UNIVERS11Y OF HAWAII Ll6RA¢Y ------·· .. - . -

AG,Laborexecssued By Rick Alberto Sablan. When the authorization docu­ They claimed Sablan similarly first paragraph. Variety News Staff The CNMI government was ments were presented to Jones, became angry and shouted at She allegedly accused once TWO officials from the Division also included as respondent or the complainants said he "became them, accusing them of disobey­ more Beri and Lapuz of dis­ of Labor and the Office of the plaintiff. · very angry" and allegedly shouted ing the ·court order. obeying a court order, adding Attorney General were sued by Beri and Lapuz's joint com­ at them in front of other people in Jones allegedly ordered the two she would reopen the deporta­ two Filipino musicians Wednes­ plaint arose from their alleged the division's lobby. Filipinos not to leave Sablan's tion cases against them, "even day for alleged harassment and false detention inside the office of Jones, according to the charge office as he stepped out accord­ though she (Sablan) knew she intimidation. Sablan at the Department of La­ sheet, accused Berl and Lapuz of ingly to summon two deportation was no longer responsible for In a civil case filed before the bor and Immigration. disobeying a court order that re­ officers. the activity of the Immigra­ District Court, pianist Walden Q. Last Oct. 6, they said, they filed quired them to leave Saipan. But when he returned to tion Division. Beri and singer Violeta L. Lapuz applications for temporary work But the complainants claimed Sablan's office, Jones instead in­ The complainants said they sought general,compensatory and authorization at the labor divi­ there was no such order. They formed them that plane tickets were also accused by Sablan of punitive damages from William sion, accompanied by their pro­ said Jones refused to talk to their would be prepared the next day so "participating in the tampering of A. Jones, labor deputy director, spective employer, Remigio when asked and instead they could be sent home, the two a previous document authorizing and Assistant Atty. Gen. Virginia Pamintuan. led them to Sablan' s office. musicians said. temporary work." Sablan allegedly also said she They said they were able to would do the paperwork so they leave Sablan's office only af­ could depart immediately. ter their lawyer called Sablan. When the complainants showed Berl was able to call his lawyer ,...... Sablan a copy of their request for , -~·J ~-·-- after outwitting Jones who had . ,., a transfer hearing, the assistant ord~red him not to leave Sablan' s attorney general allegedly tossed office after making an attempt. the copy aside after reading the Continued on page 68 B"OH economic-reJJort~· Marianas outd()ing··:

other-insular. . areas' ~ By Mar-Vic C. Munar Variety News Staff THE CNMI's economy is out­ doing· other insular territories of the (with the exception of Guam) because it has several characteristics that give it edge over its "sister'' islands, according to economic analyst Wali M. Osman who The newly-completed Louis Vuitton luxury shopping mall in Garapan undergoes refurbishing in preparation for its grand opening. Construction of the building was momentarily stopped and was resumed only after a prepared the Bank of Hawaii's new law was enacted to reduce excise taxes. CNMI economic report. "The CNMI is a story of suc­ cess. It has a clear pattern of To the extent RP ban is li-fted• rebound," Osman told mem­ bers of the Saipan Chamber of Wali M. Osman CNMI to start requiring Commerce during yesterday's . Commonwealth's fragile eco- . meeting at _Hyatt Hotel. system and limited urban in- · The CNMI report was part of frastructure." Bank ofHawaii's series ofstud­ It -was also noted that the workers POEA clearance ies on the economic conditions · CNMI labor practices have By Rafael H. Arroyo Employment A~ministration in the Pacific Islands. . caused some concern over the Variety News Staff (POEA) certification from incom­ It is not all good forecast for treatment of foreign labor. THE CNMI Government will start ing Filipino workers by Novem­ the Commonwealth, though. Moreov.er, there has been con­ requiring Philippine Overseas ber I st, Assistant Attorney Gen­ The report states that while cern over the illegal entry of eral Sebastian Aloot said. · the CNMI' s garment industry foreign workers into the United In a telephone interview yester­ ~scurrently doing good, it may States. day, Aloot said the new action not be so in the next five to 10 "As much as CNMI' s expe­ Weather will be in line with efforts to nor­ years. .. rience and comparative advan­ malize CNMI rel3tions with the · "The growth of manufactur­ tages favor the expansion of , although the policy ing is not as certain as the rise light manufacturing , it is un­ Outlook will be implemented on a selec­ in tourism in the next five.to I 0 likely to increase as rapidly as tive basis. years,'! states the report fur­ it did in the 1980s," says the "We are coming up with proce­ nished by Osman at the report. dures that we hope to implement Chamber's meeting. With the General Agreement on Nov. 1st that will set ttte·pro­ Osman attributed this to the on Tariff and Trade and the • cess for POEA contact," said CNMI' s tendency to make .the. proliferation of other regional Aloot. garment business play second Sebastian Afoot trade blocs, Osman said, the .) "We have indicated that to the fiddle to ~ourism industry. CNMI will be forced to further extent where there are no morato­ dum to be implemented by Nov. . "Part-of the reason," the re­ open its market for labor. riums ban, we will be asking for 1st. By then, he said workers port states, "is the burden of When asked during the fo­ Becoming partly cloudy POEA exit clearance." should expect to be asked for large foreign worker popula­ rum, Osman could not say how with Isolated showers According to Aloot, the gov­ POEA exit clearance. tion places on the Continued on page 13 ernment is preparing a memoran- Continued on page 58 PAc NFWSBAe1:~ ~rA9iS , .... •1 I

.- ' .. ...,_ .. , ...... •I\ 0 • I 1 \I<, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1995 -MARJANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-3 2-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-FRIDAY- OCTOBER 27, 1995 Congress nears okay Claret "French" &staurant • of Republican budget Tsunami alert causes panic • !' ,air By ALAN FRAM tive programs. . Mild midday earthquake felt on Saipan oc~~:cialssaidthevolcanowas WASHING TON (AP)- The House "Ifthe Republicans plunge ahead occurrences. gized to the public for the unnec­ earthquake, according to the found early Wednesday by a boat and Senate are bracing for their first and pass this budget, I will veto it and Robert Guerrero, EMO direc­ essary anxieties the miscommu­ that went to check a sighting of votes on milestone Republican bud­ demand a budget that is balanced in a EMO. get -balancing plans, as leaders of the way that reflects our values and pro­ tor, said it was a case of miscom­ nication had caused. The EMO had said that people dead fish, bubbles and a sulfu­ two chambers continue cutting deals motes our economy," Clinton told munication on the part of the De­ The tsunami alert, however, should evacuate on! y if a major rous odor in the ocean offSaipan. to solidify their expected victory reporters. partment of Public Safety person­ remains indefinitely, according to earthquake occurs, pointing out Using a depth finder, crew Date October 15 (Sal.} in October J 1 (Tue}, 1995 nel. Guerrero. that it could generate a tsunami. members determined that the Time 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm margins. He was echoed by congressional Location 'Claret Restaurant' Dai-lchi Hotel Saipan Beach Brandishing fresh agreements with Democrats, who hammered away The miscommunication was He said it will stay that way The tsunami alert was issued volcano's cone sits 184 meters waveringlawmakersonhealthinsur­ most at the GOP's plans to shrink "within themselves," Guerrero until experts say otherwise. after an underground volcanic below sea level. ance for the poor and agriculture, taxes for the well-off while trimming told the Variety. Guerrero said minor tremors activity 25 to 30 miles northwest Crew members on the boat House Speak.er Newt Gingrich and health insurance and other programs It was learned police personnel were occurring every two to three of Saipan was detected Wednes­ said they heard "booms" that knoc.ked on doors of several hC!urs since yesterday afternoon. day. shook the vessel. Palm Tree Course ($45.00p/p) Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole that benefited the poor. marched their chambers toward pas­ "It is this bill that fires the first shot Froilan Tenorio homes along Beach Road telling "Residents of the CNMI should The EMO advised residents to Also yesterday: sage of similar measures, despite a of class warfare," said Sen. James By Rick Alberto residents to evacuate Wednesday continue to take precautionary flee to high grounds if they felt an •Boat operators were advised "Matignon Fenouil" Variety News Staff night. measures against potential earth­ earthquake. by the DPS boating safety unit veto threat from the White House. Exon, a Nebraska Democrat "It is I Mushroom Soup The HouseofRepresentatives was this bill that goes to war against the THE POLICE overreacted to the There was also a noticeable traf­ quakes or tsunamis related to the The underwater volcano could to closely monitor radio fre­ i' tsunami alert issued by the Emer­ quency VHF Channel They ) "Peele" of Salmon & "AINAME" poised to approve the legislation working person on behalf of the fic jam along Beach Road early volcanic activity northwest of generate a significant earthquake 16. ; gency Management Office "Confit" Of Duck & Grilled fish with 2 Kinds of Sauce Thursday, while the Senate seemed wealthy." Wednesday night. Saipan," an advisory from the folowed within 15-25 minutes by were also asked to inform the Wednesday, causing some resi­ a tsunami, officials said. EMO of their itinerary includ­ Tenderloin, Mustard Sauce likely to follow Friday. Since the Republicans lack the Guerrero said not a few people EMO stated yesterday. ~ Sherbet dents to panic unnecessarily. panicked because of miscommu­ The 1:58 quake, which was fol! A tsunami is a huge wave ing time of departure, destina­ .1 With Basil Scent Both bills claim to balanc.e the two-thirds majority in both chambers Autumn Salad with Rainbow Color budget by 2002 by extracting savings toovertumaveto,onlyacompromise A mild earthquake, meanwhile, nication. He said his office re­ by some people inside their of­ caused by strong earthquake or tion, and estimated time of re- occurred early yesterday after­ ceived many phone calls. fices and homes, was not a major volcanic eruption under an turn. Dessert, Coffee & Bread ,~ Wrapped Homard in Pigeon & from health insurance programs for package can eventually become law. noon, followed by regular milder ' Gri lied "Chateaubriand" of Beef the poor and elderly, benefits for vet­ But neither side extended an olive Gov. Froilan Tenorio apolo- erans, and hundreds of programs all branch Wednesday. Dessert, Coffee & Bread Select:ed across the government Clinton rejected the Republican Rep. Sablan niay yet find Wine list Pieces of the government itself strategy of including must-pass lan­ would be sold, such as the air rights guage extending the Treasury's bor­ Hermitage ...... $80.00 Blue Nun ...... $20.00 above railroad tracks near the Capitol rowing hiin.self seeking reelection Chateau de Rully ...... $30.00 Chateauriuef de Pape ...... $70.00 so a commercial building could be authority in the budget bill, saying, By Rafael H. Arroyo against Sablan's brother George, in candidate, then so be it, I and Bourgogone Rodet ...... $40.00 and so on...... ••• am erected "I not going to let anylxxly hold Variety News Staff during an altercation at the Labor my family are honored and IN-CHARGE ~ _a Simultaneously, Republicans Medicare (health insurance for the For lnfonnation & Reservation, Please call 1 A GROUP is reportedly pushing and Immigration Office. humbled by this gesture," said Someya, Holkl or Socorro .._v would dispense dlrs 245 billion in tax elderly and disabled) or education or 234-6412 ext. 1441 or 1458 for the inclusion. of Rep. Ben­ An assault charge was filed Sablan. DAI-ICHI reductions to families, companies and the environment or the future of this F&B Reservation Office HOT.El- jamin A. Sablan' s name in the before the Superior Court and Sablan said he has learned investors. The overall effect would be country hostage." ballot this coming November as a Sablan was subsequently con­ from word of mouth and the to rein in the steady growth and reach Republicansrepliedthattherewas write-in candidate, this was victed of a misdemeanor. people coming up to him that little to discuss until Ointon shows ofthe federal bureaucracy -"the most learned yesterday. Although he said his reelection they were disappointed and frus­ sweeping amount of change that we more clearly what his ideas are for Sources from Precinct 3, who was still being supported by the trated at not seeing him run have seen in this country over the last balancingthebudget,agoalthepresi­ Northern Marianas College ·,:! requested anonymity said the Republican Party, Sablan ruled again, especially since they feel 60years,"asHouseBudgetCommit­ dent says he shares. group is spearheading a move to against seeking a second term. he did not consult his constitu­ Office of Occupational Safety & Health tee Chainnan John Kasich put it "He'sgoingtohavetobringsome­ Outreach & Training reelect Sablan despite the latter's When asked if there was any encies on his decision before­ Wednesday. thing new to the table," Senate Bud­ earlier announcement that he will truth to the report that he is having hand. "The big thing is we have this big get Committee Chairman Pete •·• 0Aef;:;;\·.r·••1t••'• not be seeking a second term in second thoughts about reelection, He said even his friends, fam­ "Intro. to OSHA" package that is fundamentally going Domenici said. .. 'Att>~smt. JI] /l!e the House of Representatives. Sablan during an interview yes­ ily and strong supporters were mates atthe to change this government of ours, As the words flew, Gingrich and Division .. Sablan last September an­ terday said he still maintains he not too happy with his decision Workshop and it's going to pass," Dole told Dole continued their frenetic private nounced his decision to step back has stood pat on his decision not to keep his political career hang­ reporters. meetings with Republican legislators w:11,~; and let others take his place in the to run as a candidate ing. Thatdidn 'tsway President Clinton. troubled by various provisions of the ,,,1.tr J(~ t#qp~m,t jl~J1, i Republican slate of candidates for He, however, said there is in­ "So I think they are taking the HesaidtheRepublicanproposalplun­ massivelegislation. Thesessionswere (l!$JQ the Precinct 3 congressional race. deed a group of people still prod­ chance. Rather than have me dered programs for the vulnerable, fueled, in part, by an extra dlrs 10 What is OSHA? What does it do, and why is it important? These are just a few questions Although the reason Sablan ding him to submit his name as a change my mind into running tossed tax cuts at wealthy people who billion to dlrs 16 billion lawmakc:rs :~~~~~hh .. ~~ " ,... gave then was that he wants to write in candidate, some pledging again, they want my name in the that will be answered in thi,s workshop. Learn about OSHA's regulations, OSHA's pro­ don't need them, anddiverie>:! mom:y wd airl,-s s;;;d budget writers had i·. He)saj4ijr"c;trjr spend more time for family and support in big numbers. ballot to see if that could be grams, and learn how to use and understand the Code of Federal Regulations. This work­ from efforts to improve education, found, in part thanks to lower-than­ .. gencyy~tµsI~~.»\U ..•. /. business, there were those who "First of all, I must say that I done," said Sablan. shop takes what appears to be complex issues and simplifies them, making it easy ior you the environment and other produc- exl]eCted inflation. fer'ed tq I(91Jli!r,y1IJ~i; . said that his decision may have didn't know I was still in running "If they want me in, then I am to understand. Most importantly, this workshop provides a means for you to learn about · (;Yf ffyajl 9n. llle~ we something to do with "the much­ until Ilearned that there is a group most honored to submit myself prepared for crisJ~,;j.f.ge .~tj:l, .... · publicized slapping incident in­ out there - friends, business as­ to them. But I must stress that Act OSHA the easy way. Don't wait until you get an unexpected visit. now, enroll in this lllissiont:r ~aid,<. f : T. .<••+{· volving a Filipino fanner. sociates, and relatives that have this is not my choice, because I workshop. .•..•.. CNMI ~sidt:~ts. ierei.~i:rted Sablan was accused of slapping been urging me to go back to the was not running and had actu­ 'o/ediies~yfor.possibletstµlami .. · Roberto Clemente, a farmer who House of Representatives. That is ally chosen to step down," he Important Topics Include: f()UQ\V~II~ Jhe g~~tjq11 .?{. un- •· was bringing a labor complaint yet to be seen, as this coming said. elections is but a week from "But who am I to turn my back • Introduction to OSHA now," said Sablan. on them? I owe them one," he •OSHA's Regulations "How true it is, and how real it added. is, that this group exists out there, "With all due respect to my • Workplace Inspections I like to see how serious they are Republican colleagues, I am re­ • Citations and Penalties in trying to put me back in of­ ally being put in a spot." • OSHA's Programs and Services fice," he added. According to Sablan, a former • Safety & H~th Programs He, however said it is indeed congressman residing in • Recordkeeping Requirements hearteningjust to know that there Garapan is one of those spear­ are people out there that wish to heading the group. see me back for whatever pur­ Asked about his chances as a poses. write-in candidate, Sablan said According to Sablan, when he the move will serve as a test on iI,·. first ran for office in 1993, he whether party politics is still Schedule/Information:• Workshop conducted at Northern Marianas College Room Vl 10 came up and openly asked the the decisive factor in determin­ • Date: November 8, 1995, 7:30am - 4:00pm • Pr~registration begins on 1 November by people to try him once and if ing election victories. they feel they are happy with "If by chance, the group ac­ calling 234-5498 ext 1102, Seating is limited. • Fee: FREE him, then that's it. complishes my reelection, then "I think this is the medium I am most honored to represent that can be accomplished right them because they alone could now (as a write in). But for me to give me the leverage to speak This Outreach & Training Program is a cooperative program between the U.S. Depart­ force myself to them and say I out more openly because I would ment ofLabor, Occupational Safety & Health Administration, U.S. Department of Inte­ am seeking reelection that I want not be owing allegiance to any­ ~. ··.~ .·~''·-, a second C:hance, I think I want one else but the people that put rior, and the Northern Marianas College. .~\ -~·- - 11~.,., :;..- to.keep my word," said Sablan. me in. I really would like to. "When I said try me once, I thank them all for their confi­ Workers from Kimco Electric Co. dig an excavation where new PVC pipes are to be laid. High tension wires mean try me once. If they so dence, I would forever be in- will be installed through the pipe at the American Memorial Park. choose to reelect me as a write- debted to them." · FRIDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1995 -MARIANAS VARIE1'Y NEWS AND VIEWS-5 JACK ANDERSON and MICHAEL BINSTEIN WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND ~ 1.1:Til:l~S TC Tl·II: l:l)ITOI~

