lichess vs .com cheating Difference between rating and rating? I dont get this at all. I breaked into the 1300-1400 rating on went to play against the crowd and can't seem to break into the 1200. I am beaten by 1100 players there some time. Are the players stronger there? More cheating or what? and lichess use different rating systems so the numbers will differ. It's not that the players are stronger there, it's just that the general rating is lower so playing a 1200 player there might correspond to playing a 1500 player here. As Numberman said, the rating systems are completely different. a 1100 bullet player there should be similar to a 1300-1400 lichess one, based on my experience. i advise you to not play bullet on tho, the platform is horrible, you get flagged a lot. blitz players are higher rated on, i played a few games yesterday and a guy rated 1750 played like 1200 or something from lichess(so assuming he just played badly, 1750 on on lichess) same for three checks. i guess you should just put aside their rating and play your best. lichess and are both different from FIDE after all. Thats weird I find in blitz 1150 there are stronger than some 1300-1400 here. I find it harder to win there. at least yesterday and today. It also feels to me that the clocks move much faster on I think at the same speed on both the sites--obviously, since I am the same person--but somehow, I am frequently in time trouble on @Shredderroy : add time when you premove (something like 0.1s) and has slower servers than lichess so you lose more seconds per moves than here. lichess allow you to do many premoved moves in a row without taking any time at all, in 1+0 bullet games, that's very important and change the way you play. same for blitz and no increment rapid games. At least at my level of play, there seem to be different opening trends between the different sites. Lots of weird will show up for just a while until they stop working against most players. When I switch back and forth between Lichess and, I'll usually screw up in some opening line that I'm not used to. For example, almost no one seems to play the Kings at my level on, but I run into it all the time here. I think that when you switch between sites, you'll probably lose to whatever the trendy opening is at the time, and as a result everyone else will seem under-rated until you figure out what's going on. What’s the best chess server to play? There are millions of chess websites on the internet, which one you should use? Undoubtedly, the two favorites websites are and today, both offering excellent features, and competing to provide the best experience. Is lichess better than Both sites have different features, and I think that the websites are not intended for the same public. This is why, which server is best will depend on what the user is looking for. In reality, many factors come into play, and is hard to say, the comparison isn’t even fair. This post is intended to help you make a decision on which server to use, but question yourself first: What are you expecting from the sites? It seems the gaming experience will be the same, but the objective is to make you feel comfortable. However, professional chess players think you use both sites. It’s not a bad idea, this way you get the best out of both pages, remember both have resources that may be helpful. As always, with the correct method, you can get the best out of anything, let’s compare both sites and see what they have. Features. is the biggest platform on the internet so it’s the one with more content in it. is a page not only to play chess but to learn and improve. So is lichess better than to learn the game? What is offering to improve my learning? offers chess lessons, chess news, blog posts written by masters, audiovisual content, and the best training tools on the internet. The methodology behind the site is superb, and the content is substantial, nurturing, and well-presented. The best play to start for a chess beginner is The puzzles, analysis board, gaming interface, forums, lessons, and etcetera, can help even the best grandmasters. However, excellent features like this have a cost, a yearly membership you should buy, otherwise, you don’t have access to all the features. So it’s not free, but the cost is not high. If you are interested in improving your chess the membership is completely worth it for it, but are you really going to use it? You can unlock a great deal of content, I’m not sure if you will consume it all, but the site offers a worthwhile product. Another one, is that the anti-cheat system is not to compare, is really secure, and fair play is guaranteed here. By the security means seems clear to answer the question “is lichess better than”. features. Is better than It’s better for those who are