Tatanka 2017 GUIDE TO CUSTER

Buffalo are dangerous Please do not approach.


tatanka Tatanka is the Lakota word for bison or buffalo. Volume 38 • 2017 The Tatanka is published by the Game, Fish and Parks. Dennis Daugaard, Governor of South Dakota; Kelly Hepler, Secretary SD Game, Fish and Parks; Katie Ceroll, Director, SD Division of Parks and Recreation; Matthew Snyder, Superintendent, Custer State Park; Brooke Smith, Tatanka Editor Front Cover: Photo by Chad Coppess, SD Department of Tourism. Other photos provided by SD Departments of Tourism and Game, Fish and Parks, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and Ron Fry.


Contents Things to know 4 Wildlife 6 Buffalo Roundup 10 Park Programs 11 Activities 12 Trails 14 Visitor Centers 16 Annual Events 18 Lakes and Streams 20 Scenic Drives 22 History 24 Lodging 26 Camping 28 Dining and Shopping 30 Area State Parks 32 Playhouse 34 Black Hills Area Map Inside Back Custer State Park Map Back Cover


235,000 copies of this publication were printed by Midstates Printing at a cost of 15 cents each.

RESERVATIONS: CAMPSD.COM | 1.800.710.2267 3 things to know

Entrance Fees Custer State Park Visitor Center /RFDWHGDWWKHMXQFWLRQRI:LOGOLIH/RRS5RDGDQG An entrance license is required for all park visitors. +LJKZD\ Only people traveling non-stop on U.S. Highway 16A Memorial Day – Labor Day | Open 8 a.m. – 8 p.m. are exempt from this requirement. Entrance licenses Labor Day – September 30 | Open 8 a.m. – 6 p.m. are valid at all South Dakota state parks. October 1 – Memorial Day | Open 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Temporary Vehicle License | $20/vehicle Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter | Closed (1-7 consecutive days) $10/motorcycle Wildlife Station Visitor Center /RFDWHGRQ:LOGOLIH/RRS5RDG Annual Park Entrance License | $30 Memorial Day - Labor Day | Open 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Second Annual Park Entrance License |$15 Labor Day - September 30 | Open 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. October 1 - Memorial Day | Closed Transferable Park Entrance License | $65 Camping fees | See page 29 Outdoor Education Center /RFDWHGRQ+LJKZD\QHDUWKH6WDWH*DPH/RGJH Motorcoach License | $3/person per visit (Valid only at Custer State Park.) May 27- September 30 | Open 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. October 1 - Friday before Memorial Day | Closed

4 INFORMATION: 605.255.4515 | CUSTERSTATEPARK.COM Park Rules Lost and Found Regulations are designed to protect both park visitors and All lost and found items and records are kept at the park park resources. Park rangers enforce the park’s laws and RI¿FH,I\RX¿QGRUORVHDQLWHPVWRSDWRQHRIRXUHQWUDQFH regulations. VWDWLRQVYLVLWRUFHQWHUVRUWKHSDUNRI¿FHDQG¿OORXWDORVW » DO NOT approach the buffalo. and found form. » Feeding and disturbing wildlife is against park regulations. » Drones are not allowed in the park. Contact Information » 2SHQ¿UHVDUHSURKLELWHGXQOHVVLQDQDSSURYHG¿UHJUDWH Camping reservations located in campgrounds or picnic areas. 1.800.710.2267 | campsd.com » Pets need to be on a leash no longer than 10 feet. Pets are not allowed in any park buildings or on designated Custer State Park Resort swimming beaches. Please clean up after your pet, and do ,QIRUPDWLRQ_ not leave pets unattended. Service animals are welcome. Reservations | 1.888.875.0001 » Removal of any natural or cultural features such as rocks [email protected] | FXVWHUUHVRUWVFRP or artifacts is prohibited. Custer State Park » /RDGHG¿UHDUPVDUHQRWDOORZHGLQWKHSDUN8QORDGHGDQG 3DUN2I¿FH_ FDVHG¿UHDUPVPD\EHWUDQVSRUWHGLQDYHKLFOH [email protected] | FXVWHUVWDWHSDUNFRP » Open carry is not permitted. You may carry a concealed weapon with a valid permit. » Visitors are not allowed to jump or dive from bridges, rocks or cliffs into any of the park’s lakes. » Only state-sponsored geocaches are allowed in the park.

RESERVATIONS: CAMPSD.COM | 1.800.710.2267 5 wildlife

Wildlife Loop Road

Prairie Dog

6 INFORMATION: 605.255.4515 | CUSTERSTATEPARK.COM Keep Your distance

When viewing wildlife, please remain in your vehicle or stay at least 100 yards from bison, and other animals. Regardless of distance, if any wild animal changes its behavior due to your presence, you are too close. Please back off.

Custer State Park Wildlife Custer State Park is one of the few places in the world where you are able to see an abundance of wildlife in their natural habitat. You will encounter a variety of wildlife throughout the park’s 71,000 acres, including along trails, in the campgrounds and beside the road. Wildlife Loop Road is particularly known for its common sightings of buffalo, and prairie dogs, but keep an eye out for white- tailed and , elk, bighorn sheep and a host of birds and smaller wildlife as well. For the best results, travel the loop during the early morning or later in the evening, when wildlife are most active. Safari Jeep Tour

RESERVATIONS: CAMPSD.COM | 1.800.710.2267 7 Elk Elk are the second largest member of the wildlife deer family with only moose larger. Mature bulls grow and shed heavy, wide antlers each year. Elk are mainly forest dwellers where they browse and graze on understory vegetation. They are shy and seldom seen during the daytime hours. They are best found in early morning or late at night.

Pronghorns , commonly referred to as antelope due to their similar appearance, live on the open grassland. The name pronghorn comes from the buck’s large pronged horns. The horn sheaths are shed each year. The fastest land animal in North America, pronghorns can run 60 mph for great distances. True antelope live in Africa and have unbranched horns Mountain Lions that never shed. &KLHÀ\QRFWXUQDODQGUHFOXVLYHWRZDUG Coyotes hunt in all habitats of Custer humans, mountain lions are found State Park. Their diet is varied, but within the Black Hills and Custer State consists mainly of small mammals. Park. These predators feed on several They also eat larger game as well as species, including deer, elk, rabbits and insects, fruits and berries. Coyotes are wild turkeys. Even though you may not gray and have a drooping, bushy tail see them, these big cats are a part of and a pointed nose. The is South South Dakota’s wealth of wildlife. Dakota’s state animal.

© Dean Pearson © Jim Thompson Jr. Mule Deer White-tailed Deer These deer are aptly named for their White-tailed deer live mainly in the large ears. Their black-tipped tails, timberlands. As its name implies, the which are short and narrow, are carried white-tailed deer has white hair on the down when the deer runs. Mule deer underside of its tail. When the animal often bound with a stiff-legged gait as UXQVWKHWDLOLVÀLSSHGXSDQGORRNVOLNH if bouncing on powerful springs when DZDYLQJZKLWHÀDJ WKH\ÀHH

8 INFORMATION: 605.255.4515 | CUSTERSTATEPARK.COM Hunting: a management tool

Some animal species in the park are managed through hunting programs. Hunting helps reduce the size of populations, preventing overcrowding within the park. Bighorn Sheep Burros Control of numbers ensures an South Dakota’s original bighorn sheep The burros in Custer State Park are adequate supply of food for all was the Audubon subspecies. When not native to the Black Hills. They are species and prevents habitat loss and it became extinct about 1922, a herd descendants from the herd that once competition between species. of Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep hauled visitors to the top of Most hunting seasons typically occur was introduced to Custer State Park. Peak (formerly Harney Peak). The from mid-September through early Bighorns have a sturdy, but graceful rides were discontinued years ago and January. Turkey hunting takes place build. Their coats consist of short hair, the burros were released into the park in the spring from mid-April through not wool. Rams have thick, curled horns where they have become a popular mid-May each year. and ewes have smaller curved horns. visitor attraction. Through the years, visitors have stopped to photograph the The fees collected from hunting burros. Visitors need to understand there licenses generate revenue which help is a risk taken when one approaches any fund wildlife management programs. animal, including the burros. Please use Species managed through hunting your own judgment if you come across in the park include bison, elk, deer, the burros while traveling in Custer pronghorn, mountain lion and turkey. State Park.

