(Iowa City, Iowa), 1945-06-13

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(Iowa City, Iowa), 1945-06-13 IRATS. FATS. 'e' nUll" t! ""n.1I It ..... nU'. raOCE881Pl0 FOOD II. loin ....... 1'12 11"••• 11 Z! ... AI thr•• ,. RI IIOW ,.... SUOAa, boot 'nr ,I'UD, sa ,ood ,., 1I.e , •••do Ib".,b AI,. al. SROI8, CloudY boot Ib,••• I,plab•• Ia .. ,. I" I •••• , ••• la •• 'lallel,.. OA80LLN-•• lS-A e •••• a ••••• 'er ' •• r •• 11 ••, e..ell IOl\'A: ClolulS ,nth O«'UIoaal throulh Jllne 21 ... tI It... , B.-1', C'" an. C·, ..... f.r liJIo"'US. A [HUe cooler. 'I.~ ,allon. Utll. I'Uf;L OlL, ,.rl••••• III".,. II.. DAILY IOWNN toupon. '00' lb'•• ,. 1l; 1.. 1 ,.ar's ,.rl" , ... THE A.,. aDd flwe Itoapoa ..... e.plre A_,_ '1. Iowa City'. Mornlngt Newlpaper ~ron~~==========~~========~~~~==~====~======~~~==~~====~~~~~~~~====~~~~==~======================~~ ====C=ENT===S============~==~===~~====nD~=A=~====n=D=ftWN==========~===========lO==W=A==C=rt==Y~,=K>=W=~A~======~~;;N;ES;D;A~y;,~~~~1~3~,;19~4~S==r.===============~nm~:~~~~~":~"::==~V~O~L~UME~~X;X~I==~NUMrn~~ER~~22~1 ---­~round ~unced 'arne I program I IS W81 Or' Big Representatives to eet Fri by J !daJJ.. nter dire:: !rve as d' . Irtt. Correspondent Presents- 'IKE' GETS HIGHEST SOVIET AWARD I • asslSt~ br 'r leaders. Heavy Ground • Aussies Seize To Discuss Ie Playl1'oUDcl ParIs Picture of War I the registralloo IShing to Par. AHacksOpen Muara Island Polish Problem By HAMILTON FARON only in foxholes. The batueship chaplain, Comdr. y show~ SOMEWHERE IN THE PA­ The sheil splinter pinning a J . F. Cunningham. formerly priest show wttlt . CIFIC (AP)-That frightened lit­ companion's pants leg to the and, of a Tennessee mi ion patlsh cov­ • ft week. On Okinawa tle bird. fluttering into the air in a In Moscow I and the burned lingers received ering thousands of square miles, In Brunei Bay !how w~k. frantic effort to guard her nest " in pUlilOg it out too quickly to whose rebet IS "on the way sOme­ ng pool Americans Gain of fledglings Irom mortar fire, sho-t! 'land over as a souvenir. where (rom either En~land or isn't worth a news story. Drive South 4 Miles Exiled Government Into High Ground A seaplane trailing b I' 0 W n Bra~il." 3. sand bol Yet her flutterings, and finally Toward Capital Not Given Place Of Nip Escarpment her fall, dead, back to the black smoke !rom a missing engine. the The way carri r pilots ~tudlously engine stalling, the propeller dead. avoid reference to kUlln, an sa~ling week. sands of Iwo Jima, form a part Of North Burma At Meeting YSlcal lime&! GUAM, Wednesday (AP)­ of the sometime unexpected back­ the crash into the water, and a enemy mer. saying Simply, "He cruise providing a lee for a fruit­ spla hed," or "He flamed." ~L\NU.JA , W dn(' day (AP) American t roo p ]a uDched ground of war. L XDO '. W dne~dav (AP) less search for the pilot. The wooden dog of a batU~hlp - Au traliBn troop bB\, eized al week IIld beavy ground at~cks through­ So, too. does the memory of a - Th 11 dlO('k in th' ogled Japanese plane speeding toward a A fighter pilot complaining, and her three wooden puPS. built all of trategic Iuara island at Dul Ilic southern O'kinawa front nl'go\ iation. fllr I!. rl'(Jr~8 nizrd battleship. bent on making a kill. "I'm an old man." (HIS age is 26.) to annoy a pet dog of a destroyer the mouth of Brunei bay and on fester-cluy and by nightfaU had gO\'rmlll nt of Poland w bro­ lind the surge of relief when ship's The importance of mail. exem­ which frequenUy operates with the mainland have fought on (J1ade substantial gains into high gunfire sent him plunging into the plified by a young ollicer of a th battlewagon. Il n 10dll~" wi til nn !nno\1ne~. ground of the Yaeju-Dake es­ fonr mil~ southward toward m nt that repr ntatty of the )wn sea in (James. destroyer who said "The last letter The burning bodies of Japlln Bron i, capital of th Briti h C81'pmen t despi te ficrce rcsist­ And there afe these other items I got liaid my family had moved. dead outside a pillbox wrecked by Big 'l'lIrl' wOlllt'l III t in.1: - prot torate of north", t Bol'- snc -none worth a news story in it­ I lost it and now I don't know n direct hit from an American eow Friday with r~pr .. ntlltiv 0('0, n. Douglas tal self but all part of the picture of where I Jive." shell. {acArUlUr or I he Polish pro\'ision 1 ~ov. The firr.;t mar'ineR, wor'king in· annoonced today: land from the !)ollthwest coast. war: The constant efforts to deliver And even the lints which. when