not that interested in the chess lessons, and content, and just want a free site to enjoy chess. The best feature about lichess is that is 100% free, and they also have great features you can use. You can analyze games with Stockfish, play tournaments, get into a , view chess lessons, and read forums. They also have great quality and good content made by masters. The content does not have anything to envy from different web pages, and the lessons can be saved and watched later. is also known for its servers, the best servers to play are here, which means less lag, and better latency. Is lichess better than This is especially useful when playing bullet, the moves reach the server on time, which provides a better playing experience. However, as everything good it has its catches. The problem with it being free is that there are not too many people encouraged to improve the page, and there is no resource to make the content even better. This does not mean is bad, it means websites need money to work better, grandmasters don’t give away their secrets for free on lessons! For the same reason, there is no too much money to improve the security system, cheating is a big problem on But the interface, the intuitiveness of the tools, easy access to the content, good servers, and a friend playing system is the best. Is lichess better than The comparison of the sites is not fair, I think both sites are intended to play the same game but have different approaches. is a site providing lots of information and resources for the serious chess player. You can perfectly use these tools to become really good at playing chess. Nevertheless, all of this content may be overwhelming for any chess player, and this makes the page loaded with lots of options so is not easy to navigate. While lichess seems to be a more relaxed website to play, just to enjoy games easily and provide a good gaming experience for players at any level. If you want to play a quick game or tournament lichess is your site, there is more freedom to speak about anything you want and don’t get kicked. Lichess vs cheating. I am a low rated player of about 1600 on lichess and 1350 on In order to improve my game recently, I decided to use one of the amazing plug-ins mentioned in one of the posts a couple of weeks ago. The results on were amazing. I can win games even when two pieces down and my accuracy can easily reach 100% even when my opponent plays a really good game. However, it doesn't happen on lichess. Even with all the computer help it feels like my opponents have engines exactly on the level of mine. I don't know how to explain it, but I can just tell. Has anyone else experienced this? Can anyone maybe give me advice on how to get an engine that could dominate both sites? Lichess vs cheating. I know this is probably post number 1 billion on this. But I have been switching from to . I am a low rated play of about 1600 on lichess and 1350 on I just never ever lose games on like I do on Up two pieces and miraculously they make every perfect move(often perplexing to me) and just dominate. Or even games that I don't get up two pieces, but I play a really good game and they simply play 100% perfect moves. I am not saying that can't happen.. but it happens too much. And its not that it happens "sometimes" it happens very often. Games on Lichess really feel like I am playing a person my level, is not the same. I don't know how to explain it, but I can just tell. Has anyone else experienced this? I am only on the other because I have sub, when it expires I will switch. I am not trying to bash anyone or promote anyone this is just my experience. There's definitely plenty of cheaters on lichess as well, but I have no idea which site has more. I've been getting hit with these players with ridiculous rating spreads. They will be like 1200 blitz and 2400 rapid (provisional). It just doesn't make sense unless they are cheating. I usually just abort the game immediately if I see that. If I do play it through, they win with 99% accuracy and then sometimes a few days later I get the refund. I also noticed that after lichess brands them a cheater, they only get paired to play vs. other cheaters. Look at this account for an example. I got into chess waaaay too much, then deleted my old lichess account cause I felt i was spending too much time, was solidly 1500 rapid. A few weeks later made a new one, my first opponent was 1600, blundered and resigned on like move 15, I go up to like 1900, play a 2100 level player, I'm down a , dude makes a mouse click mistake (clearly), I get a and win, and suddenly I'm like a 2300 provisional rating and I'm like fuck, what do I do now lmao. Just saying, sometimes provisional ratings are all about luck, and I'm back down to 1600s on that account after losing