Mountain Goats Prairie Dogs The was not The black-tailed is found on found in South Dakota until WKHGU\XSODQGSUDLULH,WLVDURGHQWWKDW ZKHQLWZDVLQWURGXFHGWR lives in large social groups called towns. the Black Hills. Today, they are The round mound of dirt that surrounds found in the granite outcroppings the prairie dog hole keeps rain water and crags around from running into the burrow and serves (formerly Harney Peak), as an observation post to watch for and areas. The danger. Prairie dogs get their name from mountain goat is unique to North their bark-like call. America and is not a true goat. The all-white mammal feeds on grasses, ferns, moss and lichen among other high-elevation plants. The animal grows a dense wool undercoat and a long outer coat of hair. Both sexes have sharp, slender, black horns.

Birds please don’t feed us! The park’s diverse habitat makes for H[FLWLQJELUGZDWFKLQJ9LVLWRUVFDQ¿QG Feeding the park’s wildlife is prohibited. In fact, the mountain bluebird, white-winged junco, golden eagle, prairie falcon and feeding any wild animal can be dangerous to both western tanager, to name but a few. A bird you and the animal. checklist is available at the visitor centers.

RESERVATIONS: CAMPSD.COM | 1.800.710.2267 9 Buffalo Roundup What is the purpose? he park began to gather the herd DXFWLRQLQ1RYHPEHU´VDLG.UHPHU Tback in the 1960s when the “We need to keep the buffalo numbers decision was made to eradicate the compatible with available forage, disease brucellosis from the herd. The and that is why you may see varying KHUGZDVFHUWL¿HGEUXFHOORVLVIUHHLQ numbers for the size of our herd. This 1965 allowing the sale of live animals. year we have about 1,300 buffalo in the Since that time, the roundup has been herd, and we’ll be building back to that used in conjunction with the fall sale WDUJHWQXPEHURILQWKHIXWXUH´ as a way to manage the size of the herd Kremer points out that for Custer and to provide an opportunity to brand State Park, the Buffalo Roundup is a Buffalo and vaccinate the calves. management tool to prepare for the “Studies show that during normal DQQXDOEXIIDORVDOH%XWKHVD\V³,W The park is home to as many as moisture years, the park’s grassland can is an event that is open to the public, KHDGRI1RUWK$PHULFDQ VXSSRUWDERXWKHDGRIELVRQ´ and we are happy to share it with the bison, more commonly known as explains Chad Kremer, herd manager thousands of guests who come to buffalo. Bison can grow to 6 feet for Custer State Park. “That number experience something out of the old tall and weigh more than 2,000 ÀXFWXDWHVGHSHQGLQJRQUDLQIDOODQGWKH ZHVW´ pounds. They are considered the DYDLODEOHUDQJHODQGIRUDJH´ largest native terrestrial mammal of ³,WWUXO\LVDPDJQL¿FHQWVLJKWWRVHH² North America. The buffalo are on their own to forage. buffalo rumbling across the plains The park does not supplement their driven by cowboys and cowgirls on There were once millions of bison, food supply. KRUVHEDFN,WWDNHV\RXEDFNWRGD\V but by 1900 it is estimated that “We inventory the range conditions gone by and lets the spectators catch fewer than 1,000 bison remained on DJOLPSVHRIROGZHVWKLVWRU\´DGGV the entire continent. each year and that determines the number of buffalo we sell at the fall Kremer. Peter Norbeck, often known as WKH³)DWKHURI&XVWHU6WDWH3DUN´ Branding buffalo recognized the situation and decided to take action to preserve this native Bison calves in Custer State Park are branded with a single-digit number with EHDVW,QWKHSDUNWKHQNQRZQ DQ³6´XQGHUQHDWKLQGLFDWLQJWKH\DUHSDUWRIWKH6WDWH¶VKHUGLQ&XVWHU6WDWH as Custer State Forest and Game 3DUN7KHQXPEHULVWKHODVWGLJLWLQWKH\HDUWKH\ZHUHERUQ,INHSWIRUPRUH Sanctuary, purchased 36 bison to than 10 years, staff can determine the animal’s age by its appearance. VWDUWLWVKHUG%\WKHVWKH size of the herd had swelled to over 2,500. The herd soon began to overgraze the park’s rangeland and the bison numbers were lowered. Each year during the roundup, the size and the structure of the bison herd is adjusted according to the predicted availability of grassland forage. The spring birthing season rejuvenates the herd.

10 INFORMATION: 605.255.4515 | CUSTERSTATEPARK.COM park programs

Interpretive programs

Weekly interpretive programs are provided at Custer State Park visitor centers and education center. Current schedules are posted in the campgrounds or can be picked up at any of the visitor centers. Come join us at any of these great programs and explore the park.

Junior Naturalist Program | ages 7-12 Campground Evening Programs Pups Prowl Program | ages 4-6 Park naturalists present evening programs during the summer at Game Lodge, Blue Bell, Stockade North and Center Lake Custer State Park offers two programs for our younger Campgrounds. visitors to learn and explore the park around them. Each program is broken out into different levels of activities. Hook ‘em and Cook ‘em Bison Olympics *UDE\RXU¿VKLQJSROHRUERUURZRQHRIRXUVDQGMRLQD naturalist as you try your luck in one of the states most How much does a bison weigh? How fast do they run? Do beautiful lakes or streams. you have what it takes to be a bison? Patio Talks Canoeing | Paddleboarding 101 Plan on getting wet as you learn the basics of canoing or The park offers family-friendly patio talks that are designed paddleboarding. Space is limited. as a hands-on, come and go, informal presentation.

RESERVATIONS: CAMPSD.COM | 1.800.710.2267 11 activities

1.888.875.0001 CusterResorts.com [email protected]

Chuckwagon Cookout Canoeing

12 CUSTERINFORMATION STATE PARK: R605.255.4515ESORT: 1.888.875.0001 | CUSTERSTATEPARK | CUSTER.COMRESORTS.COM Buffalo Safari Jeep Tour Buffalo Safari & Chuck Wagon 5HVHUYDWLRQVUHFRPPHQGHG Cookout Combo 'HSDUWVIURP6WDWH*DPH/RGJH,QIRUPDWLRQ%RRWK 5HVHUYDWLRQVUHFRPPHQGHG Get up close to the wildlife! Daily departures between 8 'HSDUWVIURP6WDWH*DPH/RGJH,QIRUPDWLRQ%RRWK a.m. – 6 p.m. Guide takes you to the herds on exclusive Full Guided Buffalo Safari Jeep Tour followed by the off-roads. 1-1/2 to 2-hour historical and educational tour of evening Chuck Wagon Cookout in a mountain meadow the backcountry. New! Sunrise Safari, includes light to-go canyon. No hayride with this activity. Departure time breakfast YDULHVVHDVRQDOO\EHWZHHQDQGSP Adults: $53 Adults: $91 Children (under 12): &KLOGUHQ XQGHU  Group (10+): SHUVRQ *URXS  SHUVRQ W Hayride Chuck Wagon Cookout Horseback Riding 5HVHUYDWLRQVUHTXLUHGE\SP 5HVHUYDWLRQVUHTXLUHG Departs from: Blue Bell Lodge Departs From: Blue Bell Lodge Stables Old-fashioned hayride on a vehicle-drawn wagon takes Note: Children must be able to ride alone and meet you on scenic back roads to a mountain meadow canyon minimum safety requirements to ride the trail. Pony for an authentic Chuck wagon feast. Live sing-along folk rides also available. entertainment throughout the entire evening. Please arrive at the stables 30 minutes prior to MENU INCLUDES: scheduled trail ride to complete the required » 8 oz. choice sirloin steak or a 1/3 lb. hamburger paperwork. (vegetarian option available) 2-HOUR » Cowboy beans 1-HOUR » Adults: $72 » Corn bread and honey » Adults: $50 » Children (under 12): $52 » Potato salad » &KLOGUHQ XQGHU  » Group: $52/person » Coleslaw » *URXSSHUVRQ » Watermelon HALF-DAY (Lunch included): $165/person » Cookies FULL-DAY (Lunch included): $255/person » Chuck wagon coffee and lemonade A souvenir cowboy hat and bandanna for each paying guest. Rock Adults: $56  Children (under 12): Custer State Park offers world class rock climbing on Children 3 years and under: Free the granite spires in and around the Needles. Contact Group (10+):SHUVRQ WKHSDUNRI¿FHIRUDFOLPELQJEURFKXUHWKDWOLVWVDUHDV Watercraft Rentals both inside and outside the park for climbing. See page 20

Buffalo Jeep Safari Horseback Riding


LegendLeLegendendnd TrailheadTrailhead


US HighwayHighway 16A

SSDD HiHighwayghway 87

GGravelravel Road

Trail Challenge

The Custer State Park Trail Challenge takes place from May through July. Participants must collect the stamp or take DSKRWRRIWKH³7UDLO&KDOOHQJH´VLJQVRQ participating trails. Collect all eight and receive a prize! Learn more at the Custer State Park Visitor Center.

