___________________________________________________________________________ NEWSLETTER No. 40 May 31st, 2002 Marlene Dietrich Collection Berlin is a division of Filmmuseum Berlin - Deutsche Kinemathek If you want your fellow fans to receive this newsletter or if you just want to add informations write to
[email protected] . If you want to support the work of the Filmmuseum Berlin-Deutsche Kinemathek of which Marlene Dietrich Collection Berlin is a division you can do so by joining the "Friends and Supporters of Filmmuseum Berlin". Just go to http://www.fffb.de ___________________________________________________________________________ Dear fans and friends, “Ernest Hemingway once said about Marlene May again has been a busy month. It marked Dietrich: ‘If she only had her voice, she could the tenth anniversary of Marlenes death date break your heart.’ Today we are once again with the highlight of journalists at the grave who able to see how right he was. did not ask questions but simply hold their micophones to your mouth and said: “Say Marlene Dietrich’s voice touches us – not only something”. At least, they could think of a with its modulation, which is colored by age and question, didn’t they. her experience in life, but especially because On May 16th Marlene was declared Honorary of her clear and uncompromising attitude Citizen of Berlin – the first person ever to towards Berlin and her role as a Berliner in receive this honor after her death. We listened Germany’s political history. And not least also to music, to speeches and again Marlene made because of the many images that her voice the headline as she did all her lifetime.