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NORTH LANARKSHIRE COUNCIL To: WISHAW AND DISTRICT LOCAL AREA Subject: JOINT COMMUNITY SAFETY PARTNERSHIP REPORT From: HOUSING & SOCIAL WORK SERVICES STRATHCLYDE POLICE STRATHCLYDE FIRE & RESCUE 1 Date: 6th September 2010 Ref: 1. Introduction 1.1 The purpose of this report is to update members of the Wishaw and District Local Area Partnership on developments with the current joint work taking place between Strathclyde Police, Housing and Social Work Services and Strathclyde Fire and Rescue for the period from June 201 0 to August 2010. 2. Background 2.1 Under the Government’s ‘Promoting Positive Outcomes: Working Together to Prevent Anti-social Behaviour in Scotland, the National Framework for preventing anti- social behaviour, has allowed the wider public sector to move in the same direction; work together as equal partners and importantly, allow collective contribution from all the public sector partners. 2.2 Tackling anti-social behaviour contributes to all five of the Government’s strategic objectives but primarily supports making our communities safer and stronger by focusing on National Outcomes 9 ( we live our lives free from crime, disorder and danger) and 1 1 (we have strong, resilient and supportive communities where people take responsibility for their own actions and how they affect others). 3. Statistical Information 3.1 The report includes information from each of the partners and a ward by ward summary of notable incidents. Appendix 1 shows the Hotspot map for the Wishaw area, Appendix 2 Housing & Social Work Services, Appendix 3 Strathclyde Police and Appendix 4 the Tactical Assessment from Strathclyde Fire & Rescue. The total number of 76 reported new anti-social complaints in Wishaw and Shotts this quarter has increased by 43% from 43 in the last reporting period. The increase in complaints is attributed to school holidays and various gang related incidents. This is a seasonal trend as the majority of these complaints relate to children playing football in the streetkommunal areas during the summer months. Noise complaints have increased in this period; again, this is attributed to a seasonal pattern during the summer months. The reason for this could be that residents tend to be more intolerant of one-off incidents of loud music and patties within the summer months. The total number of formal actions taken has increased this quarter from 37 to 49 actions. This is attributed to the partnership working of all agencies involved in tackling anti-social 34 behaviour including joint visits/pro active liaison meetings and improved sharing of information. 4. Ward by Ward Reports There are 19 active Anti-Social behaviour cases in this ward, with 12 being investigated] 5 being monitored and 2 are with Legal Services. Allanton This area remains settled this period, with one high profile case in Hawthorn Place being monitored. No further reports of anti-social/ nuisance behaviour have been received within this area. Crime trends tend to be low although historically there has been a car theft problem. The everyday issues affecting the area continue to be youths congregating and causing annoyance] particularly at Allanton Road / Coltness Ave at weekends. This results in complaints of street drinking and general disorder. Fixed Penalty Notices for disorder] vandalism, possession of controlled substances & drinking in public have been issued. Shotts Interim SBO remains in place with respect to a tenant of Bertram Place. A problem tenancy been recently identified within Quarry St as causing nuisance and disturbance to neighbours, linked to an ongoing high profile anti-social case in street. A visit has been carried out by Investigators which has resulted in a verbal warning being given. Shotts itself consists of four main areas, Stane, Springhill, Torbothie, and DykeheadCrime trends are high in relation to Vehicle crime and an operation is ongoing to address this issue. Youth disorder tends to centre on the area known as “the cross” and Laggan Path (both Dykehead) .There is also regular complaints concerning off road bikes and trail bikes particularly in the area surrounding the Health centre. Acts of vandalism also continue to feature as a cause of concern for the residents in the Shotts area. Fire crews from Shotts Fire Station were first in attendance at a serious incident at 16.30 on the 17’hAugust 2010 at Tams Loup quarry, Hirst Rd Harthill. After falling 50 feet a man became lodged in an extremely precarious position on a quarryface 120 feet above ground level. In an attempt to reassure him fire crews were able to make contact with him and encourage him to maintain his communication line with Strathclyde Fire and Rescue Operations Support Centre in Johnstone open. A rescue attempt deploying safe working at heights equipment was considered, however because of the extremely unstable underfoot and overhang conditions it was decided to request the attendance of the Coastguard Cliff Rescue Team. In the event, the man was successfully removed from the quarryface by a Royal Navy helicopter and Fire and Rescue Service operations stood down at 17.48. Strathclyde Fire and Rescue have been in contact with a number of premises in an attempt to reduce unwanted fire alarm calls. Discussions have been ongoing with the Prison Authorities at Shotts prison to address the recent spike in calls and, at the request of Strathclyde Fire and Rescue measures have been implemented] including the replacement of a defective smoke detector head, at Belhaven House Care home in Dryburgh Road in order to reduce calls of this nature. 