14 INFORMATION: 605.255.4515 | CUSTERSTATEPARK.COM Sylvan Area Hiking Trails Location Length Difficulty

Cathedral Spires 2.5 miles east of Sylvan Lake on 1.5 miles to Spires (one-way) Strenuous Needles Highway (Hwy 87) Little Devil’s Tower Trail 1 mile east of Sylvan Lake on Needles 1.25 miles (one-way) Strenuous Highway (Hwy 87) Sunday Gulch Trail Reach the trailhead by following the 2.8 miles (loop) Strenuous (Closed during winter season) Sylvan Lake Shore Trail to behind the (ice may be present along trail lake dam. in June) Sylvan Lake Shore Trail Sylvan Lake, the trail may be accessed 1 mile (loop) Easy at various points along the lakeshore. Sylvan Lake Trailheads to Black Elk Sylvan Lake Day Use Area: Trail #9: 3.3 miles to Black Moderate to Strenuous Peak (formerly Harney Peak) Trail #9: begin just across the footbridge Elk Peak (one-way) (Black Elk Peak is located in the Black Hills leading to the swimming beach. Trail #4: 3.5 miles to Black National Forest, however several trailheads are Trail #4: begins at the furthest southeast Elk Peak (one-way) located in Custer State Park.) corner of the day use parking area. Other Hiking Trails Location Length Difficulty Badger Clark Historic Trail 0.5 miles south of US 16A on Badger 1 mile (loop) Moderate Clark Road Creekside Trail Trailheads at visitor center and Grace 2 miles (one-way) Easy, paved Coolidge Campground on US 16A French Creek Natural Area Trail West Trailhead - 3 miles from Blue Bell 12 miles (one-way) Moderate, non- (There are no trail markings. Follow the Lodge on North Lame Johnny Road established trail stream.) (CSP4); East Trailhead - 4 miles south of the visitor center on Wildlife Loop Road. Grace Coolidge Walk-In Fishing Area Southern Trailhead - Parking area along 3 miles (one-way) Easy to Moderate Trail US 16A, across from Grace Coolidge Campground; Northern Trailhead - Adjacent to the beach at Center Lake. Legion Lake Trail Legion Lake Campground 1 mile (loop) Moderate to Strenuous

Lover’s Leap Trail Across US 16A from the Peter Norbeck 3 miles (loop) Moderate to Strenuous Outdoor Education Center. Behind the Pavillion. Prairie Trail Along Wildlife Loop Road, 13 miles from 3 miles (loop) Moderate the Visitor Center or 5 miles from the Blue Bell Entrance Station Stockade Lake Trail 0.3 miles south of US 16A on Stockade 1.5 miles (loop) Moderate Lake Drive South Dakota Centennial Trail (#89) 3 Centennial Trailheads in Custer State Approximately 22 miles of the Park Centennial Trail are located Iron Creek Trailhead - North of SD Hwy 87, within Custer State Park. Needles Highway on Camp Remington Rd. The three trailheads provide Badger Hole Trailhead - 0.5 miles south of access points to the park’s US 16A on Badger Clark Road. portion of the trail. French Creek Trailhead - 3 miles from Blue Bell Lodge on North Lame Johnny Road. Trail Ratings Trail Guide Black Elk Peak Area Map

Easy: The trail mainly follows level For maps and detailed information A more detailed map of the Black Elk ground. about the trails, stop at the park’s Peak (formerly Harney Peak) area Moderate: Parts of the trail follow visitor centers. trails is available at the vistor centers steep slopes and rocky areas. and at Sylvan Lake entrance station, store and lodge. Strenuous: Much of the trail follows very steep slopes and rocky areas.

RESERVATIONS: CAMPSD.COM | 1.800.710.2267 15 Visitor Centers

Custer State Park Visitor Center

Custer State Park’s main visitor center is located at the junction of the Wildlife Loop Road and Highway 16. The building includes an interactive park map as well as a one-hundred-seat theater ZKHUHDSDUN¿OPZLOOLPPHUVHYLVLWRUVLQWRWKH history and natural wonders of Custer State Park. Photo © Ken Petersen

16 INFORMATION: 605.255.4515 | CUSTERSTATEPARK.COM Peter Norbeck Outdoor Education Center Through experience and education, the Peter Norbeck Outdoor Education Center is designed to enrich the visitors’ time, lives and memories at Custer State Park by LQVSLULQJSDVVLRQIRUWKHRXWGRRUV9LVLWRUVZLOO¿QGKDQGVRQGLVSOD\VDQGKRXUO\ interpretation presentations that include Junior Naturalist programs, patio talks, a buffalo program and guided hikes. Please see page 11 for more information on naturalist programming throughout the park.

Wildlife Station Visitor Center The Wildlife Station Visitor Center received a face lift this winter; now focusing on the story of the wildlife that shared the plains with the bison. Stop in to learn more about the mixed-grass prairie ecosystem that dominates the rolling plains of the southern portion of the park.

RESERVATIONS: CAMPSD.COM | 1.800.710.2267 17 annual events

January 52nd annual First Day Hike -DQXDU\DP BuffaloRoundup Peter Norbeck Outdoor Education Center Game Lodge Snowshoe Hike -DQXDU\SP Friday, September 29, 2017 Peter Norbeck Outdoor Education Center February » The roundup takes place near the corrals on Wildlife Loop Road. Valentine’s Lover’s Leap Snowshoe Hike )HEUXDU\SP » Two viewing areas are set aside for Peter Norbeck Outdoor Education Center VSHFWDWRUV²WKHQRUWKDQGVRXWKYLHZLQJDUHDV March » Arrive between 6:15 and 7:30 a.m. Sylvan Lake Snowshoe Hike » The buffalo are usually corralled around noon, 0DUFKSP with sorting to take place at the corrals starting Sylvan Lake General Store at 1 p.m. April » Reservations not required. Earth Day Bluebird Box Workshop » Food concessions available on site. $SULODPDQGSP Peter Norbeck Outdoor Education Center 2018 Roundup is September 28


August 4-13, 2017 Every August, thousands of motorcyclists visit the Black Hills during the annual and Races. While many visitors enjoy the rally, others would rather avoid the motorcycles and visit at another time of the year. To help our guests plan their stay, below are the next several years’ rally dates, so you can either join ‘em or avoid ‘em. August 3-12, 2018 August 2-11, 2019 August 7-16, 2020

May August State Park Open House and Free Fishing Weekend Nature Day Camp: All About Buffalo (ages 7-12) 0D\ $XJXVWDP±QRRQ Statewide | Free entrance Custer State Park Game Lodge Campground Playground Custer State Park Seasonal Volksmarch Trail Open September 0D\6HSW 24th Annual Buffalo Roundup Arts Festival June 6HSWHPEHU National Trails Day - June 3 52nd Annual Buffalo Roundup 3UDLULH7UDLO+LNHDP 6HSWHPEHU Meet at Peter Norbeck Outdoor Education Center Free entrance /LWWOH'HYLO¶V7RZHU+LNHSP October Meet at Sylvan Lake General Store Halloween Night Hike %DGJHU&ODUN7UDLO+LNHSP 2FWREHUSPSP Meet at Badger Hole Historic Site Peter Norbeck Outdoor Education Center Nature Day Camp: Kids Fishing Day (ages 7-12) -XQHDP±QRRQ November Custer State Park Game Lodge Campground Playground 52nd Annual Buffalo Auction 1RYHPEHU July Free entrance Nature Day Camp: Track Detectives (ages 7-12) Events are subject to change. -XO\DP±QRRQ Visit custerstatepark.com or call 605.255.4515 Custer State Park Game Lodge Campground Playground for more information.