._,_._ ·,'. ·-·- ..... - ··- ' .... -. ·,·,,' ...... ,,,,,·,,,'. ···,'•''•' ·.· ...,;. ,,·,,,,.... ,•, ',, .... -.. '. ,•.,, ,·,,·,·,·· GOP-is ready to toss Majority must protect rights of minority Medicaid to the states Dear Editor, with him. If this were a perfect recent history of the Common­ WE WANT This is in response to the recent world, there would be no robber wealth, though not as bad as the Jusr WASHINGTON-It's the federal health program that pays for WHAT'S BEST FoR letter by Charles Reyes in which barons, and if this were a perfect U.S. at the tum of century, is EVERYoNE ... one of every three births and covers the care of two of every three he condemns the Church for it's world, we wouldn't have people certainly not without its parallels. No ONE WANTS people in America's nursing homes. activities as a human rights activ­ suffering abuses to their human The biggest fault, however, that j j atltiBill~t~ To HURT You. That's why it's so ironic that Medicaid, which represents the ist. In Charle's letter, he extolls dignity. I find with Charles' position is i' Easy come, easy go cradle of Lyndon Johnson's War on Poverty, is now headed for its the virtues of such theorists as l propose that Charles take a that he seems to view the CNMI The governor's pronouncements about a Japanese investor seeking to grave. Adam Smith and Milton few minutes away from his study only as an economic entity. He bring over a $35 million floating casino to CNMI waters may seem like The relevant committees in both houses of the GOP controlled Friedman. He supports eliminat­ of economic theories and read seems to have forgotten that it is good news, not only for the people ofTinian but the entire CNMI. ing all restrictions on business some of this nation's history. He first and foremost a political en­ Congress have voted to dismantle the program that provides health At least we can foresee a very bright future looming ahead for the island activities and proposes to entirely might learn that the results of un­ tity, and that political entity is a down south in terms of revenue, infrastructure improvements and overall care to 36 million poor and disabled people of all ages_ Medicaid's allow market forces run their restricted free enterprises led to Constitutional Democracy in economic activity. $169 billion burden is currently shared by states and the federal course. If this were a perfect one of the United States' darkest union with the United States of One could just imagine the multiplier effect of this project if indeed it government, but the Republicans are pushing- through a plan that world, I would be inclined to agree periodsofabuseofhumanity. The Continued on page 52 gets through-people from the neighboring islands of Guam, Japan, even would have the feds simply write a check to each state with no strings from far-off Hawaii flying over to experience something that is unique in attached. itself. Donate extra to Church this week ! Considering that the gaming ship is a first class operation, it is only but "We might as well just throw the money up in the air and hope it Dear Editor, of life. Capitali~t understand the eludes loving the hard-working .I' logical to think that it will attract the upscale, extravagant type, those that falls down and does good," said Sen. John Breaux, D-La.. Last week, Charles P. Reyes, importance of their most valuable citizens who make up our island are really ready to spend a fortune in the gaming tables. Democrats believe the changes will be catastrophic. The GOP Jr. called for a boycott upon Catho­ asset, huma.'1 resources. &ono­ community. .'i I Not only will they be shelling out their money on the ship, they are also wants to slash federal funding for Medicaid by $182 billion over the lic Church donations in the name mist Adam Smith tells us that Pope John Paul II reminds us expected to increase the money circulation in the Commonwealth, as it is next seven years without any guidelines for how individual states of capitalism. This week I would capitalism is a "system of natural that: almost unthinkable for patrons not to spend a night or two on Saipan, Rota cope with the cuts. Congressional Democrats told our associate Ed like to ask that all of us dig deeper liberty for all individuals." Busi­ No worker may be used as a or for that matter Tinian, in the process, bringing in more dollars to the into our pockets as the collection ness people and corporations have tool for economic profit by any­ Henry that states could be forced to eliminate Medicaid coverage for money supply. plate is passed or as we walk by prima facie moral duties above one else, much less may the To say that the ship will boost tourism may be a gross understatement. 4.4 million children, nursing home residents and 1.4 million 350,000 the poor box and say a special and beyond profit maximization worker be abused or mistreated. To think that it will not spur commerce is a myth. people with disabilities. prayer for Mr. Reyes and for those such as honesty, loyalty, fairness Workers have the right to orga­ Employment generation, more BGRTs, income taxes, you name it, the 'Medicaid is the safety net for the entire health care system," said who followed his unorthodox and and reducing the abuse of corpo­ nize in order to support one an­ venture will be of help. I Galaide Sara Rosenbaum, an expert with the nonpartisan Center for Health rate power and the loss of em­ other. Society in general must That is why the governor has become so eager in signing an MOU this unfounded call for a boycott. By: John DelRosarlo Accusing the Catholic Church ployee pride. To resolve the more respect the union's call to boycott early in the negotiations. Policy Research. Besides raking care of the most vulnerable mem­ complex issues facing today's and strike in cases where justice But if one were to really look closer at it, there is something "funny" in bers of society-poverty-stricken senior citizens.and children along of carrying the "unholy cross of Socialism" is sadly misguided and business managers, we must look is not honored. the whole deal. Count down for Mid-term Election 1995 with the disabled-Medicaid serves as the payer oflastresort for the misleading. Freedom and liberty to basic moral standards such as The Pope is speaking about ide­ It is funny in itself that during a press conference Tuesday, the governor With one more week before the mid-term elec­ and are aggresively involved in the community. Both 38 million Americans who have no health insurance at all. Rosenbaum said Yoshiya Inc. was seeking a guarantee that government could provide for the individual constitutes the those taught by the Catholic als, not an economic system. In tions, the electorate is ready to select who would are proactive who care less what their political stripes. predicts that if the GOP plan goes through, 20 million people would at least 1,000 customers a day for the floating casino. very fabric ofour democratic way Church. Loving thy neighbor in- Contmued on page 52 represent them in the Tenth CNMI Legislature. The are for they are committed to "doing the right things". be "added to the rolls of (the uninsured) overnight." It also became noticeable that as soon as he said that, the governor election itself is crucial to both Democrats and Minority Leader Ben Attao and Rep. Manny Tenorio Sen. Don Nickels, R-Okla., a member of the GOP leadership, suddenly shifted gears saying that it is transportation for I ,000 customers Republicans. Undoubtedly, both sides would take (Brown) would blaze right back to their seats. That Budget item-veto of governor defended a day that Yoshiya is seeking a guarantee on. this battle to the hilt in hopes of securing a majority leaves two seats where incumbent Reps. Herman T. responds coldly: "Let the states take care of the safety nets." This has gotten inquisitive minds thinking whether Yoshi ya is entertain­ in the House of Representatives and Senate. Palacios, Ana S. Teregeyo, Ramon Dela Cruz, Carl Nickels' comment reelects the fact that despite its reach across Good Morning CNMI ! 1996. that we should stop this, however, ing doubts about the number of clientele here in the Marianas and whether The Democrats need control of the legislature to Reyes, Pete Castro and George Fleming would have to generational lines, Medicaid may be the most misunderstood pro­ This writer suggested a few I was a witness during the 5th Senator Paul A. Manglona does the venture will be that profitable. get its programs approved and implemented, an slug it out to the bitter end. weeks ago that the Governor Legislature when former Tinian not think so. Governor Froilan C. It has to be noted that the venture being planned is a floating casino gram in the federal budget. important element in ascertaining deli very of public Precinct II will remain unchanged. Speaker Diego should veto the whole package of Senators Jose P. Mafnas and Tenorio is correct in this line item operation. A gaming ship that is mobile enough to move to any other Medicaid has long been overshadowed by Medicare, its sister services and political self-preservation. However, the $230 million budget for 1996 Herman SN. Manglona with veto because Saipan tax payers nearby port if it finds that Tinian, or for that matter, Saipan proves not to T. Benavente is a natural in visibility by virtue of his program that takes care of the elderly. Medicare grabs all of the since it took over the helm of government it has run because there was no identifying former Senate President Julian S. money is being wasted but Sena­ be a gold basket. post as head of the House of Representatives. He and into a legislature that quickly employed political headlines because of the political potency revenue to support the $230 mil­ Calvo tried to seek funding to tor Paul A. Manglona wishes to Although the point is not tn cast doubts on the integrity of the investor, Representative Oscar Babauta have stayed close to the of the senior citizens' lobby. The sad fact is that while seniors have those displaced employees of the continue brutal expenditure for it may be a g()Od idea for the governor to require the firm to put up a hotel gridlock to effectively stymie efforts by the admin­ grassroots level and have kept apace with most commu­ lion ceilings. I also suggested his political aggrandizement. The on Tinian and insist on it being part of the rule on casinos under the Tinian istration to institute direly needed policy reforms. nity functions. The representative-constituency rapport the 33 milli~n member American Association of Ret_ired Persons that tax rollback will severely Senatorial Delegation of that is­ Saipan people religiously pay their initiative. The Republicans equally views victory as vital to that the duo have established is difficult to replace. Both (AARP) carrying their water in Washington, the poor and disabled impair the $206 million which he lands. Or maybe, there is really something at the back of the governor's mind positioning and priming itself for the 1997 guberna­ Tony Dela Cruz and Joe Demapan are good friends of don't have any high-powered lobbyists protecting their interests. asked the Legislature to appropri­ The Municipal Council was the taxes but yet unfairly distributed torial race. It'll put up its shield and sword in a battle for Rota and Tinian for political pertaining to security considerations. mine. They have their work cut out for them and it As a result, many Americans believe Medicaid is purely a payoff ate. only answer to bail out those del­ field that is quite confusing given that it isn't solely seems all up-hill. Common sense should dictate egation employees because 2nd purposes. It is really not that hard to think that with casino legalization efforts being to welfare mothers-and their children-who would rather live off explored in Saipan, Guam and Hawaii, it remains a possibility that the ship the two traditional parties at war. It also involves Precinct III will also remain basicalJy the same with us that we cannot give what we Constitutional allowed to have the I challenge those Republican the government dole than·get a Job_ In fact, one out of every eight may Jc• ,t be positioning itself waiting for the opportunity to shift to where independent warriors some .of whom are definitely incumbent Representatives Jess Attao, Stanley Torres, don't have that Senator Paul A. Municipal Council in Rota and Legislators to override the the money is. formidable opponents in their own right. Heinz Hofschneider and newcomer Jack S. Torres Americans is covered through Medicaid and the aveTage recipient Manglona of Rota should under­ Tinian but did not say anything Governor's veto. If it goes to Saipan, then that may be okay. But what if it goes to Guam T11e GOP controlled House of Representatives ahead of the group. The two remaining seats would be hardly fits the profile of a welfare motlier. stand. The item veto from Gover­ about "'Fundings". Senate Presi­ or Hawaii as a focus of operation. had lo deal with its own two-headed com snake a wrestling match between incumbent Reps. Malua The reason why Medicaid's budget has been soaring out of control nor, striking out the intended dent Julian S. Calvo and his col­ Jesus Matantaotao Tai.1acan If that happens, the economic windfall being dreamed of would disap­ earlier last year. The leadership was divided be­ Peter, Crispin .Guerrero, Frank C. Castro and Melvin is that it cleans up the raesses that other health programs leave Municipal Council budget of Rota leagues appropriated some funds Rotanese to accommodate those delegation pear as easy as a drop of the anchor. And Tinian and the CNMI could end tween those who subscribed to an all out policy on Faisao. Castro has diligently been canvassing his behind. About 4 million impoverished Medicare beneficiaries age arid Tinian will save the tax pay­ gridlock against political realists who understand ers money from political rewards. employees. This practice contin­ PS: This Saipan tax payers up empty handed. precinct and for all we know he could just as well be the 65 or older depend on Medicaid for services Medicare does not The hurt could even be much narder to bear if valuable infrastructure that perfonnance and productivity are the only sure surprise victor. The Governor was right to line ued from 1986 up to the present. money should be utilized to build cover, including preventive care, prescription drugs and long-term monies have already been put in for harbor improvements and other ticket to re-election. But the puzzle all came back Precinct IV has a mix-bag of interesting candidates item veto that portion budget of It is time for us now to realize secondary road in Saipan. support facilities. into a single piece though suspiciously intact. including my good friend and real war veteran Frapk G. care. We feel that as much as we are in no way thrilled with gambling as a The Democrats have kept their Republican col­ Cepeda. There's also David Rios in the field of six Each year, Medicaid pays for more than half of all the long-term means to rnise revenue, it would be a hedge on the part of government to leagues in-check the whole time. They challenge candidates where only two would be selected. Incum­ care services in this country, costs an average of $38,000 per year or require the firm to put up a concrete, on-land investment, if only to ensure those across the aisle to work for the common bent Representatives Alvaro Santos-(D) and Pedro P. about $104 per day. Nearly 1.5 million people live in !lursing homes, THAT'S ODD ... there is something that the ship could not just easily leave behind. good-the general public. They challenge those Reyes-(R) would be facing formidable opponents such and an astounding 69 percent of those residents rely on Medicaid to NO DIALTONE something that would remain in Tinian. · who hide behind the comfortable walls of partisan­ as Tom B. Aldan andDinoM.Jones. Aldan is a no-frills pay for their care. Lest the dream would have ea--;ily gone as quickly as it came in, in one ship to break their shells. They ask those elected to individual widely reputed for his excellence in invest­ big wave. make lasting decisions for the common good by ing and managing retirement program funds. Jones is a Long-term care accounted for a whopping 37 percent ofMedieaid' s exercising responsibility. Did they eventually come veteran in politics who's worked for the private sector budget in 1993. Medicaid's tab for nursing home care in Florida to grips with constructive engagement? It's a good and the Board of Education. The six way race should alone comes to $1 .4 billion per year, and it continues to grow at 20 question that is riddled with gamesmanship and see a veteran and a newcomer elected into office. percent each year, gridlock. The fate of politicians-retaining their seats or slid­ So even though children comrose 54 percent of all Medicaid Let's take a preliminary glimpse into the race ing offTaga's surfboard-will ride largely on reputa­ heneficiaries they only account for 23 percent of the program's cost. itself. The three-way senate race in the third senato­ tion or how voters perceive you in your community, Medicaid spends $8,074 a year on each elderly beneficiary. Mean­ rial district between Rep. Mametto Maratita-D, Juan perfonnance as an incumbent, commitment, convic­ P. Tenorio-Rand Juan S. Demapan-Ind., is quite a tion, honesty and ability to work with others for the while, it pays only an average of $1,717 for adults under age 65 and difficult puzzle to piece together with certainty. A common good. I once dismissed grassroots community less than $1,000 per child. Abed Younis ...... Editor Member of lot of voters, however, feel Morgen would prevail And the problem is only getting worse. The Census Bureau Rafael H. Arroyo ...... Reporter activities as far too trivial to get a person into office. Ferdie P. de la Torre ...... Reporter The though I'd like to leave some space for pleasant Unfortunately, Marianas politics is really grassroots . projects that the nursing home population will grow by 22 percent in Associated Press surprises. Maratita is a relative unknown island wide politics and it is here where you listen to the people the next five years. And the fact that people are living longer means while Demapan has burned his bridges since his first lf------~--·------H you' re representing or plan to represent in our Iegisla­ most future patients will spend more time in nursing homes than the ,, CON\PUTE.R DIVISION P.O. Box 231, Saipan · ·'.P 96950-0231 day in office. That leaves Morgen with his well ti ve institution. Remember: "Public sentiment is every­ (0 199.:;. Marianas Variety current generation of elderly. Tel. (670) 234-6341f7~ 8/9797 All Rights Reserved greased political machinery and a veteran in Marianas thing, with it nothing can fail, without it nothing can Cutting off the federal government's role in Medicaid is hardly Fax: (670) 234-9271 politics too. Congratulations Morgen! succeed". Despite this preliminary assessment, the fate In Precinct I, the top vote getter is a toss-up ofcandidates is real Iyin the palm ofyour hands. Choose going to get to the root of the problem. It will only dump the entire lv>tu,i>pn Rrn11hlir.an and Democrat. Both are young wisely! problem-instead of half of it-on the states. 6-MARIANAS VARIETY.NEWS. AND VIEWS-FRIDAY-OCTOBER 27 1 1995 , , Medical referral offiqer says: Garzon guilty of 'ice' import Referral funds not to last long By Rick Alberto Sanchez for delivery to Ignacio P. dropped when he was indicted by dergoing the test, he entered into Garzon answered no to the other Variety News Staff Agbanlog, Garzon's employer in the District Court. a stipulation that its results could questions as to whether he knew By Ferdie de la Torre Health Center will run out of the referral bills nine months to one selves. AFfER a jury failed to unani­ Saipan. The first 12-man jury formed be used against him during trial. thecoolercontainedillegaldrugs; Vsriaty Naws Staff budget, the government could stop year back. The program is operational mously agree on whether to ac­ Agbanlog was later arrested and by the District Court arrived at a The polygraph exam showed whetheranyonepromisedorgave THE BUDGET for the medical it again. The medical referral officer also again as the first quarter for FY quit or convict him three months charged with various criminal deadlock when it tried to decide Garwn was "deceptive" on four himanythingtodeliverthecooler ago, Fernando A. Garzon was fi­ offenses. on Garzon's case last July 18, critical questions. to Agbanlog; and whether he had referral program in fiscal year For FY I9S6, $6.5 million out disclosed that 24 percent of the 1996 starts Oct. l. i l 1996 won't last long, a medical of $7.2 million total budget for population have no health insur­ Taitano said since the program nally convicted yesterday by a Garzon had earlier been charged prompting Judge Alex Munson to When asked, for example, if withheld any information about : 1 '; referral officer warned yesterday. the program goes to referral pro­ ance. reopened this month, the commit­ different set of jury which found before the Superior Court on Nov. declare a mistrial. Sanchez had told him to deliver anyone he knew who is involved Joaquin I. Taitano urged the fessional services. About $1.3 "They should go out and seek tee had discussed 19 cases and him guilty of importing metharn­ 28 last year, but the charges were In March Garzon was subjected the cooler to Agbanlog, Garzon in bringing illegal drugs into people not to rely on the referral million is allocated for profes­ insurance coverage to shoulder approved 13 out of it. phetamine, or "ice." to a lie-detector test. Before un- answered yes. Saipan. program and instead get health sional services during the first their medical costs. I am worried As the people become aware of Garzon was, however, found insurance and put aside money quarter. about them if the referral program the program's operation, Taitano innocent of possession of the pro­ 001§11§11§11§11§11§101§11§11§10Dl§ll§ll§IDDDDDDDl§IDl§ID for'off-island medical care. Taitano said although they got will stop again," Taitano said. said they are expecting 40 cases hibited drug with intent to distrib­ "It's not gonna last long. It's a bigger budget as compared with He said when Governor Froilan every month. ute. I f o~ REAl~STn~ ~c~;;l ~t~f ij~rtl~ n;51@~;~ ~lJrlllt~rt~~~ju~ I yearly case... maybe next year the previous fiscal year with only Tenorio stopped the program last The 12-inan medical referral Garzon, 36, a carpenter from there will be no budget for the $2.9 million, they are "keeping an May 9, the people started to be program committee is composed the Philippines, was arrested at program," Taitano said. eye" to detennine the expenses. aware of the importance of get­ of six. doctors (voting members), the Saipan International Airport = $CMOOl ~fAllfUiY~CGWUY~UN~IW I He said if the Commonwealth He said they are still paying ting health insurance for them- and one representative each from on Oct. 26 last year after a piece of ) medical referral, Public Health luggage he was carrying from his I. I• Services secretary, vocational re­ / homeland yielded about 300 I Please VOTE-Pot Fabot BDTA I l .}' habilitation, medicaid, social ser­ grams of ice. D 6 f vices, and utilization review. Joaquin I. Taitano '· Garzon, who pleaded not guilty ) to the charges, said he did not D g know the white-colored cooler he D 1§1 NMA graduates make it carried packed in a carton con­ tained ice. 1§1 1§1 f-j The packets of ice were found D D to top US universities .,.I buried under fish and shrimps. SIX OUT of eight graduates of the universities they are now en­ ';·, i Garzon had told investigators D D the Northern Marianas Academy rolled with to be placed at junior (i the box was given to him at the have made it to top universities in level," Younis said. I I D Im the United States, NMA principal The six NMA graduates have l I airport by Herman D ~ 1.·.] and board director Paz Younis been admitted to Texas Univer­ 1·, D a stated. sity at Arlington, Washington i I i I 1§1 D "This is a success story that we University at Seattle, Evergreen I I all can be proud of," Younis said. College, Oregon, University qf !·: g D Younis said the NMA has been Southern California, and Califor­ able to send to college several nia States University at Hayward .. D D students on junior level. They The six students, Younis said, D g were admitted to college'atage 16 are pursuing degrees in such fields !/ ~ ~B raG,. ~·,ri ~p~~P, ~ r\r. zmu1/'· 1r2 Pl i0 11,fl f.; fl g o 1 1 1 0 and 17. as criminology, business manage­ . ~ ~l~· t~ff] ~{·i~, ti/1:i i;1 ifo ~.1 ··\)i 1/ /,t! r-.!Mrl t: > ,:l ,1:.: ·,J': t' ml ~0 .. ,·,1 r. ·_i ~it ·.~. ~ ~"171 t,.,,.H tit· f~\4 11':.l R ,.: i:\ I 1(·\ r.J\.•rl·! r -;M ::: /-:· [,:<~'r--.,.'.,).1:-:f! I I 1 ,z~. 1 The NMA is a college prepara­ ment, psychology, education, and G.·· J u Ul:l ·~-1--.;,. r.:::::;i u.:L:.i ~1 \. t; ~t. \.. L1 : ~ J \:) ~;:1 ~\/.~ ·1r.~~ t..C.: •..i:,:, 11-.,..,, w t.. tory high school which was char­ political science. 1§1 I g tered and incorporated in Febru­ She said three other NMA qnc,,• ..,,J."'''1'µ,t:'~···.:c, """r' ~ ~) ["•;?~ ,.,.-,.c;;tfa\ ,--:"._2j f',.W,:,~•su,;1'i-"'r,:,,·:,1·'''·'·" '.~ ~ El ~ t:":\ :::--ri f'l \~ ~T\ (~ mlD charter from the Board of Educa­ decided to defer college enroll­ 1§1D l£J '~.Y ii-~ U'\~ L·.9 \'::!:,; LJ~ l£ l ._.>j t:.tb· \~{7 ti\;:. U Ll (0.J J \:j this Saturday, October 28, 1995. Novena commences at 2:45pm, followed tion(l 993-96). ment to pursue work-experience. by Mass with Bishop Tomas A. Camacho as the main Celebrant. NMA graduates currently en­ These three plan to enrol later 1§1 1§1 mJ As a former MHS classroom teacher, Social Studies Program Manager ED Procession will be immediately after the Mass followed by Fiesta Dinner. rolled at US universities are Shaun at universities in Colorado, San ,ildli·· aiticiilar 1aceJ.hCommbnwea1th .... Christian, Chelsea Blackburn, ...... P ... ·.·····••••• ...... ,.. ,.,,,., ...... ,,; ljjl school principles, and special assistant to the Board of Education, I have ljjl The parishioners ,would like to extend their sincere gratitude to all Francisco and Santa Clara Uni­ flistol'V; The fu:stChai:nom:iin the: Donna Castro, Aschumar Kodep versity, Younis said. 11:.:1 the privilege and opportunity to work with Mr. Tom Pangelinan (lnden) in 11:.:1 individuals and businesses who have contributed to help this years Fiesta Ogumoro Uludong, and Katelyn "It's our objective to send stu­ .. 't:f()~~ l~arlm~ Jp gradilate'. 1§1 the planning and implementation of many beneficial programs, extra- Im Celebration a successful one. Guerrero. dents to top universities,"Younis Jrorn C()nege, ~thoI1ioJ?norio,. · g curricular activities and projects for our school children, teachers and staff. mJ rer;eiyed )his.) ~egree.··•· #om "They have successfully trans­ said. "We want the community to ~ He is a professional in his own right. r,!11 MAY GOD BE WITH YOU ALWAYS! Marqueru:;. G?vernorFroilanC · ferred most of their credits from be aware of this existing pro­ ~ Without a doubt, Mr. Pangelinan is lhe right person to represent us on the ~ · "TeMrio is a/graduate of the Northern Marianas College to gram." IEJ Board of Education. Please vote for him on November 4th. Thank you, Si 6 Marquette's .engineering pro­ She urged the community to 6ijll Yu'us Ma'ase and Ghilisow. fiiji1 gram. ~ Thomas Angailen Tebuteb /g:;',ll take advantage of quality educa­ For more information about ~ ~ tion being offered by the NMA at Dean I3roW"n's visit, call 664- Ma/ago yo na bai hunafan manugo hamyo na hu sapopola Mr. Thomas B. affordable tuition. 2215 •. mJ 6JJ Students admitted to the NMA ml Pangelinan sa hutungo na onesto, kapat kualifikao yan dangkulo i mJ are those in the ninth, tenth and ljjl interesna para u ayuda famaguonta, gi eskuela yan i comunidad guine gi ljjl eleventh grade. Twelfth graders 11:.:1 is/as Marianas. 1:.:1 are difficult to transfer to NMA NMC diving class 1§1 Pot fabot maila ya tafan hita bumota si Mr. Thomas Panglelinan (lnden) gi 1§1 due to 37 high school units re­ dia 4 de Novembre. Undangkulo na Si Yu'us Ma'ase pot i sapotasion miyo. ARE YOU TIRED OF THE em Marianas College. We offer ml mJ quirement for graduation. SAME ROUTINE? classes for the beginning diver all • F.R.P. WORKS • ARTIFICIAL TREE Applicants should take the ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A the way to diving instructor. Come 1§1 Trinie Benavente-Cameron 1§1 (Water Tank, Artificial Fall, Slide, Lining & etc.) & Northern Marianas College En­ (Sign board, Pergola, Bench and Table, etc.) UTILE AD VENTURE? join the fun and earn college credit glish and Math placement tests ml 6 •Park Development •Landscaping WONDEREDWHATSCUBA or earn your degree in Recre- 1§1 Ti row, ngaang Rufina Peter Miles, ikke tarabwagho ngare counselor me 1§1 and scored at college English level DIVING IS ALL ABOUT? ational Diving, Classes are start- lr.!!:lo Hopwood Jr. High School. lye a bwaal tooto raliil yaasch sibwe fiili iyo ljjl and Math 090 or higher and a If you answered yes to those ing now!!! Don't miss the boat. 11:.:1 ebwe mwoot llol Board of Education. lliilll grade point average of 3.5 on pre­ 1§1 Llol November 4, 1995, soumwar ye ital Thomas B. Pangelinan, i mille i fiili mJ vious transcript. questions then come join us, the Contact the Northern Marianas staff and students of the Marine College Marine Technology De- ml bwe ebwe lo llol Board of Education, bwe i mille eghi ghuley g Once enroled at the academy, 1§1 moghuttughutul llol gakko. Olomwaay me faischo woomi. the student is required to maintain Technology Departme_nt_a_tN_o_rth_·_~p_art_m_e_n_t _io_d_a_y_!!_! ------, ml . . . 3.0GPA On a final note, Younis indi­ ~·. ml Im .-, . cated that NMA has applied and ljjlD Mr. Tom Pangelinan is a fair, caring, and trustworthy individual. Under his gljjl accepted by the Western Asso­ •LINOLEUM 1:;:1 leadership, encouragement, and guidance, Hopwood students, staff and 11:.:1 (Material and Installation) ciation for Accreditation Com­ mission for Schools and Colleges 1§1 parents were able to work harmoniously together to make Hopwood an mJ (WASC) for a candidacy site visit 1§1 excellent school that it is today. Please give him your vote of confidence 1§1 on March 15, 1996.(MCM) and support in this coming election. We need an experienced and ~ Y.M.BM CORPORATIO~ D ?\~ knowle?geable educator like Mr. Tom Pangelinan in the Board of rm P.O. Box 3040 CK Saipan mJ i~& ... ,"""' ~ ::.:1 Educal1on 15D Drive With Care 1§1 Guadalupe Sabino . . . · mJ Tel: 234-1115, 235-5078·· Fax: 235-5079 CALL 234-727 ml~DmlmlmlDDDDDDEDDDDDDmlDDDDDDDaa 8-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-FRIDAY-OCTOBER 27, 1995 Youth center project snagged FRIDAY: OCTOBER 27, 1995 -MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-9 By Mar-Vic C. Munar year by the CJP A. patrol The $29,000 fund received by DPS forming bike Variety News Staff FOURTH grader Jay Lin Sanchez Karidat has already been used up, By Ferdie de la Torre riding police officers will con­ and from Bank of Guam to the centrate more on the eastern part He claimed that the program wants to do some extracurricular Ogomuro said. Variety News Staff duct a 24-hour patrol. American Memorial Park. of the island particularly Kagman has been very successful in Sac­ works after school. "It has a very successful pro­ THE DEPARTMENT of Public Castro said young officers will With this program, the com­ and As Matuis," he said. ramento, Guam, Washington Willy Diaz wishes there was a gram and it needs additional Safety will implement a bike pa­ be selected because the new pro­ missioner said patrol vehicles The bike patrol officers could State, Hawaii and other states. I i '' place to play sports near the cam­ money," the CJPA official said. trol program as part of the com­ gram requires physical condition. could scour these areas unless interact with the community and Castro said he and Claudio i .' pus. "The council fears Karidat's pro­ munity-oriented approach to Certified bike patrol officers, called for assistance by bike pa­ work hand in hand with the foot Norita, coordinator for the Community leaders have gram might be jeopardized if we fighting crimes. clad in short pants, must wear trol officers or to respond to arrest patrol cops. OHS&FP, observed how the pro­ planned to put up a youth center decide to cut the funding." DPS Commissioner Jose M. helmet, the commissioner somebody. "We need to do a lot of move­ gram worked during their visit to for students of San Antonio El­ Moreover, he added, Karidat's Castro told the Variety yesterday stressed. "Patrol vehicles can now con- ment," Castro said. Sacramento last year. ementary School. program has a wider scope than that under the scheme, bicycle- The Marianas Visitors Bureau But there is no money. the Island of Beauty Program will assist the DPS in bringing the The Criminal Justice Planning which seeks "to serve only the the instructors from Hawaii to certify Agency denied Tuesday the village of San Antonio. Burglar the o:t:ricers. CHC Volunteers Association community's request for $30,000 Which is not the case, accord­ Castro said they will buy six to to fund tpe Islands of Beauty Pro­ ing to Islands Beauty Program eight mountain-bike type of bi­ launches Thanksgiving rafile gram jointly conceptualized by coordinator Chezz Greyer. to adinit cyclesoutof$16,000 federal grant ) the school, the Parents Teachers "The youth center we're plan­ from the US mainland before the THE COMMONWEALTH Bronchoscope for the Children's way passage. The instrument is I ( ')' Association and, the Governor's ning to put up will be open to all end of this month or next month. Health Center Volunteer's Asso­ Clinic. This is an illuminated flex­ valuable in the detection and diag­ charges ciation is now selling tickets for ible instrument that allows for ex­ ! Assistant for Drug and Alcohol kids on the island," Greyer said. DPS, in coordination with the nosis of other disorders. . I Abuse Office. "In fact, several students enrolled A MAN charged with four counts Office of Highway Safety and the Thanksgiving Raffle. Tickets amination of the aiJways of pa­ Help the Volunteers' Associa­ "We were very disappointed," at the San Antonio school come of burglary and theft has entered a Federal Programs (OHS&FP), are $5.00 a piece and prizes in­ tients lungs. Should the patient's tion and participate in the said PT A president Pedro Castro. from different villages." plea agreement with the govern­ received the grant last week from clude a complete Thanksgiving aiJways become plugged the pre­ fundraising raffle activity fu this San Antonio Elem. School students start cleaning up the abandoned building donated by the mayor's office "It is ironic that the problem of Greyer said his group's pro­ ment. CriminalJusticePlanningAgency Basket with turkey, all the trim­ venting the safe passage ofoxygen, year's Thanksgiving. Watch for for the community's youth development project. drug problem in the Common­ gram consists of drug awareness Nestor M. Taitano, through Executive Director Joaquin mings and much more. choking can occur and possibly more news and participate in the wealth continues to be raised and lectures, counseling, arts and craft counsel Kevin Moore, reached a Ogumoro. Proceeds of the Thanksgiving result in death. Volunteers' Association's various now this group wanting to help projects, sports and cultural ac­ plea negotiation with Assistant Castro said they plan to deploy Raffle will go toward the pur­ With this instrument, doctors may other fundraising activities com­ was denied the opportunity to do tivities among others. Atty. Gen. Yvonne 0. Lee. the bike patrol officers in Upper chase of the Fiberoptic retrieve object from patients air- ing up. so." "Our goal is to help the kids Taitano agreed to plead guilty Miha down to Western Garapan The CJPA rejected the San build self-esteem," Greyer said, to two counts of burglary. In re­ ~======"'="'::S:C:::·:c:-.. _cc,_c,:.. ..:,:,==··=""===~ca-$;::_,c~co· O,:·C,:==·c-;:e:,,r, -~""'71~·-·-,.··-·-··•-·.s:::.~_.J._~·-· ,_...,_.. -~ ·~--·. _,,·:::;--., Antonio group's bid in favor of "and to keep them away from turn, the government will move \\ Karidat' s (formerly known as the troubles and make them useful to to dismiss the two counts of theft. Catholic Social Services) pro­ the community." Under the agreement, Taitano PLEASE VOTE! ~ grams. ~e Island Beauty Program, would get five years' jail term and The CJPA, according to execu­ Greyer said, is anchored on drug I $5,000 fine, all suspended except ii 'l'.,. tive director Joaquin T. Ogomuro, prevention efforts. six months and $500 fine. Tenorio, Juan :r does not have enough funds to "We don't know why they pre­ He will be given credit for time ",:: sponsor both programs. fer the correction aspect," Greyer served in jail. ,~/ r Of $1 million federal grants said. Taitano agreed to pay full resti­ Pangelinan received b,Y the CJPA from the Ogomuro appealed to Greyer tution to all victims. The pay­ US government, Ogomuro said for patience. ment, however, could be con­ only $29,000 was appropriated "He should not be disappointed verted to community work ser­ for the youth development item. because his group can resubmit vices. The CJPA has five other social their program when the CJPA re­ Taitano is also required to seek development programs to fund, ceived its funding for next fiscal alcohol and drug counseling from he said. year," Ogomuro said. the Commonwealth Health Cen­ The CJPA Supervisory Coun­ Nevertheless, Greyer said, his ter. cil, Ogomuro said, initially group will go on with the pro­ Court infotmation showed that planned to split the available funds gram with or without funding TaitanoandChristopher R. Ayuyu between the two organizations but from CJPA. entered an apartment in China eventually decided Tuesday to "Members of the community· :-/ Town last Aug. 3 and took a video i choose only one. and the schoolchildren have cassette player and a home stereo. "It was a very tough decision," volunteered to take part in this The following day, the two Ogomuro said. "Both programs program," Greyer said. "We can broke into another apartment in are good and the council took do it." Gualo Rai and got a pager, key, pains in determining which pro­ Saipan Mayor Jesus Deleon jewelry, and more than $250 cash. !: gram to fund." Guerrero has donated two aban­ Ayuyu was already given a jail Ogomuro said the council fa­ doned buildings in San Anto­ tenn. (FDT) 11 vored Karidat since it has already nio to serve the program's pur­ f.! J an existing program funded last pose. ·· . . EATING-.·: . ·, RIGHT .·•· For Senate !~M~~!ffilfil\; .CAN .HELP:· ON NOVEMBER 4, 1995 \J~lj HON.OLULU-B.. ank.ofijai.vlliii•·· /. int'The ad.dress J~i ~~;tl• ·.··•••·• ... The slte ~ffers.theJatestput,f; OF.CANCER. FOR THE PEOPLE" www .. boh.co mfecon/ ·, .••.. ,.•·,·····•>·•·•···•· •· ,. lishe.i,r~e11rC1i,t:,y B;;\Illc pfl:J?,ii? It can also help · . you reduc.e your weight. . D::;:n?~~r:r~;~······ .··,i~!;tf~~~~b·.· .., .. ·.. ,,,,y . IF ELECTED ...... uMORGEN" WILL . ban1c. ecQJl()mi~.·.,:esea.rch•cert· gtth¢l-lg~~tj1Manll#11;1,1 And since a 12-year study shows that r:-'/support for a permanent medical r:-/ To legislate amendment for a being 40% or more overweight puts ter.s_ i.n.. · .•. ·.the_···· .. ·.·.·.n ... ·.a ...· .•. ·.u. ·.·.o .... _.·,".· ..·· ... an..· ...... d.. ·.. _.b...... ·.11... ·.· ... •... •.·.. •.• ·' (CNMI) released . . . by·· L!J referral policy guidelines. L.:'!j more simple and stable taxation ·.nas... ··... ·· .. ee...... , ...... ······· ······ ... . you at high risk. ii makes sense to follow these guidelines for healthy living' --:/c system for the Commonwealth. :~~!~;for~6re::n4i~:!! { ~~~~~l,~~. .. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables Support for a quality of education. ~To legislate for a more com pre- As the bank bega11 exp;mdinl(i mist ./ ··· "ii+ rich In vitamins A and C-oranges, r:;;r- cantaloupe, strawberries, peaches, L!] hensive and attainable economic apricots, broccoli, cauliflower, ~ brussel sprouts, cabbage. Eal a / development policy. high-fiber, low-fat diet that Includes ~41"Support for a better policy to whole-grain breads and cereals such L....::] fight against serious crimes and ~1' To support for a Foreign Investment as oatmeal, bran and wheat. Eal lean Board to control outside investor meats, fish, skinned poultry r.nd low· drug offenders. L.2J ~UP ~~IP~N CL.ulN ~ND OON fat dairy products. Drink alcoho lie into the Commonwealth. beverages only In moderation. For more inlormation. I ca111.euo.ACS-2345tAMERI CANCER SOCIETY" tt

10-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-FRIDAY- OCTOBER 27; 1995 SC1V coverage on Kosack nixed

By Ferdie de la Torre News to re-file its motion.be­ acts and take all measures nec­ Special Master to regulate the Variety News Staff fore Kosack. essary or proper for the effi­ hearings before him, Cable THE SUPERIOR Court has Castro said a provision of cient performance of his du­ News is directed to file its denied Saipan Cable News' re­ the Commonwealth Rules of ties under the order." application before him. quest to televise the proceed­ Civil Procedure provides that SCN filed a notice of mo­ The Special Master will de­ cide whether televising the I ings to be conducted by Spe­ "subject to the specifications tion for an order allowing the ' i cial Master Rexford C. and limitations stated in the televising of Kosack's pro­ hearings will interfere with the Kosack. order, the master has and shall ceedings and an ex parte ap­ efficient performance of his In a decision.*, Presiding exercise the power to regulate plication for an order shorten­ duties, Castro said. Judge Alexandro C. Castro all pr.oceedings in every hear­ ing time. Castro appointed Kosack as instead directed Saipan Cable ing before him and to do all The judge said to enable the Special Master assigned to oversee the estate of the late mult-imillionaire Larry L. Hillblom. The hearings are scheduled Garapan & San Jose #1 Please Re-Elect ~ #1 to begin on Nov. I. Rexford C. Kosack i ··tR~lii:ff•·•·ct.m~ffli::fa!r1················ I / ' r ··!~§~~·~~µ~6~~¥9~~··flffll~ii11tiillh,.~ e~?Jiist rM#~u;4~#i?Ju t# llif§I "SHARING· m THE PARK''. . . Balbago, parish priest,. Our. 'on Sunday, Nov. 5, from 2 p.m. Lady of Light Parish, Cainta, . to 6 p.m., K.ilili Beach Park., ·,,Rizal, Philippines, tel.. no.{ ~~tuf~~li~0yi~hlfh~i ~l; : ~~it~fi~~\i~Ji~ ,~~~;; Spaghetti Bar-S Vega Shrimp •.·.r~ciqrs. willb:~l.tht; P!t<~ ~Q )i@i¢,1 Q{t('.?.?~il4\vHtliit Early Dawn !Iitllli1{T~lfiiilili<81i Vegetable Oil 1 gal. Meatball Jumbo Franks 1.1 lb. 88.99EA. s1.49EA. 8 s10.ss Marian Deleon Guerrero t-:M o~ 1.39EA. 9~~ Hormel FOR MUNICIPAL COUNCIL 1,'t&V) Campbell's Soup PLEASE VOTE #1 0Ttv Corned Beel Nestea Mix SAIPAN DIAMOND HOTEL'S Chicken Noddle #1 POT FABOT ROTA NUMERO UNO~# 1 $7.00 CHINESE LUNCH MENU FOR: SATURDAY !:QLI2 890 Roasted Bmbecued Pork 1 Garden Vegetable Salad LET S HAVE SOME FU~ Sill1E 1 Chicken soup lET S GO TO THE l!QI Fried l~icc wi1l1 Beef Cl@ROX GAIN DEJERGEN1r Braised Noodles TINIAN CASINO sau16ed Slireddc

