136 | | October October 20, 20, 2017 2017 CrestedCrested ButteButte NewsNews at the Snowsports Swap. You can NORDIC news do so at cbsnowsports.org. By sign- BY DREW HOLBROOK, ASSISTANT DIRECTOR, CBNC ing up, you will be assigned a seller ID. Then you can drop off your Our trails are almost ready On Saturday, October 28, we gear on Thursday, November 2 at for winter will be installing the second round the Crested Butte Chamber parking There is a lot that goes into of bridges. It’s serious work, but lot or the Western Mountaineer getting our trails ready for winter, many hands make little work. If Field House in Gunnison from 9 including trail mowing and bridge you are interested in helping out, a.m. to 6 p.m. The swap is a col- installation. Last week, we mowed email
[email protected]. We’ll laboration of Crested Butte Nordic Ruthie’s Run on the Bench, which meet at the Nordic Center at 8 a.m., and the Crested Butte Snowsports EVERY 40 MINUTES allows us to groom with as little as work until about noon, and then Foundation, on Friday and Satur- a foot of snow. we will feed you lunch. day, November 3-4. through November 21 One of the most important parts of our pre-winter trail prep Other than that, we are Grand Traverse Triple Crown is the installation of our temporary waiting for the ground to registration is open bridges, which are an ingenious freeze and the snow to fall. Early priority registration for combination of rebar, culverts, and Don’t forget to buy your sea- the 2018 Grand Traverse Triple laminated veneer lumber.