RESERVATIONS: CAMPSD.COM | 1.800.710.2267 19 lakes and streams Fishing Licensing Fees* Black Hills Fish Limits** License Resident Non-Resident 6SHFLHV 'DLO\ 3RVVHVVLRQ One-Day $8 $16 Perch 15 30 Three-day N/A $37 Crappie 15 30 Annual $28 $67 Bluegill 15 30 Youth Annual N/A $25 Trout 5 10 Family Annual+ N/A $67 Bullhead No limit No limit Senior (65 and older) $12 N/A Northern Pike 6 12 Combination $55 N/A Largemouth & Smallmouth Bass 5 10 6HQLRU&RPELQDWLRQ  1$ (any combination of the two) Junior Combination (16-18 years) $27 N/A **See pages 22-23 of the )LVKLQJ+DQGERRNfor exceptions in certain waters of the Black Hills. The handbook of regulations and information may be Game Fish Spearing & Archery SLFNHGXSIURPPRVWEXVLQHVVHVVHOOLQJ¿VKLQJOLFHQVHVDQGDWWKH&XVWHU6WDWH Fishing Permit $5 $5 Park Visitor Centers or the Peter Norbeck Outdoor Education Center. 7KHSRVVHVVLRQOLPLWLVWKHQXPEHURI¿VKDQ\OLFHQVHGDQJOHUPD\SRVVHVVDWDQ\JLYHQWLPH N/A = License option not available *License agents may charge an additional administrative fee. +)DPLO\OLFHQVHLVIRURQHGDLO\DQGSRVVHVVLRQOLPLWRI¿VKIRUDOOIDPLO\PHPEHUVFRPELQHG

Water Sport Rentals

Legion Lake Lodge Sylvan Lake Lodge Life jackets provided. All persons under 18 years of age must be accompanied by an adult. Stand up paddleboards: 1 person Paddleboats: 3-5 people Canoes and Kayaks: 1-3 people » Half Hour: $13/person » 1 Hour: $22/person » Family Rate: $50/3+ people for 1 hour/1 boat Fly Fishing Guides and Classes

President Coolidge is known for the days he VSHQWÀ\¿VKLQJULJKWKHUHDORQJWKHEDQNVRI Coolidge Creek!  Departs from State Game Lodge Starting at $200 - $250 and up.

20 INFORMATION: 605.255.4515 | CUSTERSTATEPARK.COM Swimming 6ZLPPLQJLVDOORZHGDWWKHSDUN¶V¿YHODNHV&HQWHU/DNH Legion Lake, Stockade Lake, Sylvan Lake and the Game Lodge Pond. There are no lifeguards on duty. Jumping from cliffs and rocks into the water is illegal and strictly prohibited. Pets and glass containers are prohibited from all zoned swimming beaches. Boating )RU\RXUVDIHW\ZHDUDSHUVRQDOÀRWDWLRQGHYLFH 3)' RUOLIH jacket, whenever you are on the water. PFDs are mandatory Legion Lake for all people riding in a boat on South Dakota waters. Boating is permitted within Custer State Park with the following restrictions: » Sylvan Lake, (OHFWULFPRWRUVRQO\ » Legion Lake, (OHFWULFPRWRUVRQO\ » Stockade Lake, $OOERDWVDOORZHG » Center Lake, 2QO\VORZQRQZDNHERDWLQJDOORZHG All South Dakota waters: » Class A boats (up to 16'): One wearable PFD for each passenger; Fire Extinguisher; Horn/whistle » Class 1 boats (16' up to 26'): One wearable PFD for each passenger; One throwable type PFD; Fire extinguisher; Horn/whistle Non-motorized boats over 12 feet and all motorized boats, Stockade Lake regardless of length, are required to have a valid boat license from South Dakota or another state. Fishing Fishing is allowed anywhere in Custer State Park. A valid 6RXWK'DNRWD¿VKLQJOLFHQVHLVUHTXLUHG $QJOHUVZLOO¿QGUDLQERZEURZQDQGEURRNWURXWLQWKHSDUN¶V ZDWHUV2QO\RQHWURXWFDQH[FHHGLQFKHVEXWWKHUHLV no minimum size restriction. (Stockade Lake has a 15-inch minimum size limit on large and smallmouth bass.) ,WLVOHJDOWRXVHDUWL¿FLDOOXUHVÀLHVZRUPVRURWKHUEDLW $YDULHW\RIVSRUWDQGSDQ¿VKDUHIRXQGLQ6WRFNDGH/DNH including northern pike, bass, perch, crappie, bluegill and French Creek bullhead. Center Lake Licenses, bait and tackle are available at each of the four resort areas. For daily limits and rules, please refer to the  )LVKLQJ+DQGERRNDYDLODEOHDWWKHSDUNRI¿FHWKHYLVLWRU centers and the Peter Norbeck Outdoor Education Center. The handbook is also available online at JISVGJRY and on our mobile app, SDGFP Outdoors. Ice Fishing ,FH¿VKLQJLVDSRSXODUZLQWHUDFWLYLW\LQWKHSDUN)LVKHUPDQ go after trout in Sylvan, Center and Legion Lakes and try their OXFNDWSDQ¿VKEDVVDQGQRUWKHUQSLNHDW6WRFNDGH/DNH%H sure to purchase your license and bait prior to your arrival, as these services are not offered in the winter months. Sylvan Lake

RESERVATIONS: CAMPSD.COM | 1.800.710.2267 21 scenic drives

Tunnel Information

Tunnels are found on three highways in or near Custer State Park. Drivers of travel trailers, campers, recreational vehicles and buses should be aware of the tunnel sizes. Iron Mountain Road -- US 16A N 'RDQH5RELQVRQ  :LGH  +LJK +DVE\SDVV C.C. Gideon 13' 0" Wide 11' 0" High Has by-pass 6FRYHO-RKQVRQ  :LGH  +LJK 1RE\SDVV Sylvan Lake Road -- SD 87/89, N. of Sylvan Lake Hood Tunnel 10' 6" Wide 9' 10" High No by-pass Needles Highway -- SD 87 N 1HHGOHV(\H7XQQHO  :LGH  +LJK 1RE\SDVV ,URQ&UHHN   :LGH  +LJK 1RE\SDVV

take your time

These winding drives are enjoyed at a slower pace. When making plans, please allow ample time to travel at a safe speed – generally 25 miles per hour or slower.

22 INFORMATION: 605.255.4515 | CUSTERSTATEPARK.COM Needles Highway | 14 miles » ([SHFWWUDYHOWLPHRIDERXWWRPLQXWHV 7KH1HHGOHV+LJKZD\LVPRUHWKDQDPLOHURDG±LW¶VD spectacular drive through pine and spruce forests, meadows surrounded by birch and aspen and rugged granite mountains. The road’s name comes from the needle-like granite formations which seem to pierce the horizon along the highway. The roadway was carefully planned by former South Dakota Governor Peter Norbeck, who marked the entire course on foot and by horseback. Construction was completed in 1922. Needles Highway Visitors traveling the highway pass Sylvan Lake and a unique rock formation called the Needle’s Eye, so named for the opening created by wind, rain, freezing and thawing. Wildlife Loop Road | 18 miles » ([SHFWWUDYHOWLPHRIDERXWPLQXWHV The 18-mile Wildlife Loop Road takes visitors through the open grasslands and pine-speckled hills that much of the park’s wildlife call home. Visitors will often see bison, pronghorn, white-tailed and mule deer, elk, coyotes, burros, prairie dogs, eagles, hawks and a variety of other birds. The morning and evening hours are the best times to view the wildlife, when they are most active. Needle’s Eye On the southeast part of the loop, the Wildlife Station Visitor Center gives visitors shade and information on wildlife and outdoor habitats. W Iron Mountain Road | 18 miles » ([SHFWWUDYHOWLPHRIDERXWWRPLQXWHV This winding road runs between Mount Rushmore National Memorial and the junction of US 16A and SD 36. Constructed in 1933, only a portion of this road lies within the park, but it is a must-see. $ORQJWKHKLJKZD\YLVLWRUVZLOO¿QGZLOG¿UHH[KLELWVSLJWDLO EULGJHVPDJQL¿FHQW%ODFN+LOOVVFHQHU\DQGWXQQHOVWKDWIUDPH Mount Rushmore. Wildlife Loop Road Peter Norbeck Scenic Byway » Expect travel time of about two to three hours. The Peter Norbeck Scenic Byway complements the park’s three scenic drives and includes some of the most dramatic natural and historic features in the Black Hills. Sites include the Needles, Mount Rushmore and a bird’s eye view of the rocky peaks and forested hills of the Black Hills National Forest. This designated scenic byway includes all or portions of two scenic drives within the park. The byway was named for former South Dakota Governor Peter Norbeck who planned and surveyed most of the roads located within the park. Iron Mountain Road