the next like 15 games straight. You would think if they were cheating they wouldn’t stay at 1350 very long. maybe they are 800 and cheating little to not get caught? Other than losing rating points, I'm not bothered by cheaters much. I'm still analyzing the position and improving as a result. The rating points aren't that important to me. But, but . . . everyone plays for the rating! :D. My experience is that cheating is quite limited but not non-existent on Analyze and review your games before assuming there is cheating. I have been given a couple of games on cheating allegations but for the most part, I should played better. Been playing on for more than a decade and have maybe given serious thought to my opponent cheating a handful of times. They’re pretty good about stopping it, and will only get better as their revenue increases. I know this is probably post number 1 billion on this. That is correct. I agree. The only thing I play at is fog of war. I play around a 1200 on lichess and a 630 on I get absolutely smoked by 500 and 600 all the time. I rarely feel like I'm playing against an actual person on there. Beats me. Not sure what time controls you play, but the possibility of cheating leaves us with games 15+10 or shorter (for me, 10+5 seems to be the sweet spot). Even in these shorter time controls, there's cheating based on opening books; but if you're playing your usual opening and always play the best lines, it's not that much of a problem. I also stopped playing on chesscom. I agree.. I play a 1000 rated player there and they are like magnus. They never miss anything. Been playing lichess the last 3 months and while I still lose they feel like much closer games. Maybe it's not real but it is enough to convince me psychologically. That's so weird. I have over 50K blitz games on various sites and a while back decided to try Lichess. I am repeatedly paired with people who play like I've never seen. Unbelievable wins, really. Despite the notices I get about losing to cheaters and being given points, I really think there is very little cheat detection on lichess and that that cheating there is rampant. I've seen videos of people playing with bot software that's fast enough to easily play 3 minute games. Anyway, that's my experience. I haven't tried Same here. and I do play on This post has been parodied on r/AnarchyChess. I am a bot created by fmhall, inspired by this comment. I use the Levenshtein distance of both titles to determine relevance. You can find my source code here. The cheaters on lichess seem clustered in the 1650-1800 range. But yeah I think people are playing the opening 10-15 moves then switching the engine on when they get in trouble. I've had similar experiences. If the trend continues, I think the wise thing to do to quit online chess. Unless there's a platform with webcam and other monitoring algorithms, there's no point playing online. I can’t break above 1500 on rapid on while crusing at 1800 on bullet on I do play impulsively but I think if I’m spotting tactics with seconds to spare then I should spot them with minutes no? Im also 1800 on lichess in rapid so the 300 point difference makes it very annoying to the point I play on lichess exclusively now. Maybe it’s the UI but i dunno. Try not to take defeats too seriously, there will always be something you can learn from your own game even when facing a cheater. do send many rating adjustments due to 'fair play policy violations' but I don't see how they could eradicate false positive / false negatives completely. I suspect cheating is Waaaaay more prevalent on Lichess. I play on both platforms back and forth constantly with the same blitz time controls. Obviously you can’t compre ELO across different player pools but you can meaningfully compare percentiles. In the same time controls I’m 75%ile on but only 37%ile on Lichess. I’ve played roughly 700 games on the latter and a couple thousand on the former. Yes, it’s possible that more experience on the platform makes me play slightly better there, but can that really account for a 40 percentile point increase? I think not. Nor does it seem plausible to me that the player pools are THAT much different in skill (i.e. the idea that all the pros flock to lichess and newbs flock to Another consideration here is that when cheating occurs on they actually seem to enforce it. That is, I occasionally get notifications from that one of my opponents cheated and they adjust my rating accordingly. This Never happens on Lichess. I’ve read in various posts that Lichess does run some sort of anti-cheating algorithms but I’ve never seen any actual evidence of this whatsoever, and I’m inclined to believe it’s bs. Lichess is totally free and provides a great service. Don’t get me wrong, I do think it’s a