THE DAILY NEBRASKAN PAGE 3 Husliers . (Continued from Page 1.) Smjckwakm&JL sion dropped back to his own 40 and slid a beautiful pass into the That old money grabber, the parlay, seems to still be waiting arms of Strobel who was scoop:' ng off the suckers' money come Friday and Saturday standing near the ten. It was Nar-cissi- on again ashe cracked through around the Nebraska campus. the Husker forward wall to the Even though every one from Deans to prominent foot- four. Narcission carried again but ball players have come out against parlays and even though mubled the ball. He managed to are a to lose many a Husker fan will shell recover and was tackled by Ralph they sure thing Damkroger. Colorado gained two out a buck or two and hope his team wins by a certain team wins all that has to more yards around end with Nar- T Q 1 number of points. Then if his cission again carrying the ball. rJ yv happen is have four other teams do the same thing. Of With fourth down and less than course this is only likely to happen in one out of every two two yards for a touchdown Nar- cission again tried to crack the or three thousand cases. line but a stubborn Husker for- Football is still a collegiate sport, at least on our ward wall held. campus. In every other sport in the United States the The first quarter was mostly bookies and "sure thing boys" get their take without put- Colorado as the Buffs kept Ne- even braska deep in their own territory. ting one thing out for the sport. In the last few years Colorado scored their first marker the great gridiron sport has succumbed to the wishes of on a luck break in the second a few. quarter Cletus Fischer fumbled on Many will stop and thing this week, but for all his own 19 yard line and Colo- people rado recovered. Harry Narcission those that do there will be ten that don't and thereby place dropped back as if to pass but in- their business in the hands of the bookie. Let's not have stead ran to the five yard line of 'i ill football dragged through the mud as the Chicago baseball Nebraska. Miller was almost ago. Football may not have a Babe caught back on his own ten but team was several years the Buff back managed to work Ruth to save it. his way to the three where he was tackled by Del Wicgand. Psi Chi All men who intend to par- Hagen went right through the Ne- All Psi Chi members and as- ticipate in any varsity sport braska line and when the players sociate members are urged to and who are transfers from unscrambled Colorado was lead- attend an organizational meet- another university, college, or ing 6-- 0. Evan's try for extra point ing for this school year at 5 junior college must see Coach was no good. PA p. m. Monday, Oct. 11, in Room "Pop" Klein at once. Huskers Foul Again 218 Social Science building. Under Big Seven rules no In the dying minutes of the first competition is charged against half Harry Narcission taking all a man having one year of the time in the world dropped Kosmel Klub junior college competition but back to his own 45 yeard line There will be an important he needs one year residence to and rilled a pass to Johnny Zisch meeting for all Kosmet Klub be eligible. Two years of junior who caught the ball on the ten workers at 5 p. m. Monday, college allows a man to be yard stripe and scored standing Oct. 11 in the Kosmet Klub eligible at once if he is a up. It was another example of room. All workers are re- graduate. Husker sluggishness. The Scarlet quested to be there. players in BIG JIM MARTIN, holdover end, will be one of the obstacles in was letting Colorado Sat- behind their pass defense. the path of the Comhuksers when they face Notre Dame this Although Nebraska never really urday afternoon. threatened to score in the final half the Golden Buffaloes at- tempted a placement in the early minutes of the fourth quarter. The Nebraska Plays kick was no good and Nebraska took over on their own 12 yard line. Gerry Ferguson carried to the ft 28 and Junior Collopy managed a Hs 8rflsiei one vard gain. Bill Mueller car Nebraska will play host to the Tripucka has had a long grooming In our Sportswear Shop . ried around the end to the 45; University of Notre Dame this period for the quarterback job and yard stripe. Ferguson fumbled and