RESERVATIONS: CAMPSD.COM | 1.800.710.2267 23 history

24 INFORMATION: 605.255.4515 | CUSTERSTATEPARK.COM W State Game Lodge ,WZDVDSURXGPRPHQWZKHQWKH6WDWH*DPH/RGJHZDVRI¿FLDOO\ opened on August 8, 1921. But on October 19, 72 days later, the *DPH/RGJHEXUQHGWRWKHJURXQG,WZDVTXLFNO\UHEXLOWDQG reopened on June 15, 1922. The State Game Lodge became the ³6XPPHU:KLWH+RXVH´IRU3UHVLGHQW&DOYLQ&RROLGJHLQZKHQ his intended stay of two weeks turned into nearly 13 weeks. The lodge saw another Presidential visit in 1953 when President Dwight Eisenhower stayed at the lodge for three days while addressing the Young Republicans and dedicating Ellsworth Air Force Base in Rapid City. Badger Hole The Home of Badger Clark &KDUOHV%DGJHU&ODUNZDV6RXWK'DNRWD¶V¿UVWSRHWODXUHDWH+H lived in the park for the last 30 years of his life. The stories of Badger Clark, his life and poetry are stories of a man living an independent life. 7RGD\WKH³%DGJHU+ROH´UHPDLQVPXFKDVLWZDVZKHQ%DGJHUOLYHG there. The cabin is open daily for public tours from Memorial Day to Labor Day. The hours are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. The Gordon Stockade ,QWKHVXPPHURIDQH[SHGLWLRQOHGE\/W&RORQHO*HRUJH$ Custer discovered gold in the Black Hills. Under the 1868 Treaty of Gordon Stockade Replica )RUW/DUDPLHKRZHYHUWKLVUHJLRQEHORQJHGWRWKH3ODLQV,QGLDQV and white settlement was not allowed. Word of the discovery spread quickly, and a group of gold seekers IURP6LRX[&LW\,RZDPRYHGLQWRWKH%ODFN+LOOVWKHIROORZLQJ winter. Upon their arrival, the Gordon Party built a log fortress on the bank of French Creek to protect themselves from a possible Lakota attack. Today, as you approach the replica of Gordon Stockade, interpretive signs tell the story of this short-lived, illegal occupation. Mount Coolidge Lookout 7KH0RXQW&RROLGJH/RRNRXWDQG)LUH7RZHUZDVEXLOWLQE\ WKH&LYLOLDQ&RQVHUYDWLRQ&RUSV,WUHVWVDWRSDIRRWSHDNDQG LVXVHGIRUFRPPXQLFDWLRQVDQGVSRWWLQJ¿UHV Mount Coolidge Tower The turnoff is located on SD 87. A 1.7-mile gravel road leads visitors to the top of the mountain, but large vehicles and motorhomes should avoid making the trip, as the road is narrow and winding. From the WRSYLVLWRUVFDQVHHDVIDUDVWKH%DGODQGV²PLOHVDZD\ CCC Buildings With the depression in the 1930s came the Civilian Conservation Corps program (CCC). These young men created many improvements throughout Custer State Park and the nation. Their mark can still be seen today, as they constructed what is now the park’s Peter Norbeck Outdoor Education Center, Wildlife Station Visitor Center, Mount Coolidge Fire Tower and many bridges as well as the dams that created Stockade, Center and Legion Lakes. Wildlife Station Visitor Center

RESERVATIONS: CAMPSD.COM | 1.800.710.2267 25 lodging

Specialty cabins

CATHEDRAL SPIRES CABIN Sylvan Lake [ Sleeps 20 ] » Designer kitchen » EHGURRPVEDWKV » 6WRQHJDV¿UHSODFH » Deck overlooking Sylvan Lake REUNION CABIN | State Game Lodge >6OHHSV@ » Designer kitchen » EHGURRPVEDWKVRYHUVL]HGORIW » Stone gas gireplace » Deck overooking Coolidge Creek TATANKA CABIN | State Game Lodge [ Sleeps 24 ] » Designer kitchen » EHGURRPVEDWKVRYHUVL]HGORIW » 6WRQHJDV¿UHSODFH » Deck overooking Coolidge Creek PONDEROSA CABIN | Blue Bell Lodge [ Sleeps 24 ] » Designer kitchen » EHGURRPVEDWKV » 6WRQHJDV¿UHSODFH » Private forest patio For more visit custerresorts.com.

26 CUSTERI NFORMATIONSTATE PARK: R605.255.4515ESORT: 1.888.875.0001 | CUSTERSTATEPARK | CUSTER.COMRESORTS.COM Blue Bell Lodge » &$%,16 - climate controlled, fully furnished, WHOHSKRQHVÀDWVFUHHQ79VDQGFRIIHHSRWV Sleeping and housekeeping cabins available. » Restaurant and bar - breakfast, lunch and dinner. ,QGRRURXWGRRUVHDWLQJ » General store with gas pumps. » 2 indoor banquet spaces. Legion Lake Lodge » &$%,16 - climate controlled, fully furnished, Lover’s Leap cabin at State Game Lodge WHOHSKRQHVÀDWVFUHHQ79VDQGFRIIHHSRWV microwaves and small refrigerators. Sleeping and housekeeping cabins available. » Restaurant - Newly rebuilt! Experience indoor- outdoor casual dining with premium lakefront seating. » Convenience store and gift shop. State Game Lodge » /2'*(52206 - queen, double queen, king and suites. 7 historical rooms, varied bed types. » &$%,16 - climate controlled, fully furnished, ÀDWVFUHHQ79VDQGFRIIHHSRWV6OHHSLQJDQG housekeeping cabins available. Centennial Cabin at Legion Lake » Restaurant and bar - breakfast, lunch and dinner. ,QGRRURXWGRRUVHDWLQJ » Gift shop in lodge. » Pavillion with seating up to 300.

CREEKSIDE LODGE » On the State Game Lodge grounds. » 30 29(56,=('/2'*(52206; double queen and suites, some with private patio or deck. » Open year-round. » 2 meeting rooms. Sylvan Lake Lodge » 35 LODGE ROOMS - queen, double queen, king 2-bedroom cabin at Sylvan Lake and suites. Elevator available in lodge. » &$%,16 - climate controlled, fully furnished, WHOHSKRQHVÀDWVFUHHQ79VDQGFRIIHHSRWV Sleeping and housekeeping cabins available. » Restaurant and bar - breakfast, lunch and dinner. ,QGRRURXWGRRUVHDWLQJ » General store and gift shop. » ,QGRRUHYHQWVSDFH

1.888.875.0001 CusterResorts.com Reunion Cabin Hotel room at State Game Lodge [email protected]

CUSTER STATER ESERVATIONSPARK RESORT: CAMPSD: 1.888.875.0001.COM | 1.800.710.2267 | CUSTERRESORTS.COM 27 Camping Reservations camping campsd.com | 1.800.710.2267  LQWHUQDWLRQDO Reservations Camping Camping Cabins Campsite and group areas can be reserved Camping fees are collected daily and Locations one year in advance. are based on the number of camping Blue Bell, Game Lodge, Stockade units in your party. A camping unit Camping cabin reservations can also South, French Creek Horse Camp be made a year in advance, but must is a powered vehicle, motorhome, be made at least two days prior to camping bus, pull-type camper, tent About cabins \RXUDUULYDO&DOOWKHSDUNRI¿FHDW or any other device used for sleeping. » 6OHHSIRXUWR¿YHSHRSOH WRFKHFNRQDYDLODELOLW\IRU Additional tents for a family (parents » Linens are not included. last minute trips. or grandparents and unmarried minor » &KHFNLQWLPHLVSP » Fees children) are considered a single Checkout time is 11 a.m. » There is a non-refundable reservation fee FDPSLQJXQLW,QVRPHDUHDVRIWKH No smoking or cooking in the of $7.70 for non-residents. park, up to two camping units may cabins. occupy one site, but each unit will be » Pets, except for service animals, are A $2 fee is assessed to all phone charged a camping fee. Double-ups not permitted in cabins. reservations. are not available at all campsites. Amenities Camping fees for the entire stay must be Please check with park staff. paid at the time the reservation is made. » Heating and air conditioning Checkout » Cancellations Electricity » ,I\RXFDQFHO\RXUUHVHUYDWLRQ\RXZLOO Checkout time for campsites is noon Picnic table » be charged one night’s camping fee and 11 a.m. for camping cabins. Fire ring » for each campsite reserved or $25 per Porch Primitive Camping » camping cabin. Bunk bed and double bed For a more primitive outdoor » Table Because of its unique use, French Creek H[SHULHQFHEDFNSDFNHUVZLOO¿QGWKH » Benches Horse Camp cancellation policy is French Creek Natural Area much to different. Group Camping their liking. Hikers using this area » RUPRUHGD\VEHIRUHDUULYDO you Group campgrounds are located near can camp anywhere along the canyon will be charged one night’s fee for each Stockade Lake and the Game Lodge ERWWRP2SHQ¿UHVDUHSURKLELWHG campsite reserved. Campground. These areas feature » GD\VSULRUWRDUULYDO one-half Campers must self-register at the SLFQLFVKHOWHUVYDXOWWRLOHWV¿UH of your entire camping fee. stations located on each end of the grates, picnic tables and water on site. » /HVVWKDQGD\VSULRUWRDUULYDOnon- natural area. The fee is $7 per person, 6KRZHUVDQGÀXVKWRLOHWVDUHDYDLODEOH refundable. per night. within walking distance from the campgrounds. Evening programs Same Day Reservations Horse Camp are located nearby on most nights The French Creek Horse Camp is during the summer. Designated swim Center Lake Campground GHVLJQHGVSHFL¿FDOO\IRUFDPSHUVZLWK beaches can also be found close by. » All open sites can be reserved KRUVHV5HVHUYDWLRQVDUHUHTXLUHG,W Call 1.800.710.2267 for reservations. beginning at 6 a.m. MT each day. is located near Blue Bell Lodge on Reservations are not available online. » Checkout time is noon MT. North Lame Johnny Road (Custer » Campers occupying a “same day 6WDWH3DUN5RDG  1RQSURÀW

