3094 the London Gazette, 26Th March 1965
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3094 THE LONDON GAZETTE, 26TH MARCH 1965 The Revised Map and Statement in definitive form substantially prejudiced by a failure to comply with may be inspected at the .offices of the County any such requirement as aforesaid, may make an Surveyor, County Offices, Aylesbury, at all reasonable Order declaring that, notwithstanding anything con- hours. A copy of so much of the Revised Map tained in the said Part IV, the definitive map shall and Statement in definitive form as relates to each not be conclusive evidence of any such matter as borough, urban district and rural district may be may be specified in the Order. inspected at all reasonable hours ait the following R. E. Millard, Clerk of .the Bucks County addresses: Council. Aylesbury Borough. The Town Clerk's Office, County Hall, Aylesbury. Municipal Offices, Aylesbury. Buckingham Borough. The Town Clerk's Office, 26th March 1965. Town Hall, Buckingham. (383) Blatch'ley Urban District. The Office of the Clerk of the Bletchley Urban District Council, Council Offices, Bletchley. Linslade Urban District. The Office of the Clerk KENT COUNTY COUNCIL of the "Wing Rural District Council, Brooklands, Leighton Road, Linslade. National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act, Newport Pagnell Urban District. The Office of the 1949 Clerk of the Newport Pagnell Urban District Provisional Map of Public Rights of Way Council, 60 High .Street, Newport Pagnell. Notice is hereby given that in accordance with Wolveitton Urban District. The Office of the Clerk section 30 of the National Parks and Access to the of the Wolverton Urban District Council, Market Countryside Act, 1949, the Kent County Council Square, Stony Stratford. has prepared Provisional Maps and Statements of Aylesbury Rural District. The Police Office, Ayles- Public Rights of Way for the Boroughs of Dartford bury Road, Wendover. and Gravesend and the Urban Districts of Northfleet Buckingham Rural District. The Post Office, and Swanscombe. Padbury. The Provisional Maps and Statements may be Newport Pagnell Rural District. The Post Office, inspected during normal office hours at: 37 Market Place, Olney. Wing Rural District. The Post Office, Wing. The Roads Department, County Hall, Maidstone, Winslow- Rural District. The Office of the Clerk Room 299. of the Winslow Rural District Council, 28-30 Copies of the relevant maps may also be inspected High Street, Winslow. during normal office hours at:* High Wycombe Borough. The Town Clerk's Office, The Office of the Town Clerk of Dartford, Municipal Offices, High Wycombe. Council Offices, Dartford. Slough Borough. The Town Clerk's Office, Town The Office of the Town Clerk of Gravesend, Hall, Slough. Woodville Terrace, Gravesend. Beaconsfield Urban District. The Office of the The Office of the Clerk to Northfleet Urban Clerk of the Beaoonsfield Urban District Council, District Council, Town Hail, Northfleet. Council Hall, Beaconsfield. The Office of the Clerk to the Swanscombe Chesham Urban District. The Office of the Clerk Urban District Council, Manor House, Swans- of the Chesham Urban District Council, Council combe. Offices, High Street, Chesiham. and during library opening hours at: Eton Urban District. The Office of the Clerk The Central Library, Market Street, Dartford. of the Eton Urban District Council, Council The Central Library, Windmill Street, Gravesend. Offices, High Street, Eton. The Northfleet Branch Library, Coldharbour Marlow Urban District. The Office of the Clerk Road, Northfleet. of the Marlow Urban District Council, Council The Swanscombe Branch Library, Church Road, Offices, Court Garden, Marlow. Swanscombe. Amersham Rural District. The Office of the Clerk At any time within twenty-eight days after the of the Amersham Rural District Council. publication of this notice, the owner, lessee or Elmodesham House, High Street, Amersham. occupier of any land on which any of the maps shows a public path or road used as a public path who Eton Rural District. Burnham Police Station, disputes the Provisional Map and Statement may •Stomp Road, Burnham, Bucks. apply to Quarter Sessions for a Declaration in accor- Wyoombe Rural District. The Office of Messrs. dance with section 31 of the 1949 Act. Lightfoot & Lowndes, Solicitors, High Street, Notice of any such application should be made Princes iRisborough. in writing and addressed to the Clerk of the Peace A copy of so much of the Revised Map and for the County of Kent, County Hall, Maidstone, in Statement in definitive form as relates to each parish respect of the maps for the Borough of Dartford in a rural district for which there -is a parish council and the Urban Districts of Northfleet and Swans- has been supplied to the Clerk of the Parish Council comibe and to the Clerk of the Peace for the Borough for deposit at a place within the parish, and may be of Gravesend, 43 The Grove, Gravesend, in respect inspected on application to him. The address of of the map for the Borough of Gravesend, and the Clerk of any Parish Council may be obtained from should be made in accordance with The Public the undersigned. -So far as practicable, a copy of so Rights of Way (Applications to Quarter Sessions) much of the Revised Map and Statement in definitive Regulations 1952 (S.I. 1952 No. 559). A copy of form as relates to each parish in a rural district any such application must also be sent to the for which there is no parish council has been sup- undersigned. plied to the Chairman of the Parish Meeting for that Dated this 22nd day of March 1965. parish for deposit at some place within the parish and may be inspected on application to him. The G. T. Heckels, Clerk of the County Council. address of the Chairman of any Parish Meeting may County Hall, Maidstone. be obtained from the undersigned. (693) The Act provides that if any person desires to question the validity of a definitive map prepared under Part IV of the Act on the ground that the map is not within the powers of the Act, or on the SOMERSET COUNTY COUNCIL ground that any requirement of the Act or of any Clevedon and Portishead Urban Districts and regulation made thereunder has not been complied The Long Ashton Rural District with in relation to the preparation of the map, or of any draft or provisional map on which that map Modification of Draft Map and Statement is based, he may, within six weeks after the date o"f of Rights of Way publication of notice of the preparation of the map Notice is hereby given that the Somerset County in accordance with the provisions of the said Part IV Council in exercise of the powers conferred upon in that behalf, make an application to the High them by sub-section (3) of section 29 of the National Court; and on any such application the court, if Parks and Access to the Countryside Act, 1949, have satisfied that the map is not within the powers of the determined to modify the particulars contained in the Act, or that the interests of the applicant have been draft rights of way map and statement prepared For any late Notices see Contents list on last page.