Saturday at Lincoln. we hope he is ready; Terry Bren-na- n Colorado recovered. Looking at the records Ne- and Ernie Zalejski are ques; Buffs Score braska has beaten Notre Dame tionable products at left half be- ' It was Narcission again as the five times in 12 years and tied cause of knee injuries and Coy fleet back carried to the Ne- the Irish once in 1918. The Husk- McGee is too small for steady braska 20 yard line. Narcis- ers have always been a jinx in work; Emil Sitko is a consistent sion hit right guard for a the path of the Irish. They ground gainer at right half but TYttrm TV four yard gain. The Buff half- downed Knute Rockne's 1922 and not a breakaway runner. rmmnn back scored a beautiful touch- 1923 teams by scores of 14-- 6, Fullback John Panelli has a down as he reversed his field 14-- 7. Those were the years of the questionable knee while Mike faked off several would be Husker famous Four Horsemen, Harry Swistowicz never seems to per- tacklers and scored the final Stuhldreher, Elmer Layden, - Jim form in the fall as he does in Colorado touchdown making the Crowley, and Don Miller. spring practice." scoreboard read Colorado 19, Ne- In their first two years of var- Leahy goes on to say that if he braska 6. sity play for Notre Dame the can find two dependable tackle Four Horsemen scored touchdown replacements, if injuries are at a after touchdown against oppo- minimum, if Zalejski, Brennan Betas Grab Free nents and piled up win after win. and Panelli recover from their Then came the Nebraska game knee injuries and Tripucka comes Throw Play-Of- f and the Irish were stopped cold. through at the quarterback slot vic- ' good 'MMH& a. Si. Ma. The intramural basketball free In both years the Cornhusker Notre Dame will have a championship ended tory was the only one to mar an team. Which simply means that throw team to cry because in a tie at the end of the regular otherwise clean Notre Dame slate. Mr. Leahy wants Beta Meet First In 1915. he lost three and scheduled play between games Theta Pi and Sigma Nu. The first meeting of the two may win only "two or three In a team aggragate-scor- e teams took place in 1915 and Ne- this year." playoff last Thursday, Beta braska manager a 20-1- 9 victory THK BIO SEVEN S HKDl champion- over the men from South Bend. Nebraska v. Notre Dam. Thcta Pi captured the Kanxa (ieonce. Wahinj(tou. 7-- 0 up in vv ship and the team trophy by A victory was racked Colorado vh. Iowa State. in downing Sigma Nu's 121-1- 13 1917. The last Husker win was MinMiurl VH. Navy. The scores: 1925 when the Huskers blanked Kanas State v. Oklahoma. Beta Theta the Irish, 17-- 0. Out of 40 throws each: e Record Mr. Paul Gilbert will talk on the Bub'Mrans Vear Neh. Neb. N.D. on Hot) Kasmarek 21 2i) N.l.er19 1P21 0 7 fishing situation in Nebraska 2 ltd; Hoi) Jnhnson 1SH (I 20 lf'22 14 6 Monday, Oct. 11 at 1 p.m. in Room Huhhy Ruma 2 1917 7 1923 14 7 108, Physical Education building. 1918 0 0 1924 6 M ""j::: - yr 1 1919 14 l2.r 17 U B. R. Patterson, instructor in bait Sigma Na. 1920 7 16 1947 0 31 and fly casting, extends an invi- Andy tiunten . 3S 22 persons. Huh ; sham ... Totals ... 9 1I4 tation to all interested Hml Ruiseni . Pettijohn 2V Nothing is impossible in foot- Ikk ball and Couch Potsy Clark's Lueth will speak at a 113 Dean Huskers could put the old hex on meeting of the Nu-Me- ds 7:30 p.m. Notre Dame this week-en- d. The Wednesday Oct. 13 in Love Me-bra- ry Irish have been undefeated for auditorium. All pre-me- d IM Standings two years and Nebraska could do students are invited. Sigm-Ps- same thing it did in seasons Omega, Beta i, the V Alpha Tau Ly Gold 11 Theta Pi and Kappa gone with the and Blue U. Beta beat them. at THE OF Sigma jumped into the leadb of LEGER foot- Leahy Discusses Irish. nam n respective intramural 1 their speaking of his own team, - GE k.M ball leagues as round-robi- n play In HAS H,r- half way mark Coach Leahy says: "Leon Hart AMONG RAGITES f reached toward the dependable on October 8. and Jim Martin are and experienced performers at Sweater Gem The standings: we very tackle, blades I.KAUl'K I. end; are weak at 7..f rai$r Alpha Tea Omega the first four having graduated; Sigma hi J Capt.
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