MONDAY-SATURDAY 11 :30 AM-1 :30 PM SAN FLOWER r1' SORRY, NO RESERVATIONS WHOLE KERNEL HORMEL CORNED @ U.S. EGG t«.:.::» SAIPAN DIAMOND HOTEL @ But If you take us with you, we'll do that too! CORN BEEF HASH CATILE FISH Tel. 2J4-5900 Fax. 234-5909 fi $1.49 CALL WORLD TOUR FOR RESERVATIONS •s,wq your receipl to receive free crnrance 10 1he Disco Serenata• 69C $1.99 $1.99 ' I,,i; 233-3750 / 3800 / 3850 'l• Call right now and ask about our great package tours. I.: 11II\ PORK CHOP BEEF STEW BEEF SHORT RIBS !,t TO: BALI, 'HONGKONG AND HONOLULU . BEEF SHANK II ~; ~ MAKE IT A HABIT READ THE Family Bag Family Bag Family Bag Family Bag l , I.I Planning A Thanksgiving or A Christmas $18.99 $17.99 $ 25.99 $ 13.99 Getaway ,then You must Call Right Now 7t)Jarianas The Best Prices in Town. i:=-;:

R,:,';. .::i: RIBEYE STEAK PORK HOCK ., LET'S GO TO SYDNEY. WE CAN ALSO HELP WITH VISA'S PORK FEET PORK SPARERIBS ii %rietr Family Bag \ ·,1 Family Bag Family Bag Family Bag I'I. 0 1oun ANo t Please Call Us At o~~ ~ li>.t,, $ 7.99 $ 9.99 $ 26.99 $ 9.99 ~ ~-" ! 233-3600, 3650, 3700, 3750, 3800 ~~~~~"" And Ask For Edgar, Mira, Juvy or Miss Huang ~------~------.. , 12~MARIANAS VARIETY NEW6,ANDVIE-WS,FRIDA Y-OC'.f.Oli3ER27,· t995i" US Army Corps awards preservation contract Tenorio firm on casino rule OGDEN Environmental and En­ pare historic preservation plans By RafMI H. Arra,o ergy Services Co., Inc. has been in Hawaii, Okinawa, the Mariana Says floating casino plan must include hotel. Islands, the Republic ofPalau and Variety News Staff awarded to an Indefinite Quantity GOVERNOR Froilan C. Tenorio Yoshiya,consicleringthatitisimpos­ "As you know, the Tmian delega­ '1 cl6n't have any doubts that the other Pacific OceAn loca.tions contract for historic preservation yesterday said he staoos firm in his sibleforittobuildahotelbythattime. tion, including the mayor and law­ company has the financing capability I, services throughout the Pacific under the USACOE, Pacific pooition that investors seeking to~ "This is why I told the company to makers don't agree with me that a todoit Theycandothat Theywillbe Ocean Division's jurisdiction. by the U.S. Anny Corps of Engi­ ezarecasina;onTmianshouldadhere send their officials over here so we 300-room hotel is a required under building the hotel. It's going to be in • Handma~e • Sashimi The work will focus on assisting neers (USACOE), Pacific Ocean to the 300-room hotel requirement can discuss further this matter. I told the initiative. Again I want to say that the MOU," he said. USACOE, the Pacific Di­ Noodles··\ • Shabu-Shabu Division. This is a one-year con­ Ocean under the Tmian Casino Gaming,Ini­ them that this is an~ that bothers I disagree with their opinion and for "Although the MOU was very pre­ • vision in meeting their compli­ tract with three option years, with tiative. me.Idon'twantthesepeopletothink that reason, I want to make sure that if liminary as it is only three pages. I am KEEKAKUI a funding ceiling of$ I million per ance .requirements, and will be ~ In a telephone intelview with the that they can get away without put­ Yoshiyacompany is to operate there, envisioning an agreement that con­ year. managed and staffed from 234~1842 · Variety, Tenorio said he would oot ting up with the requirements wxler thatthereareprovisionsacceptableto sists of at least IO pages. Because we "We are pleased to have been Ogden's Honolulu and Quam of­ Open From 11 :00 am · Midnight buckle inhisbeliefthatanydevelopec the law," said Tenorio. my Attorney General that would al­ are going to put in a lot of provisions named one of the two contractors fices. KEERAKIJ II interestedinputtingupcamnos tmder · Tenorio was in Manila over the low them with the idea that they that viould address a lot of my chos.en to provide such signifi­ Ogden Environmental and En­ Act woold have to comply with weekendwithTmianMayorHerman would build a hotel in the immediate concerns," he said. ergy Services Co., Inc. headquar­ the 233-1842 cant services to the Anny Corps the provisions and requirements of M. Manglona and Tmian Casino future," said Tenorio. He added: "But the bottomline Open from 11:00am - 2:30 pm of Engineers, Pacific Ocean Divi­ tered in Fairfax, VA, through its the law. GamingCommissionChainnanJose Fortunately, he said he found out is I am standing firm on my posi­ 6:00 pm • Midnigbt worldwide network of nearly 50 sion," stated J. Mark Elliott, Presi­ Tenoriomadethestatememinlight P. Mafnas and a draft memorandum thatthatisexactlywhatthedeveloper tion that the law should be fol­ dent of Ogden, in announcing the locations, provides a comprehen­ Froilan C. Tenorio /. ,------I of plans by a Japanese investor to of understanding was signed with is going to do. lowed. I award. "At Ogden, we under­ sive range of environmental, in­ '. ; bring in a $35 million casino gaming Yoshiya officials on the transport of )' I stand the importance of historic frastructure, remediation and en­ I ship to Ttnian. the casino boat to Tmian. I 15o/o OFF preservation throughout the Pa­ ergy consulting services. Through I Hongkong-based Yoshiya Cotp. The $35 million gaming ship is J I ENTIRE TABLE cific Ocean. We have been pro­ its network of laboratories, I lJd, thrwgh its subsidiary, Yoshiya cwrently being constructed in Loui­ Save our CNMJ.RePETE Rep. Pete P. Reyes I EXCEP'I''LUNCHBOX viding similar services to the Ogden also provides analytical sianaandis expected to be finished in Philippines Inc. is reporteclly eyeing " I SATURDAYS & SVNDAYS ONLY Anny Corps of Engineers since andradiochemical testing services . . ' ' I operatioos off the warm of Tmian time for a December delivery. OFFER GOOD tJNTIL NOV. 30, I 995 1988." to commercial and industrial com­ I startill8 !ale this year or early next Earlier,· Tenorio questioned the . , BOTA · I ~ P2ESE.'V7'7JflS COllrO!V ON B01H RfSl'Al'i.t.'75 Under this contract, Ogden per­ panies and government agencies. · . VOTE .. . year. operationsofTmian 'sfirstcasino, the Ogden Environmental and Energy '------i sonnel will conduct archival re­ Tenorio chuing a news conference Lone Star mini-casino, saying it is 3~~33333333:iG15Gl:J~,L,GL:w-..,~1~qg~g~~~~§~§~~§~ search and inventory surveys and Services Co., Inc., is a subsidiary Tuesday aired concerns at how a illegally doing busines.s in the ab­ data recovery programs, and pre- of the Ogden Corporation, a $2 Decernbezsmrt could be posmblefor sence of a 3(X):.room hotel. billion global leader of support services headquartered in New • tax, labor and immigration affairs. York. Mananas . . . Otherfactorsthatcontributetoits Continued from page 1 advantages include: Cong. Pete P. Reyes thought the residents ol Pree. 4 should know how their representatives voted on critical bills affecting them. • The CNMI' s proximity to :East College the ttade globali7.ation will affect the A. PL 9-22 (Tax Refonn Law which increased your tax, reduced your rebate and just aoout made life absolutely misera~le for every VOTE BOTA personnel CNMI's gannent industry. Asian's tiger economies such as Ja­ one of us, Allin all, however, Osman said the pan, Korea, Taiwan and the develop­ to beautify CNMI isenjoyingseveraladvanta,ges ing economies such as the Philip­ Rep. Pete P. Reyes Rep. Alvaro A. Santos ovrz ciher MiatJne.gan ter,itmes. pines and Otina; NO YES Saipan today Although the CNMI's pa capita •Specialeconomicprovisionssuch asdutyfreeexportofgooclsassembled B. HB 9-92, H03 (CIP Funding for Pree. 4.) to House Journal-2nd Day, Isl Reg. Session., Feb. 17, 1995. income drq,ped by 36 percent siix:e (Votes is to approve the following funding): '>l -,, fl in the CNMI; and 1988, Osman said, it still registered 5. $1.95 Million Road paving from PSS to San Roque and Construt:lion of .,. lj • The absence of military installa­ 1. $4 Million to Kagman School • this year as the highest at $13,(XX), Tanapag Bridge Concrete Retaining Wall t-i 2. $528 Thousand for the Youth Center ii tions which have posed economic compared to other iil.5ular territories 3. $162 Thousand for CHC 6. $153.100 Tanapag Elem. School Accreditation Deficiency & Classrooms i: 7. $500 Thousand for all water tanks on all public schools I Among olher things, Osman said, impact on the economies of 9uam 4. $16 Million for Sanitary Landfill 8. $150 Thousand for Kagman Recreational Facility plus for more schools I! structure and Hawaii where there are US mili­ I' the CNMI' s institutional is e favorable to economy. tary bases; Rep. Pete P. Reyes "These factors combined Rep. Alvaro A. Santos \' . ''CNMI is unique," Osman sai~ together .. .make the CNMI an attrac­ YES NO i ''because while being part of" the tive site for two types of economic r, United States, it is halfway an inde­ C. PL 9-59 (Critical Tax Credit which will benelit the general public and more important avoid double payment by business & ordinary . 'I ii activitiessuchtourismandotherlight )' pendent state." taxpayers).------~ 1', WhiletheCNMisubscribestomost manufactwing and other forms of assemblythatdo not require the infra­ Rep. Pete P. Reyes Rep. Alvaro A. Santos federal laws, it also manages its own structure typical of heavy industry," YES NOT AROUND TO VOTE 11 SCTVtakes -~the-repo.....__~~-~~~~,. COMPARE PERFORMANCES Agnes McPhetres responsibility DON,. GET MAD VOTE FOR REP. PETE P. REYES & TOMAS B. ALDAN EMPLOYEES of the Northern I( Gff EVEN Marianas College invite the pub­ for report · . lic to join them in beautifying Saipan today by planting trees at SAIPAN Cable TV has takm respon­ the NMC Teacher Training Lab sibilityforareportthathas raised the ire 1 in the Joeten Fina Sisu housing of certain people in the OOllllllWUty. Life, Health compound and at Obyan Beach. ''On Wednesday, October I Ith, "College employees have long Saipan Cable news ran a story regard­ been involved in planting trees on ing candidate Michael Tenorio that & D·ental campus and at many public some feel was in poor taste. It has beaches," President Agnes always been the policy of Saipan Cable • Marina A. Cuyugan McPhetres said. News to report stories in a hard-hitting • Proserfina A. Abarca and in depth mannet and in a fair and "We're proud to celebrate impartial fashion," said the cable sta­ CNMI Arbor Month and urge in­ tion in a news release. terested persons to join us in leav­ '1t has always been our practice to ing legacies for our children and strictly adhere to Ibis policy regardless Propercy & our children's children," the presi­ ANTONIO MUfiA CAMACHO of the nature of the story," it added dent said. According to the station, Saipan Vivian Deleon Guerrero FOR HOUSE REPRESENTATIVE The tree planting will begin at 2 Cable1VBW"eaU0uefRicharrlRclyea Casualty p.m. at the Joeten Fina Sisu site General Manager has laken full responsibilityorthcstory Tofi Ferrer PRECINCT #1 and then move to Obyan immedi­ and submitted his resignation. • Mike Licop .... ately thereafter. Refreshments It has been acrepted. the news re­ • Cathy lgisomar ,... Accountant SAN VICENTE, SAN ANTONIO, KOBLER & KAGMAN will be served after the planting lease said. Evelyn Munemitin ceremony at the beach. "Saipan Cable News will continue Cashier our 18 ye.ar tradition of being the Conunonwealth's news leader and ... Where you can find all your insurance needs. ' shining light in dark places so that you, t l \ .., the citizens of the CNMI, can make MOYLAN'S INSURANCE UNDERWRITERS (INT'L), INC. OFFERS INSURANCE COVERAGE FOR i' Don't Drink independent decisions on the issues HOME OF THE GOOD GUYS AND GALS I , Sablan Building facing our community based on the -HEALTH -MORTGAGE INSURANCE VOTE BOTA P.O. Box 206, Saipan. MP 96950 - DENTAL facts. Wcwillcontinuetopresentthose Tel: 234-6571/!i129/24B9 • PERSONAL ACCIDENT & Drive .rn, - UNIVERSAL LIFE f~inamature,objectiveandjoumal­ .MOYLAN'S • BUSINESS INTERRUPTION 234·2490 - AUTOMOBILES Fex: 234-8641 • GENERAL LIABILITY isticallysound way," said SCTV. -FIRE ·HOMEOWNER INSURANCE FRIDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1995 -MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-15 14-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-FRIDAY - OCTOBER 27, 1995 L.A. sweatshop immigrants file $100-M suit Fiji bank to get capital from gov't THE FINANCIALLY -belea­ decide whetherthereismarketniche which has led to the bank's mas­ LOS ANGELES (AP) - Retail­ "We are holding these compa­ El Monte-based company, SK Salyer said their companies have working and living in cramped, bank. and one of Mr McArthur's first guered National Bank of Fiji is it can fulfill to justify the govenunent sive bad debts and police inquiries ers and clothing makers have been nies joint1y responsible for the Fashions, but not supervising it to no record of doing business with squalid conditions. Mr. Yee said the old culture had jobs would be to change hoping to get between 12-point-5- putting more money into il into fraud and corruption at the c.ontributed to the bank's problems thal ... Pacnews added to a $100 million lawsuit wage violations," said Julie Su, ensure that labor laws were those operating the El Monte fa­ The workers said they were not and-14-million US dollars in extra He also disclosed that the bank's filed by 68 undocumented immi­ allowed to leave, and could not an attorney with the Asian Pacific obeyed. cility. capital injection from the govern­ bad debts could be BS-million do!la.IB grants who say they were forced American Legal Center, which is The lawsuit seeks $10,000 in Other companies named as make unmonitored telephone calls ment when the 1996 budget is pre­ or higher, up from the previously to live and work like slaves in a representing the workers in the damages for each worker for each defendants were LF Sportswear; or send uncensored letters to their sented next month. reported figure of 65 million dollars. Tomato Inc.; Ms. Tops of Cali­ families in Thailand. suburban sweatshop. lawsuit. day they spent in the sweatshop, NBFboardchairmanLionelYee Hesaidthestate-0wnedbank'sold fornia Inc.; Topson Downs of The workers were forced to buy The Mervyn's retail chain and "We are putting the garment plus $7 million in back wages and announced the extra money when culture of easy credit had to go and California; F-40 California Inc.; their food at inflated prices from B.U.M. International Inc. were industry on trial and other compa­ overtime. introducing the bank's new chief be replaced by a new culture. Staff among the companies added nies on notice that this kind of Representatives of Mervyn's New Boys Inc. S-and-P Fashions; the company and worked 18-hour manager, Ken McArthur, in Suva who did not conform to the new RememheR youR Wednesday to the suit, which behavior is not acceptable and and B. U .M. International disputed D-and-R Fashions; and Italian days for wages that were below Tuesday. culture would have to go. He was minimum wage, Su said. originally named only the owners will not be tolerated," she said. the charges and said the suit lacked Club of California. Mr.Yee said the bank now has to referring to the.management style and operators of the razor wire­ The lawsuit contends that the merit. B.U.M. International Chair­ The case came to light in Au­ "These workers lived and ringed compound where the im­ manufacturers and retailers were man Morton Forshpan and gust, when authorities raided the worked under the constant threat BRorheRS & sisreRS FOR migrants worked. negligent in hiring the suburban Mervyn's spokeswoman Sandy sweatshop and found immigrants of harm to themselves and to their families in Thailand," Su said. Tahiti's black pearl ''They were told that if they AU Souls' Day resisted or tried to escape, they industry in disarray i I ) would be beaten, and to prove it, ; PLEASE RE-ELECT r==:-:;·=~ · the slave sweatshop operators THE FRENCH Polynesian black to 57-thousand where they fetched CONGRESSMAN MANUEL rfT)1lJ1 ~-I showed the bloody pictures of pearl industry is in disarray after an average price of US $86. r (BROWN) AGULTO TENORIO fu~~t.tfut:Jt. one worker who was caught and the weekend's 18th annual auc­ The auction organizers say buy­ . i punished for trying to escape," tion was sabotaged by a large ers could not refuse offers of just Congressman Tenorio has introduced 35 key bills and co­ she said. number ofbackroom deals, RNZI more than $20 a pearl. The low sponsored more than twice as many measures. The operators of SK Fash­ reported Wednesday. offers were reportedly made be­ ions were named in a criminal The deals were negotiated in cause of uncertainly over the complaint in August. That the rooms and corridors ofTahiti's industry's future and because of VOCAL SUPPORTER of critical infrastructure projects same month the U.S. Depart­ Beachcomber hotel between pearl financial difficulties experienced ment of Labor filed a separate producers and buyers who by­ by some producers. We have many kinds of flowers. including more classrooms for San Vicente School, and lawsuit accusing the operators passed the state-run auction. The main buyers are usually from improved sewerage and water facilities. of violating the Fair Labor Estimates put the number of Japan but interest has dropped fol­ Location: Front of C.K. Elementary School Standards Act. The lawsuit pearls traded in this way at 150- lowing negative publicity in Japan of Beside Chalan Piao Jo Ten Shopping Center seeks $5 million in back thousand in the weeks leading up last month's unrest in Papeete which Beach Road, Garapan CHAMPHJN OF lHE EN\HRONMIENT and the protection of wages. to the official auction. erupted a day after France launched Hong Kong Restaurant Building our precious resources. The California Labor Com­ This reduced the number of its cwrent series of nuclear weapons mission also has sued the com­ pearls sold at the two-day auction tests.. Pacnews pany, seeking more than$ 10 PRO-INDIGENOUS RIGHTS to ensure that local people are million in unpaid wages and damages. guaranteed economic opportunities. More than half of the work­ rl Mysterious type of ers have returned to jobs in the garment industry, 'while Hepatitis in Kiribati A VOTE FOR CONGRESSMAN MANUEL TENORIO IS A VOTE others clean, baby-sit or do A MYSTERIOUS type of hepati­ Pepine losua says some of the other odd jobs for a living, FOR PROGRESS AND RESPONSIVENESS IN GOVERNMENT! Ir>, tis that's believed to have killed students who are found fit and said Chanchanit Martorell, four students this year at the healthy wi II be sent back to the executive director of the Thai Kiribati Protestant Church's sec­ Community Center, a non­ school in the Southern Islands ondary school, Rongorongo Bern, group_ profit social service agency. I \ is reported to have claimed an­ But some parents of the stu­ II' other life, Radio Kiribati reported dents being examined say they N. Korean official Wednesday. · will not allow their children to be ~- Following this tragedy the prin­ sent back to Beru, but instead defects to South cipal this week sent eleven stu­ transfer them to other secondary i dents who have similar symptoms schools on South Tarawa. IEDUICAililrU.\l 3ACaG!7-JOll~ill SEOUL, South Korea (AP) - Master's Degree, Educat1onal Administration to those killed by the mysterious Meanwhile a medical team that A North Korean man claiming ~· Bache·lor's Degree, Accounting, Finance & Economics disease to the capital Tarawa for recentlyvisitedR.ongorongo Beru to be a relative of the commu­ the medical check up. nist country's deceased de­ n to look into the matter is still National Judicial College,_ Reno Nevada KPC secretary general Dr. compiling its report ... Pacnews Administrative Law: i-air Hearing fense minister, 0 Jin U, has Administrative Law: Workers' Compensation defected to South Korea, the CARRIER $ gg*t.. The Wharton School Of Business national intelligence agency ,. ' Fundamental of Money Management 5000 BTU 2 y .J said Thursday. ·I Pension Funds and Money Management • High-efficiency rotary compressor The Internal.Revenue Service • 2-speed fan. Super-quiet operation 0 Young Nam, 32, defected • Sure-temp thermostat recently via an unnamed third Revenue Agent, Auditing of Small Business • Exhaust control country and is currently un­ Revenue Agent, Auditing of Corporation • Weather armor cabinet dergoing investigation, the • Easy-access filter i?ROFESSIO~JAL IEKPrEmrE~Crc • 4-way air flow control Agency for National Security Administrator Planning said. NMI Retirement Fund and Workers' SAIPAN'S The influential newspaper Compensation Program - 1986-94 1 Chosun Ilbo, quoting unnamed Director government sources, said 0, / Department of Finance - 1982-86 i ~ f $879 * ·, t~oi i~u an army captain, served as a END Of ' WITH REMOTE CONTROL trade official based in China PUBLIC SE~\fiCti No more ugly wires. Control Delegate - llrdonstitutional Convention this unit from your easy chair. before defecting. He report­ Chairman - Legislative Branch and PLJblic Finance SUMMER • Easily removable and edly had accounting problems ELECJHl~ cleanable indoor filters with Pyongyang authorities. 1-mr~m1s • LED display panel indicates 0 claims to be related to the complete unit status !'.:·: [HSTR!CI Marquis Who's Who in Finance and Industry S A L E • High-capacity cooling defense minister who died in and ventilation February, the agency said. The FOUR We have many units on sale. and • Dehumidification and ~~8Alllif&~m:1BILITY AND ACCOUNTABILITY. the Carrier man has the parts and late defense minister served You can rest easy knowing Carrier has the dry functions service to back up every unit. as the No. 2 man in the North's STAMP.OUT DEFICIT AND DEFICIT SPENDING. largest parts and service department and • Quiet air delivery HOUSE MORE PROTECTION TO OUR RETIREMENT that every Carrier air conditioner is hierarchy. FUND PROGRAM. backed by factory trained and certiried Blood ties are important in OF LOWER TAXES. service technicians to handle any of your the communist North. 0, it: service needs. A PERMANENT MEDICAL REFERRAL PROGRAM. his claim is true, would have FULLY FUNDED SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM. :I Bring the family for the True Local Food REPRESENT~i~VE '•,j had access to the inner work­ IMPROVE INFRASTUCTURE IN ALL THE VILLAGES. '' 1 • ~: SALE ENDS OCT. 3t st : CARRIER SAIPAN ings of the power hierarchy of Middle Road. Gualo Rai the reclusive nation. 11 1 Phone: 234-8330 • 234·8337 • Fax: 234·8347 NINOS 'ieW;M1-~ ~UPAJt.£(,ttl At least 16 North Koreans . - CJ..d Aeet!~h In Dan Dan Tel. 235-2453/4254 have defected to South Korea •001r.i: DOES NOT INCLUDE INSTALLATION this year. . ,f r: l· FRIDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1995 -MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-17 16-MARIANAS V ARIEfY NEWS AND VIEWS-FRIDAY-.:.-=_::.==-:..::...:...._-======-='-'--'-'=::.___-=---=------c-----::------=------OCTOBER 27, 1995 ,•,: Regional News . · · · F Io atin g hospital :J Palau Vanuatu finance gets boost does tour of PNG Minister denies role in Taiwan scam COMMERCE and Trade Minis­ In a letter dated September 28, 1995 The ship is under the direction of a vices commissioner Julian Ala: re­ But at the conclusion of the two­ A FLOATING-hospital called the ls­ ter George Ngirarsaol has finally to his boss, President Kuniwo VANUATU' S finance centre re­ crew of medical experts who provide serve bank governor Samson day meeting in Bermuda, it wa, land Mercy will be in Manus, Papua come out publicly denying in­ Nakamwa, Ngirarsaol responded to ceived a boost yesterday, when its medical care in remote island regions membership of the Offshore Group Ngwele, and vice-chairman of the acknowledged that Vanuatu had New Guinea, this week after being to volvement in a housing-resi­ letters printed in our past two editions Vanuatu finance services commis­ higher standards of bank supervi­ Madang Province, NBC reported in the Pacific. dency-citizenship scam in Tai­ by Senator Josbua Koslriba and Air­ of Banking Supervisors was con­ DuringitsvisittoMadang,at.eamof firmed, Radio Vanuatu reported sion Tom Bayer. sion and control, and the apprehen­ Wednesday. wan, the Tia Balau reported. port Custom officer Williander Ngotel, Mr. Ellum. who is also chairman sion of money-laundering than a The New Zealand-based Island twenty medical specialists including Wednesday. eyeanddentalspecialist.~treatedpeopl~ Vanuatu' s membership was con­ of the finance services commis­ number of other offshore centres. Mercy is a medical ship operated by firmed at a meeting held in Ber­ sion, says it has previously been The meeting is being attended by Mercy Ship. an international christian for eye and dental problems as well as muda, attended by the attorney gen­ suggested that Vanuatu did not meet 22 countries throughout the organisationthatoperatesmedical ships other major diseases. They also pro­ ITPI passports eral Patrick Ellum; financial ser- ihe high standards set by the group, world ...... Pacnews in Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific. vided health education ...... Pacnews for sale in Taiwan? Doctors warned to stop ANOTHER scam with much more office referred the matter to the Palau serious implications regarding Palau's Ministry of State which referred the performing abortions relations with U.S. is emerging, the Tia case to the Attorney General Office. nal act. Belau reported last week. Eichorst revealed that they have lo­ 1HE MEDICAL board of Papua cated and talked with the bearer of the Dr. Mandia said abortions can be Both Palau and U.S. authorities are New Guinr.a has warned doctors to looking into an incident only weeks passport who produced the actual pass­ I stop perfonninq abortions, the Na­ earned out only ifthere is a medical ago involving a valid Trust Tenitory of port that was issued only last year. The ' ) tional reported Wednesday. justification,addingthatpreservation the Pacific Islands (TfPI) passport bearer, Sinesio Sandei, a newly hired Congratulations Following allegations that certain of a life, even unborn, is the ultimate thatwassubmittedbyaChinesewoman employee at the Conservation and doctorsintheCOW1tryarecanyingout goal and responsibility of a doctor. tothel.osAngeles,Califomiaofficeof Entomology Office, who just com­ r pleted his college in Guam said he abortions, board chairman Dr. Paul Dr. Mandia warned that those the Taiwan government Assistant found guilty of performing abortions Attorney General John Eichorst said has had his passport all along. Mandia said the act was not only the Los Angeles Taiwan Office in­ Eichorst expressed bewilderement Surf Turf Guam against accepted medical practice and would be severely dealt with both by quired through the Taiwan's Office in over the bizarre incident and added unethical, but also illegalandacrirni- the board and the courts. .•• Pacnews Guam about the passport which they that the matter is under investiga­ on your suspected to be faulty. The Guam tion. GRAND OPENING!!!

