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SUMMER ADVENTURE GUIDE 2017 1 Advertisements contained herein do not constitute an endorsement by the department of the Air Force or Minot Air Force Base. Every- thing advertised is available without regard to color, religion, sex or other non merit factor of the purchaser, user or patron. 2 SUMMER ADVENTURE GUIDE 2017 North Dakota Heritage Center & State Museum, Bismarck ^ãã Where will your journey begin? ,®ÝãÊÙ®½ ^Ê®ãù Plan a trip to our museums and historic sites. Ê¥EÊÙã«»Êã HISTORY FOR Discover more at or call 701.328.2666 everyone. Former Governors’ Mansion State Historic Site, Bismarck Ronald Reagan Minuteman Missile State Historic Site, Cooperstown &ŽƌƚdŽƩĞŶ^ƚĂƚĞ,ŝƐƚŽƌŝĐ^ŝƚĞ͕&ŽƌƚdŽƩĞŶ Fort Buford State Historic Site, Williston Pembina State Museum, Pembina Chateau de Mores State Historic Site, Medora Gingras Trading Post Welk Farmstead State Historic Site, Strasburg State Historic Site, Walhalla Fort Abercrombie State Historic Site, Abercrombie SUMMERSUMMER AADVENTURE GUIDE 2017 3 WELCOME TO NORTH DAKOTA If this is your fi rst summer here or if you have been here allal your life, North Dakota and the surrounding areas hhave a vast array of sights and activities to make the perfectp summer vacation. Bik- inging – motorized or peddled,peddled, hiking/walkinghiking/ trails, premiere fi shing, canoeing,canoeing, kayaking,kayaking, boating,boating, golfigolfi ng,ng, birding, sightseeing and many events and attractions all await you on your next summersumm adventure. There are also many historical sites around that could turn a weekend funf trip into a historic learning experience.experience. AsAs for those stayingstaying close to Minot, the MaMagicgic CitCityy alalso has many opportunities for summersummer fun as it is the host citycity of the North Dakota StateS Fair which is always the community highlight of the summer.
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