great platform, which is why I still use it. but yeah they could definitely stand to make their cheat-detection more robust and/or transparent. Lichess vs cheating. One of the most common questions in the chess world is how your rating compares to other measurements. For example: how does your rating on compare with your rating on Others wonder how their online rating would compare to an over the board (OTB) rating. How does blitz rating map to the USCF rating system? How does your rapid rating compare to FIDE ratings? We had these same questions. We have a of multiple sources to create these comparisons. If you’d like to help expand our rating database, we have a rating survey below. The results are updated regularly, so make sure to subscribe to get site updates. Would you like to improve your chess? Join the ChessGoals Community. Not sure what a chess rating is? out our post: Chess Ratings – All You Need to Know. Rating vs FIDE and USCF. Last Updated: 3/28/2021. The ratings map pretty closely to USCF and FIDE ratings overall. You can use it generally as a quick mapping to your USCF rating. USCF ratings start at 100 and the equivalent is a bit under 500. The gap shrinks up until the breakeven range of 1600-1650. ratings become slightly higher again as one’s rating increases. FIDE ratings follow a similar distribution to the USCF ratings. In the past, we have seen ratings more similar to OTB ratings, and due to fewer OTB events in 2020-2021, ratings may be drifting a bit higher. We also expect some changes in OTB ratings when the number of events picks back up in the future. Typical bullet ratings on are slightly lower than blitz ratings. The recent +150 increase that employed helped bring these ratings closer together. Rapid ratings start higher than blitz ratings with a breakeven point around 1650 when blitz ratings begin to be higher. This table also accounts for the change that made to move 10+0 games to the rapid category. See the full data below. Reading the Table. Find blitz rating in the first column All other ratings are mapped to blitz The (+/-) values represent one standard deviation in the predicted rating. About 68% of players fall within this range. Lichess Rating vs Last Updated: 3/28/2021. How does your rating compare to your rating? The data we have is of active players on both sites. To keep these comparisons fresh, each section consists of relatively active players (RD < 150) on both sites. For this chart, we use your blitz rating as the base and map it to typical ratings on As you can see, ratings are a couple of hundred points higher than across the board. Reading the Table. Find blitz rating in the first column All other ratings are mapped to blitz The (+/-) values represent one standard deviation in the predicted rating. About 68% of players fall within this range. Lichess Rating vs FIDE and USCF. Last update: 3/28/2021. We have also analyzed how ratings map to OTB ratings. This table is created by combining the first two tables on this page. Similar to the comparisons, ratings are generally quite a bit higher than OTB ratings. If you have a lichess rapid rating of 1500, don’t expect to score a 1500 performance at your first FIDE event. Your rating will map to roughly 1200 FIDE or 1200 USCF. The full data set is below, which maps all lichess ratings to their OTB averages across our survey result. Lichess Blitz Lichess Bullet Lichess Rapid Lichess Classical USCF FIDE 845 810 985 1065 285 920 885 1125 1120 285 1000 940 1185 1255 300 1090 1010 1285 1355 575 1195 1060 1380 1445 700 1275 1135 1480 1530 835 1365 1235 1550 1590 1010 1420 1295 1600 1620 1070 1480 1335 1625 1660 1115 1530 1400 1670 1705 1155 1585 1450 1705 1730 1235 1440 1625 1495 1735 1755 1290 1450 1665 1525 1785 1785 1340 1500 1700 1590 1815 1805 1395 1505 1735 1630 1840 1825 1470 1535 1780 1670 1865 1855 1505 1600 1815 1705 1895 1890 1550 1630 1860 1750 1930 1925 1605 1645 1885 1785 1955 1940 1640 1680 1910 1810 1995 1960 1705 1720 1950 1850 2010 1990 1750 1770 1995 1900 2040 2020 1805 1835 2015 1945 2060 2040 1850 1870 2050 2000 2085 2055 1880 1920 2075 2020 2110 2070 1915 1965 2145 2105 2170 2090 2010 2035 2215 2180 2205 2165 2105 2125 2290 2265 2240 2195 2200 2205 2390 2365 2300 2285 2255 2280 2450 2455 2395 2310 2295 2345 2530 2540 2455 2375 2425 2405 2605 2625 2535 2460 2680 2735 2565 2535. Next Steps. 1. Take the rating survey to help expand the rating database 2. Check out our freely available study plans 3. Join the ChessGoals community for Discord chatroom access and study plan support 4. Subscribe to email updates for a detailed study plan spreadsheet, coupon code for premium study plans, and blog updates. Follow us on social media: Rating Survey. Please consider filling out the rating survey to help us expand our rating database.