Saturday, October 28, 1995 Acanta Mall, Pale San Vitores Road Tumon, Guam

From your family and friends at Smile Saipan LOLLIPOPS, SAIPAN I Oleai Beach \

¢ BEACH ROAD toGARAPAN ¢ 1------

~ I MICR· 1

CD >~ mC en MONDAY-SATURDAY 11 :30AM-1 :30 PM = SORRY, NO RESERVATIONS _Ev~ning &Weekend app,ointm~nts available . . ' ~ . , - SAIPAN DIAMOND HOTEL Tel. 234-5900 Fax. 234-5909 U.S. Made Quiet Power "Save your rcccip1 10 receive 11 free entrance to the Disco scrcnata Air C ndtti · lti i llAS PEAKE 4 COMPAIIY LIMITED O . on,ng al ,siems 1iil (, REQUEST FOR QUALIFIClflON STll'EMENTS i jROOM.Allft:ONDmQ8•!I FOR MASTER PLANNING SERVICES • Designed for demanding The Commonwealth Ports Authority (CPA) is soliciting statements of conditions Wall Mounted fllii-· Floor Mounted professional qualifications for the purpose of selecting firms to do the • Easy service and Master Plan Update for Saipan International Airport, Commonwealth of maintenance the Northern Mariana Islands. • Durable and attractive At a minimum, the statements of professional qualification should include • Silent operation • Reliable and efficient the following: 1. Consu!tant ~ust ~ave similar work experience in Airport Master 12000 to 24,COO BTU Planning, including preparation of Environmental Impact/ Assessment Documents, etc. 2xl 2,CXXl 2. Resume and professional credentials of key personnel. lxl8,CXXl & 2xl2,lXXJ BTU 3xl 2,CXXl lnte~~st~d firms may submit their statements of professional 4xl 2.CXXl qualif1cat1ons no later than 4:30 p.m. Friday, October 27, 1995. lx24.lXXJ & 2x12lXXJ Complete Parts and Service The ~~A ~eserves the right to r~j~ct any or all statements of professional ~ualif1c~tmns for any reason, 1f m its sole opinion to do so would be in Financing Available its best interest. *For more information about ozonated drinking water or water delivery, please ' ,I ' ' Send information to: Mr. Carlos A. Shoda , visit our plant or call us at: 1·\·~' Executive Director i' SAIPAN ICE & WATER CO. I' Commonwealth Ports Authority P.O. Box 1055 AIR CONDITIONING I REFIIIGERAllON HOTH & RESTAUllANT 5llPl'IJES Tet.:(670) 235-5572 Location: Middle Rd., Chaton Lai.uu Saipan, MP 96950 322-9848/9455 Fax:(670) 235-5573 -IOFIMhFolo

,-':'. ..------~--~~~~

18-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-FRIDAY- OCTOBER 27, 1995 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1995 -MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-19 REGGAE FROM JAMAICA • HIP HOP • RAP FROM NEW YORK • REGGAE , . • _(:: . . · . • cC SPF nations pledge FIRST ON SAIPA~-" ~ support for the UN· THE SOUTH Pacific Forum has Mr. VurobaravusaidwhiletheSouth pledged the total support ofits member Pacific is free from the kind of local countries forthe UnitedNationsand its conflict that is still far too prevalent in ~REGGAE•~ ; ideals. some other parts of the world, the· t The pledge was delivered by the region fully supports the UN's peace­ i deputy secretaI)' general of the Forum keeping and peace-building role. Secretariat, Nikenike V urobaravu, on He said the Forum welcomeddevel­ l · (lUBAYIAi(:, the occassion of the UN's 50th anni­ opments towards a comprehensive w versary in New York last night nuclear test ban treaty but he expressed Mr. Vurobaravu said the UN's vi­ the Forum's deep disappointment and sion of peace, human dignity, justice, concern at the resumption of French Let's Cheuk-Up! ~ and economical social progress are of nuclear testing in the Pacific, despite more ·and more importance to small outrage and condemnation fromaround countries such as those of the Forum. the world.· GRAND OPENING FRIDAY- ON 27TH OCT. He said the UN' s existence and Mr. Vurobaravu said the testing programmes help guarantee the South poses a serious threat to the Pacific Yes, We play original reggae music up to bottom, such as Reggae Pacific's peace and security, and pro­ environmentand thehealthofitspeople. Godfather Bob Marly, Jimmy Clif, Inner Circle, C.J. Wise, Bujibunton, ) mote its social and economic develop­ The South Pacific Forum has ob­ 'I Mad Cobbra, Appace Indian, Ace Of Base, Shaba, Asahed and more . ment in ways they are too small to server status at the United Nations._ manage entirely for themselves. Pacnews WE ARE OPEN EVERYDAY • Entrance Fee · $10.00 per / person with one DRINK South Pacific Commission WHILE SUPPLIES LAST! opens new headquarters GROCERIES. TiffiSOUTI-1 Pacific Commission will general. today open its new headquarters in Thecurrenthead of the organization, New Caledonia, RNZ[ reported fonner Vanuatu president Ati George Wednesday. Sokomanu, wants to stay in the role He • WHITE CROWN The new complex in Noumea is a is being challenged by New Zealander Corned Beef CORNED BEEF, collection of buildings with a Pacific TiaBarrett,Fiji'sJiojiKotobalavu,and ··==;::::;::::::::;;:::::=;, 12 oz . flavour set in in 2. 7 hectares of grounds Australia's Bob Dunn . overlooking the Pacific . The new head of the organiza­ The project has been funded by tion will be expected to implement France, the tenitory of New Caledonia tough new budgetary policies, and • and Australia and cost about US$ l 8 fil)d· new sources of financing for GUAM SAVINGS AND LCJAN ASSOCIATION AND SUBSIDIARIES million.Later this week, the Commis­ the SPC for the next three· Consolidated Statements of Financial Condition sion will nominate a new secretary· years ..... Pacnews June 30, 1995 and 1994

1995 1994 Assets Fi.1i's PM rallies UN to: THREE DIAMOND BRUNSWICK Cash and cash equivalents (note 12) $7,378,564 3,362,506 SARDINE, Investment securities (notes 2 and 12) 645,500 612,200 back indig~nous riglits, LIGHT MEAT Mortgage-backed and related securities (notes 4 and 12) 22,816 27,648 TUNA, IN SOYA OIL 3.75 OZ. Loans receivable, net (notes 3 and 12) 59,212,115 53,662,960 Fin'S prime· minister, Sitiveni He said the UnitedNations should · Accrued interest receivable (note 5) 426,772 469,471 Rabuka, has st:res.5ed the rights of not hesitate to ensure that for these 7,154,974 Premises and equipment (notes 6 and 12) 6,836,692 indigenous peoples at tlle United remedy is speedy. 44,798 Guam income taxes-current Nations in New Y ode. Mr. Rabuka said the UN had ·. 626,831 Other assets 769,528 Toe Fiji Times says Mr. Rabuka to guarantee that indigenous 75,291,987 65,961,388 was speaking during an address to ;peoples were not forced into mark tlie UN's 50th anniversary. rnaking political cqncessions, Liabilities and Stockholder's Equity economic reforms and social Deposits (note 7) 57,413,453 48,110,732 , . The Fiji prime minister said . changes which they did ncit want. Borrowed funds (note 12) 8,140,742 9,238,895 not all the wrongs that history CARNATION Accrued expenses and other liabilities 3,039,697 2,055,116 had done to indigenous peoples He praised the UN Convention Guam income taxes-current 106,602 could now be put right but there on the Rights of Indigenous EVAPORATED HALLOWEEN -deffered (note 8) MOO .6Q..OOQ weresignificantareasvmereredress · Peoples as appropriate, even if MILK, PUMPKIN 68,709,294 59,464,743 was possible. late .... Pacnews 12oz. PIE, 9 INCH Stockholder's equity (note 9) Guarantee stock, $1 par value, 1,000,000 shares authorized; issued and outstanding 622,777 shares 622,777 622,777 Additional paid-in capital 369,885 369.885 Retai;ied earnings (note 8) 5,836,140 5.750,092 6,828,802 6,742,754 U.S. RED Less treasury stock, 30,121 shares, at cost 246,109 246.109 \ ri••· i·> .... DELICIOUS U.S. HEAD Total stockholders equity 6.582,693 6 496,645 CABBAGE $ 75,291,987 65,961,388 APPLES, erJU'R.A.A,/···•· ...... < "'X Iti/Jr:a,. PREMIER SALAD OILS, I GAL See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements. 'S'! GUAM SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION -SAIPAN BRANCH BEVERAGES Statements of Financial Condition MENLO WRAPPER, 30 CT. June 30, 1995 and 1994 KIRIN -,~! ii!1U: Assets ~ ~ .·Hur . LAGER BEER~ l:r: $ 66,506 72,246 JiRitts'lflltil CHEF'S CHOICE COCONUT Cash and cash equivalent l4/355ML ,jr Loans receivable, net 6,103,022 3,866,246 *ff,'cs. MILK, 13.5 oz. ::;1 ··········>•·•< tf~ Accrued interest receivable 32,783 24,405 rn2nx~iir < 6FOR$4.95 \ ,.)' Premises and equipment 142,377 176,802 LOCAL I 1 1,349 1,477 FRENCH PREPARED I' Prepaid expenses and other assets • BJ,JDWEISER. EGGS, !\ Due from other branches 9.6Q1 .425 677,906 MUSTARD, 16 oz. ,,~ 15,947,482 4,819,Q82 'f'Jifill~!lliiiiliJ' BEER DRY,LIGHT SMALL ·-. Liabilities and Equity OR REGULAR t9rs DOLE SLICED . Deposits 15,960,196 4,855,582 ·rrom• y<>ur m~11y rri~~as It ~~:: . PK. ,,,, 12112oz. Accrued expenses and other liabilities ~ 32.3.9 PINEAPPLE, 20 oz. . EA.

Total liabilities 15,988,930 4,858,821 MILLER LITE BEER !l, I·:' Home office equity (41.468) (39,739) LOREZANA SALTED SHRIMP \. I. $ 15,94Z,462 1,81~,-~~? *located across from ~(}; ~~~t] I

1 ' \ .,







[/-.'._·.·_.. · f_: If I'( t:;·.

f. . i ! 1 What to do on ' AUSHOE • NSALE ·- SUSUPE, ·tEL.: 135-6964 . GARAPAN, TEL.:2341236 . NEW ARRIVALS AT LOT. association's president. five. One GIG ticket is equiva­ costumes required. MEN&:. You can be anything Ghosts' gig at GIG lent to one drink. The Joeten-Kiyu library but bored on Halloween. Haoles at Rudolpho's Find out what's inside The Wear your scariest costumes chooses to frighten Halloween !, WOMEN'' A I ) ALL OTHER SHORTS ,95•1 Treat yourself. While Rudolpho's has always_ and win lots of prizes. revelers through the Family Play tricks on others. Run to been referred to Notice: Minors under 18 are Storytelling Night. SHOES AT your favorite department store or as the haoles' hangout, Hal­ not allowed. The storytelling session will I') rummage your cabinet for your loween night will be for every­ Apparitions at PIC be held at 7 p.m. tonight at the most hideous costume. one. Be among the apparitions public library in Susupe. Rudolpho's hosts its an­ on Oct. 31 at Pacific Islands KIDS SHOES Dance and drink your night l5'10- away. nual "Haole-ween Party" Club's Magellan Room. Crypt at Gilligans Or fright yourself. Listen to tomorrow night starting at Dinner starts at 6: 30 Drink and be merry at ghost stories. Enter a haunted 9 p.m. pm. Gilligan's in Hyatt. SPORT. house. The Northern All A Haunted House A free beer from the Bud Fam­ T-SIIIRT ACCESSORIES Don't just sleep. Pick a choice. Stars, featuring Johnny will open from 8:30 to ily covers $5 charge. SALEM '!'S .ts•· Trick or treat. Torpedo and Roby Ani­ 9:30 p.m. Gilligans celebrates Hallow­ Here's a list: mal, and other musi­ Bats, ghouls and een via "Tales from the Crypt," cians will be there to mysterious creatures tomorrow night from 9 p.m. to 2 BACK Horrors at La Fiesta perform rock and will show up for a 9:45 a.m. PACKS Be tricked at La Fiesta's blues. · p.m. show. "l Don't Know Band" will be "House of Horror." Put on your cos­ Higlighting the night tnere. The Associated Students of tumes. Prizes are at Come in your wildest cos­ the Northern Marianas College stake for three catego­ tumes. Prizes await you. put up a haunted house at La Fi­ ries: most original, most esta in San Roque. elaborate and sca"riest Madhatters from SIS The haunted house will be costumes. Grear door prizes for the best open Oct. 30, 31 and Nov. l from Rudolpho's own witches Hat, courtesy of Saipan Interna­ 6 to 10 p.m. and she-devils will be serv­ tional School. This is an annual event con­ ing up a variety of ghoulish SIS will hold the Fundraising ducted by the NMC's students treats and drink specials. Madhatters Horror Night op Sun­ association as part of its fund­ Kool-Aid Man and Cool Tomb (Chamber of Horrifying day at the Gilligan's in Hyatt. Be raising project. Whip Man will make special Party), a Halloween presentation there at 8:30 p.m. "Last year's event was a big appearance to judge the best by the Discotheque GIG, tomor­ There will be live entertain­ success and we hope to do it costumes in the children's cat­ row night from 8 p.m. to 2 a:m. ment from the Soto Band. even better," said Wyman egory. Tickets are sold at package Spooks at Joeten-Kiyu For tickets, call SIS at 288- No fancy thing in here. No 9660. (MCM) Rechucer, the student Get into the spirit. deals: $25 for seven and $20 for . " . OCTOBER 27 TO'l I . ;,

- WHILE SUPPLIES LAST! · '·:: ,_.._ ··111···'· I 8···-·-··< ;: ,,i Mar-Vic Munar Fact is, he was never really His former comrades in the weeks, humbled by compli­ grave. He sent for a chap­ cruel. It was probably the re­ province of Laguna wanted to cated diseases. lain. He was exhausted, racked After saying his confes­ OMETIMES, one does gality and haughtiness in his do him in, prompting him to by pain and wrapped in anxi­ sions, he fell silent. not realize that he bearing that brought about ir­ move to Manila. He was em­ ety. The first tears he ever The next thing I saw was loves somebody until rational fear among us. ploye·d as·a civilian worker in S a white blanket being shed in his life welled up ALL the person dies. Such haughtiness he had Camp Crame where he was abundantly from his eyes. shrouded over his body. This was the case when my acquired from his military tasked .with toilet works. Half of him was struggling He was buried , like other ALL APPARELS Iola - (grandfather) died a few discipline. He served in the to hold on to life, pleading anonymous soldiers, to months ago. I never discovered military for 30 years. He doctors to give him some oblivion. RACKETS his importance until after I wit­ wanted us to be good soldiers painkillers and begging them The country he had served nessed his death. like he had been. I could not stand has forgotten him. In his not-so-olden years, my In his twilight years, lolo to snatch him away from the beholding lolo suffer­ horrors of his fate. But lolo left his grand­ cousins and I saw in him a ty­ mellowed down-old age children rich memories of rant whose mere presence surely did it. That ma~e us ing. I wanted to give But the 'Jther half of him their own hero. would make us tremble. discover the visceral man be­ seemed to have given up. He him a shot of lethal was calhng out to heavens. We would seek refuge under neath the haughty facade. *** Distraught, he no longer knew HOW could these days be the table, inside the bathroom For three quarters of a cen­ injection. what he was doing, uttering so morbid. or in the nearest corner when­ tury, he lived an epic life. He . GOLF only incoherent words. Our reporter Ferdie dela ever we saw him coming home joined the anti-Japanese gue­ GOLF BAGS ...... 10-30' OFF I could not stand beholding Torre just received a bad news \ GOLF SHOES · .. from duty or coming out of his rilla movement in 1942 . He In 1946, he joined the mili­ that suffedng. I wanted to from Manila. · room to spare ourselves from worked with the intelligence tary and in later years, fought give him a shot of lethal in­ His own grandmother died. GOLF BOOKS &VIDEOS .... OFF - FOOT JOY ...... !""'"'"' ST.ANDREWS his tyrannic presence. unit of the movement in battles against local insur­ JQ 15' jection to put an end to his Don't say he has become apa­ He would not allow us to Hukbalahap . But he was gents. Like a cat with nine · IIQ\ £TONIC...... OFF agony. He had suffered thetic to death after seeing so DRIVERS &WOODS...... 30 \OFF play outside the house. He hated forced to leave the mov.ement lives, he survived a number of enough just seeing his life many of them while covering GOLF ACCESSORIES ...... ' OFF NIKE ...... ;...... ~FF noise and shrieks. after his comrades accused ambush attacks. 25 fade out. the police beat. \ MIZUNO...... «Ii I remember lolo always him of collaborating with the He retired with a rank of lieutenant. At the Intensive Care Unit Like my Iola; Ferdie's Iola I wielding a long rod, with Japanese army. In his I 8-page ·-,\ OTHERS DRIVERS & of the Phjlippine Veterans had her own period of tyranny, OFF 30oFF which he would threaten to autobiography (handwritten It was simply hard to con­ ALL PUTTERS...... 15 SELECTED SHOES ...... Hospital, the doctors tried to chasing grandchildren who hit anyone who disobeyed on a blue notebook), Iolo nect that young poised soldier WOOD ...... save him. But lolo had appar­ broke orders. order. He never used the rod, swore he never betrayed his with the sick old man who lin­ gere_d at the hospital for ently readied himself for the though. countrymen. Continued on ptige 27 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1995 -MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-25 ·> H:aunted %-~~~ Cremation changed .• ~ ..1•·.1:.ar ., .. ~~ .. ~ .. n,.: H...... iQ:. ... ) ...... ii -., ... :·:,·>· I'(;(~~:-~! .): .... .:.:. S A I P A N Cheerer for ' ! i.I' Celebrate Halloween funeral industry '"\··a-----· . r-- rw··r·-t'··y- .. ··.,/_.,.,;, _: i ... TALES FROM on Saturday P...... w ....• ,... •···••• ••· . . ) ....•,.·· . ··•. ••• )·· ,, 4!, .. October 28th, l 995 Americans dies desire for simplicity, saving from 9:00 PM-2:00 AM By KATHARINE WEBSTER THE CRYPT money, and easier shipment of re­ $5.00 cover charge HYANNIS, Massachusetts NEWTON, Massachusetts mains in a mobile society. considerable confusion over which includes one free beer (AP) - Maxene Andrews, one the sisters' birthdates. (AP) - The word "cremation" In the last century, the trade has third of the Andrews Sisters After the act broke up, Ms. from the Bud Family. once brought a feeling of dread gone from most mourners using who cheered Americans dur­ "'And[ews became dean of to funeral directors, along with vi­ little more than a pine box and a ing World War II with women and an instructor in Special prize for the sions of steeply declining profits. brief preacher to paying for an "Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy" speech and drama at Tahoe best Halloween costume. No more. elaborate embalming process and and a string of other swing Paradise College in Lake ) Shifting to keep pace with the using fancy sealed and lined cas­ hits, has died. She was 79. Tahoe, California. ! All the Bud increasing popularity of crema­ kets. . ' Family Beers Ms. Andrews, of Auburn, She left that job to star with j' tion, funeral directors are finding The shift ba~k to a simpler pro­ for just $2.50 California, died early Satur­ Patty Andrews in the musical new ways to profit -from selling cess has some funeral directors f day at Cape Cod Hospital af­ "Over Here" at Broadway's I advance-payment plans to ornate seeing themselves less as casket Live entertainment by ter suffering a heart attack Shubert Theatre in 1974. cremation urns that look more salesmen and more as service pro­ "I Don't Know Band" while vacationing on the is­ She underwent quadruple like pieces of art. "You viders and bereavement counselors, WEAR YOUR COSTUME AND JOIN US FOR A land. She had bypass surgery bypass surgery in 1982, then could see a piece like this on a the speakers said during the forum at in 1982. went on to release her only BUFFET DINNER IN THE MAGELLAN ROOM Special thanks to: mantel at home and no one would Mount Ida College's National Cen­ She and her sisters, Patty solo album in 1990. $25.00 ADULTS I $12.50 CHILDREN (4-11 YR.) even know that it's an um unless ter for Death &lucation. and Laverne, were one of the Her last performance was they picked it up," salesman "What we're selling is service -fli'&dtk&W# most successful women's Oct. 8, in "Swing Time Can­ Frank Kenney said as he dis­ to families," said Robert J. singing groups ever, with 19 teen" - her off-Broadway de­ INCLUDES FREE ADMISSION TO: played an um sculpture of three Biggins, president of the Massa­ gold records and sales of but. deer at a recent forum for mortu­ chusetts Funeral Directors Asso­ HAUNTED HOUSE, SHOW ANO nearly I 00 million recordings. Ms. Andrews married Lou ary students. ciation. "Traditional funerals can COSTUME CONTEST From their rolled hairdos Levy, who managed the Other artistic interpretations for include cremation." and slim suits to their per­ Andrews Sisters and helped the ashes - or "cremains" as they A simple cremation, using a fectly blended voices and the them get their first recording are called in the trade - include cardboard box, costs between $ DINNER 6:30 · 9:00 PM syncopated, jitterbugging contract, in l 941. They later an urn of handblown colored 75 and$ 250 dollars. Some cus­ rhythm of their music, the divorced. HAUNTED HOUSE 8:00 - 9:30 PM glass with a matching bud vase tomers, perhaps planning a ser­ Andrews Sisters offered a vi­ Patty Andrews did not im­ and a bronze um in the shape of a vice before the body is cremated, SHOW 9:45 · 10:30 PM sion of America's pursuit of mediately return a message set of books. may purchase a traditional casket COSTUME CONTEST l 0:30 PM pleasure during World War II left Sunday at her California "The thought is that someone or a simpler cremation casket home. who's been in academia ... this costing from $ 500 to $ 2,000. and the years thereafter. think it was our time," In addition to her adopted might be the way they'd want to Raymond E. Wynne Jr., of the "I daughter and manager for the be remembered," Kenney said. Manning Heffern Funeral Home Maxene Andrews said in her last interview, given Sept. 15 past 21 years Lynda Wells, Of the 2 million U.S. dead last in Pawtucket, R.I., encouraged to The Associated Press. "I and Patty Andrews, Maxene year, 21 percent were cremated, students to take the "progressive" think when your time is due, Andrews' survivors include $5.00 PER PERSON CHARGE FOR ADMISSION compared with 5 percent in 1974, approach with customers request­ if you 're not prepared, you' re daughter Aleda Levy Andrews according to the Cremation As­ ing a simple cremation. TO HAUNTED HOUSE, SHOW AND going to miss it and if you are Hunt and son Peter Todd Andrews sociation of North America, "Say, "Well, what do you think prepared, it .is going to hap­ Levy; foster son Steve Sharpe, COSTUME CONTEST WITHOUT DINNER. which attributes the change to a you'd like to do with the cremains?" Wynne said. pen." and her former husband. While some people want to scat­ Their memorable harmo­ ter the ashes - which is illegal in nies included "Don't Sit Un-' • many communities - other cus­ der the Apple Tree," "Beat ' ' (P ;.,111> <~ ~ ~ G t:; ~ tomers will opt for a funeral ser­ Me Daddy Eight to the Bar," vice, um, burial and a headstone. and "Rum and Coca Cola." HAILILOWEEINI MADN!cJSS JAW • To Joseph P. Barnhart, of the :1 Laverne Andrews died in Aldous Funeral Home in Rutland, 1967, and Maxene and Patty Vermont, all those extras don't nec­ broke up the act the follow­ .. ~Jl/!~~\jfJ\IGSl!!BIG o,sc· UNT!f! essarily soothe family members. ing year. iI "A death is a death," he said. Maxene Andrews went on Halloween Candies :!! :::-:·::::.=::::::-:.=:=i:':'::::::;-;::.:-.::,:·;\:·\::::.;.;:;:::.:::::::::::;.:::::,:::'_.;.;:.;.::;::::.:.On Selected .... ___ ::::.:;.; .. ,.... ,':-::;.,,:,;·.:: ... · ::· ... :.: .: .. _.. _.;· .. :::,.·.. Cellular. :_: .. _:' -:. ·... - ::· ._·. ·. Phone':': '' .. : Models y "You still have to go through the to teach speech and drama, For every purchase of 10 bags of any flavors, mourning process." took to the stage with her sis­ I ter in 1974, then launched a you 'II get free 1 bag of Mixed Fruit Drops. solo career a few years later, Bracing ... AUDIOVOX 800 NOKIA232 GECHWLv For service inquiries call 235- IO join them in beautifying Saipan 1323. today by planting trees at the NMC On Saturday, October 28th for a The place is going to Teacher Training Lab in the Joeten Fina Sisu housing compound and at Rip-Roaring Hao le-Ween Party ... seriously Rock! Obyan Beach. and don't forget your costume he Jeanine Beauty Salon would like to "College employees have long been involved in planting trees on and dancing shoesl canquandatRJanypublic beaches." T invite you to our new & latest facial President Agnes McPhetres said. 'We' re proud to celebrate CNMJ. Arbor Month and urge interested per­ machine in town for: sons to join us in leaving legacies for our children and our children's chil- dren," the president said . • Facial Peeling The tree planting will begin at 2 p.m. at the Joeten Fma Sisu site and ~ Facial Cleaning then move to Obyan immediately thereafter. Refreshments will be ® Pimples Treatment served after the planting ceremony • Blackhead & Whitehead at the beach. Treatment And a Lot More!!! Romy, Laila and Joey Two ... Continued from page 23

I 0 But in most part of their lives, Ferdie and his Iola shared fond llalloween Special memories. He was her sidekick when she was vending fruits in the market. Ferdie mourns but is happy, at 15°/o Discount the same time. "At least she's resting now, instead of suffering." Come and see us and we will offer ••• you the best. While remembering the death of my lolo, I also remember the birthday of a good friend, Jeff "Hi-Tech Facial Machine Schorr, on Oct. 30. Norl'hern •••••••••• Happy birthday, Mr. Schorr. just arrived!"


Children with computer watch less TV had personal computers and NEW YORK (AP) · Children and girls initially spend more seventh grade, boys overtake year on behalf of a score of reported children averaging in the United States watch time at the keyboards than girls, according to the na­ U.S. computer, media and 11.9 hours of television a slightly less television if they boys, according to a survey tional telephone poll of 1,200 learning enterprises. week, compared with 12.8 can use a computer at home, issued Monday. By families conducted earlier this Four out of 10 households hours in computerless homes, said Tom Miller, vice presi­ dent of Find SVP, a consult­ ing company that performed the study in association with J Grunwald Associates. / From pre-kindergarten • • .for Celebration Shoppers' through third grade, girls use J' computers an average of 9.6 . i hours a week, boys 6.6 hours. In fourth through sixth grades, girls drop to 8.9 hours and , boys increase to 7 .2. In seventh and eighth grades, boys put in 12.4 hours at terminals to 11 hours for • girls. In high school, it is 12.3 hours for boys and 10 hours for girls. They start out spending more time playing games, but that changes as homework increases. IA the early grades, boys do homework on computers for about three-quarters of an hour a Halloween Trick or Treat week; girls less than less than half an hour, the study found. By high school, boys are doing 3.4 hours candies & goodies of homework on computers and girls 4.5 hours. Roral Arrangement

Butterball Turkeys

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234-COST or Fax: 234-CLUB I \1 LOLLlpOPS ·, .(1' CLOTHES • TOYS • SHID ·' ' 30-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-FRIDAY- OCTOBER 27, 1995 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1995 -MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-31 Ramos to meet Singapore PM First installment in $100-M settlement For the Variety scheduled to meet yesterday in New of bilateral relations. March in Singapore of Filipino do­ pressed their commitment to cooper­ PRESIDENT Rarno,and Singapore Westinghouse pays RP gov't $20.3M York in what is being viewed as the It will be the first meeting between mestic helper Flor Contemplacion ate with the members of the interna­ Prime Minister Go Chok Tong were start of the "Normalization pmcess" the two leaders after the hanging last for the death ofanother Filipino, Delia tional community to prevent - if not MANILA, Philippines (AP) · two turbine generators worth dlrs 60 Maga fully eliminate - terrorism. We&inghouseElectricCorp.has paid million by 1997. Foreign Affairs Undersecretary In the same meeting held at the St $ 20.3 million to the Philippine gov­ Carpio said the remaining cash Rodolfo Severino said it was Prime Regis Hotel in New York, the two ernment as part of a $ I00 million balance will be paid within 90 MinisterGoh whoaskedforthemeet­ leaders also agreed to strengthen trade settlement of a dispute over an Wl­ days. FOR BOARD OF EDUCATION ing. and investment ties between their used nuclear power plant, a senior Critics say the deal favors He said the two leaders are ex­ countries. official said Wednesday. Westinghouse. Theycitethelarge pected to review the current status of The King assured the President of Antonio Carpio, President Fidel burden on Filipinos created by A VETERAN Philippine-Singapore relations. Jordan's support for the on-going Ramos' legal adviser, told reporters the loan secured to build the plant, Because of the strained relations EDUCATOR WHO peace talks between the Philippine ' the payment was received by the the biggest single foreign bor­ brought about by the controversial government and Moro National state-owned National Power Corp., rowing by the country. The Phil­ case, Goh' s visit to the Philippines Liberation Front. BELIEVES IN which contracted Westinghouse and ippines pays $ 326,000 is paid ' last March was cancelled on the ad­ Ramos also met with Finland i 1 the U.S. engineering company Bums daily on the loan. 'J vise of his government President Marti Ahtisaari and ACCOUNTABILITY IN andRoetobuildthe$ 2.2 billion, 620- Opposition Sen. Miriam \ OnMonday,thePresidentmetwith Senegal Prime Minister Habib megawatt plant Santiago has threatened to ini­ /', Jordanian King Hussein and agreed Thiam, whose country is a mem­ /I The settlement reached last week tiate proceedings '1 EDUCATION to close ranks in fighting international ber oftheCommitteeofSixofthe ended nearly a decade of dispute against Ramos if he carries out terrorism which they said threatens Organization of Islamic Confer­ between Manila and Westinghouse the deal, citing a constitutional r world peace and development ence which is overseeing the RP­ l over the m1clear plant requirement that international ' Ramos and King Hussein also ex- MNLP peace talks. The government alleged that agreements must be approved by 'liJ No. 4 ANTONIO AGUON SANTOS Westinghouse bribed th elate dictator the Senate. FerdinandMarcostowinthecontract Carpio, who led the team that Dear Palauon Voters: Solomons PM asked to to build the plant, which was finished negotiated the settlement, said it in 1985. was the best the government could Let me take this opportunity to assure all Palauan voters on explain officials' sacking FonnerPresidentCorazonAquino get. He also said it was a commer­ Saipan that Mr. Santos is the kind of person we need to represent SOLOMONisland~oppositionleader the new National Reconnaissance and mothballed the plant, claiming that it cial deal not covered by the char­ us on the Board of Education. Sir Baddeley Devesi has called on Surveillance Force. was unsafe. ter. Joining in criticism of the settle­ Prime Ninister Solomon Mamaloni Sir Baddley says the opposition be­ In May 1993, a U.S. District Court and his minister for police and national lieves that foreign consultants engaged jury in New Jersey acquitted ment, The Manila Times reported Please vote for Mr. Santos on the November 4th election. security to explain the issue surround­ by the government have been instru­ Westinghouse and Bums and Roe of Wednesday that Westinghouse ing the removal from post of five mental in bringing about the adminis­ the bribery allegations. could take legal action against the senior maritime surveillance officers. trative and command structural Under the settlement, the govern­ govenunent for unauthorized disclo­ "BEN" Sincerely, Sir Baddeley says he believes the changes to serve their own pwposes, ment agreed to drop an appeal of the sure of "proprietary information" removalofthefivewasdoneunderthe and interests . acquittal and a fraud case against contained in the original contract But the agreement shields /s/ James Millota guise of restructuring of the Police He warns that the engagement of Westinghousebeforethelntemational Field Force and the Maritime Surveil­ foreign elements in the consultancy Chamberof Commerce in Geneva. It Westinghouse from any liability President, Palau Association resulting from any nuclear inci­ lance Unit contract would have far-reaching ~ also allowed Westinghouse to re­ Control of the two units has been percussions on the security and sover­ sume business here. dents that might harm people or amalgamated under the conunand of eignty of Solomon .... Pacnews In return, Westinghouse agreed to damage property, the newspaper pay Manila$ 40 million in cash and said. VOTE REPUBLICAN

