, there has been positive support from many agencies, services and community groups wishing to make use of the facility. It is hoped that the Hub will provide a much needed focus for community activities while improving access to services in the area.


Housing and Social Work Services have established a neighbourhood office in Attersliaw ~ Tower servicing the Gowthrapple area. Officers are on hand to deal with all matters and will liaise will the appropriate agencies to develop more co-ordinated services. A cornmiti-nenl has also been given to relocate the neighbourhood management team 10 the new Community Hub building reinforcing the improving inter-agency partnership working with the area. Currently the Neighbourhood Management Team is undertaking a number of initiatives to improve the perception of the area and to positively promote the area. The "Gowthrapple's Great" initiative has been a great success and current targets include promoting the area with an aim of reducing the number of empty properties on the estate. In addition, resources have been allocated to support residents to sustain their tenancies and, in partnership with Strathclyde Police, we are working to target some low level vandalism that has been occurring within the estate

3.4 Green Network

The Council is working with Scottish Government Housing Division (formerly Communities Scotland) and The Green Network Partnership on integrating quality greenspace in Gowkthrapple and reinforcing and creating links to South and the Clyde Valley. A Greenspace Strategy has been developed by the partnership and further work has been carried out examining the feasibility of allotments, improving the community park and a signage and interpretation strategy. This partnership working group are currently prioritising actions to secure funding for delivery. It is intended that a funding package will be sought by the partnership.

3.5 Masterplan

Regeneration Services lodged two separate planning applications on 2"dAugust 2009 to assist with the future implementation of the Gowkthrapple Regeneration Masterplan. One outline application was submitted for the Masterplan itself (to assist development planning in the review of all subsequent planning applications for the area). Achieving outline planning status for the detailed Gowkthrapple Masterplan will help to secure its implementation in the future.

A second detailed application was also lodged for the first phase in proposed road improvements in Gowkthrapple with a new roundabout on Castlehill Road at the junction of Allershaw Road and carriageway improvements (plans attached).

To ensure the vision and aims of the Strategic Masterplan are achieved at Gowkthrapple, a detailed Masterplan with associated development briefs have been developed to underpin and guide the econoniic, social aid environmental regeneration of Gowkthrapple. "The detailed masterplan is based on the following key elements:

e Road and street infrastructure which is suitable for all modes of transpoit, particularly public transport, Fedestrians and cyclists Re-developmen t of existing vacant brownfield sites for mixed tenure housing A 'hub' facility which will be a base for the enharmced delivery of services fur the local

0 community e A networlc of green spaces including an enhanced coinmunity park and an alloii?neni: project

Lclcal residenls, busil-iesses, partners and private land owners have been coirsiillcd 011 the scope of the detailed R/laslerplaii and the proposed new road layout for Gowklhrapp!e.

Specific community consultation exercises were completed to engage with lccal residents I who were supportive of both the improvements ii7 road and walkway access as well as enhancements to the green network in the area.

The Council has now subinitted an outline planning application for the detailed masterplan and a series of development briefs for the regeneration of Gowkthrapple. This will ensure that the masterplan becomes a delivery framework for each developmenE opportunity whether it be housing, access/in~rastructureor open space. This will ailaw the requirements of the Strategic Masterplan and detailed tnasterplan to be met through individual detailed planning applications and that each development contributes to the strategic vision and regeneration programme. It wiil enable development allowing applications to be dealt with in a consistent and efficient way, facilitating the overall regeneration programme for Gowkthrapple.

In parallel, there is a detailed planning application for the first section of road to unlock the physical regeneration opportunities of Gowkthrapple. This first phase of road will be led by North Lanarkshire Council. A detailed planning application has also been submitted by Garrion People’s Housing Co-operative/Dawn Homes for housing on the Castlehill site.

4. Recommendations

It is recommended that the Local Area Partnership:

(i) note the contents of the report

MQreen McConachie Head of Regeneration Services North Lanarkshire Council