STEAM ROUNDABOUt' MFRS. mUBainea Egerton C. A. Ha.mbleden, m*Roae Horace, Melrose, Savage Bros. Ltd. Kings Lynn, Norfolk Henley-oQ_-Thames tRutherford William George L.R.o.S.L m*Baker John Charles B.A.LOnd., M.B. Ha.nslope, STEAM YACHT BUILl>ER. Ceely~ouse, Church)treet, Aylesbury Shaw J. M.D.Glas. 26 High st. Aylesbury Hayes Edward Watling works Wol- Bell John Thomson M. B., B.S.Durh. Market m*Shepherd Alfred Edward L.S.A.LOnd. verton end ' Wolverton St 'Mary place, Princes Risborough S.O Ma.nsfield., Chilternrd. , Tring Stony Stratford · ' Benson Philip L. M.A., :M.D.,, D.l'.H. Smyth Randal B.A., M.B.,, B.A..o. carob. The Elms, Steeple Claydon, Wingrave, Aylesbury STEEL M'ANUF ACTURERS. Winslow mSouthey Albert J. Colnbrook, Slough Askham Bros. & Wilson Lim. Yorkshire tii~Boyd William, Tudor ho. Wycombe mTerry C. 13 Silver st. Newport Pa.gnell Steel works, Sheffield mBradbrook Wm. L.s.A. Laurels, Turner Arthur Herbert L.S.A.Lond. High Hardy Patent Pick Co. Lim. (The), road, , Bletchley street, Beaconsfield R.S.O neeley, Sheffield 11-uBradshaw William Lucknow, Easton m*Turner Edgar Olive M.B.Lond. Great street, Wycombe Missenden R.S.O STEEL CASTINGS MNFRS. mBrickwell John, 118 High street, Slough m*Turner Frederic Senior, Broadway Askham Bros. & Wilson Lim. Yorkshire m*Brooks Chu-les, Gold hill, Chalfont St. house, Amersh.a.m Steel works, Sheffield Peter, Gerrard's Cross R.S.O mVaisey T. F. L.S.A. Norden ho. Winslow Bull & Ho.p~, High st. Stony Str~tford mWatson Frank Spencer L.S.A.LOnd. High STEREOTYPERS. m§*Bull William Henry, St. Oswald s ho. street, Princes Risborou"h S.O Hazell, Watson & Viney Lim. (Robert High street, Stony Stratford West Waldemar Shipley ~.A., M.D., B.o. J. Elliston, manager), Tring road & m*Oharsley Robert Stephen lU. The Old Cantab. Temple square, Aylesbury California, Aylesbury Barn, Mackenzie strset, Slough m*Wheeler Humphrey John M.D.Durh. mCheesman J. M.D. 5 Castle street, Easton street, Wycombe STONE BREAKING MACHINE Buckingham ..t White Digby Cooke B.A., M.B., B.cb. MAKERS. llt~Chignell A. L. Wing, Leighton Buzzrd Priory lo. Tickford st. Newport Pa.gnell Askham Bros. & Wilson Lim. Yorkshire m*Churchill John.JFoot (Churchill & m*Wilmot A. E. Burnham, Maidenhead Steel works, Sheffield Smith), 48 High street, Chesham R.S.O UtWoollerton Edwin Goodburn L.R.C.l'. & mCoates William Henry, Pheasants hill, s.Edin. High street, Wendover, Tring STONE CUTTERS. Hambleden, Henley-on-Thames Cook Robert HaldanelliLD., c.M.Aberd. SURGICAL APPLIANCE Smith Bros. Naphill, New house, Brill, Thame MANUFACTURERS. STONE & MARBLE MASONS. mCulhane F. _J. F. High street, Marlow Bailey W. H. & Son, 38 Oxford street, Bingham J. 72 Broad st. Chesham R.S.O Dey~ & Nicholson,JBletchley road & London w. Catalogues free Coverley William 1 Chicheley street High street, Fenny Stratford, BletoWey SURVEYORS. ' mDeyns Charles John (firm, Deyns & Cowley Richard, Stony Stratford; Nicholson),The Gables, Bletchley road, See also Land Surveyors & Road & at High street Stony Stratford & Fenny Stratford, Bletohley Surveyors. Stratford road, W~lverton tDickson John Du~bar M.D., R.U.I., Abbott Alfred Ernest, 3 Market square, Fountain G. 97 High street, Eton, Windsor TheGables, Institute road, Marl~w Wolverton R.~.O King T. sen. Thornborough, Buckingham mDuke Fredc. L.S.A. Castle st.Buckmghm Baker Joh~, High st~eet, Slough Knightley E. Ravenstone, Newport Pagnll Dur~an John Linslade, Letghton Buzzard Missenden R.S.O . Stratford, Buckingham mEagles ~: 9 Walton terrace, Aylesbury Bennet~ George & Sons, Market hill, Mimms John Duncombe street Fenny Easte Wtlliam Alfred L.S.A. , Buckingham Stratford, Bletchley ' Stony Stratford Bradford ~ai!· H. County Hall, Aylesbury Newman & Harper, 51 Buckingham Gardner _Jam~ Cardwell 1\f,B,, B.o.camb. Brown William & c~. Market square, street, Aylesbury The Firs, street,_ Aylesbury; & at Trm~ . . Nippin Harry Lewis 18 Kings bury square Gooch & Noms, 117 High street, Eton, Brown Thomas (Urban DlStriCt), Leighton Aylesbury ' ' Windsor . . . road~ Linslade, Robinson William Thos. 192 Berkhamp- Graham J ames Willia~ Francis L,S.A,Lond. Chad Wick John M.S.A., c. E. Bletchley road, stead road Chesham R s 0 Waterloo house, Bnll, Thame Fenny Stratford, Bletchley Sargeant Edward Church ~treet Slough m*Greavea Edward Harrison, The Red Cooper William White (Urban District Sharp Henry c. &' Co. 178 High 6 { Slough house, Amersh~m ; & Buckingham Counci~),. 