I 1i:, ,:

FLEMING, George GUM AND BREATH MINTS CHOCOLATE l. UNIT PRICE CASE PRICE UNIT PRICE CASE PRl~E 1; $ 8.29 ' $ 1.20 $ 16.69 Lifesavers PepOMint (20/pack) $ 0.75 Reese's milk chocolate (24/box) 8.29 $ 1.00 $ 16.69 LifeSavers WintOGreen (20/pack) $ 0.75 $ Kit Kat King Size (24/box) $ 8.29 Mendiola Jr. $ 0.02 $ 5.89 Lif eSavers 5 Flavors (20/pack) $ 0.75 Tootsie Roll (600/pack) $ 0.75 $ 8.29 Whoppers milk balls(180/pack) $ 0.06 $ 8.44 BreathSavers Peppermint (20/pack) BreathSavers Wintergreen (20/pack) $ 0.75 $ 8.29 for $ 1.00 $ 5.74 CANDIES TicTac Freshmints ( 12/pack) UNIT PRICE CASE PRICE TicTac Assorted (12/pack) $ 1.00 $ 5.74 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVE Wrigley's Spearmint vend pack (60/pack) $ 0.25 $13.52 Wrigley's Spearmint Twin box (40/box) $ 0.25 $ 7.69 ) Willy Wonka Mix ups (2.751 bs./pack) $ 7.21 ,} Wrigley's Ooublemint Twin box (40/box) $ 0.25 $ 7.69 I~, Oum Oum Pops (300/pack) $ 0.05 $ 9.85 ,I,;, Wrigley's Big Red Cinnamon (40/box) $ 0.25 $ 7.69 Tootsie Pops (100/box) $ 0.12 $ 9.64 !\" $ 0.25 $ 7.69 lf1 xxxxxxxx $ 9.1 9 Wrigley's Juicy Fruit (40/box) U• Farley's Party Mix (51 bs./pack) $10.90 :,1 $ 8.06 Wrigley's Freedent Winterfresh (12/box) $ 0.75 •.', Farley's Starlight Mints (51 bs./pack) xxxxxxxx ! Wrigley's Freedent Spearmint (12/box) $ 0.75 $10.90 Jolly Ranchers (500/pack) $ 0.04 $13.39 Wrigley's Freedent Peppermint (12/box) $ 0.75 $10.90 Now & Later candy (120/cntr.) $ 0.08 $ 8.05 Latty Taffy (172/cntr.) $ 0.05 $ 7.99 COOKIES/ NUTS/ OTHERS UNIT PRICE CASE PRICE

PRECINCT NO. l $ 0.55 $10.69 I Grandma's Cookies (27 /box) i Austin Zoo Animal Crackers (24/box) $ 0.50 $ 7.24 I 0.45 $14.58 Salted Peanuts (36/box) $ .:; VOTE ROTA Corn Nuts ( 1 8-box) $ 0.42 $ 6.25 'I Cracker Jack(120/box) $ 1.99 $214.95 3~-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-FRIDAY- OCTOBER 27, 1995 Big 'shabu' dealer in RP identified FRIDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1995-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VlEWS-33 Owing to its connections with the For the Variety government committee, exposed the strong connection to several ranking Bulacan and delivers at an average dreaded Australian Mafia, the police A METRO Manila-wed business­ existence of a drug syndicate en­ government officials, are not to pub­ tons ofshabu monthly to its various official said the drug ring is also man with links to the Australian Ma­ gaged in the manufacture and distri­ lished so as not to preempt their op­ outlets in Metro Manila. Cavite, engaged for ransom, human smug­ fia has l:ieen tagged as being behind bution of tons of shabu. erations. BacolodCity,Cebu,CagayandeOro gling, gunrunning, and the flesh the production and distribution of President Ramos has renewed his The financier, the police official City, and Davao as well as in Hawaii trade. mulli-billion pesos worth of "shabu" directive to PNP and other law en­ said, was arrested last 1994 in a buy­ and Japan. also being exported abroad, police forcement agencies to step up the bust operation in Kaloolcan City by sources said. campaignagainstcriminalsyndicate, an operative of the PNP Narcotics The sources, from the National notably drug traffickers, kidnapers, Command but was later freoo after A Weeket1d Savit1gs paying "grease money" of some P4 RP police force to Police Criminal Investigation Com­ and bank robbers during the recent mand, said that a crack team of as mini-crime summit in Malac:anang. million. Oct. 1.7 to 30th agents are closing in on the drug A police official who requested The Metro Manila businessman, syndicate reponedly financed by a anonimity said the idenlilies of the the official added, is a Chinese na­ undergo revamp masterminds of the drug ring, be­ tional Chinese national. several middle-ranking officers are and maintains a warehouse and For the Vsrlety It will be recalled that Sen. Vicente lieved coddled by some police offic­ allegedly involved in illicit gambling Sot:o III, chairman of the Senate local ers and the Chinese national with factory of the hot stuff somewhere in A MAJOR revamp will be under­ taken by police authorities following operations. the jueteng expose initiated by a po­ Theofficialalsosaidtheyarestudy­ lice official. ing the possibility of filing adminis­ Kidnapper's new method Some 3,00J middle ranking offic­ lrative charges against Bernardino ers - either provincial directors, sta­ for first airing her gripes before the For the Variety Council of Women of the Philip­ administration of the CIC and tion commanders or staff officers - media than taking the issue before the KIDNAPING syndicates have pines headed by Justice Regina acting head of the anti-kidnaping are likely to be affected by the move. PNP Inspectorate General's Office. gone chic: They now use condo­ Ordonez Benitez yesterday ap­ Task Force Dragon said his unit is As this developed, Sen. Vicente The decision for a reorganization D/MTOMATO miniums and houses in plush vil­ pealed to the National Police to now closely looking into these was prompted by the disclosme of Sotto urged President Ramos to dis­ BH VEGETABLE OIL KELLOGG'S POP KETCHUP 4002. STARTS lages to monitor and identify pro­ mobilize its National Capital Re­ reports. Bataan provincial director Elnora miss provincial police officials who 4802. spective victims. gion Command in Valle Verde, He advised officers of BemardinoandherlawyerBonifacio are unable lo stop jueteng operations $2.98ea. o..j.11~3 , 1Q...,ea. $1.88ea. The House special committee Wack Wack, Greenhills, Homeowners Associations in Alentajan, that National Police offi­ andotherformsofillegalgamblingin on effective Jaw enforcement Corinthian, Greenmeadows, and various subdivisions in Metro cials are coddling jueteng operators their respective areas. chaired by Rep. Robert Barbers Arcadia due to resurgence ofkid­ Manila, including those in in Central Luzon. ''President Ramos can declare a learned this yesterday as it con­ naping incidents, especially those Paranaque, Muntinlupa, and It was learned there are at least very strong policy statement that the tinues its inquiry into rising kicI­ involving women. Rizal to be vigilant and make 3,00J PNP personnel in the prov­ wants jueteng to stop by removing naping and bank robbery cases in Appearing before the commit­ their own survey, particularly inces who reported! y failed to curb police chiefs who cannot stop this Metro Manila. tee, Senior Supt. Licas on the identities of new resi­ illegal gambling in their respective illegal gambling operations in their For every purchasi of At the same time, the National Managuelod, deputy director for dents. jurisdictions, and they are being tar­ area," he said. 1 pack Asahi you get 1 geted in this last revamp for the year. The senator noted that since police ChiefSuperintendentJob MayoJr. chiefs are mandated to stop jueteng · GLASS TUBLER FREE , directorate for investigation chief, they and local officials who are cod­ said that a thorough review has been dlingjuetengoperators should beheld BUNDABERG WHITE RICE KRISPIES PACIFIC PRIDE initiated to determine if.the PNP per­ responsible. SUGAR 2kg. CEREAL 1502. CALROSE RICE 25 lbs. sonnel in question have been effec­ Unless something concrete is done to show government is seri­ $1. 59ea. $3.98ea. $7.98ea. AUSfKAl~AN iVtiE~~l' livein their anti-gambling campaigns, •!' particularly against jueteng opera­ ous about stopping jueteng, op­ ··; erations to suppress illegal gam­ ~) tions. ,,!/ Mayo told reporters that the ongo­ bling lose their credibility, and '1 ·.!: ,·.,~~~t;k;i·1 •• t ••••.• ~···:···· For the best in dependability ing "cleansing process" in the PNP public sees this as "nothing more will now focus on those involved in than hollow lip service and cheap illegal gambling activities. propaganda gimmicks," Sotto HOTPOINT WASHER Based on intelligence information, said. .• :~~t~tJ'.~£~ .. ,,~s~~~~~!~~L • HEAV)' Duiy • AUTO Bo.lANc£ 51.J',{l£MKJN Sy,TEM LAMB LEG STEAK CUT ...... $1.85/lb. !·>'· .... , . • SEIi dEANillG Fihrn BEEF SIRLOIN TIP STEAK ...... $2.19/lb. . ,_;-' • F'cNkR wASH '·•tmiat~rt~···••mbt~J~~······ma••• BEEF TOP ROUND STEAK ...... $2.09/lb. • EN ~-:·::.,. made available the Domestic Abuse Task by"',' ,' . ' '"' ·-' ''." '. . . .. -···.F¢tbe;i ···--·-··:·· CHILD~areoftencauW]tinthe~ssfue.Joasrnallcip1¥])al\;~lii~ ,TOILETRIES SUNDRIES at~~whoknow evetythillg, Jlri.1~~1~~~%~ huge~ who can do oo wroiig. Ev~g ~jbiJlll; 91"(!,$ ~) •.• ,•. perceivedas~L•ltis~wo~.lhll1Whep~l>egin•IOtigll~i.t~~.•·• ,for~ll.tobelievetllattheir''perf~·~~bei!tf#Km~F Per Week children somehow believe the· have caused the ·b1 The fedjfi.iijf • Mth Flft:£ jt.frf Laundry Soap (33 loads) 1 BEEF TRIPLE ...... $0.98/lb. 1 C'-~:~s~:-~.:: ·(e nI~rrGf {jt(; ?l ~: ~rt.o ii re.isonJO( the vio~ 1*liev.ipg BEEF BLOOD 1 LB CUP ...... ,"''"'''foto~if~~o1 ... ,, _.. -~: '--~;_.,_,.~;J),.~c~s1: ' ... ~1t~~t1t-l*-search find thli;,tticY~f!} $1.98/ea. ~~?-.... )}t~'.f f{: Ui~{ -:~l {t~-/ '.)t} r~:~ somehow ~thevio~, they also.~eyelh:ycair?##iiji~Jp\ PORK TAILS ...... $1.09/lb. 1B No REpAiR Bills In ord¢r to defer the vmlence between their parents, ~llfl)'~ljilgrett) PORK STOMACH ...... $1.29/lb. ~\ :::/'.t\ .. ~·. ,', i:17 ·' unconsciously behave in ways designed to bring,attention to the!ll­ -----~-· ,_-~_) -~·:-{~\~_.\ .IB' No SEcuRiiy DEpOSiT PORK SPARE RIBS >-''. selves. Behaviors such. as bed. wetting• in .younger children, and,'•• 1OLBS/CASE 2.5 DOWN ...... $15.00/cs. ~ No Cru:dir diECk schooldifficulties such as dropping grades are comnions. 'Ille},'()ft,# PORK BLOOD 1 LB. CUP ...... $1.98/ea. ~ No LONG--TERM Obli(f'TiON act out their anger at their home situation in school with peers or~' home with siblings and are generally prone to ~ome illmore easily/ POULTRY or have a greater number of injuries and accidents due ,to .the difficulty in concentration, They become withdra,')Yn, dep~s~ ~t PROUUCE of~~oftenslipthroughthecrncksiri~6f~~ help because of their fear of exposing an already volatile sin latiO!li1t .borne;.'••, They have trouble trusting adults, especially. those in authority, and hav~ great trouble in making and keeping friends,·. As adult.s, lhe:!e chil•,••'

' REP. VICENTE TORRES ATTAO ) "i;,.1- • i ~''\<::' i___.:::·-=~=a...------'-----==-----'! REP. MAMETTO ULLOA MARATITA P_RECIN·CT. 3 DINO MENDIOLA

'~};~ JONES


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(Write-in) 1 (Write-in) Legislators who can work ,,vith YOU .

1 _ _. ~ . ' .•.. ' ... -.~... :..:..:.. '.-.' .. ',!._',','..,'.• '..~ .• ·.,.·.• ·~-· ..:._ ...... _ .... _.._..~.-I...!,...... ~: • - , , , , .. , r. , __ .., , .. , i, ~,: i. i '.''' '._:. .','. 1 ..!- .,.'-'..!....!..,..'..,L'r'---'·'•·,•.._:, ,.' .. """' 11.i. If•• • , __ , . . ' .. ' .. ·.. '' ··--- ... • .• '· .. :. . _. . , , I (II t ! /I, I\ ·, , •. ·,·., .. -, _.· I,•,,, I I• I, If I'•,•,• •,,, t;, I,•·• ,' 1 1 ,, 1 ,,; •· '' J '' ''' '" ' •. ',,,;) j ,Ii!;'.'•; 1 1 1 • , , , I t I • I < I ' ' ' ' ," , , • I , ' ' ' ' > ' ' ," .• • ' ' ' ' FRIDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1995-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-37 36-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-FRIDAY· OCTOBER 27, 1995

RE-ELECT Aborigines shun beggar treatment CANBERRA, Australia(AP) - get as a matter of right mental and deeply embedded his­ council would like to see Australia, aboriginal and Torres Strait and Is­ SENATOR Australia'saboriginalpeoplearetired · Successivestudieshaveconfinned torical problem." by 2001, as a united country, which lander heritage, and provides justice • of being treated as beggars in their that Australia's aborigines are, by far, In his report, Dodson said his "respects this land of ours, values the and equity for all." ,,_ 'wS> JUAN SABLAN DEMAPAN ~-~~~= own land, anew report said Wednes­ the countcy's poorest, sickest, most ~:z~::::_:~:.:.-.. ~::.,-~--;r.;~-.-~~i.:~::5., L:..:__:i-_:·:-£:.:..'..i, .. E,,:~~~;-.,)tt.,:."';r.',W\:1!\;j.,;"i·:·.;;-·\·.·,.di.,._, .. ,, .. ,...... -.;'-\···-,.:.::._:.:.:.:..:.;,'-.~.. L~~~~:-~~~-.-~~:..:.:..::-:x··-~-i!::..1;,,~.{:c:.,.'·.12:~;;::;!,,... t"~·-·1·.,.-;b·&~~t1Fc.:····· 1 day. malnourished, and most imprisone.d The chainnan of the Council for people, and have the shortest life NO GRIDLOCK Aboriginal Reconciliation and au­ spans. r.:71l.::'.:....J The "politics or responsibility" reigns ,over · the " po 1·tiles • o_ r par t·1sans h'1p " d urmg· my term . As Senate President I have worked cooperatively with two administrations, forging ahead to pass legislation for the good of our people. thor of the report, Pat Dodson, says Dodson said lhe services aborigi­ white Australians still fail to under- nal people do get are, too often, deliv­ EXCELLENCE IN EDUCATION stand lhedeep attaciunent aborigines ered as welfare. ~ From preschool through trade school and college. I authored and intr~duce? legislatio~ that g_uarantees our. peopl~ quality education, providing the have with lheir land and the seas. "It is time that society stopped technical and· professional skills necessary to compete in today's global economy. W)th higher education and improved workmg skills, our people will realize higher In the report presented to Parlia­ making indigenous people feel that paying and more decent jobs, thereby assuring a beuer future for themselves and their families and children. (More funding to NMI College and scholarships) ment, Dodson said Australia's they are the beggars of Australia's A CLEAN AND HEALTHY ENVIRONMENT 303,000 indigenous people should welfare system," he said 0 Our beautiful island must remain pristine. I authored and introduced legislation regarding the Puerto Rico Dump site Closure and have worked enjoy lhe same effective and efficient ''Indigenous rights are only partly closely with the past two administrations,· · regar d'mg mcmerator· · proJeC · ts an d proper sewage tr••tment- , I believe 1·1 is the right of every. citizen to demand a clean services that their white countrymen aclmowledgedwithinlhelegalframe­ and healthy environment .. work of the wider Australian soci­ BASIC INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT ournalitts , ·. ety," Dodson said J ''One of the main reasons aborigi­ 0 The basics of modern life: power, water, sewer, and decent roads should be provided to all of our citizens. I have introduced legislation to provide for the expansion of basic infrastructure. I have worked lo expand and develop our roads, sewer, power, and waler systems. slain by nal and Torres Strait Islander people face ongoing deprivation and injus­ CHILD CARE· Indon troops? tice is that their integral connection to /2J Quality child care, affordable to all. I introduced legislation lo develop a partnership between the government and the private sector to provide decent, the land and sea is not wtderstood or qualified, professional child care that every family can afford. CANBERRA, Australia (AP) · accepted in the values that underlie AFFORDABLE HOUSING AND HOME OWNERSHIP A former bodyguard of an Indo­ Westemsocietyandmanyofitsinsti­ @2J Home ownership and decent housing is part or the Marianas dream. I have introduced legislation and have worked diligently to see that low nesian general said Thursday that rutions," he said interest mortgages are available to our people. I have pushed for adequate homesteads and the infrastructure to support them. Dodson said it is impossible to Indonesian soldiers killed five Philippine President Fidel Ramos holds up a key to the .City and Country of Honolulu as he shakes hands with RETIREMENT AND HEALTH BENEFITS FOR ALL OUR CITIZENS Western journalists in East Timor talk of reconciliation between black Honolulu Mayor Jemery _Harris Monday, at the Waikiki Shell in Honolulu. Ramos arrived in Hawaii on Monday and white Australians without con­ 0 A retirement fund that furnishes benefits to our citizens in the private sector. I wiiintinue to fight for the passage of legislation that will in 1975 because they were al­ for a two-day stop over en route to the 11th summit of the Non-Aligned Movement and address the United make retirement the "golden years" for all of our citizen and to provide economic seGurity in time of hardships. (More funding. for medical referrals and health leged to be spreading commu­ fronting what he called ''this funda- Nations General Assembly. (AP Photo) insurance) nism. i:::71 A MORE "BUSINESS FRIENDLY" GOVERNMENT The man, who did not want to LJ Fewer restrictive regulations and prohibitive taxes. I will continue to fight unnecessary regulations that are restrictive to commerce and will work for be named, said the deaths were a fairer tax code. not accidental. HOMESTEADS AND LAND EXCHANGE PROGRAMS "The Indonesians were saying 0 Efficient Homestead and Land Exchange programs. I authored and supported legislation providing entitlements of homesteads and land exchanges to that the journalists had to be killed our people timely and efficiently. because they were in East Timor indoctrinating communism,'' the DRUG PREVENTION AND CRIME FREE PROGRAMS man said. The man was the @2'.J . Our islands must be rree from drug abuse and violent crimes. I have supported education and prevention programs, including increased public bodyguard to an Indonesian gen­ safety funding and community involvement. eral who investigated the killings We have made much progress in the past four years. in Balibo on Oct. 16, 1975. LET US CONTINUE TD WORK TOGETHER TO MRKE THE MRRIRNRS THE BESTI Indonesia's official explanation 11 has al ways been that the men were "BUJfl.J)U\!G A BETTER FUTURE FOR OUR PEOJPLE killed in cross-fire between war­ ring Timorese factions. The TV newsmen killed were reporter Malcolm Rennie, 28, and cameraman Brian Peters, 29, both British citizens; cameraman Gary Cunningham, 27, a New Zealander; and reporter Greg Shackleton, 27, sound recordist Tony Stewart, 21, both Austra­ lian. On Wednesday night three Timorese soldiers who assisted in the killings told Australian Broad­ casting Corp. TV that Indonesian troops were responsible for the deaths. The former bodyguard said he had serious doubts about the deaths being an accident because the journalists were found wear­ ing Portuguese uniforms that were My dear people of Saipan: covered with blood but not dam­ aged. I am wholeheartedly endorsing the candidacy of my long-time friend and classmate. Juan "I saw three bodies on top of Portuguese machine guns, and the Pangelinan Tenorio, known to most of us as simply "Morgen." general went to check on the bod­ ies, I saw the general tum the As your Senator for the past six years, I have witnessed first-hand the political development bodies around and I noticed be­ of the Commonwealth. Saipan needs another Senator who is outspoken, passionate, and cause of curiosity that they had committed to pursuing the public good. A self-made man, Morgen possesses these noble Portuguese uniforms on and the uniforms had a lot of blood (on characteristics. I have complete confidence in his ability to carry out the burden of public them) but none of the uniforms office. I asR all of my family, friends, associates and supporters to join me in ensuring that had been damaged in any way," Saipan has complete representation in the Senate by voting for Morgen! he told ABC radio. "I don't think they were killed accidentally." Sincerely, Foreign Minister Gareth Evans said if the evidence was compel­ ling enough he would push for an explanation from the Indonesian government. "I haven't had any other than Jhose sketchy accounts of this new evidence," Evans said. --~