28 INFORMATION: 605.255.4515 | CUSTERSTATEPARK.COM Information

Bulletin boards are located in each campground with information on that campground. They also offer a listing of activities and park- related programs.

CAMPGROUNDS Number of sites Campsite fee Campsite w/electricity Camping cabins* Camping cabin fee Showers Flush toilets toilets Vault dump station RV Large trailer sties Handicap access Laundromat Concessions Fuel Evening program Hiking trail Fishing dock Boating (motorized) Swimming Fishing Playground Resrvable sites* Accessible sites Blue Bell* 31 $21 $25 23 $50 zzz zzDDDz D 30 1

Center Lake+ 71 $19 z z z zz zzzz71

Game Lodge* 57 $21 $25 11 $50 zzzzzzDDDz D zzz55 2

Grace Coolidge* 27 $21 $25 zz D zzDDDDD D z 26 1

Legion Lake* 22 $21 $25 zz zz D z D DDD21 1

Stockade Lake North* 42 $21 $25 zzz zz zDDDDDz 40

Stockade Lake South* 25 $21 $25 13 $50 zzz z DDDDDDD23

Sylvan Lake* 39 $21 $25 zzz zDDDDD36

French Creek Horse Camp* 29 $30 3 $50 zzzzzz z z 26

SPECIALIZED CAMPING AREAS French Creek Natural Area $7/person zz0

Calvin Coolidge Group Area** $7/person, minimum $140 DD z D z DDDDD D z D all

Stockade Group Area** $7/person, minimum $140 DD z DDDDD z D all 1RQSUR¿W

* Reservations available at campsd.com or by calling 1.800.710.2267. ** Reservations only available by calling 1.800.710.2267. zWithin the campground DAvailable within one mile + Same day reservation, see above. Camping fees subject to sales tax.

RESERVATIONS: CAMPSD.COM | 1.800.710.2267 29 dining and shopping

30 CUSTERI NFORMATIONSTATE PARK: R605.255.4515ESORT: 1.888.875.0001 | CUSTERSTATEPARK | CUSTER.COMRESORTS.COM Blue Bell Lodge  Comfortable Old West saloon-style setting. Specialty burgers and sandwiches, salads, buffalo and steak. Peaceful patio overlooking French Creek. W Legion Lake Lodge  Relaxed and inviting atmosphere for families on the go. Breakfast, lunch and dinner on the lakeside deck. Game Lodge Catering Specialty ice cream, coffee and local beer on tap. State Game Lodge  Eloquently historical. Dinner is a culinary treat. Entree selections highlight local game such as trout, pheasant, buffalo and elk. Reservations recommended. Sylvan Lake Lodge  Fantastic forest views! Newly remodeled. Exquisite FXLVLQHIHDWXULQJEXIIDORIUHVK¿VKDQGZDSLWL HON  Coolidge General Store tenderloin. Reservations recommended. Convenience Stores, Gifts and Souvenirs A gift shop is located at the State Game Lodge, and general stores can be found at Legion Lake, Blue Bell and by Sylvan Lake. The Coolidge General Store is a short distance from the State Game Lodge. All are stocked with souvenirs and supplies, including: » Apparel for the whole family » Quality bison and wildlife items » Personal care products » Groceries and beverages (beer and liquor at some Game Lodge Dining Room locations) » Grab-and-go food » &DPSLQJ¿VKLQJVXSSOLHVDQG¿VKLQJOLFHQVHV » Gasoline at the Blue Bell and Coolidge General Stores » Watercraft rentals at Legion Lake and Sylvan Stores

1.888-875-0001 CusterResorts.com [email protected] Blue Bell Lodge

CUSTER STATER ESERVATIONSPARK RESORT: CAMPSD: 1.888.875.0001.COM | 1.800.710.2267 | CUSTERRESORTS.COM 31 area state parks

Your Custer State Park entrance license is valid at all South Dakota State Parks including Angostura Recreation Area near Hot Springs, State Park near Sturgis and Rocky Point Recreation Area near Belle Fourche. An additional trail pass is required for the George S. Mickelson Trail. 7KHUHLVQRIHHIRU5RXJKORFN)DOOV1DWXUH$UHDRU6SHDU¿VK)DOOVWUDLO

32 INFORMATION: 605.255.4515 | CUSTERSTATEPARK.COM Angostura Recreation Area Located 10 miles southeast of Hot Springs, off US 18/385 3KRQH Angostura Reservoir is a water-lover’s haven in the southern %ODFN+LOOV:LWKSOHQW\RIURRPIRUERDWLQJ¿VKLQJDQG swimming, this recreation area attracts visitors to its clear waters and natural sand beaches. Five campgrounds offer camping and cabins along the reservoir’s shores. The park also features hiking and biking trails, volleyball, horseshoes and a nine-hole disc golf course. Angostura Recreation Area Bear Butte State Park Located 6 miles northeast of Sturgis off SD 79 3KRQH 0DWR3DKDRU³%HDU0RXQWDLQ´LVWKH/DNRWDQDPHJLYHQWR WKLVVLWH7KHPRXQWDLQLVVDFUHGWRPDQ\$PHULFDQ,QGLDQ tribes. A rugged two-mile hike to the summit rewards visitors with a view of four states. The park also features campsites, DQHGXFDWLRQFHQWHU¿VKLQJDKRUVHFDPSDQGFRQQHFWVWRWKH Centennial Trail for hikers, bikers and horseback riders. George S. Mickelson Trail Runs 109 miles from Edgemont to Deadwood 3KRQH Bear Butte State Park The George S. Mickelson Trail runs through the heart of the Black Hills. The trail’s gentle slopes and easy access enables people of all ages and abilities to enjoy the scenery of the area. The multi-use trail is enjoyed by hikers, bikers, horseback riders, snowshoers and cross-country skiers. A trail pass is required and can be purchased at one of the many trailheads. Rocky Point Recreation Area Located 8 miles east of Belle Fourche off SD 212 3KRQH $SRSXODU¿VKLQJDQGERDWLQJSDUN5RFN\3RLQW5HFUHDWLRQ Area is located on the 8,000-acre Belle Fourche Reservoir. The reservior was created in 1911, when Orman Dam was constructed to store water for agricultural use. At the time of George S. Mickelson Trail its completion, Orman Dam was the largest earthen dam in the ZRUOG,Q2UPDQ'DPZDVGHVLJQDWHGD1DWLRQDO+LVWRULF Civil Engineering Landmark. W Roughlock Falls Nature Area Located 1 mile west from the Scenic Byway at Savoy on FDR LQ6SHDU¿VK&DQ\RQ3KRQH 7KH5RXJKORFN)DOOV1DWXUH$UHDLVORFDWHGLQ6SHDU¿VK Canyon and is considered one of the most beautiful locations in WKH%ODFN+LOOV7KHZDWHUIHHGLQJ5RXJKORFN)DOOVÀRZVLQWR 6SHDU¿VK&DQ\RQIURP/LWWOH6SHDU¿VK&UHHN 9LVLWRUVFDQDFFHVVQHDUE\6SHDU¿VK)DOOVIURPWKHQHZO\ upgraded hiking trail. Rocky Point Recreation Area

