Australian Plants Published by the Society for Growing Australian Plants
AUSTRALIANPLANTS VOLUMENo. 19 Volume 19 comprises lssues Nos. 149-156of Australian Plants Published by the Society For Growing Australian Plants. INDEXTO VOLUME 19 It is not possibleto providean indexof commonnames as the Australianflora is so vast,many are knownby a differentcommon name in differentareas. Index A is a referenceto articlesof specialinterest and, with IndexB and C provides a meansby whichthose without botanical knowledge may use the book. IndexB - Plantsfor a particularapplication IndexC - Plantsfor specificareas of Australia IndexD - Creatingand Maintainingthe wildflowergarden. IndexE - The propagationof plants lndexF - lndexto thousandsof plantsbased upon the botanicalname. The letterD followingthe page numberindicates that this reference relatesto a descriptionof the plantor its naturaloccurrence. " " C refersto cultivationdetails. " " P indicatesa colourphotograph. " " L indicatesa linedrawing. ' D X givespropagation advice,. The Best ReferencesAre In Bold Type Articles of General Interest or on Groups of Plants. Index A Acacia- from seed 19:37,218 ArVCraft- Dyes19:3 (sculpture).40,41,45 (bonsai) Bees,birds, butterflies 19:1 69,176,177,178,1 88 Bottlebrush- Indexedunder Callistemon 19:210C Melaleuca 19:214CDP ChristmasBush - 19:160-170 ChristmasBells - 19:130 Conifers- 19:345 ContainerPlants - see underplants for specialpurposes below. Conservation/Research19:30-35,87,88,1 02,135-9(die-back),174,17S(seed) 228 CreatingA NativeGarden (see also landscaping) Cultivars,new plants - 19:79,201 Cut Flowers-1 9:36,38,39,4}(Stenanthemum),57 (Boron ia), 99, 1 02, 130 and 160(C hristmas B ush),203,226,250(dry area),262(Stu rts pea), 271 (E re m oph iI a),27 3(emu appl e), 27 6, 277,295,304(r icef Iower), 309, 3 1 4 Daisies(Australian) - 19:129,256,259,297,314,31 5 Dry AreaPlants and Planting- See Gardeningin HoVDryAreas EdiblePlants - 19: 1 03, 1 05, 1 31 -1 34,1 81 -1 83,205-207,249,276,282, 331(beware) Eremophila,The EmuBush 19:271,274 Eucalyptus- 19:1 35,238 Everlastings- Helichrysumetc.
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