22 Mackenzie street, Slo.ugh Wise William High street Winslow house, Great Wissenden R.S.O Dodge William, Steeple Claydon, Wmslow Yirrell Thorn~ Leighton' road Linslade mGrindon Francis J, High st. Olney S.O Duchesne Ma:rtin Collier, The Red cottage, Leighton Bu~zard ' ' m*Harvey John Owen, The Elms, Green Farnham common, Farnham Ryl. R.S. 0 lane, Wolverton R.S.O Durham, Gotto & Samuel, 69 High street, STRAW DLRS. FOR PLAITNG. mHooper Charles, Temple sq. Aylesbury Stony Stratford & High street, Newport Circuit Joseph Edlesborough Dunstable m*Hope Peroy Lake (:firm Bull & Hope), Pagnell Gray Walte;, Wesley villa, Edles- 94 ~gh street, Stony Stratford . G~ner & Co. Mackenzie street, S!ough borough, Dunstable Kenn1sh T. L. M._n., M.B., o.M.Edin. Gtbbons Henry Jamea, 21 Germam street, Nicholls Charles Aston Clinton Tring Western house, Winslow Chesham R.S.O Reading P. 70 High st. Chesham R.S.O ~e & Edsell (surgery), Haddenham, Thme Gr~t Arthur L. (Rural District Council), Robinson Charles, Aston Clinton, Tring m Long :r'homas Freeman, Ivy house, 30 Hi~h street, Wycombe R lf J h Asto to Trin Red Lion street, Chesha.m R.S.O Ha.rrlSon & Sons, Town Hall offices, 6 er S~ w~7a ' As~ ~~ t~~ TU!g tMcFarland Andrew, The Lawn, Whit- Market square, Buckingham Tharp J 1 a;:,Asto nClin~ 'Trin church, Aylesbury Lawrence Joseph Thomas, Bridge street, w~~ wsurr ' As~ Clint n, Tri g Mackenzie Alexander Flyter M.A.Edin., Linslade, Leighton Buzzard am, 11 on, ng M.n., c.M. Aston Clinton, Tring Lee & Farr, 65 & 67 High street, Slough STRAW BONNET & HAT MKRS. Maguire & Powell, Wolverton road, Luckett Guest, 2 Church street & Temple . . Stony Stratford square, Aylesbury Colli~gs George, 5 Cambndge terrace,Cam· tMaguire Thomas Stephen :M.D., L.R.C.P.I. Manning G. H. Walton, Aylesbury bridge street, . .Aylesbury (firm Maguire & Powell), Wolverton Millburn J. 5 Cambridge st. Aylesbury Masters H. J. Silver st. Newport Pagnell rd. Wolverton St. Mary, Stony Stratfrd Moxham C. E. 6 Priory avenue, Wycombe SURGEONS. *Miles Charles Henry, , Reader&Son,20,&22Templest. Aylesbry Wolverton R.S.O.; & Stratford road, Rushbrook Thomas J. (borough), Easton Ma.rked fare Fellows of the Royal College Wolverwn R.S.O street, Wycombe of Surgeons of . m*Moberly S. C. H. Alwyn ho. Winslow Sanders Francis Leonard., 52 Broadway, Marked m are Members of the Royal Morrison Alexander Thomson M.B., B.oh., Chesham R.S.O College of S~geo~ of England. B.A.o. Waddesdon, Aylesbury Simmonds John (Urban District Council), Marked 11 are ~c~nttates of ~e Royal Col· *mNicholson Edgar (firm, Deyns & ll8A, High street, Eton, Windsor lege of Physwtans of Edinburgh. Nicholson), High street, Fenny Strat- Sloan John Thame, Waterloo road, !.ins- Marked§ are Fellows.of the Royal College ford, Bletchley lade, Leighton Buzzard of Surgeons of.Edi~burgh. mNorris Edward Staoy M.A., M.B. 117 Smith James (borough), Town hall, Marked t are Licentiates of. the Royal High street, Eton, Windsor Buckingham College of Sn.:geon_s of Edinburgh. m*Parrott Thomas Godfrey M.D.Durh. Ste.nley Waiter Edwa.rd (Urban District Marked ~- a;rli Licentiates of the Faculty Church street, Aylesbury Council), Radnor ho. Bierton rd.Aylsbry of Ph~siClans. & S~geons of Glasgow. f*Pendred Vaughan M,D, 5 West street, Ta.ylor William F. & Son, 26 Temple Marked are ~?entiates of theRoyal Col· Buckingham street, Aylesbury lege of Phys10mns of London. m*Powell Cecil M.A. Calverton lodge, The ThomaB Robert J. M.rust.C.E. (county), Marked t are Licentiates of the Royal Green, Stony Stratford County hall, .Aylesbury College of Surgeons of Ireland. mReynolda L. W. The Priory, Wycombe Thurlow -T. 25 High street, Wycombe *Adams Edmund Weaver D.P.H.LOnd. mRogera Henry Cripps, lodge, Tilly Hubert Douglas, Bourne End S.O. 22 Church street, Slough Newport Pagnell & at Maidenhead ' BUCKS. 19