RESERVATIONS: CAMPSD.COM | 1.800.710.2267 33

Location 8QLTXH\HDUROG professional theatre in Custer 63OD\KRXVH5RDG 6WDWH3DUN6HHPXVLFDOV in Custer State Park FRPHG\DQGGUDPDLQFDVXDO Ticket Prices DLUFRQGLWLRQHGFRPIRUW )HDWXUHVFRQFHVVLRQVDQG Adults: ORYHO\SLFQLFJURXQGVRQVLWH Senior/Military: $30 Student (college age): $25 Kids (18 and younger): $16 Performance Times

Tues - Sat: 7:30 p.m. Wed and Sun: 2 p.m. matinees Vistors advised to arrive 1/2 hour before curtain, reservations June 9 – 25 June 30 – July 16 recommended. For tickets, call RUSXUFKDVHRQOLQHDW Hilarious evening of madcap fun ,W¶VDOLYH7KLVHOHFWULI\LQJDGDSWDWLRQ blackhillsplayhouse.com. where a dozen brilliant actors of Mel Brooks’ monstrously funny play more than 100 unforgettable ¿OPZLOOOHDYH\RXLQVWLWFKHV characters using enormous talent, Grandson of the infamous Victor Live Music ingenious stagecraft and the limitless Frankenstein inherits his family’s June 2-3 | 7:30 p.m. possibilities of imagination. This estate in Transylvania. With the help swashbuckling grownup prequel to of a hunchbacked sidekick and a leggy Come hear incredible live music in Peter Pan will have you hooked from lab assistant, Frederick brings to life our sweet, intimate theater as we kick the moment you let your imagination a creature to rival his grandfather’s. off the season and raise money for our WDNHÀLJKW Eventually, of course, the monster artistic and educational programs. Play with music | Rated PG escapes and hilarity abounds. Tatanka Teaser Musical Comedy | Rated PG-13 Sunday, June 4 | 2 p.m. (intended for mature audiences) Sneak peek of the talented artists of the 2017 season. Free for buffalo pass holder, $5 for all others. July 21 – August 6 Black Hills Lively 3-time Tony nominated Playhouse 2017 Broadway musical portraying early August 11 – 20 rockers with zip, charm, incredible music and high-energy dance Two . Three crooks. Eight doors. numbers. This popular musical Go. Two hours of non-stop comedy $3 per person features Rydell High’s senior class and mayhem. Dazzlingly funny, with of 1959 including the hot-rodding one silly bit overlapping the next... off theatre performance ³%XUJHU3DODFH%R\V´DQGWKHLUJXP think Marx Brothers updated in tempo VQDSSLQJKLSVKDNLQJ³3LQN/DGLHV´ and relevance for today’s world. Present this coupon for discount or use online with code CSP17. Discount offers may not be Musical Comedy | Rated PG-13 Comedy/Farce | Rated PG-13 combined.


From Broadus, From Buffalo, SD Rocky Point Belle Fourche Reservoir From Bowman, ND From Faith, SD Z Little Bighorn From Medora, ND State Rec. Area Orman Dam From Dickinson, ND From Lemmon, SD National Monument Battlefield, MT Belle Fourche River 212 85 212 From Devils Tower, Wyo Tri-State Museum NEWELL From Hulett, Wyo 22 BLACK ? Center of the Nation 212 NISLAND 24 34 Monument 10 Belle Fourche ALADDIN McNenny River 543 Fish Hatchery BELLE FOURCHE EL3021 VALE HILLS 111 Mirror Lake 10 20 21 34 BEULAH 17 & BADLANDS 90 19 ? 2 85 Spearfish Rec & ST. ONGE 14 8 Aquatic Center 79 205 10 18 D.C. Booth Historic ofSouth Dakota 10 12 Nat’l Fish Hatchery 19 ? & Northeastern 14 17 SPEARFISH 23 3 EL3645 90 Bear Butte 863 WHITEWOOD Bear Butte State Park 34 MAP LEGEND From Devils Tower, Wyo Tower, From Devils Crow Peak EL3654 Tatanka Story of Lake ©2017 by BH&B 134 14A High Plains Western the Bison Computer generated by BH&B ? Citadel 30 Bear Butte Creek SUNDANCE 130 Spearfish Heritage Center Boulder Canyon 112 EL4744 Rock Peak 85 14 STURGIS Interchange Exit Number Byway Golf Club at EL3421 14 U.S. Hwy. Marker 214 195 Broken Boot 8 6 Bridal Apple Springs 44 Scenic Veil Falls Gold Mine State Hwy. Marker Mt. Theo ? Iron Creek Black Hills DEADWOOD Canyon Ft. Meade 21 Roosevelt EL4537 14A 32 Forest Service Road Grand Canyon Lake Mining Canyon Little 133 12 Moskee Hwy. Boulder 18 Crow Peak Museum 4 Sturgis Motorcycle County Road 34 141 Cement Ridge CENTRAL CITY Museum 170 ? Visitor Information Lookout 134 19 Days of 76 Museum Spearfish Historic ? ? Kodiaks Arcade & & Hall of Fame Bikers 7 Mileage Between Stars 222 Spearfish LEAD 103 SAVOY Falls Homestake EL5203 Shooting Gallery 170 Black Hills Scenic PLUMA 79 37 Byway Paved Highway 807 Opera House 3 Adams Museum & House National 18 Cemetery Multi-Lane Divided Hwy. 850 222 Roughlock 385 Falls Ski Area EL7064 Dwd Mini-Golf & Arcade 105 14A Sanford Lab 135 Gravel Road 875 Deer Mountain 40 Ski Area Homestake 534 534 Black Hills National Forest 804 Visitor Center Strawberry 807 Hill 5 8 Custer State Park CROSSING 6 247 44 Elk Creek TILFORD 805 136 168 Icebox 227 85 151 137 MOSKEE Canyon 10 ROUBAIX Beautiful Tunnel 585 196 Mad Mountain Vanocker Canyon Petrified Forest of 134 196 Fish ‘N Fry Nemo 26 Wonderland Cave 90 George S Mickelson Trail Summer Adventures Trout Pond 44 the Black Hills 216 Dalton Elk Creek 22 DUMONT Custer Peak Lake 46 16 224 O'Neill Lookout 4 875 Pass 17 19 ATV Rentals at Road PIEDMONT 209 Mystic Trails EL3494 EL.6689 Rentals Custer Crossing 198 48 Black Hills 175 255 NEMO Visitor Information Center 107 206 193 256 140 14 231 Roubaix Steamboat ELLSWORTH Lake 385 Rock SUMMERSET RAPID CITY 231 George EL3638 52 EL3241 AFB Crooks Tower Mickelson Trail Nemo Road SD Air & Space BUCKHORN 201 The Journey Museum Box Elder Museum 117 208 BLACK HAWK & Learning Center Creek 67 233 231 EL3494 55 ROCHFORD 61 11 237 672 Box Elder 57 58 59 60 90 14 White Tail Peak Creek 231 ? 85 JOHNSON 110 SILVER 173 BOX From Badlands, 189 17 Rimrock SIDING 234 ? CITY 321 Wall & Kadoka 233 Flag 18 ELDER 110 Rapid The Outdoor TRUCK Mountain 167 Campus West WaTiki Indoor 810 Creek Dinosaur 16 Waterpark FOUR 109 251 ? Hwy. Park 111 Castle Pactola Main Street 212 CORNERS Creek Lake Museum Rapid City 16 of Square Regional Airport 44 228 157 MYSTIC Geology 417 258 13 HISEGA Black Hills Caverns ? 79 110 159 TRUCK 655 188 Lookout 159 16 44 DEERFIELD 607 America’s Founding Road 318 385 Ft. Hays Rapid Creek 421 17 Circle B Ranch Fathers Exhibit Lake 294 Chuckwagon Old West Town & From Badlands & Deerfield Sheridan Dinner Show Scenic Mount Pisgah 117 Lake 300 17 Trail Rides at High Spring Bear Country USA 297 Country Guest Ranch Creek Spring

18 291 ATV & Snowmobile Sheridan Creek Road Road 1880 358 WYOMING Old MacDonald’s Ditch Rentals at 386 Train Lake ROCKERVILLE