38-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-FRIDAY-OCTOBER 27, 1995 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1995 -MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-39 The Philippines Prices of basic goods remain stable For the Variety December 1S, but this one is until after Agriculture officials were given un­ He specifically ordered Agriculture retaileis to detennine who among rice PRODUCERS OF basic commodities Christmas," he said. til yestmlay to put an en! to lhe long Undersecretal)' Jose Marie Gerochi to buyeis are truly in need of the grains yesterday reiterated their commitment In Tuesday's Cabinet queues for rice at ''Bigasang Bayan" ensure sufficient supply of the staple to and who are !liking advantage of the situation to make a profit to maintain prices of basic goods even videcx:onferencwithPresidentRamos, outlets where the staple. distributed by push prices down. beyond Christmas. Onlonez reported that except for rice the National Food Authority, is sold at Meanwhile.Malabon-NavotasRep. Aquino-Orel.a warned of illicit ac­ Trade Undersecretary Ernesto and sugar, prices of all other basic PI0.25 per kilo. Teresa-Aquino Greta wged govern­ tivities of some unscrupulous NFA inspectots who supposedly divert the Ordonez said he met with manufactur­ commodities have become stable and Ramos, who is in New York to ment to rap barangay councils as rice ers to get their assurance to help gov­ "are going down." atteoo theSOOJ.anniversaryofthe United retailers to help solve the problem of govemment-subsidized rice allocation ernment in stabilizing prices of basic He also confinnoo that the price of Nations, was ooncemed because de­ distribution. in a number of Metro Manila areas to commcxlities. specialorwell-milledricehasdropped spitetheinfusionof supply,priceshave She pointed out that barangay lead­ big-time middlemen who sell at higbet ers are in a better position than private the "Usually, they give a promise W1til by P2 per kilo since last week. not gone down. prices or hoard product • • Oct. ·26,: 27, 28 & 29 HAIR DRYER WITH BRUSH CUTIING BOARD $6.00 5 QUART COOLER $8.00 EACH BOWL FRESHER Typhoon threat forces more evacuation in RP province $10.00 EACH 2 LITER JUG $5.00 EACH ICE TEA GLASS 16 OUNCE 5 PC KNIFE SET STAINLESS For the Variety Lucia, and Lourdes, all in San Ventura said alert level one was out last. week by an Army officers rains brought by the typhoon. 35MM CAMERA WITH BATIERY 2 FOR $1.00 30 PC ANCHOR HOCKING STORAGE $8.00 EACH PAMPANGA-TheRegionalDisas­ Fernando town. hoistedoverMtPinatuboarea, where from Camp Aquino in Tarlac. Social welfare field personnel.have $20.00 EACH CONTAINER SET $10.00 EACH ter Coordinating Council yesterday RDCC chairman and National two-three-feetoflaharwascitedalong Disaster control officials said ma­ already been alerted for possible re­ ANGEL WATCH $15.00 EACH CERAMIC PLANTERS warned residents in four towns here Police regional chief Diony Ventura the -Potrero river. jority of the residents in Mina1in and lief and food distribution to thousand BLANK VIDEO TAPE $3.00 EACH MENS ATHLETIC SHOES LARGE $4.00 EACH to prepare for evacuation in the face has dispatched teams, vehicles, and Oniang, with sustained winds of Sto. Tomas, who earlier fled to safer of families who might file again to VOIT BASKETBALL $8.00 EACH $6.00 PEA PAIR MEDIUM $3.00 EACH of typhoon "Oniang," the 15th equipment,whilevariousgovemment 60 kilometers per hour near the cen­ areas, have returned to their homes higher grounds with the impending UNIVERSAL REMOTE 120 MIN SMALL $2.00 EACH and 0]lages when weather condi­ $18.00 EACH PLASTIC FOOD COVER $1.00 EACH COLGATE TOOTHPASTE 9.0 O'ZJ weatherdisnubanceto hit the country agencies have also ben alerted for ter, was expected to cut across Cen­ lahar threat TOOTHBRUSH 2 FOR $7.00 SEWING MACHINE BICOR MODEL this year. possible emergency operations. tral Luzon Tuesday night, and is tions cleared last week. At least282 barangays in20towns COMPACT DISC/LASER LENS 10.5 STONEWARE PLATE $177.00 EACH A red alert for evacuation has been AU disaster coordinating councils estimated to be over the South China Luchie Gutierrez, a social welfare inthisprovincehaveremainedflooded CLEANER $3.00 EACH 2 FOR $3.00 MOUTHWASH 24 OUNCE $2.00 EACH raised in the low-I ying villages ofSt.a. in the province have been instructed Sea early yesterday. officer,saidevacuees who went back undertwotofivefeetofrainwaterfor 3 PC BATH SET $10.00 EACH Rita, Ba 'color, Minalin, Sto. Tomas; to be ready for rescue and evacuation Several Army trucks, four rubber home have to be moved anew be­ almost two months now. KODAK 35MM FILM $4.00 EACH SHOWER CADDY $2.00 EACH ESKINOL FACIAL CLEANSER andbaranggaysMagliman,SanJuan, of residents in Lahar-threatened areas boats, and two other pick-ups as­ cause of the imminent danger from 2 FOR $5.00 32 OUNCE PLASTIC TUMBLER 11.5' PLATE signedtotheROCChavebeenpulled mudflows that might be triggered by LADIES SLIP DRESS ASSORTED 2 FOR$3.00 3 FOR $1.00 Sto. Nino, San Pedro Cutud, St.a. in case the situation gets worse. .. PNGmilitary ··.. PRINTS $12.00 EACH AIM OR PEPSODENT TOOTHPASTE LADIES TOPS ASSORTED COLORS 2 FOR $3.00 32 OUNCE PLASTIC MUG 2 FOR $1.00 SUNGLASSES $4.00 EACH $4.00 EACH blockade hit KOTEX PANTY LINER $1.00 MELAMIE FISH DESIGN CUTIING WET N WILD LIPSTICK OR LINER RUBBER PLAYBALLS 2 FOR $3.00 BOARD $3.00 EACH for disrupting . $1.00 EACH FINESSE SHAMPOO 2 FOR $7.00 CHILDREN SCREEN PRINT T-SHIRT WOVEN BLANKET .. businesses: 2 FOR $7.00 VOS SHAMPOO 2 FOR $3.00 $15.00 1:ACH RIVAL CROCKPOT $18.00 EACH ANGEL CLOCK $10.00 EACH ISOPROPYL ALCOHOL 3 FOR $2.00 Check Out THREE Bougainville SONY BLANK TAPES 60 OR 90 MIN BLACK & DECKER IRON $19.00 EACH Transnational Government I 2 FOR $3.00 SOCCER BALL $5.00 EACH SUAVE GEL $2.00 EACH members have called on the i, /.. VISIONS COOKWARE SET 7 PC SET ASSORTED CANDY BARS PLASTIC WATER SCOOP TEK TOOTHBRUSH HARD, MED, OR $38.00 EACH Papua New Guinea govern­ i ment to investigate a military i 5 FOR$2.00 $1.00 EACH SOFT 2 FOR $1.00 I PLASTIC COL.ANDER blockade that is causing havoc I to business and the people on ASSORTED TITLE COMPACT DISCS FISH SCALER 2 FOR $3.00 COTTON SWAB 300 COUNT 2 FOR $3.00 $5.00 EACH 16 OUNCE PLASTIC TUMBLER the island, the Post Courier CERAMIC BOWL $1.00 EACH JERGENS LOTION 3 FOR $5.00 5 FOR $1.00 reported Thursday. VIDEO HEAD CLEANER $4.00 EACH Security forces military task PRECISION SCREWDRIVER SET CONDITION 3 IN 1 SHAMPOO PLUS 2.5 QUART PLASTIC PITCHER force commander, Colonel MENS HANES BRIEFS $7 .DO PER PKG $3.00 EACH CONDITIONER 2 FOR $5.00 $2.00 EACH Leo Nuia held a meeting last Follow the week with the BTG executive MENS 6 PACK OF SOCKS POTPOURRI BY THE BAG WHITE RAIN SHAMPOO $2.00 EACH 4 PACK-2 CUP ROUND STORAGE council and said that ships """"""'"" $7 .DO PER PKG 2 FOR $5.00 CONTAINER 2 FOR $7.00 SUAVE MOUSSE $2.00 EACH were free to go to ports in GIRLS HANES BRIEFS ASST SIZE POTPOURRI JARS RUBBERMAID SERVIN SAVERS ASST Campaign Trail W akunai and Loioho on the $4.00 PER PKG EXTRA LARGE $6.00 EACH SUAVE SPRITZ $2.00 EACH SIZES 2 FOB $3.00 East Coasi and along the west LARGE $5.00 EACH coast to Siwai. He said planes BANDANAS ASST. STYLES MEDIUM $4.00 EACH SUAVE HAIR SPRAY $2.00 42' CEILING FAN $39.00 EACH could fly at owner's risk. $1.00 EACH SMALL $3.00 EACH With KMCV's But BTG members, south­ BARNEY LUGGAGE BAG $5.00 EACH STANDARD PILLOW $8.00 EACH BOYS ROLLER PRINT SHIRTS CHILDS ARM CHAIR 2 FOR $7.00 west interim authority chair­ $8.00 EACH GIRLS PLAY SHOES 2 FOR $5.00 SINGLE FUTON $26.00 EACH man Nick Peniai and resis­ JERGENS SOAP 5 FOR $2.00 Award Winning tance .leaders chairman Sam ...--- CHILDS SUNGLASSES $1.00 EACH EASY STITCH SEWING MACHINE CERAMIC TABLE LAMPS ASSORTED Akoitai said they could not BATH TOWEL $6.00 EACH $4.00 EACH COLOR $22.00 EACH believe this. 4 PC. CAR MAT SET $10.00 EACH Mr. Akoitai and Northwest WASH CLOTHS $1.00 EACH FLOWER POT 2 FOR $3.00 YAMAHA GUITAR MODEL CG 60A News Team! SHOWER CURTAIN WITH HOOKS $87.DOEACH interim authority chairman Joe $3.00 EACH LAUNDRY BASKET $4.00 EACH ASSORTED SIZE AND COLOR AREA Watawi said they had been get­ RUGS $10. OD EACH YAMAHA PSS· 11 KEYBOARD ting reports that their people MENS HANES T-SHIRTS MENS LEATHER SHOES $20.00 $47.00 EACH had been turned back at Buka $9.00 PER PKG ELECTRIC BLENDER $29.00 EACH Meet The Candidates On A Special checkpoints, and that similar PLASTIC TUBE HANGERS 15 CENTS EACH COLBY ADAPTER $5.00 EACH things were happening to BOYS HANES BRIEFS CLOSE UP TOOTHPASTE 4.6 OZ TUBE Election '95 Edition Of: Tinputz people. $5.00 PER PKG RUBBER SANDAL $1.00 EACH 4 PCS. FOR $5.00 PILLOW CASE $4.00 PER PACK The three chairman said the LADIES HANES BRIEFS HAND TOWEL $2.00 EACH RAVE SHAMPOO OR CONDITIONER 15 DOUBLE FUTON $36.00 EACH security forces had imposed $6.00 PER PKG. OZ SIZE 3 FOR $5.00 the blockade to force BRAs to PAMPERS ASST SIZES SANYO RADIO CASSETIE RECORDER surrender all arms but they MENS ROLLER PRINT SHIRTS 2 PKGS FOR $15.00 BARNEY BAGS LARGE $2.00 EACH MODEL M-7012 $47.00 EACH wer~ concerned about the or­ $10.00 EACH SMALL 1.00 EACH dinary people suffering. WOODEN BOOKS CASE $24.00 EACH SINGLE UPRIGHT VACUUM I TAO·TAO TA MENS ASSORTED RAYON PRINTED SYNTHETIC CHAMOIS $1.00 EACH CLEANER MODEL SB1260 Reports from Buka shops in­ SHIRTS $8.00 EACH INCREDIBLE MOP $6.00 $97.00 EACH TONIGHT AT 7:00PM ON KMCV 7! Hosts: Jess & Anlc/a Sonoda dicate that sales had dropped 2 PACK 1 ANO 2 GALLON STORAGE by more than 50 per cent with 2 FOR $5.00 XLARGE LUGGAGE $35.00 EACH CONTAINERS $8.00 EACH BROTHERS TYPEWRITER MODEL the restrictions or people com­ LARGE LUGGAGE $30.00 EACH $127.00 EACH Don't Miss Out! Call Today 235-4MCV ing in from the mainland . PLASTIC CLOTHES DRYER MEDIUM LUGGAGE $25.00 EACH KAPOK 10 CUP RICE COOKER $49.00 EACH .. SMALL LUGGAGE $20.00 EACH G.E 19' COLOR TELEVISION WITH . The MV Erina Ghief, char­ $2.00 EACH PROCTOR SILEX COFFEE MAKER REMOTE $297.00 3 tered and pre-paid by the Marianas MARIANAS CABLEVISION PLASTIC COLANDER 2 FOR $3.00 48 QUART COOLER $25.00 EACH $25.00 EACH Communication nation's largest cocoa buyer, Sevlces Agmark, was not given clear­ • ance to sail to Wakunai to pick up 8000 bags of cocoa stock­ piled there for almost three months .... Pacnews FRIDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1995 -MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-41 40-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-FRIDAY- OCTOBER 27, 1995 US bids to defuse money US-Russia standoff on Bosnia troops laundering controversy to their defense chiefs to figure out mines, building bridges and mov­ By ROBERT BURNS or, at the least, make the two pieces the American demand for ''unity of BANGKOK, Thailand(AP)-The Wednesday in lhe newspaper The how. ing and coordinating supplies in­ WASHINGTON (AP) - Moscow appear IO fit commaoo" in Boonia. United States sought Wednesday Nation. Andrew Kelly, a defense analyst stead of direct says Russian troops will be part of any Peny and Grachevaretotalkatthe "At best I think it's going to be a to ease .a potential strain on rela­ ButPrimeMinister'sOfficeMin­ at the privateCenterforStrategic and ly policing the buffer zones be­ peacekeeping force in Bosnia. but not Pentagon on Thursdayandthen,para­ murky affair," said Helmut tions after Thai officials reacted ister Prasong Buranapong was International Studies, sees it as a test tween Bosnian Serbs, Croats and under NA TO' s command.Washing­ dox.ically, pemaps, visit a U.S.-Rus­ Sonnenfeldt, a national security ex­ angrily to news reports that Thai­ quoted as saying it was correct for pertatthe Brookings Institution think of wills between fonner Cold War Muslims. land was among about a dozen Thailand to be on a list of suspect ton says Russian troops are welcome sian peacekeeping exercise in Kan­ In recent weeks, Pentagon of­ Friday where soldiers will tank. foes. countries Washington has named countries. "The story is based in the force, bul only if they are under sas on ficials have thrown cold water on practice the kind of skills they might After their meeting at Hyde Parle, ''I can't imagine how we're going as tolerating money laundering. on fact so why deny it?" the NA10's command. another suggested solution - to New Yorlc, on Monday, Yeltsin and to get them to come around" to the A statement issued by the U.S. Bangkok Post quoted him as say­ Square peg, round hole. use in, say, Bosnia place a Russian contingent in its Private analysts say they are hard President Clinton saidthey boo agreed U.S.andNA10pointofview,Kelly Embassy stressed that in a major ing. "It would be better for us to It falls now to Defense Secretuy own sector of Bosnia, indepen­ pres&!d to imagine how Perry and that Russian troops would be part of said . speech Sunday, President Clinton accept the truth and find ways to William Perry and his Russian coun­ dent of the American and other Grachev can reconcile President any international peacekeeping force "For the Russians it's a matter of did not mention, much Jess single overcome the problem." terpart, Gen. Pavel Grachev, to per­ NATO-linked forces. The prob­ Dear Friends and Supporters Boris Yeltsin' spromisethathistroops in Bosniaif thewarringparties signed pride" that they play a major role in out, Thailand in his remarks about A money laundering bill has been form whatever whittling, chipping or lem with that, Perry spokesman willnottakeordersfromNA10with a peace treaty. But they said it was up the peace force, Kelly said. But international crime and tenorism . pending for several years but has hanunering it mighl take IO get a fit - . Kenneth Bacon said recently, is making Russian soldiers answer Clintoi speaking at the United yet to be passed by Parliament My family and I wish to extend our heartfelt gratitude to each to NATO commanders would run that it would look too much like Nations, urged all nations to coop­ Thailand has been more sensi­ against the grain of Russia's the territorial divisions created in erate in the fight against organized tive about drug-related charges one of you for making my fund raising dinner a success. broader effort to undennine the Berlin in the aftennath of World crime, drug trafficking and money since the United States confmned I know I have asked for your help so many times in these legitimacy of NATO as Europe's War II. laundering. He also arutounced that some prominent Thai politi­ main defense and security orga­ Sonnenfeld! offered another a series of U.S. measures to freeze cians were refused U.S. visas be­ past few weeks and whenever you could, you gave and gave nization. The Russians are angry possibility: Attach the Russian the assets of Colombia's Cali drug cause of suspected ties to narcotics generously. For that and more, I would like to extend this letter of that NATO plans to expand to­ troops to a French-commanded cartel and warned that the United trafficking. Two of those ward their western borders. unit: The Russians would be un­ States· might impose sanctions publicly named are members of appreciation as my personal representative to shake your hands At the Pentagon on Tuesday der a French general but not di­ against governments that tolerate Prime Minister Banham Silpa­ and say thank you very much and God bless you all. there was little sign of optimism. rectly tied to NATO. And the money laundering. archa' s Chart Thai (Thai Nation "I can't tell you about any new Russians could use as political U.S. officials later told reporters Party). Banhamdidnotnamethem ideas," said Perry spokesman cover the fact that France is nor­ such nations included Thailand, as tohisCabinetafterthe United States Dankulo Na Si Yuus Ma'ase Capt. Michael Doubleday. mally not part of NATO's mili­ well as Antigua, the Cayman Is­ arutounced it would look unfavor­ Perry and Grachev took an ini­ tary structure, although it will be lands, Colombia, Vebezuela, Aus­ ably on such a move. tial stab at solving the problem in in Bosnia. tria and Cyprus. Theofficialsspoke The U.S. Embassy statement Si Luis and family a one-day meeting in Geneva ear­ Another suggested way out is on condition of anonymity. Wednesday emphasized that lier this month. They came away to link the Russian forces indi­ Thai newspapers front-paged the Clinton invoked special economic still at odds. rectly to NATO commanders by news that Thailand was a suspect sanctions dires:ted solely at the Cali "There is a major hang-up," having a civilian Russian liaison #3 DEMOCRAT nation, drawing sharp and mostly drug cartel. It also said Vice Perry told a television interviewer at NATO headquarters in Bel­ negative reaction from government President Al Gore told Thai Deputy last Sunday. gium. officials. "As a friendly Prime minister Amnuay Viravan It may tum out that Russian troops Perry also has said the Rus­ country, they should hold talks with on Monday that the United States march into Bosnia, but not as part sians could opt to join those na­ us instead of announcing in such a "highly values its ve11 productive *************************t:::-7 .. ;:::\ of the U.S.-led peace implemen­ tions contributing to an economic way, which is inappropriate ac­ cooperation with Thailand in a wide p~\~::. ~,~~ tation force. They might, Perry rebuilding of Bosnia. That would tion,'' said Deputy Prime Minister variety of areas, including counter be done separately from the peace Sec:(!itary of St~te ~arren Christopher passes a note to Undersecretary of State Wendy Sherman as he has suggested in recent interviews, Thaksin Shinawatra,. quoted narcotics." JtCi) testifies on Capitol Hill Wednesday Oct. 18, 1995 before the House National Security hearing on Bosnia use their expertise in such mili­ force, so there would be no issue Defense secretary William Perry is at right. (AP Photo) · tary-related tasks as clearing land of NATO command and control. Peace activists irate with For THE DEMOCRATIC TEAM Bundeswehr anniversary Board of By TERRENCE PETTY Kohl defended the open cer- BONN, Ger,nany (AP) - Post- emony. "It is absolutely cru- ''PARA I TAOTAO'' war Germany's armed forces cial that we celebrate this Education celebrate their 40th birthday birthday in public. It is self- Thursday with a torchlight evident that we stand by our parade that has peace groups soldiers.'' up in arms. A religious service and a for- The "Grand Tattoo'' stems rpal reception hosted by Kohl from Prussia tradition, and at the Beethovenhalle concert pacifists criticize the march hall are also on the program. as a throwback to times when Until German unification on Germany was a military men- Oct. 3, I 990, only West ace. Germany's military called it- Peace groups vowed to pro- self the Bundeswehr. On that test during the march by date, the Bundeswehr ab- Bundcswehr soldiers on the sorbed East Germany's Na- vast lawn of Bonn University tional People's Army, the \. REP. MAMETTO before an audience including military arm of the commu- \. Chancellor Helmut Kohl and nist-led state. \·.1.. I MARATITA foreign ambassadors. Defense Minister Volker \, The dispute focuses on a Ruehe said the Bundeswchr SENATOR question Germans have been deserves thanks for helping PEDRO PANGILINAN REP. HERMAN grappling with ever since they NATO keep the Warsaw Pact lost World War II: do soldiers at bay during the Cold War. CASTRO HOUSE OF'REPR'ESENTATIVES TUDELA PALACIOS deserve respect? "Forty years of Bundeswehr "The military tattoo has con- that's four decades of war ' nections to old Prussian mili- prevention in difficult times,'' PRECINCT 1~ tary traditions and was enthu- he said Monday in Berlin. " siastically fostered in the Nazi During the Cold War, a re- years,'' says Manfred Stenner, luctance bred by the Nazi Who is organizing the peace years kept the Bundeswehr demonstration. from assisting the United Esther Sablan Stenner wanted the tattoo States and other allies in peace r moved to the grounds of the missions on non-NATO soil. "nesponsive di t4ccountable jor Our I Defense Ministry, rather than Since unification, Kohl has .held on the university lawn, a steered the Bundeswehrinanew ehildren's }Jeeds" ) REP. RAMON C. LUIS PALACIOS REP. VICENTE ROSIKY FLORES favorite sile for huge peace direction. He has offered 4,000 demonstrations in past years. troops for a multinational peace- DELA CRUZ CRISOSTOMO TORRES ATTAO CAMACHO A number of leftist politi- policing mission in former Yugo- ************************* cians and religious activists slavia. Bundeswehr medics are share Stenner' s view and said already in Croatia. Gennan lroops they would boycott the march have also served in Cambodia DON'T DRINK AND DRIVE Legislators who can work with YOU. and attend the demonstration. and.Somalia. II 42-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-FRIDAY- OCTOBER 27, 1995 I FRIDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1995 -MARJAN AS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-43 Conferees compromise on foreign aid Rabin says Syria supports terrorism By DAVID BRISCOE billion, making cuts to other aid close tion FW1Cl as long as it assists China, increasedto$22millionforparticipa­ act that go to the Palestine Liberation Organization. JERUSALEM(AP)·PrimeMinister tant Hamas and Islamic Jihad factions Rabin was asked about the possible WASHINGTON (AP) · A House­ to 30 pereent. becauseof thatcounl!y' s family plan­ tion in the Korean Energy Develop­ 0 Congress' approval of the move as an 'Toe Syrians who show intransi­ Yitzhak Rabin sharply attacked Syria Senate conunittee working on mas­ House members tried a compro­ ning policies. ment Organization foc development -Thecommitteemodifiedlanguage that have carried out suicide bombings ArabreactiontoTuesday'sdecisionby excusetoslowdownMicldleE.astpeace,­ gence and support terrorism, will cer­ on Wednesday, saying it was intransi­ in Israel. sive foreign aid cuts has agreed to mise of the abortion language by The committee's action on Paki­ of nuclear reactors in North Korea. that would have required the presi­ the U.S. Congress to move the U.S. making. tainly exploit this to put pressure on gent in . peace talks with Israel and "It was in the Syrian capital that Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to seo:l weapons to Pakistan and ap­ modifyinganamendmentbaningaid stan wouldopen the way for delivery None of the funding is to goto the denttodesignatefuture members of Arab countries not to get closer to supported terrorism. Hamas declared its responsibility for Jerusalem by May 1999. The vote was prove several ocher foreign policy to any private group involved with of nearly $ 400 million in missiles, reactors themselves.however, which the North Atlantic Treaty Organi­ Israel, but Syria would have done that Rabin said Damascus acted as a the suicide bombing attacks in Jerusa­ a de facto U.S. recognition of Jerusa­ abortions, even in countries where aircraft parts ocher equipment theadministrationsayswillstillallow zation and would have authorized in any case,· ' Rabin said. steps supported by the Ointon ad­ aoo "guest house'' for Palestinian extrem­ lem and Ramal Gan (in July and Au­ lem as Israel's capital. ministratiD1L But the $12.13 billion they are legal. But a change limiting that Pakistan paid foc prior to a 1990 fulfillment of U.S. comminnents. transition funds for Poland, the On Tuesday,Syria warned that pros­ ist groups, including the Muslim mili- gust),'' Rabin told Israel radio. Rabin said he expected Syria to use bill was threatened by a deadlock over the ban to foreign organizations was ban on U.S.salesbecauseofPakislan' s - The conferees agreed to an 18- Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hun­ pects for Arab-Israeli peace would be alxxtiOIL . not enough to satisfy Senate confer­ nuclear program. month extension of the Middle East gary and other European coun~ weakened by Congress' decision~ Syria's Foreign Minister, Farouk al­ The conference committee, work­ ees or the White House. Pakistan would still be barred from Peace Facilitation Act, and rejected tries. The final version only of­ Sharaa,alsosaidlsrael was only paying ing for 10 hours to resolve differences Although the negotiators worked receiving F-16 fighter jets foc which Senate language that would have put fers advice to the president and Palestinians hit, Israelis Ii p service to peace and has blocked out differences over major funding funds provides no funds. between House and Senate versions, it has also paid tight restrictions on under the moves towards peace. issues, the future of the bill remained overcamemostadministrationobjec­ The committee voted to cap aid to U.S. -brokered Israeli-Syrian peace uncertain. The committee agreed it tions to both bills. It added the last d1rs strong U.S. ally Turkey at $ 33.5 talks have been deadlocked for the past 125 million after a late-night call from was at an impasse on the abortion million as a protest of human rights Clinton announces US cheer US embassy move four years, with each side holding the Pre@dent Ointon. issue .. abuses by the government The ad­ By HILARY APPELMAN her government property in the city to be out of six towns by the end of the other responsible. The president requested and got Secretary ofState Warren Christo­ ministration had requested aid at dlrs JENIN, West Bank (AP)- Hundreds to the Palestinians, and the full contin­ year, and to shift positions in the Relations deteriorated further this additional fundsforthe World Bank's pher told the committee, in a letter 100 million and objected to any lan­ deficit falls to $164-B of ecstatic Palestinians waving flags gent of 1,000 Palestinian police will seventh, Hebron, by the end of month when nine Israeli soldiers were International Development Fund, al­ Tuesday, that limits on the availabil­ guage strongly critical of Turkey. WASHINGTON (AP) The federal deficit has declined for and chanting "Our revolution is victo­ startaniving. Withdrawal from the rest March. The pullout sets the stage killed in south Lebanon in attacks by though the $700 million final figure ityoffamilyplanningprogramswould On several other key issues, how­ federal budget deficit declined three straight years. rious!" mobbed the first representa­ of the West Bankwillalsotakeplacein for Palestinian elections, tentatively the Shiite Muslim guerrilla group washalfwhatheoriginallyrequested. cause him to recommend a veto. lbe ever, the bill was reshaped to avoid to $ 164 billion in the fiscal It was $ 203.2 billion in fis­ tives of Yasser Arafat's police who stages. Israeli troops are scheduled set for Jan. 20. Yitzhak Rabin HezboUah. The fund provides low-interest loans Senate side of the committee voted administration objections: year that ended Sept. 30, the cal 1994and$255.l billion in ani ved as Israel began pulling troops to the world's poorest countries. 10-5 against the House abortion pro­ - A presidential waiver was pro­ third straight annual decrease, fiscal 1993 after hitting a out of the city. 1be final version of the overall bill visions. vided to conditions put on aid to President Clinton announced record$ 290.4 billion in fiscal Jenin is the first of seven cities to be is $2.7 billion below Ointon's re­ 1be committee adjourned just be­ RussiaandotherfonnerSoviet states, Wednesday. Clinton took ob­ 1992, which covered most of handed to the Palestinians under the questand$1.5billionbelowlastyear's fore midnight after agreeing on all giving Ointon the power to change vious pride in the numbers, the last year of George Bush's Israel-PLO autonomy agreement spending, making it the smallest for­ is.sues except two amendments re­ anything he considers to be against noting that it was the first time presidency. The $ 164 billion signed last month at the White House. eign aid bill in a decade. It keeps aid to lated to abortion. One would prohibit U.S. interests. since President Truman was red-ink figure is the smallest The:mivalof Arafat's police is the first Israel at $3 billion and Egypt at $2.1 funds to the United Nations Popula- -A House limit of$B million was in office in the 1950s that the since a deficit of$ 152.5 bil­ steptowardPalestinianself-rulein most West Bank towns and villages by the lion in fiscal 1989. end of the year. "The deficit was projected While Israeli soldiers stood back RE-ELECT to be $ 302 billion ... before and watched Wednesday's ceremo­ our plan was adopted," Clinton nies, celebrating Palestinians took a Senator Ar JG SABLAN lcE & WATER Co., told reporters at the White flagfromtliecrowdandhoistedittothe House. He attributed the top of a pole in front of the just-opened Israeli-PLO liaison center, then danced cheering around the once-<>utlawed You ARE GUARANTEED To GET banner. of Saipan, Marianas Islands-Elected 1991 "We have been under occupation for28yearsandnowwearewitnessing history," said Kadoura Mousa, an EVERYDAY Low PRICES: ArafataideinJenin. "Iherevolutionof 9 theconstructionofthePalestinianstate BORN: OCTOBER 18, 1953 CHALAN KANOA, SAIPAN. has started'' EDUCATION: University of Michigan (Ann Arbor), Bachelor of Science in Engineering, 1975. The relatively smooth start to the -- Israeli pullout from Jenin, open to the Attended two years of graduate schools in Business Administration-University of Virginia ~~~~~ Our Price · 1 world's press, contrasted sharply with Competitor s Price last year's withdrawal from the Gaza (Charlottesville), University of Guam and Seattle University. Strip. Israeli soldiers the repacked up in Class of 1972-Marianas High School (Valedictorian). the middle of the night, accompanied Purified Water $0.50 per gallon $0.60 per gallon by gunfire and hails of stones. MILITARY SERVICE: U.S. Navy Civilian Employee-Guam, 1982. Later Wednesday evening, douns OCCUPATION: Licensed professional engineer in Washington State, Guam and the Northern Marianas. Cold Dispenser $345.00** $394.00 8171 Clinton of Palestillians threw stones at Israeli troops in Jenin, slightly injuring at least FAMILY: Wife, Rita Barcinas Demapan, four children, Carmen Carla, Beth, Jerome and Paul. achievement to the tough bud­ one border policeman, Israel anny ra­ get decisions he pushed RELIGION: Roman Catholic Hot & Cold Dispenser $445.00** $494.00 dio said. Israel radio said three fire­ through Congress during his bombs were thrown, but caused no POUTiCAL CJUU:IER: Senator and Senate President 1992-1994; Senator and Senate President, 1994-present. NEW ITEMS: first year in office. "The plan damage or injuries. has worked better than we pro­ Elected to the 1st NM! Constitutional Convention, 1976. 5USG Plastic bottle with handle $20.00 (with 5 gallons of water free) Wednesday was notable as much jected that it would," he said. for what didn 'thappen as for what did. The president coupled the No Israeli soldiers left the tenitory they 3USG Plastic bottle with handle $12.00 (with 3 gallons of water free) announcement of the falling have occupied for 2E years, and only deficit with a promise he IO of the 12,000 Palestinian police to ** Cash price. Prices may be little higher if you buy on credit or on installment basis. would not bow to a threat by be deployed in the West Bank actually Republican leaders of Con­ arrived _ and only after agreeing to PARENTS: Micaela ATALIG SABLAN DEMAPAN (Decease). . We give credit for Qualified businesses and individuals. -- gress to force the government come with their guns unloaded. Gregorio DELEON GUERRERO DEMAPAN to the brink of an unprec­ But the 10 police, including five edented default on its debt ob­ seniorofficersinolivedrab, were given Carmen DELEON GUERRERO SABLAN BARCINAS (Decease). Switch now to JG Sablan Ice & Water a hero's welcome at the Israel-PLO ligations unless he accepted Domingo BLANCO BARCINAS (Decease). and experience the difference in what he termed extreme Re­ liaison office - six white trailers on the publican budget cuts. outskirts of Jenin. GRANDPARENTS: Ana DUENAS DELEON GUERRERO DEMAPAN (Decease). "This is a moment of joy for our Quality, Service, and Price. Clinton termed the Republi­ Ramon BORJA DEMAPAN (Decease). can tactic "economic black­ entire people," said Jamal Hasanat, one of hundreds of young men and mail, pure and simple." boys singing and dancing in the bare Consolacion HOCOG ATALIG SABLAN (Decease). CALL 234-3165/2.34-321.9 If Congress does not agree dirt courtyard in the center of the trail­ Benigno OLUPUMAR SABLAN (Decease). FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. · to raise the national debt ceil­ ers. ing, currently at$ 4.9 trillion, F.arlier Wednesday, Israeli troops Concepcion MUNA DELEON GUERRERO SABLAN (Decease). the government cannot pay its moved out of the Jenin police station, Jose REYES SABLAN "PITU" (Decease). ) debts to holders of U.S. Trea­ loading chairs, tables and refrigerators !:.:1·.· : ..·.·.. ' sury securities. onto trucks as hundreds of elated Pal­ Antonia TAITANO BLANCO BARCINAS (Decease). . ·'11' ~: The national debt is the ac­ estinians ringed the station, cheering ,.' •.; Antonio GOGUE BARCINAS (Decease). ' . cumulation of budget deficits and chanting "This is our land." ;; ~ from the nation's founding. /j Jenin was festooned with flags, pic­ turesof Arafatand banners welcoming JG SABLAN ICE & WATER CO. the Palestinian police. A sign at the &f,BU!lD!NG A BETTER FUTURE FOR OUR PEO?lE" PIONEERS IN SUPPLY OF DRINKING WATER entrancetothecityread, 'TodayJenin, Middle Road, Garapan Tomorrow Jerusalem." P.O. Box 2119, Saipan MP 96950 Drive With Care The full transferofauthority in Jenin Store hours: Monday to Saturday 7:00 a.m. -6:00 p.m. Sunday 7:00 a.m. - 12:00 nn won't happen until Nov. 13, when ~iJJ-uu.s @/llta'a.se * ~hiti.sau *


CAL;Ausillan OSE $5.49Lb. $2.89Lb. $2.29Lb. $2.69 Lb. $1.99Lb. Rl..,E I Fresh Fresh / Frozen Black Tiger 1 YELLOW FIN Fresh / Frozen ~t · · I·)~ 99 . TILAPIA MILKFISH SHRIMPS · [, ..: Umit: TUNA 2 I $4.69Lb. $1.49 Lb. $1.89Lb. $11.29Box U.S. CHICKEN CHICKEN BEEF BREAST HALVES & SHORT RIBS THIGHS Jumbo Tray Sapporo lchiban Springfield RAMEN SODA Assorted Flavors $3·!? $1·~? 14 Pkg. Fun Size 5L~3•~! u oz. ~©, etc:;::,: -;{.,.' ,f/ r,i ..J,;t:'..' (fi;\ r'X';\ ("" or Miniatures ~'.i_,J\6;\! ? L.; ,;:::.~) ~'~/ Baking 24/3.5 oz. 2 Ur. ~ ~ @ . SNICKERS Ox & Palm $ 79 Speclal Value CORNED II MediumU.S. $129• DETERGENT BEEF 12 oz. 1 30 Lb. Bucket • MILKY WAY EGGS Umlt: 3 Doz. Pkg. ' ¢ rcE~a $ .· .99 . Golden Creme ~mPERS $6.89 &. Lb. ICE.CREAM 9 TEA MIX 53 OZ, 4 . . Med./Large 20/30 Ct. All Ravors • 3 MUSKETEERS Kao Half Gallon Wonderful Bundaberg ~1.!i!J Sara Lee · · 7-Day SUGAR Kg. ~~iR TOWEL 2 French 79 89¢ • M & M's CANDLES DETERGENT CHEESE $4 • CAKE 23.5 oz. ~ r%Ah E~1~;~ :RiNGE $9.99 ;~TH::OOM $1.dg "'Z? /.,"""" C <::i·' '<'·' DRINK 24 Qrt. Tina's · ¢ TISSUE 4 Roll t~~i) . ~ P~LE s Springfield - $ 99 2.65 Kg •. ~~Ef $1·.. ~29 oz.39 . PAPER • Slice, Cruahed, oz · =~~O 20 PLATES 100 et. 2 or Chunks • Totino'• Smack Raman ~9.. 9 NOODLES $4 .~• - 24/3oz. e:~ -10;5:1·~ ~'.i'E:Mvalue. •... _ ~ Wholeg~.:.. Kernel .··69.~... · i CHEESE 8 oz. 99. ..•.. ¢ CORN 15.25 oz. . .. . Lb. 1. Carry a R.ns;!tllght 1. Trlct< o: Irn!:it with frisndc 3. No flami,m~b 1Cm,tumeB 4. l..3t Pimmb chscM ail candy FRIDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1995 -MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS47

