The Archives of The University of Notre Dame 607 Hesburgh Library Notre Dame, IN 46556 574-631-6448
[email protected] Notre Dame Archives: Alumnus ALUMNUS r!?S ^' -' '^ '^!iPi'^'^hf^ The 26th Annual UNIVERSAL NOTRE DAME NIGHT is Monday APRIL 25 IVhat is your Club doing f Join with thousands of other Notre Dame men in scores of Notre Dame clubs in observing this traditional Notre Dame Night. Mark your calendar NOW! This Year Commencement and Alumni Reunion are on Separate Week-ends ALUMNI REUNION Friday, Saturday and Sunday June 10, II and 12 (on the Campus of course) Special reunions of the five-year classes: 1899, 1904, 1909, 1914, 1919, 1924, 1929, 1934,, 1939 and 1944. Residence accommodations in the halls. Expanded reunion program. Class secretaries and Reunion Committees are working on details. Watch for further announcements, but mark the dates now — June 10, II and 12 ••.^ iV^.;' t'jrTl^, ^?V^;^?r •*• mnnnj^ ii#i ;?s- k:E,wj~;~^f*^ '^'^•iiSi**'^^^™' »^2%\^^ TS "... ,~ *0 .(• i-iS - - ?*• SS^SSSS prttm T- ^f»i ^-4_-J' :i* PflSSIM -^:5«--i^ms@ 4.-:?i«as y^l The Notre Dame ALUMNUS Heredity or Environment Vol. 27. No. 2 Morch-April, 1949 It could be due to heredity. After all. Professor Stritch's Journalism Department, Main Building, First Floor, North, does now occupy the quarters wherein the ALUMNUS for so James E. Armstrong. '25. Editor many years was slapped, spoonfed and coaxed into life, William H. Dooley. '26. Managing Editor and circulation. This magazine is published bi-monlhly by the University of But, more likely, the reason is environment.