VOICES FROM AFRICA AFRICAN FaRMERS AND ENVIRONMENTALISTS SPEAK OUT AGAINST A NEW GREEN REVOLUTION IN AFRICA edited by Anuradha Mittal with Melissa Moore VOICES FROM AFRICA AFRICAN FaRMERS AND ENVIRONMENTALISTS SPEAK OUT AGAINST A NEW GREEN REVOLUTION IN AFRICA edited by Anuradha Mittal with Melissa Moore The Oakland Institute | P.O. Box 18978, Oakland, CA 94619 | oaklandinstitute.org Acknowledgements We are grateful to the authors and organizations for giving us permission to use the articles in this report. This publication was supported by grants to the Oakland Institute from Domitila Barrios de Chungara Fund, the Further Foundation, Grassroots International, the Panta Rhea Foundation, the Presbyterian Hunger Program, Peter Rasmussen and Wei Zhang of the He-Shan World Fund (Tides Foundation), and the Vervane Foundation. Our deepest appreciation to Lionel Derencourt at the Presbyterian Hunger Program and Nikhil Aziz at Grassroots International for supporting this work. We also want to acknowledge our individual members whose valuable support makes our work possible. The recommendations and views expressed in this report are those of the Oakland Institute and the authors, and do not necessarily represent those of the funders. Copyeditor: Melissa Moore Design: Amymade Graphic Design,
[email protected] Photograph Credits: We are grateful to Aksel Nærstad of the Development Fund, Norway; Grassroots International; and IFAD for photos used in this report. Cover Photo: Seed Sovereignty: Farmers display seeds from around the world at the Nyéléni World Forum for Food Sovereignty 2007. Photo Courtesy of Grassroots International. Copyright © 2009 by The Oakland Institute The text may be used free of charge for the purposes of advocacy, campaigning, education, and research, provided that the source is acknowledged in full.