t'rnmt'nt and dcmol'l'ati(' It'a.ders mail even during battle a. hore and nth larg r i land 0 f of Iowa CIt} oocupi d positions on Kunishi The satisfying burst of Am rl­ everYbody on the lwo bellch o within anll withont Po- i tal yesterday can rockets hul'led from planes at sea. The destroyer skipper. car­ hugged the sands to avoid shrap­ Labu8n, which omm nd., the lingering iU. rid' aaginst./igh t resistancc in against enemy artillery positions rying mali around the fringes of nel, continued their methodical entra.Dc to Brunei bay, the st'a 8 pre-dawn manellv r- l hen which had fired constanUy for the fleet, saying. "We're running bu thng only Inches trom our 'I'lt 8l1nOlln(' m nl of the con· held their gains despite heavy ar­ ned Au tra\ian tr p. ho , her husband; hours against marines shcltered Rural Route No.1 today." noses. landed Sunday drove two miles fl'l' nl'l'. mndr. in London, W h· tillery. mortar and machinegun Ington and Moscow. described it rhomas Chap­ ----------~-------- north of the captured airfield. O'Brien, both !Ire, as "ronsultation about reorgani­ Heavy fig h tin g developed Hea\7, medium and '''bter ~a ndchildrtll ; zation of the provi ional Poll~h around Kunlshl. most st.ratea-Ic At a Glance- bombef1l contloued ~o maab at tlie 1arles IIelmtl Commission Okays I Yanks Resume Drive IUOM govt'rnment on the broad dcmo­ hel,ht. on t.he western end 01 'he eoemr PO aloo, the Juo,le­ MI·S. Walter packed tun leadln, Inland. cratic ba,ls provided for in the r. YaeJu-Dake escarpment, tied Ad­ Crimea agreem nl on Pol nd." miral Chester W. NImitz said In Hearl of Charter For Cagayan Valley LI,M nllval unlls on nlsht patrol :aken to the dlacked shore larget In the Bru­ GEN. DWIOIIT D. 1':1 ENlIOWF.R, UprtlN' aliII'd commandrr In The ,epr!' nt.atlVl' of the 81. a ry. Funeral today's communique. However. Today's Thr e wert' dr lK11at d Bus an Ihe marines not only were hold­ nei ba1 lIrea and at a,odakao on f:uro~ , rtt~lvt th labulou 1 aluabte rub, and dhul)ond luddrd d at SI. Pat. Provision for Council Japanese Increase tbe oorthern tip of Borneo. .t.r of ovitt "Ordt'r or Victor .. from Ihr h nd or M rshal r Ory Fllr~lcn omml 81' VyaeheslJLv day a~ Q ~ . 1lI. In, their positions but were brinf­ lolotov, nlt~() , tate Amba Ing up reinforcements under In­ To Enforce Peace Resistance in Attempt The advance on Brunei city Zhukov. The ordt'r Ih h ,h l of Ru 'Ian military a" rd. nitI'd St. Joseph'. placed the Australian$ about 10 tate 110111 corp radlopboto. dor W. ver IIllilrrhnan. and 8rlt. lense fire. Iowan To Halt Advance I h Amba! dor lr John Archl­ Nimitz said a Japancse aerial Wins Approval miles the capltnl and 38 miles from Seria 011 Ileld. one or the bald lark Kerr. assault Monday Intllcted "some SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - The MANILA. Wednesday (AP) The principal Polish leaders damage" on a light unit of the Repr entaUve* * of *Big 3 to meet American (ore reo urnI'd their prime obj ctlve in this strike at neer heilrt of 8 new world chart r­ one of the richest of 911 prizes named to participate in the parley neet. Ten Japanese attackers were provisions tor II seeurlty council 1.0 Friday in Moscow with Polish advance Monday toward the broad seized by the Japanese in their Maverick Favors Postwar Draft, w re Bole.law B Irllt. pr Ident 5S Kiwanis shot down. enforce peace Bnd back up its de­ leaders. Cagayan vall y or north astern of th provision I overnment; At the eastern end of the line, cisions with armed might-wa:s ap- Luzon. where the last to Jor bat­ drive toward Australia. American and Australian naval Wln(' nty \Vito .• (ormer premier superv isor 01 the Seventh infantry division. in a proved unanimously late yesterday Heavy £round attacks opened Lie ot the Philippines may be who Is lender oC the d m()('ratic g for the MJn· surprise attack, pJaced forward by a United Nations conCerence on Okinawa. fouaht, G n. Douglas MacArthur forces firmly held Brunei bay It­ eH, where the Japanese warship Condemns Anti-.Ru,ssian Gossip group in ide Poland not a!tiliated VIanutacturinl elements on top of the escarpment commlssion. said today in a communique. with th \Va aw gov roment; and s "How to In· at a poin t north west ot Hanagu­ Accept d by diplomats of 50 na- Australians cap I u r e all oC The 37th (Buc.keye) dlvisJon, used to refuel when they were pwhlng north alon J[Jehway 4, roaming unChecked southward.
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