35 Harthill Harthill is situated approximately 4 miles from Shotts and can be split into two main areas, Eastfield and Harthill village. Crime trends to be historically low although there have been a number of thefts from motor vehicles, usually Lorries which are parked overnight within the nearby M8 service station. There are only isolated incidents of youth disorder which tend to be in and around Harthill Public Park, West Main Street and Paxstone Drive. An individual from this area remains subject of an Anti Social Behaviour Order which is being monitored by Housing & Social Work Services staff and Strathclyde Police. Legal proceedings are underway regarding action to repossess a tenancy on Edinburgh Rd in relation to drugs offences. A first warning has been served on a tenant in Mollison Avenue. All cases have been discussed at Shotts Police local liaison meeting. Ward 19 Murdostoun There are 21 ongoing cases within this ward, 15 cases are being investigated, 4 are being monitored and 2 are with Legal Services. Cleland Increasing anti-social reports involving two families in Chapel Street, warnings have been issued and investigations ongoing. Youth disorder continues to be the main focus for complaints in the Cleland area. This is a particular problem at weekends when they indulge in Anti social behaviour and drinking, mainly around the shops on Main Street and the public park situated to the rear of Main Street. Cambusnethan There are continued anti-social issues in Greenfield Drive flats with one problematic family. Residents have been briefed on importance of reporting their concerns to the Council and Strathclyde Police. Youth related disorder, assaults, vandalisms & incidents of anti-social behaviour remain the most common crimes that have been reported. The areas of most concern continue to be Cambusnethan Street where youths tend to congregate outside shop premises, Kirk Road and Greenfield Drive. Cambusnethan cemetery also suffers sporadically from youth disorder and acts of vandalism. Coltness Ongoing nuisance/anti-social behaviour is being investigated in Maxton Crescent flats resulting in a final warning being served during a joint visit with police. This problem is ongoing and Police have been called to the area. A number of individuals are being monitored for their involvement in anti social behaviour in the area. A household within Duns Crescent has been identified as causing anti-social nuisance to neighbours and linked to problems in Maxton Crescent flats. A joint visit has been carried out by Housing Services and the Police with a final warning being issued and an ASBO interview carried out thereafter. There have been no further complaints to date, however this situation is being closely monitored. Information packs have been delivered to surrounding residents. 36 Complaints regarding noise nuisance have increased in Greenlaw Avenue area, door to door enquiries have been carried out and first warnings issued. Youth disorder and acts of vandalism continue to be the major cause of concern. Incidents of disorder are still being reported regarding youths congregating at local shops causing annoyance. New mains There are a number of complaints throughout Newmains which are currently being investigated by Anti Social Investigators. A first warning has been issued to a tenant in Banavie Road after a joint visit with Police and information packs have been delivered to Murray Crescent after complaints regarding a private tenancy. There is a high profile case in Woodside Crescent which has been passed to legal services for action and an instruction issued with an Interim AS60 currently being sought. Youth related disorder around local shops and take away premises in the Newmains area, where youths are congregating and causing annoyance to the public and shopkeepers remains a problem. Ward 20 Wishaw There are 29 Anti-social behaviour cases ongoing in this area, 16 are being investigated, 12 are being monitored and 1 is with Legal Services Main Street, Wishaw Wishaw Town Centre, like most town centres, continues to provide various policing challenges. Daytime policing continues to be concentrated on acquisitive crime from businesskommercial premises and any incidents of anti-social behaviour whilst night time activity continues to be disorder and anti-social behaviour focused in and around the licensed premises and nightclubs. Complaints from domestic premises within the boundaries of the town centre continue to be low; however those that are received continue to be focused on traffic complaints and parking issues, theft from motor vehicles and shoplifting.