46-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-FRIDAY- OCTOBER 27, 1995 Malaysian PM undecided on APEC summit ket in particular, few were eager F.ast Asia Economic Caucus. could nudge the Japanese thought He said he excluded the United By KENNETH L WHmNG States because it was not part of to freeze out Uncle Sam. While Torres Hofschneider process, while at the same time & KUALALUMPUR,Ma)aysia(AP) Former U.S. Secretary of State East Asia. the region takes about a fifth of all -Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir James A. Baker, in his recently pub­ making sure that the proposed Initial reaction from Tokyo, U.S. exports, it accounts for no Mooamad,theonlyleaderintheAsia­ lished bopk "The Politics of Di­ caucus is not ignored by APEC as Jakarta and several other capitals less than two-fifths of all U.S. im­ Pacific E.conomic Cooperation .fo­ plomacy," said that while oppos­ it was at the first summit. Mahathir boycotted that meet­ was chilly and Mahathir reacted ports. rum to ooycott a summit meeting, ing the caucus in moderate terms APEC involves ASEAN along Representatives Stanley T. Torres and Heinz S. Hofschneider in public, "In private, I did my ing, staged by President Bill by changing the name hasn't decided ifhe will go to the next from bloc to group and later to with Australia, Canada, Orile, China, appear under the Independent Column as shown below. Mark oneinOsaka,JapaninNovember,his best to kill it." Clinton, in Seattle in November caucus. Hong Kong, Japan, Mexico, New press secretaly said Thursday. At stake in the dispute be­ 1993. them first as shown in tlie illustration in this Ballot Spe~ The inoffensive-sounding cau­ In countries that depend on free Zealand, Papua New Guinea, South ''As of now, there has been no tween Kuala Lumpur and Wash­ before selecting your four other choices. In partnership, let's cus was originally recommended trade in general and the U.S. mar- Korea, Taiwan and the United States. dccisionmade,"HashimMakaruddin ington is the nature and shape of by Mahathir in 1990 as a more build a better future for our children. Si Yuus Maase yan Ghilisow! told the AP. economic dialogue in a vast area Other sources say that although which accounts for close to half robust economic "bloc to Mahathir sent mixed signals e.arlier, of the world's economic output. countervail others," including the Tan1il rebels attack- I he is unlikely to skip Osaka. But that Washington rejects Mahathir' s European Union and the North doesn't mean he will be an enthusias­ plan as a needless distraction from American Free Trade Area cov­ I tic supporter of APEC plans for an the five-year-old APEC. ering Canada, Mexico and the 2 villages; 36 killed action agenda to promote free trade. The caucus has yet to get off United States. Mahathir invited Japan, China, By DEXTER CRUEZ people were also wounded Malaysia is the group's most out­ the grpund, mostly because Japan when the rebels rampaged declines to join despite constant South Korea, Taiwan, Burma and COLOMBO, Sri Lanka (AP) OFFICIAL GENERAL ELECTION BALLOT spoken foe ofruming it into a fonnal through Tammannewa and wooing by Mahathir and other the three Indochina states of Viet­ - Shortly before dawn Thurs­ COMMONWEALTH OF THE NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS institution, and critical of its domina­ Herath Hammillewa villages Malaysian officials. "The nam, Cambodia and Laos to join day, Tamil rebels attacked two tion by the United States and Austra­ in the Anuradhapura district, message we get is that Japan is along with ASEAN, the Associa­ Sinhalese villages in north­ lia 210 kilometers (130 miles) thinking about it," said Interna­ tion of Southeast Asian Nations, eastern Sri Lanka. They shot Although a founder of the 18- from the capital, Colombo, tional Trade and Industry Minis­ then comprising Brunei, Indone­ and hacked at least 36 villag­ member forum. Mahathir has been ers to death, a military spokes­ said Brig. Sarath Munasinghe. s p E C i°VMR4E95 N ELECTION DISTRICT NO. 3-C sia, Malaysia, the Philippines, antagonistic, partiy because the United ter Rafidah Aziz. But a local newspaper re­ By going to Osaka, Mahathir Singapore and Thailand. man said. At least 10 Statesopposeshisplantosetuparival porter counted 24 bodies when INSTRUCTIONS: he visited the villages. Among 1. Make an (X) or {v) mark within the box before the candidate's name. the dead were seven children, including a six-day old baby, 2. If you desire to vote for a person whose name does r.iot appear on the ballot, write the name of person he said, speaking on condi­ under "Write-in". Write in the person's naroe in full and make an (X) or (v? mark within the box. tion that he should not be iden­ B 199& tified by name. V Earlier reports said only one REPUBLICAN PARTY INDEPENDENT DEMOCRATIC PARTY' village was attacked, but po­ licemen who visited the scene CANDIDATES FOR THIRD SENATORIAL DISTRICT-VOTE FOR ONLY ONE (1) later confirmed that both vil­ lages, five kilometers (3 m_iles) apart, were attacked. 0 0 TENORIO, DEMAPAN, o·MARATITA, Mametto Ulloa D Juan Pangelinan D Juan Sablan The rebels had torched some · (MORGEN) . (INCUMBENT) of the wattle-and-daub huts before fleeing into the jungles. This was the sixth rebel at­ tack on villages in as many days, which has left a total of T WRITE-IN T 123 civilians dead. The mili­ tary says the rebels are trying to divert attention from a ma­ D jor offensive to capture their stronghold of northern Jaffna city. A On Sunday, rebels hacked E CANDIDATES FOR THIRD ELECTION DISTRICT HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES- VOTE FOR ONLY SIX (6) and stabbed to death 19 men, women and children who were ATTAO,JesusTorres (JESUS MONA) OouENA s. George Cruz D AGUON, Joaquin Mafnas returning to their homes after D (JACK) working in fields at Kotiyagala (INCUMBENT) village in southeastern ~ Monaragala district. · T . ak . ORRES, Estanislao Tudela D RIOS, Jose Santos PETER , Mana a1s ·an ~ (STANLEY) A day earlier, the rebels shot D (MALUA) (INCUMBENT) (INCUMBENT) DISCOUNT and hacked to death 66 Sinha­ lese civilians in three villages DELEON GUERRERO, . HOFSCHNEIDER, Heinz in northeastern Sri Lanka. Crispin lglecias (KURI) Sablan (INCUMBENT) The victims were from the D majority Sinhalese group, (INCUMBENT) SABLAN, Nick Castro whom the Tamils accuse of D discrimination. The rebels CASTRO, Francisco Camach have been fighting for a home­ D (FRANK JULIE) land since 1983. Since the offensive was FAISAO, Melvin Odoshi launched on Oct. 17, the mili­ D (MEL) tary says 124 soldiers and 455 rebels have been killed. More TORRES. Joaquin Sablan than 310 soldiers and 700 D (JACK) rebels have been wounded. There was no independent ------co~firmation of the military claim of rebel casualties. WRITE-IN r.------D 1 SCHOOL'S D OPEN "Effective Representation" Microl Corporation Tel.: 234-5911 Fax: 234-6514 I SAFE DRIUING

iS RUlE . 1 1 T~iE • ' ' .' • • , • • • , 1 I r I I l I I I 1· ,• _,'. •, •. •, • • • •. , ' , • , I I I \ ' ,• .• ' < • O • • I • I • I I I O ~ t / 1 I ! ) , 1 _, • , '_I I ;. ,l J f I 1 I \ , • , , , ~ • ~ ; ...... ~ . . ~ ' ' .. . ' 1 . FRIDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1995-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-49 : · , Argentine houseWives H11man rights situation still critical BANGKOK, Thailand (AP) "Convicted criminals are also suming leadership of her The report acknowledged sands of Mon civilians are rou­ - Thousands of dissidents re­ singled out for forced labor party. that the government has made tinely seized by the army to work Toe Department of Public Works (DPW) in coordination with i~s are sticking to old ways main imprisoned in appalling on roads and other projects in Less than two weeks before some improvements, includ­ on the Ye-Tavoy railway in south­ consultant, Winzler & Kelly, ·wishes to inform the general pub_hc conditions and other serious terrible conditions." Suu Kyi's release, three vet­ ing· the repc,1 ted release of east Burma. that it will be conducting a public hearing on the proposed site haslostayathomewiththekids. administrative chrties at home." BUENOS AIRFS, Argentina (AP) man' human rights abuses continue The military government eran politicians were sen­ more than 2,000 political pris­ Thousands others.are forced to "1beditference with the pastis that for a new sanitary landfill on Saipan. The hearing is scheduled -Tired ofbeing taken for grantt:d, 400 And if wonrn work, that causes Wl· in Burma, despite the release came to power after crushing tenced to seven years impris­ oners since 1992, the abolition of carry supplies an°"mmunition, we no longa wear hair curletS." she for Wednesday, November 8, 1995 at 7:00 PM, at the Joeten­ housewives open their first World employment" of Aung San Suu Kyi in July, a pro-democracy uprising in onment, apparently for meet­ military tribunals, and the lifting and are beaten or shot if they Under the slogan ''Housewives: said. "We now think more and are Kiyu Library in Susupe. The purpose of the hearing is to Congres.s on Thursday in a country Amnesty International said 1988, then nullified elections ing with foreigners and criti­ of curfew restrictions. cannot bear the loads or try to Citizens of the World," one gaining recognition. But at the sam: provide an opportunity for all interested parties to discuss the where woiren long have lived in the represen­ Thursday. in 1990 that Suu Kyi's Na­ cizing the government, the Military abuse of ethnic minor­ escape. Villagers are shot on sus­ tative of each participating count!)' time we must kmw our plaa:.'' "Report of Findings"regarding the evaluation of thepropo~ed shadow of machismo. "Hundreds h.ave died from tional League for Democracy Amnesty International report ity peoples continues on wide picion ofcontacts with armedeth- willgiveaspeechonthediffictiltiesof Lazzari, who will open the Con­ Kalabera site for development of a new landfill. Information But ifthe hosts have their way, there harsh conditions and poor won. Suu Kyi was released said. scale, the report said. It said thou- nic groups. being a wodcing gres.s at a downtown Buenos Aires packages will be made available at the hearing. The public is won'tbeanytalkofbeingovenvodced: mother. treatment'· in the prisons, the after nearly six years of house hotel alongside F.cooomy Minislff encourage to attend this hearing. The Argentine Housewives' The meeting will be attended by arrest, but authorities recently Domingo Cavallo, says fonner Brit­ humaic rights monitoring The tentative agenda is as follows: League has warned feminists lo stay housewives from such divme coun­ barred her from officially re- ishPrimeMinisterMargaretThatcher group said in a new report. •Introduction of the Attendees away, sayingthey''.jeopardizethefam­ nies as Russia, Germany. Britain, Pero isheriool.Butshec~politicsisno •Background on the Project ily unit" and Mexico. place forwomen. •EPA's Siting Criteria "God made women different from A 70..year-old mother of three, Lazzari hosts a daily IOOffling televi­ The Argentine Housewives' -other Siting Criteria men so werouldstay athome with the Le.ague, which offeis psychological •"Report of Findings" Conclusion childrenandbeatourhusbands' side," sion program in which she recom­ and legal help to roothets. chlllgcs its -Question and Answer Session Llta de Lazzari, head of the Argentine mends bargain hlys for housewives. 400,CXX) rnembeJS $ 2 per 1JDllh. THE Housewives' League, lold The ASS our Volume Incentive Plan, you just can't go wrong. 1991 Toyota Pickup ,I''% 1992 Hyundai Excel 2Rroo Xtra-cab, 5-speed, AC, AM/FM cass. Four-door, AC, automatic, AM/FM cassette t1 s\/}115:

1990 Ford Cargo Van sw2,A 1989 Toyota Camry 3POO.M ML-156 U95-140 19B9 P)UiC< ':';'.J< ;\1h 5995 U9S-I 64 1989 MW-960 3\9S Automatic, AM/FM cassette Four-door, AC, automatic, AM/FM cassette Qi.D'S CUf~)S MX-48& U9S-l7l 1991 CHEV. 49 95 <; "'' r:c- "' •c, u.v~w~ AB&-182 g9 95 ~~~ (] U95-IBB 1990 SUIG lfS·Y:, t.) ~(;;,j1YS}~?:: L),..- :,· _,· U95-014 1990 CRtSSID,~ MS-713 ?595 U95-I 99 1987 G~~s~m·, MJ--617 399S U95-I 84 I 991 c,·.c,::··. MZ-891 7) I 5 1990 Toyota 4x4 ,mE 1990 Dodge Dynasty ORJ,s Mx-711 6)~;~- U9S-207 I990 c··~·:T,' IT&E + Xtra Cab, V6, AC, 5-speed, AM/FM cassette Four-door, automatic, AC, AM/FM cassette MW-815 :/'\·' U9S-182 1991 (~:I-''· >-F ThRiglrtPbn. U9S-197 1988 ABM-182 5~95 CJ~OLL'. GTS MW-882 U95-097 1990 (JRJLU~ '1\1t}J 4195 MS-520 15% U9S-217 1991 COROLLA m 6995 m,a ""';s ABC-361 1993 Isuzu 4x4 Truck 1991 Mazda RX-7 U94·150 1991 [}J,IRJ sm $2.05 U9S-116 1989 u~Mr.·r Mllr276 6995 $1.83* 5-speed, air conditioning, AM/FM cassette 5-speed, air conditioning, AM/FM cassette 1992 AYl'l/·288 6695 <.~' 1 ·t~ ('0 r~ U9S-214 EWI 4Dx. ,) Lj)) ';1':~tJS) r: s~:;99)5 1~90 MR-657 0495 U9S-150 N.IJD~ I/UT.~. MP-960 (95-009 1990 /.'NOi, 92\ 6995 Ml:792 8995 U95-077 1991 /,'JJ_nf, 92'i ,?0111 mm U9S-100 1991 ,:'.,'JDJ. 6::l MS-919 ]99 S ·.... COM~ARISON OF A IO-MINUTE CALL · . 1990 Toyota 4-Runner 1992 Hyundai Sonata 1990 MR-878 3995 U9S-130 WJD~ l'l.6 TOJ524 GL, automatic, AC, AM/FM cassette U95-189 1990 1:1QDf.. r.n 6995 Four-door, V6, 5-speed, AC, AM/FM cassette ({ ;:: MU-OBS Q ,;c, 11'.'r'0) P U9S-170 1991 1:.11SUol'}'I G/,IJ.'iT /995 ~--- D,-~ f?i~jf~ ~~~j \:..:. • .:: ~j'.!.:!/~'\ SA VIN GS WITH .tl 6.1~· .;/ Ji .~} .,v 'y,; :;. ~~ 1990 MS-531 /.191 U9S-205 s.rw7J MR-164 1h:RiglrtPlan. U9S-193 1990 S:lmJ, 499 5 ,,,~,- 2sio, 1991 Toyota Land Cruiser5M113A 1992 Subaru Legacy U9S-152 1992 AAV-880 399 S $21.05 $18.70* $2.35 V6, 4x4, AT, pwr package, AC, AM/FM cassette LS, Automatic, AC, sunroof, AM/FM cassette r,c. "" r~' ..((, ~\ r,:,J ...r0 \\;}1,1,:;c.,::;i AAS-8,49 5: 95 (9S-011 1992 m .f.c..{..JI ;>) .)' .) 1992 ,W,488 5995 R95-003 4X2 AAP-177 1990 699 5 '/i U95-2ll m ABA-931 ···;~:· U95-125 1991 4X4 HAil SRI 9995 1994 Jeep Grand Cherokee ,P,22 1995 l\Iitsubishi Mirage IMl))A U9s-J43 1990 mms M'H--494 899 5 1993 AB1tl02 U9s-202 4X4 WB AB0-182 13t5 VB, Four-door, automatic, AM/FM cassette Two-door, automatic, AC, AM/FM cassette U9S-208 1991 4X4 X{AB 99 5 IOIIAHG 899 5 )1 ./ _j} U95-210 1992 IMJOU600 l HAB FLUS MJ.209 9000 1992 ABF-..02 13)95 U?S-176 lAllDCRUW Wlr755 U?s-146 1990 4-1:UNNER 10,995 U9S-135 1990 MR-716 4-1:UNHER lltl 1 1 U?S-169 1990 M0-018 995 r::r~::.7,tl/:1 .::··:?·~~~--~:,~~f~f l r.~~ n it~. 83/;:;·.,').:=-~r:.:\.~-.. ~~-:::~pa=:..- HUNHER ..(\'.'.} ///;/ '· ll '"'~,,-..:..· [' t-·"'' \\ fl L"'.y,'\l O 8 1.:.. ji• '°,vie,,····. ·~ ..x..Jr/,::1 ·~ ... t\ :..i . -- ;:::.z.~ ·...::. .;.;, f,J \:. ~ ~)· "~·-~ li ~.,;t_;~;.-_) 1991 ABA-392 10.995 *Rail's sho11•n t1rl' hosed 011 tarit/'ecl additional minute dirfft dial U9S-165 PREVIA c:c.>·•,,;'.'.Z.:1 A DIVISION OF TRIPLE J SAIPAN, INC. U9S-183 1991 PlffVlA MR-715 10.995 ra1e.1·. ind11cli11g The Night Pian discount. U95-138 1991 PREVIA ABf.111 10,995 Goropon. Beach r?ood 23,:U133 • Chalan Kanoa. Beach Rood 235-51~/501'1 U95-144 1990 JHP CHHOW IJ.Nr-037 11,995 U9S-195 1990 MITSUBISHI 1/0~!EiO M0-769 995 U?S-212 1991 TROOP£R AB~542 7995 '.'. , , r r,. r ~ ~., . •• ·.,, ~ , .. \ ~ · 1 • ; . . • • • . . ~ , •• , , • , • , • , , . , ., -; FRIDA°Y,

~ It! Truman shadow apparent to Clinton if By WALTER R. MEARS congressman in 1949 to tour the run­ grabbed his papers and said, "Let's i WASIDNGTON (AP) - Saluting down mansion, renovated in cut out the crap and have a real talk." Harry S. Truman50yearslater, Presi­ Truman's time, and hear the presi­ "If there was such a thing as an dent Clinton said he knows what the dent complain about the bad bath­ imperialpresidency,nobodyhadbro­ 33nipresidentwoulddoifhewerein rooms. kenthenewstoHarryTruman,"Eban the WhiteHousetoday-sendAmeri­ Jimmy Carter said he'd come out said. can troops to Bosnia ofadmirationforTruman, "and out of Eban and historian Arthur The Washington establishment sympathy for people who have to ScWesinger said Truman often told celebrated the legacy of the president raise money to support presidential people he never lost a night's sleep who came to office in 194Sat a dinner libraries." over his decision to use the atomic launching a dlrs 10 million fund­ Georgians Carter and Sen. Sam bomb against Japan, but they said he raising campaign for the Truman Nwm paid special tribute to TiUillflil' s sometimes would bring up the sub­ presidential library in Independence, efforts for civil rights, which he once ject abruptly. Missouri. was told would cost him the election They said he spoke of his peace of It was a Wednesday night of nos­ in 1948. Truman replied that if that's mind so often they came to believe talgic Truman tales and praise for his why he lost, it would be in the right the bombings actually haW1ted him. no-nonsensestyleofleadership,in 10 cause. The consensus, though, was that speeches and a mini-movie. "I al­ Ointon was nearly an hour late, T iUillflil made his mind up, often ways love to be at events honoring and so was dinner for more than 900 '1onelydecisions," as Nunn put it, Harry Truman because I come from people. Salads wilted while every­ and then acted and went on. It was afamilythatwasforhimwhenhewas one waited. It was 10 p.m. by the a sty le of firm decision-making, alive," Clinton said. time Clinton concluded his speech and no apologies, that Eban said Facing congressional opposition and the entree was served. now inspires "a nostalgia for lead­ in his determination to make U.S. Earlier, at the Library of Con­ ership." troops part of a prospective NATO gress, a panel of historians and Carter recalled that he had wept peaceka;ring operation in Bosnia, former government officials at the death of Franklin D. Clinton said he knows what Truman traded Truman stories. Abba Eban Roosevelt, "not realizing that would have done in his place. recalled offering his credentials Harry Truman would become, in "The question I have is this: If to Truman as ambassador of Is­ my opinion, the greatest presi­ Harry Truman were president would rael, and said the president dent of the 20th century." Bill Clinton he expect the United States as the leader in NATO to be a part of the force in Bosnia," Ointon said. ''I think you know what the answer is. The answer is yes. "And so must we." Clinton said Pope John-Paul II had told him that the United States must not let a war in Sarajevo made the end of the 20th century as it marlcedthebeginning. "Thatfirstwar in Sarajevo, that wasHanyTruman's war .... He showed people the kind of leadership capacity he had. ... "If he were here he would say, 'If youreallywanttohonorme,prepare JUAN P. TENORIO for the future, as I did,"' Ointon told the gathering. Two prior presidents joined the ( tttGRGlt1 ) salute, Gerald Foni recalling his trip to the White House as a freshman,

SPACE CENTER, Houston (AP) - Colwnbia'saround-the-clockresearch team is getting some fu:e time to enjoy the view from 170 miles (272 kilome­ R!E-ELECT Rep. ters) up, while fluid and crystal experi­ RE-ELECT Speaker ments continue nonstop in the orbiting Oscar Manglona laboratory. Diego Tenorio The astronauts rotated through four­ hour breaks Wednesday, the sixth day of a 16-day mission, one of the longest ever for a space shuttle. ~'!'-~ ;__ _ _:~: NASA tries to give astronauts at least two half-days off during lengthy flights. For House of Representatives Early Wednesday,commander Ken­ Electimi Precinct 2 nethBowersoxu.ncorkedwhathecalled Our families and friends cordially invite you and the fastest slowball in the world during Chalan !'\anoc 2nd Susupe your families to join us for a Picnic Rally this coming a videolaped promo to be broadcast Thursday before Game 5 of !he. World Sunday, October 29th at the Oleai Beach across from Series between the Oeveland lndians and Atlanta Braves. Morgen's beginning at 12 Noon to 5 P.M. Bring the While the pitch appeared to be oh­ whole gang for a barbeque. Lots of food, drinks and so-slow, bolh it and the shuttle were speeding around Eai1h at 17,500 mph entertainment! It's a good time for fellowship with (28,00) kph). A good major-league your candidates and friends. fastball is a mere 95 mph (152 kph) or so. The stunt was filmed inside Columbia'sbus-sizelaboratory, which is far roomier than the cockpit. "Effective Representation" Bowersox had to be careful not to throw the baseball too bani and dam­ age something. - I '~ ' FRIDAY, OCTOBER 27' 1995 -MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND.VIEWS-53 52-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-FRIDAY-OCTOBER 27, 1995 will donate extra to the Catholic sumer. Church, supports out clear and gated to protect the rights of the I agree that we should not .a.eed objective thinking about human Church this week to show support minority. In the unique situation Donate ... laws to remind us to treat others dignity, self-worth and our im­ for its teachings of fundamental of the CNMI, this means that the Continued from page 5 as unique human beings, rather pact on the Ii ves of people around morality and beneficence that people with the right to vote are Saipan Fitness Center us. Jesus told us, "As you did it to guide all of us in everyday life. ob ligated to protect the rights of fact, a healthy and prosperous eco­ than objects. Yet moral responsi­ those residents without the right and special thanks to nomic community is a result of bility must be distinguished from one of these, the least of my broth­ ers and sisters, you did it to me." Sincerely, to vote. individuals and business with a the legal responsibility. Legal Oaniel J. De1Rienzo I believe at times that Charles strong sense of ethics. Justice, authority (the .U.S. Constitution, Matthew 25:40 Continental Micronesia • treaties, and federal and local stat­ Mr. Reyes, you may think that has learned many of his class­ society's welfare, the equality of room lessons well. However, Fly with the warmth of Paradise l\\l human rights arid respect for the utes) is external, moral authority launching an attack on Human (Church doctrine, an individual Rights Advocates Kaplan and Majority. • • when I think about it further, as are pleased to present dignity of individual human be­ long he is willing to accept one ings are capitalistic principles. sense of right and wrong) is inter­ Gregoire will help our business Continued from page 5 nal. The law can prohibit the community, but your boycott of case of human rights abuse, I feel, Local businesses must realize that America. One of the fundamen­ conduct which is worst in us, it the church is an attack on moral­ regretfully, that Charles may have employee dissatisfaction, high tal beliefs in American democ­ cannot compel the performance ity, free enterprise, personal lib­ memorized many of the words turnover and a lack of training racy is that though the majority of that which is best in us. Moral­ erty, freedom and our democratic but he never learned any of the and product knowledge hamper rules, the majority is also obli- ILIENDA MURRAY lessons. our economy and hurt the con- ity, as taught by the Catholic way of life. I hope that everyone Respectfully, Cliff (Absolutely no relation to Please Take Down My Number Milton) Friedman Luis Palacios •••••••••••••••••• • Belated Happy • • • C: IR.11.SC> STC> aVll C> • Birthday • • • • • • George • • • 8 a • OPPORTUNIN • • • Lieto • INTEGRITY • • • • From Your Loving : • Ii COMPASSION • wie Elizabeth and : ·:::~':.' ~ • • your son Peter • CONCERN # f~:~s-~. • • • ••••••••••••••••• DONl P~IN~





PRECINCT. . . 2 ANTONIO CASTRO Legislators who can JOSE SABLAN CRUZ DEMAPAN work with YOU. -~------'------Also sponsored by Pacific Island Club Saipan and Hertz Car Rental ~Ti_-.r· FRIDAY, OCI'OBER 27, 1995 -MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-55 "'· 54-MARIANAS VARIBTY NEWS AND VIEWS-FRIDAY-OCTOBER 27, 1995 ' DEMOCRATIC PARTY COMMONWEALTH OF THE NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS-U.S.A. E CALLER BOXAAAA-10 E •C, SAIPAN, MP 96950 •C, •C, •O, .. .. 0 0 .c .c .,. "'._, "c, ·- ·-...... LI.. .c .c" en DI = = .:I Candidates and supporters· of the .9 E E •C, Democratic Party in Saipan •O, •O, •O,.. .. will hold an island-wide MOTORCADE on Sunday, October 29. Participants will meet at 9:00 a.m. in front of the Old Legislature Bldg. on Beach Road in Susupe from where the MOTORCADE will start.

