A Complete Bibliography of Publications in the Journal of Algorithms Nelson H. F. Beebe University of Utah Department of Mathematics, 110 LCB 155 S 1400 E RM 233 Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0090 USA Tel: +1 801 581 5254 FAX: +1 801 581 4148 E-mail:
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected] (Internet) WWW URL: http://www.math.utah.edu/~beebe/ 13 October 2017 Version 1.05 Title word cross-reference (1 ≤ k ≤ m ≤ n) [Sem84]. (2 + ) [DIP02, QS02]. (h; k; 1) [Yao80]. (s; t) [Wei97]. 1 [GP87]. 2 [AS96b, ALS03, ADNP99, CHC99, Nag05, SˇZ05b].ˇ 2n2 [Hal97a]. 3 [ADNP99, BE05, DN99, DF86]. 4 [HZ01a]. 4; 5 [DN99]. 4=3 2 [Nag05, SˇZ05b].ˇ 5=3 [PS00]. 8=13 [Bl¨a04]. [1; 2;;n][Sem84]. [FL06]. 4 [BGLR99, NP04]. α [BDV02, II96]. B [GLW83]. d [vLW81]. ∆ [KN88, MS03]. E [Mal94b]. [Car01]. f [Ans85]. g [Mal94a]. GF(2) [CRS+00, SR03]. GF(qn) [LKPC05]. GF[2] [KL93]. GL(n; Z)[Fer87].h [SSO01, CDF01, GL98]. k [AS96a, AIKS91, ATUW01, ALP04, Ano98f, BYR02, BR97, BM05, BS95b, Bod90, BDGW98, CT99, DLSS95, DGK01, FKN99, Fer98, FJ83, FS96, HK02, HNZ02, KP98b, NH01, NRP96, Pem05a, PSY93, Raj95, Sch98, Sem84, She95, SU97, Sub99, Tur88, WPYK06, ZiNN96, vB00, BGLR99]. K3;3 [Che98c]. K5 [Che98c]. LUP [IMH82]. m [Etz86, GLD94, JZC04]. N [CS92, Fer87]. NC [CGM+95, ZSN97, NH01]. n log n [Kla99]. NR(1) [Asp80]. O(log ∗n)[PV98]. O(log n) [SV82a]. O(log n log log n)[CL95].O(m + n log n) [BK97]. O(N) [IM01b, HS81]. O(n1:3289)[BE05].O(N 2) 1 2 [TW84, EGMS94, HG88, MS94a, BK00].