SOUTH DAKOTA 301 Creek Mt Meadows Resort Deerfield 4 392 18 Petting Farm

Salt Creek Road ? Spring Creek 235 117 EL4983 Creek 6 17 220 452 16 Big Thunder Gold Mine Beaver HILL CITY Cosmos Boy Scout 303 Rushmore Borglum Story Rd. Old Hill City Rd 16A 233 Mystery Area Camp 323 4 Nat’l Presidential Wax Museum Museum at Black Hills 3 Holy Terror Mini Golf 79 291 Bear Mountain Institute 11 Lookout 305 ? Rushmore Tramway Adventures Spring Creek 85 Spring Creek 244 296 299 Horsethief Zipline Tour at RTA BADLANDS 350 Lake ? 6 293 16 Black Elk Peak KEYSTONE 40 Heartland Expressway NEWCASTLE 6 EL 7244 Mount Rushmore EL4330 Rush Mountain From Gillette, Wyo & DEVILS 330 HAYWARD Adventure Park ? EL4327 297 Sylvan Lake Nat'l Memorial 385 16A Battle I Creek 284 292 Playhouse ro 10 TOWER, WYO n 10 Needles Road 753 M 285 Memorial o 87 Hwy. u 360 AREA MAPS 6 Sylvan Rocks n Signal Hill Black Hills 17 ta 9 HERMOSA From Rockin’ R i 16 ON BACK Climbing School Playhouse n Battle Pine Ridge 283 Trailrides R 40

11 345 Center Lake o Creek

282 284 14 a 284 d 117 287 89 Bismarck 36 344 Lake 349 Visitor 286 Stockade 10 288 16A Center N 282 Lake ? 668 French CUSTER 7 12 Creek EL5314 ? Legion Lake 11 Beaver Lake Custer UTV Game Lodge Hell’s Rentals Canyon Water Slide 341 Mt. Coolidge 16 Custer Lookout EL 6023 27 Black Hills Mountain 118 Four Mile Balloons Elk Mountain 408 Custer Lookout Jewel Cave Old West Town 343 14 769 123 Nat'l Monument 793 Blue French 653 339 Bell State Park Creek FAIRBURN 769 Cicero Lodge PARK ENTRANCE FEE ? 270 Peak Visitor 89 87 Center Wildlife 715 12 33 Road Trips 17 © 2017 by BH&B Suggested Itineraries 385 336 Loop Road www.BlackHillsBadlands.com Southern Hills - 78 miles 16 313 391 Rankin Ridge 1 Kilometers 10 Mt. Rushmore and 5 6 Heartland Expressway 273 Lookout Custer State Park - 67 miles 7 315 313 Wind Cave 1 Miles 5 Central Hills - 71 miles PRINGLE 79 316 National Park Northern Hills - 143 miles 719 85 Devils Tower - 121 miles Prairie Dog 316 Exhibit Special Routes Wind Cave 34 715 Beaver 5 Windcross Conservancy 769 715 Creek Spanish Mustang 656 16 Argyle 385 Preserve Trout Haven DEWEY 656 101 Ranch 333 Road BUFFALO GAP George 13 Mickelson Trail River Black Hills Tunnels 317 Beaver Creek Buses, Trucks & Trailers Note 89 Cold Brook Battle Mountain Cottonwood Lookout Reservoir 2 Route Location W H Reservoir Cheyenne US 16A 6.5m S of Keystone 13'2" 12'4" Evans HOT 318 Plunge US 16A 4m S of Keystone 13'0" 11'0" ? SPRINGS Cheyenne MINNEKAHTA 18 US 16A 3m S of Keystone 9'0" 11'4" JUNCTION EL3448 ORAL 12 Southern Hills 385 5 US 16A 1m N of Keystone 47'0" 18'0" Golf Course Mammoth SD 87 6m SE of Sylvan Lake 9'0" 11'4" 322 Site MULE CREEK SD 87 2m SE of Sylvan Lake 8'4" 11'3" 18 Black 9 Hills JUNCTION SD 87 1m N of Sylvan Lake 10'6" 9'10" 71 Angostura State Badlands River 10 Recreation Area 18 12 J.H. Keith Park 331 27 385

10 Cascade Falls Sheps Canyon

From Lusk, Wyo EDGEMONT 18 EL3458 SMITHWICK 13 18

8 Angostura Reservoir From Oelrichs, SD From Crawford, NE From Chadron, NE Custer State Park

TO HILL C16ITY, To Hill City TO RAPID CITY, SD385 244 SD Beware of Wildlife NORTH 244 Keystone 16A Give them their space.

MOUNTMount RUSHMORE Rushmore NATIONAL NationalMEMORIAL Memorial 87 TUNNELScenic Drives * 13’ 2” WIDE X 12’ 2” TALL Harney Peak Doane Robinson Wild Life Loop EL. 7242 Tunnel SCOVEL JOHNSON TUNNEL C.C Gideon 13’ 2” WIDE X 12’ 4” TALL Needles Highway 385 Sylvan Lake Area * Tunnel Scovel Johnson Little Devil's C.C. GIDEON TUNNEL Tunnel 16 EL. 6145 Iron Mountain Road HOODTUNNEL Tower 13’ 0” WIDE X 11’ 0” TALL 10’ 6” WIDE X 9’ 10” TALL SYLVAN Cathedral Iron Mountain Hood SpiresNEEDLES EYE TUNNEL Road NeedlesLAKE Eye Tunnel Tunnel * 8’ 4” WIDE X 11’ 3” TALL SYLVAN LAKE LODGE Crazy Horse * Memorial

SYLVAN LAKE * IRON CREEKIron HCreekORSE CAMP Horse Camp Playhouse Road * ENTRANCE Needles 753 SYLVAN LAKE Eye CAMPGROUND CRAZY HORSE d oa R MEMORIAL e 89 87 s Ir Iron Creek 87 BLACK HILLS u o IRON CREEK TUNNEL ho n Tunnel y PLAYHOUSE M 9’ 0” WIDE X 11’ 4” TALL Black Hills la Center Lake 16A

P o Playhouse EL. 4686 CENTER LAKE u n 89 CAMPGROUND ta 16 in


a d TO SD


NATIONAL PARK, T Overlook a L CUSTERNature AreaSTATE PARK d RINGLE AND OT o P H Tunnel Information w BLUE BELL LODGE LH e SPRINGS, SD r F Road r 87

Tunnel # Width Height By-Pass e FRENCH CREEK Airport Lower Frenchn EL. 3980 14 L

Creek Roadc BLUE BELL H14 R Doane Robinson 14'0" (4.3m) 12'9" (3.9m) Yes h NATURE AREA oad


342 r

C.C Gideon 13'2" (4.0m) 12'2" (3.7m) Yes e ELEV. 4827



Scovel Johnson 13'4" (4.1m) 12'4" (3.8m) No R

Hood 10'6" (3.2m) 10'7" (3.2m) No o a d Needles Eye 8'4" (2.5m) 12'0" (3.7m) No Horse 4 Iron Creek 9'0" (2.7m) 12'3" (3.7m) No Camp FRENCH CREEK Fisherman 2 Flats HORSE CAMP

BLUE BELL Road 2 F i

North s

nt R h ENTRANCE wi o S a e W 4 5 d r Nort m ild North Lameh Swint 5 an LEGEND li La F fe me l Johnny Road Road a

J t

L o s h Wildlifeo Loop Fisherman o n RoFlats Paved Road Entrance Station p ny a R R d Wildlife Loop Road o o Road a a d d 4 Road Improved Gravel Road LEGEND Campground Prairie Dog 22 Town 4

w 7 16 a US Highway Dump Station 4 Dr M il e 7 Paved Road Campground (RV & Tent) WILDLIFE STATION 87 SD Highway Points of Interest 3 3 VISITOR CENTER 4 Mile Draw Road aw 87 3 Dr Road Improved Gravel Road * Dump Station Oak ? 14 County Road Historical Site 3 Oak Draw Road Wildlife Station 16A US Highway Point of Interest Visitor Center 7 Custer State Park Road Picnic Area 87 359 SD Highway Picnic Area BuffaloBUFFALO National Forest Road Tunnel 16 Lame Johnny CorralsCORRALS 16 4 87 RoadLame State Park Road Tunnel Johnn Concession (Lodge) ? Information y Rd 342 National Forest Road Information TO WIND CAVE 6 Gas Station Gift Shop NATIONALTo US Highway 385 Red Valley Rd PARK AND HHotOT Springs SPRINGS, SD WIND CAVE NATIONAL PARK SCENIC DRIVES Wildlife Loop Rd WIND CAVE NATIONAL PARK 6 Red Valley Road 11/09/2015 Needles Hwy Iron Mt. Road