The route of the MOTORCADE is indicated below: ' . . . Starting Point OLD LEGISLATURE 1995 • Motorcade 0 10/29/1995 .c Tune:9:00 am "'.,. -rt ~...-__.,__~_ t / SAN ANTONIOIi o" ')CHALAN PIAO t &: PAOPAO Ul MISAAL TOULAP LLOL KKAPASAL FLOWASCH j . J,c:. Onrs- Q MJNORU REST. i t __J MT. CARMEL GARAPAN 0 3 K.C. SCHOOL 0 Ebwele bweleta w66l Ghubwul, Oktubre 29, 1995 atool 7:30 lessor yaasch E W-2 HWAY MISA ll6I kkapasal faluwasch me Mt. Carmel Cathedral. E~~e yoor peiraghil :g I - '"'"" ~" Misa yeel bwe ubwe attabwey alongal tepelal ~aasch yootegh. Luugh me .. 0 KOBLER schighar ebwe lo reemi 1161 mwaylaalaayil raal. Owtooto bwe owsibwe schu 0 ~:s:~o .c ST. JUDE 1161 yaasch lughulugh. ~ -:. LITQRGICAL CELEBRATION (MASS) IN .c "'=:I CAROLINIAN LANGUAGE AND CULTURE 3 E E :g The public is informed of a newly scheduled Mass in Carolinian language f .. and culture which will be celebrated on Sunday, October 29, 1995 at 7:30 .,8 A.M. at Mt. Carmel Cathedral. Copies of the liturgy will be made available. j .~ Let us all unite & strenghten our faith. Peace and God be with you always. .~ Everybody is invited to watch or participate in the Motorcade. ~ C, faischo rflm Laugh faischo ,eem Laugh faischo l'ecim Laugh faischo rcicim Luugli .. -- FRIDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1995 -MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-57 56-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-FRIDAY- OCTOBER 27, 1995 Movie review Business briefs from Asia II

TOKYO nam, with stakes in auto, real The U.S.-based company The information will be grades, graphics accelerators, TOKYO (AP) - Nomura Se­ estate and light manufactur­ commands half of the mini­ supplied through computer high-end video editing boards, 'Som.ething to TaUt About' curities Co., Japan's biggest ing. van market in America and terminals. telephony products and mass brokerage company, said has spent dlrs 2.6 billion to Bloomberg's electronic fi­ storage devices. whose CC>lleg~ nickname was "Hound relates "One of the reasons I liked this By Lucette Bentley very different to her. SEIXiWYCK), whoistheoneperson Thursday that it has set up a SEOUL develop a new mini-van, the nancial and news services will Creative, a Singapore-in­ in the family who things as they Dog." / ·.· . . script so much is that none of the For the Variety Grace suddenly steps back and ex­ sees really are-heryoung daughter, Caroline "Fromthebeginning,"explainsPaula characters behaves perfectly. In fact, representative office in Hanoi, SEOUL, South Korea (AP) · newspaper said. be provided through telephone corporated company, makes a GRACE King Bichon (JULIA ROB­ amines her hustle-bustle life from a (HALEY AULL), already an expert Weinstein, ''there was this tremendous they actquiteirnperfectlyagreatdealof Vietnam, to collect informa­ South Korea'.s Samsung Elec­ Bajaj Auto is the top motor lines. family of sound, vide software ERTS), a contemporary Southern wife newperspective-forthefirsttimeshe asks herself what she wants from her horsewoman, but determined to ride chemisoy between Dennis and Julia thetime.Buttheymakeallowancesfor tion about the country. tronics Co., said Thursday it scooter producer in India. "The company conducted a and telephony multimedia and motherwho woiks forherfamily' s AndDennisrnadeF.cldie, who,afterall, one another, which you have to do horse-breeding faim, volunteers forthe life ... and many changes ensue. achallenging, bigger horse in the up­ A Nomura spokesman said will build a color televisions The paper said that the U.S. survey of Indian market ... It products for personal comput­ She.rewnsidershertraditiona!South­ coming Grand Prix competition - and has been stepping out on his wife, an when you love people." Nomur,1 has become the first plant in India capable of company has narrowed its revealed tremendous potential ers. Creative has other local charity league and, generally immensely compassionate and com- · Recognized internationally as an em-genoy family - her strong-willed of course her husband, Eddie {DEN­ Japanese· securities company churning out 200,000 sets a choice to select an Indian part­ for such services as Indian subsidiaries in the U.S., Aus­ speaking, does all the things expected NIS QUAID), Grace's college sweet­ plicated human being." actress of rare accomplishment and father, Wyly King (ROBERT ner and is likely to tie up with business houses have grown tralia, China, Japan, Malay­ of her by her family and friends. heart, whose gradual disenchantment ''I had several dreams come true talent, Rowlands was honored at the to open a Vietnam office. Viet­ year. has DUVALL), who has built a horse­ Grace the perfect life .... with their maniage has been all but withthiscast,admitsdirectorHallstrom, SundanceFilmFestival, 19'J4, withthe nam is considered to possess a The joint venture with Bajaj Auto. in size;, profitability and its sia, South Korea, Taiwan and Orat least that's what she has always breeding empire by making sure his word iS law - her gracious genteel visible to Grace. Until now. "and to be able to worlc with Robert Piper-Heidseick Tribute to Indepen- high potential for economic India's Video Con Group en­ Chrysler is also consider­ products and services are gain­ Europe. and its stocks are thought - until she sees her husband But after Grace sees F.cldie romanc­ DuvallandcollaborateagainwithGena dent Vision. growth. tails South Korea's largest ing using India as a produc­ ing acceptance in the global traded in Singapore and New giving an unknown young woman a mother, Georgia (GENA ROWLANDS), who has quietly ing anotherwoman, she decides thatall Rowlands, whostarredinmyfilm 'Once Julia Roberts received critical ac- Including the planned electronics maker to finance tion base for some of its mod­ markets," the Times said. York. ~~ionatekisson his!W1Chhour. Then, Around,' was among them." claimforherrolein "Mystic Pizza," sudden! y, everything about her pic­ acquiesed to Wyly' s will for decades - bets are off. She can look at her life any Vietnam operation, Nomura 51 percent of the stake in the els the Asian and African mar­ SINGAPORE (AP) _ The her feisty sister, Fmma Rae (KYRA way she wants to. "Corning from Sweden, I needed all then won the coveted role of Shelby has 68 footholds in 28 coun­ venture, to be capitalized at kets. India provides very SINGAPORE Asia-Pacific region is likely !llre-perfect existence begins to look the back story and Southern details I Eatenton in "Steel Magnolias lead- And some changes are going.to be tries outside Japan, he said. · cheap labor and has good tech­ SINGAPORE (AP) _ Cre­ tQ buy 3,400 aircraft worth dlrs made. could get, because I would have to ing to the first of her two Oscar $10 million. Friends for nearly 20 years, produc­ spend years in the South to really un- nominations. Hernext film,-'Pretty The construction of the nocrats, ative Technology, a world 342 billion over the next 20 ers Paula WeinsteinandAnt.heaSylbert derstand the atmosphere. Woman," was the top-grossing film .HANOI plant near New Delhi will be­ NEW DELHI, India (AP)­ leader in computer sound-gen­ years, a survey by Airbus had long wanted to collaborate on a - "Also," laughs the director, -I knew ofl 990and brought her secondnorni- HANOI, Vietnam (AP) - A gin by the end of this year; and The U.S.-based business news erating software, said Thurs­ Industrie was reported Thurs­ f!)~= SALf: motion picture about family. Paula nothing about horses. I'd been on a nation. joint venture partly owned by will be finished in a year's agency Bloomberg is planning day it will acquire a Califor­ day as saying. 8 Weinstein said: Anthea and I had al­ horse only once in my life, several Warner Bros.' and Spring Creek's to set up a l 00 percent subsid­ By the end of that period, South Korea's Daewoo Group time, Samsung said in a state­ nia company that makes a wide ways wanted to make a movie which yearsago.Isatonitanditnevermoved. Production present: Julia Robezts in iary in India to operate value­ range of multimedia products. the region's a.irlines will need Itseemedtornethatitwasverytalland ''Something to Talk About," staning has exported its first shipment ment. Samsung expects demonstrated the changes in the atti­ more than 560 super-large air­ tudes of women. In the early days of Iwasdizzyfromtheheight The perfect Robert Duvall. Gena Rowlands. Kyra of television picture tubes, the to expand capacity next year added electronic communica­ Reveal, a privately-held z feminism, there were IIXlvies about equestrian experience!" Sedgwick and Dennis Quaid. The film Vietnam News said Thursday. to include a production line tion services, The Economic company based in Woodland craft with over 500 seats each, having our own voice and striking out Gena Rowlands, who has brought is written by Callie Khouri and pro- Orion-Hanel shipped for refrigerators. Times newspaper reported Hills will receive up to dlrs 65 or two-thirds of the world de­ on our own, and they were tenific enonnouspoweranddignitytomyriad duced by Paula Weinstein and Anthea 11,600 tubes worth half a mil­ Samsung Electronics, a Thursday. million in newly issued shares mand, the Straits Times re­ 0 movieswhichrepresentedexactlywhat rro_les_dunn_·-':g_the_course--:=o:;;;;f:::her=career::-c::::c:c'::' =::::S:::::ylbert. lion dollars to Indonesia on subsidiary of the Samsung The company has applied to of Creative common stock and ported. we felt - films like 'An Unmarried Tuesday, and plans to export conglomerate, is the world's the Foreign Investment Pro­ 2 million warrants under an It said the forecast by Euro­ Woman; and 'Alice Doesn't live (.) 18,000 more by year's end, largest memory chip maker. motion Board to get permis­ agreement signed by the two pean consortium Airbus is Here Anymore.' What we wanted to sion. companies, a Creative state­ based on a study of 48 largest donowwasmakeafilmaboutawoman the official, English-language who frees herself from her self-im­ newspaper said. NEW DELHI The Indian subsidiary ment said. Asia-Pacific airlines, includ­ posed constraints." The $170-millionjoint ven­ NEW DELHI, India (AP)­ which will be called The agreement will make ing Singapore Airlines. ''The film came together so easily," ture was established in 1993 Chrysler Corporation may en­ Bloomberg (India) Private Reveal a wholly-owned sub­ The first of the 500-seat­ l...---~-L-arg-es_t_P_la_n_w_i_th_2_B-edro_o_m_s/_2_B_a_t_hs----' recounts Anthea Sylbert, "that some but began production only last ter into a joint venture with Limited, will provide news sidiary of Creative, but it will ers being developed by Air­ = days Paula and I would just look at one summer. It is one of nearly a Indian Bajaj Auto company to and value-added information continue to market its prod­ bus to meet the expected travel ia Vaulted Ceiling in Great Room another waiting for something bad to manufacture cars and vans in about.stock, corporate, indus­ ucts and technologies under boom is likely to hit the mar­ happen. We really wanted Julia Rob­ dozen in vestment projects that • Secluded Lanai India, Business Standard tries, currencies and com­ the Reveal brand. ket after the turn of the cen­ erts for the role of Grace and when she have made Daewoo the lead­ CC • Ceramic Tile Throughout ing foreign investor in Viet- newspaper reported Thursday. modities worldwide. It produces memory up- tury, the Times said. agreed to do it, we sent it to Lasse •Enjoy Private Pool and Tennis Hallstrom, who signed on, and from Z • 24 Hour Security there it fell together very quickly." •Community Power Source Director Lasse Hallstrom recalls, THE DEMOCRATIC TEAM Contact : Dan Murrell, Managing Broker "oneofthegreatappealsforrnewasthe fact that the story was character-0ri­ CC Tel. No. : (671) 646-9126 (Collect) ented,anddidn'tsacrificecharacterfor plot It was very funny and !ended the JULIA ROBERTS as Grace King Bichon in Warner Bros.' new comedy ''P~~A I TAOTAO'' TRIPLE J REAL ESTATE dramatic with the comedic elements." -drama, "Something To Talk About.• also starring Robert Duvall, Gena n "Scoundrel-I am a scoundrel,'; says Rowlands, Kyra Sedgwick and Dennis Quaid. (Photo By Demmie DEVELOPERS• BROKE RS• CONSULTANTS ~ DennisQuaid, whoplaysEddie,aman Todd)

THE JOETEN-KIYU PUBLIC LIBRARY IS SEEKING A FEW GOOD PEOPLE FOR THE FOLLOWING KEY POSITIONS SALEI l LfBRARY ASSISTANT 1 TSUNAMI Fullstime, permanent, flexible hours, some Saturdays. Computer and typing skills an advantage. MARINESAFITT REP. MAMETTO Salary $10,000 - $12,000 depending on qualifications; SPECIAL MARATITA BOOKMOBILE ASSISTANT ;;,:;\t\, SENATOR · Part-time, temporary, afternoon-early evening hours. LIFEJACKOS '?itf};\, ,' Library or teaching experience an advantage. JUAN BORJA Chamorro and/or Carolinian language ability is desirable. -StUr S12.95 $6 per hour. EMERGENCY RARES JACK MAFNAS TUDBA AGUON (Write-in) LITERACY ASSISTANT --&ma 824.95 Part-time, temporary, morning hours. GLOW STICKS (2PKS) Library or teaching experience an advantage. Chamorro and/or Carolinian language ability is desirable. -.aa 84.95 Must have own car. FLASHLIGffl (U.S. COAST GUARD) $6 per hour. ffl:9r S11.95 ALL OF THE ABOVE POSITIONS REQUIRE: Safety l st Systems (Saipan), Inc. LUIS CEPEDA excellent people skills, a strong sense of Caller Box AAA N-61, Saipan MP 96950 JOSE SANTOS Legislators who can responsibility, reliability, the ability to work with details, Located in Gualo Roi Trans-Pac Business Center IIOS BENAVENTE H.S. grad., some college preferred. (670) ~35-6500 Fax (670) 235-7400 work with YOU. (Write-in) Pick up application at the library. Closing date Nov. 10. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1995 -MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-59 5'-MARIANAS VAR.IETY NEWS AND VIEWS-FRIDAY- OCTOBER 27, 1995 lifted, and the Philippine gov­ ance because they won't give it. I ' from the POEA. ing to lift the current worker ernment controls that, at that think this is just reasonable: The bypass of the POEA pro­ ban. CNMI ••• point immediately we would "Full implementation across the cess. was prom~d by the re­ "Under the MOU, we com­ Continued from page 1 board of the POEA requirement cent moratorium imposed by mitted to POEA exit authority start requiring incoming work­ ers to go through POEA. It is is tied to full lifting of the morato­ on it? "As this moratorium is par­ the Manila government on the before we commit people from _Does your car/truck have this difficult for us to get POEA to rium, but as the Philippines lifts it tially lifted in stages, our deployment of certain types the Philippines to work here. get exit approval if they have partially, we will implement the implementation of such pro­ of workers to the CNMI. Obviously, the full implemen­ If it DOES, CONGRATULATIONS! I~ means your vehicle has been FULLY RUSTPROOFED by the PROFESSIONALS! a moratorium that nobody can policy with exceptions," said the cedures will go hand in hand. POEA clearance is one of tation of the MOU would mean exit. It's kind of 'silly.' We attorney general. Because at PRO PLUS, We use ONLY the BEST QUALITY MATERIALS Our understanding is that the requirements for Filipino that before workers could are saying that as you lift it, it Aloot, who is the main con­ fairly soon, they will be lift­ workers departing for the come in and work they must is legitimate for them to give tact person dealing with the • PROTECTS UNDERBODY AGAINST DAMAGING EFFECTS OF ing the moratorium for hotel CNMI under a memorandum go get a clearance from the exit approval for its citizens," Philippine government on the MOISTURE1,~ALT SPRAY, STONE NICKS AND CORROSIVE workers, construction work­ of understanding signed be­ POEA. said Aloot. issue of the labor ban, yester­ ROAD CHEMICALS. ers and garment workers," said tween the two governments in "But we have taken a posi­ He added: "If the morato­ day disclosed that he has re­ September I 994. tion that to the extent that the Aloot. rium exists, then I guess I have cently received word from his PROTECTS AGAINST RUST AND CORROSION The CNMI government in According to Aloot, the moratorium is lifted, we will to say we're not going to be Philippine counterpart in the June of this year implemented CNMI government is ready to reimplement that requirement. asking POEA to give exit clear- labor working group. • KEEPS RUST OUT OF HARD-TO-REACH PLACES a policy of allowing contract commit itself to such a require­ This will be instantaneous," workers from the Philippines ment but only as far as the he said. • MAINTAINS VEHICLE LOOKS AND VALUE even without · certification Philippine government is will- "So as the moratorium is If it DOESN'T, HURRY AND GET THAT PRO PLUS ADVANTAGE TOO!

KSAI SUSUPE BEACH PARK AVAIL OF OUR 3 YEARS WARRANTY*: TO CHALAN PIAO +- BEACH ROAD -+ TO SAN JOSE r.====:::=;--:::::====-- I -;:===: WITH RE SPRAY EVERY 6 MONTHS AT ,.....--J I SEALED PROPOSALS for the RENOVATION/EXPANSION OF SAIPAN COMMUTER TERMINAL, UR OFFICE PASSENGER WALKWAY & PARKING AREA AT SAIPAN INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT, SAIPAN, MARIANA A MINIMAL FEE OF $50.00 AUTO DETAILING ISLANDS, CPA PROJECT #CPA-S-001-95, will be received at the office of the EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, INTERIOR SHAMPOO COMMONWEALTH PORTS AUTHORITY, Saipan International Airport, P.O. Box 1055, Saipan, Mariana *(for new cars or vehicles with less than 2,000 miles) TIRE REPAIR Islands 96950, until 2:00 p.m., November 27, 1995 at which time and place the sealed proposals will OIL CHANGE be publicly opened and read. Check your warranty paper, maybe it's time for NJ PRO PLUS PROFESSIONAL TREATMENT PLUS NO RUST The project, in general, consists of the Renovation/Expansion of Saipan Commuter Terminal, a RE-SPRAY. Passenger Walkway & Parking Area, all in accordance with the plans and specifications. , CALL The project is being financed by funds from the Commonwealth Ports Authority. The bidder's attention ,s invited to the fact that the r.roposed contract shall be under and subject to the equal opportunity clause as set forth in Part II , Section 302 (b) of Executive Order 11246, as NJ PRO PLUS amended by Executive Order 11375 dated October 13, 1977, and Section 60-1.4 (b) of the regulations of the Secretary of Labor (41 CFR 60-1) as implemented by Section 152.61 of the Federal Aviation at 234-8756 Regulations to the contract and labor provisions as set fortn in SEction 152.55 and Appendix H, Part 152, of the Federal Aviation Regulations, and the applicable provisions of litle VI of the Civil Rights ....,...... _,._;A.;;.,. UTO RUSTPROOFING Act of 1964 .(78 Stat 252) implemented by Part 21 of the Regulations of the Office of the Secretary of Transportation. Also, the proposed contract will be subJect to the Contractor's Certification of ti\1 i (• I =t•l •\:ii ;J =4·Z£11 ;I' I :J:-J 1: Ii ii•: (€1 nonsegregated facilities. CA.H AIRCONDITIONING The apparent low bidder and any known first tier subcontractor will be subject to apre-award, equal opportunity compliance review by representative of the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs. U.S. Department of Labor, before the award of the contract for the purpose of detennining whether ~he bidder and/or his subcontractors are able to comply with the provisions of the equal opportunity clause. REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL RFP NO. 96-0001 If the bidder has participated in a previous contract subject to the equal opportunity clause and has no_t submitted compliance reports as required by applicable instructtions, the bidder shall submit, October 13, 1995 pnor to award of contract, a compliance report covering the delinquent period or such other period The ~ommortWealth Utilities. Corporation (CUC) is soliciting proposals for the specified by the FAA or the Director, Office of Federal Contract Compliance, U.S. Department of ~mces of a contractor to trim and chip tress within CUC's electric power line Labor. nghtofway. PACIRC ,RIM IN~URANCE, CO. ; A ~idder or. prospective prilJle co~tractor or .Proposed subcontractor shall be required to submit Contra~to~ ~hall be responsible at all times

REP. MAMETTO The charming Bay Area meets MARATITA SENATOR the warmth of Paradise

Sat: ~rancisco is blessed with an abundance of world-famous sights and stnk1~g natural beauty. But it's the people who form the true heart of San Francisco, and it's their inviting spirit that gives the city its special glow.

~o~tinental Micronesia has spread its wings throughout the Asia-Pacific, giving you the chance to see the many enticing places that make up our urnque world.

Discover San Francisco with the people who can make you feel at DINO MENDIOLA home wherever you are. That's what happens when you fly with the REP. ALVARO warmth of Paradise. Continental ARRIOLA SANTOS JONES Legislators who can For reservations call your travel agent or Continental Micronesia Micronesia at 234-6491/ 4. Fly ttvith the warmth of Paradise work with YOU. ;.64rMAAIA!'IASVMIE,H.'-NEWS A.NP ~IpWS:-WlDAY.. OCTOBER,27,-1995

FROM OUR ISLAND'S HIGH SCHOOL REPORTERS Marianas Baptist Academy Marianas High School The following articles am taken from Marianas High School's student newspaper, MHS/slandel The student YUN SUN LEE (12th Grade) SAIPAN writers are K3/ihie Ya/ap, Pav! Fva, and CMstie Sablan, witll Ml Friesen as the advisol OUR GOVIRNMINT, OUR SCHOLARSHIP, OUR HON ften have I heard people remark: "Saipan's educational system is terrible. The gov ~ Swllle&f, emment should do something about it. The students don't have enough opportuni 1995 by R.W.'s Homies & the Hit Parade Oties.· I have wondered just how justified these critics are. True, Saipan's public schools lack many of the resources that bigger school sys­ ou may have noticed many fresh, new face!l' at Marianas High School this year. They are the bright and cheerful freshman class. We interviewed many of them to find out lheir impressions of being part of the Dolphin family. tems in the states have access to. Yet, Saipan has made remarkable efforts to furnish schol­ YHere's what we asked and what they had to say. arships and grants to many students wishing to continue their education. Various programs are accessible to those who want to pursue higher education; JOETEN MEMORIAL GOLF CLASSIC What are the bast things about being a freshman at M.H.S.? provided of course that the applicant is qualified. Such qualifications may include U.S. citi· 'The best things about being freshmen here at M.H.S. is that we get to meet new lriends and we !eel more grown-up. There zenship and academic record, but even non-U. S. citizens and those who may not be qualified are more things to do here and we have a school radio station. You also become friends with older students.· for all types of scholarships or grants may get help. What is the worst thing about being a freshman? It is not uncommon to hear about this federal grant, or !hat local grant. Competi­ "The worst thing is that most of the upperclassmen like to tease us and boss us around. But some of them are nice." tions and contests that make available scholarships or grants worth nominal amounts are quile common. There is even a program that enables students to study abroad in the states, NOVEMBER 11 & 12, 1995 What are the best things to do at lunchtime at M.H.S.? with the reasonable provision that they will return and serve the CNMI for a certain number of •Just hang out with our friends and tell stories, make requests al the radio station, and play sports like basketball or rocball. We can also go out of campus lor lunch tt we have passes.' years; fair enough I say. This too, obviously, is a great opportunity for many in need of finan· cial aid, who want to continue their education. LAOLAO BAY GOLF RESORT What are two things that M.H.S. can learn from Hopwood? So, I'd like to say again: Saipan does provide many educational opportunities. The 1. Build covered walkways for rainy days. students must be responsible to find the right kind/ fit for them. That done, opportunities 2. Install student Jockers so that students have a place to put their things. abound and we students can and should take advantage of them. & GOLF RESORT What do you do after school? Most of the freshmen say that they go home and do their chores. then study, watch T.V. and go to sleep. Others say that "ffi~ffi~ ffil~. C~tt IT ~.g WO~~!" SAIPAN CORAL OCEAN POINT they go strolling with lriends before going home. by HeviJeong Kirn (12th grade) Whal loads should be seNed at the school cafeteria? urglaries, homicides, drug abuse, suicide, car accidents - what is causing the rapid t Pizza rise in all of these? First of all, it is very saddening and disturbing that for the ~t few 2.Barbecuedlood Byears the crime rate has been soaring on Saipan. Our once peaceful, virtually "drug­ 3. Fried Chicken free· island has turned into a place where one cannot even walk the streets without the fear of 4. Various desserts being stabbed in the back, run over, or otherwise abused. 5. Fresh salads TOTAL PRIZES OVER Many factors contribute to the current accelerating crime rate. For one there is gambling. Of If the Governor donated $10 million to M.H.S., how should we spend a? course, everyone knows that gambling has destroyed many families. When the nuclear family 1. Buy new air conditioners for all classrooms. structure is broken, children often tum to alcohol, drugs, or other misdeeds to fill the void 2. Finish up building the gym and furnishing it with all the necessary equipment. because they lack the love they should have gotten from their families. Once they are hooked 3. Make up our own special scholarships !or students graduating from M.H.S. on these vices. one can guess what they will do to guarantee that their new dependencies will 4. Buy and install lockers for students. thrive; they will steal and even kill to maintain their habits. 5. Buy more computers. 6. Build more classrooms to better accomodate student population. Another cause of the problem may be television. Whether one is watching a cartoon or an 7. Build a swimming pool for swimming classes. adult movie, there always seems to be a subtle, if not explicit, reference to killing, sex, or 50,000!!! 8. Rebuild restrooms and improve the water system. getting high. Similarly, some kinds of music, especially acid rock and rap, are proven evil Apparently these young, vibrant, and very shy newcomers have a few things they'd like to make happen. Let's welcome motivators. Is there not sufficient proof to believe that these things influence children's lives? them and make them !eel like a part of the Dolphin family. "Hug afreshman day" sounds loo weird, but let's not forget how We should boycott some of these things, and moral activism should be considered. ~ felt when we upperclassmen had fresh faces loo. Educating in an effort to solve our problems is important, but I do not think endless dollars should be spent on it. EducaUon starts at home. What hope is there if parents are indifferent or even themselves drug addicts, gamblers, or thieves? Will not their children imitate them? l:IOMII SC:A.111: We need stricter laws to penalize these criminals. Additionally, those who illegally sell ciga­ n Monday morning, October 16, the Police Department in Susupe received a phone call saying that rettes and alcoholic beverages to underage teens should pay a high price. We should have there was a bomb at MHS. The call came in at 11 :00, and the police came over i[!lmediately, advising. more recreational facilities to direct students' attention to things more edifying rather than to COME TO SAIPAN'S PREMIER 0 Mr. Feger to sound the siren to evacuate the buildings. things that are degrading. These are just a few ideas to consider if we hope to bring our crime A half-dozen officers searched classrooms while staff and students waited. rate under conlrol. Responding to the fact thal this is the third bomb srare in two months, Mr. Feger said, "It's a prank. People that G LF TOURNAMENT OF 1995 are doing this are taking small consideration for education."

Two years ago, there were many bomb scares. Las: >'ear, however, there were fewer of these threats. The new increase in calls has led Mr. Feger to pursue action against the callers. He explained that MTG has the ability to trace calls, and he is recommending that the Police Department begin doing so. The most valuable gift he gave his son The most treasured and respected it has been. Not Iha diamond, money nor gold, ...... But a- map drawn on an old piece olpaper. Grace Christian Academy The womout paper from when the first road With highways, streets, shortcut'3 and narrow Love & Deceit Now the guide lo the boy in unawan~ne!IS, Love is a woman, faithful, and true. Love is plain,"yet charming and kind; Father's treasured map will take on a.. lor!JJ jooi~C \T••,···•·•••••·• Love is someone who makes you feel new. But Deceit roams in pictures and signs. She is a caring, loving wife. Love is beauty in the heart. She is the one who gives you life. Deceit is vain from end to start.

Deceit is clothed in a blanket of lies. For Love is humble, trusting, and bright Deceit fools one with oohs and sighs. And is yc .. ur source to the Light. She has always fooled men afar, Deceit will show itself with flashes and smiles, .The bear is brown? And they carry a broken heart- her scar. But Love will be a beacon, seen for miles. No. It seems more black than brown. Its fur is sleek and furry. . . Two big and shiny eyes look at me, Jon Abraham Through which I feel it exists. Where do I find It, the wonderful one? .. Sponsored by: The Governor's Office of Youth Affairs FRIDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1995-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-67. 66-MARlANAS VARIETY NEWS iXND VlEWS-FRID'AY--OCTOBER Tl. 1995 .. Japan fund stops Daiwa investments The Finance Ministry also has come By KOZO MIZOGUCHI Capel the leading pension fund manager Toshihide lguchi, a top Daiwa bond James Securities. under fire for waiting six weeks before 1 TOKYO (AP) - In the latest blow to Theassociation,Japan' slargest man­ among Japanese banks, with some S trader at its New York branch, was charged Sept 24 with manipulating infonning U.S. authorities of the loss. I the prestige of Daiwa Banlc, Japan's agerof pension funds, said it was sus­ trillion yen ($ 50 billion) under man­ about a trading loss by a Japa- 17,726.68. On Wednesday, the estimated at 350 million shares, Daiwa' s books in 30,IN T<> ~II> Admission will be free with the purchase of a a huge trading loss. Asahi Bank shares closed 40 man marks, traders said. from bond trading. vesunents wouldcontinueuntil there is DPW96-ITB-001 buffet dinner in the Magellan Room: $25.00 The bank denied the rumor, yen lower at 990. At3p.m.(0600GMT),thedol- "It's not good for Daiwa's already a full 'accounting of Daiwa's $ I.I The Depart~ent of Public Works is soliciting seated bids for the As-Matuis Subdivision Road Improvement batt.eredimageanditmaypromptother billion trading loss debacle, which has adult/$12.50 child (4-ll yr.) saying in a statement that the The market also was battered Jar was traded at 101.46 yen, up Pr0Ject,_Sa1pan, ~~~monwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. Bids in duplicate will be accepted in the Office rumor was groundless and "an- byarbitrage-linkedsellingandthe 1.04 yen from its late Wednesday pension funds to follow suit," said raisedseriousquestionsaboutthebank' s of the Director,. D1v!s1on of Procureme~t & ~upply_at Lower Base, Saipan until 2:30 p.m. local time, November noying." closingofpositionsbydealerson level and also above overnight financial analyst Brian Watemou.,;e of management controls. Daiwa is ~4. 19~5 al which time and place !he ~ids will publicly opened and read aloud. Any bids received after the above Please call P.I.C. at 234-7976 Ext. 5130 for The 225-issue Nikkei Stock the last day of trading for settle- New York level of lOI.13 yen. lime will not be accepted under any circumstances. more information. ~-~~~~t !ime_is llO calend~r_days. A bond of fifteen percent (15%) of the total bid price must accompany the INVITATION TO Bl·D 1 . 1 security may be Cert1f1ed Check, Cashier's Check, Bid Bond or other form acceptable to the Government DPW96-ITB-002 mad~ pay?ble to the CNMI Treasurer, with a n_otation on the face of the check: "Credit Account No. 1471" The Department of Public Works is soliciting seated bids for the Improvement of Songsong VIiiage Roads, Sp~c!f1cat1ons and plans of the proJect are available on or after October 24 1995 at the Technical Service~ D1v1s1~n. Department of Public Works, Sa_ipan. A non-refundable payment of $150.00 is required for each set Rota Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. Bids in duplicate wifl be accepted in the Office of the Ab rfece1p! for.the paymen_t s~ould be obtained from the CNMI Treasurer, Department of Finance in Capitol Hill. Diredtor Division of Procurement & Supply at Lower Base, Saipan until 2:30 p.m. local time, November 27, e ore applying for the bidding documents. ' 1995 at 0which time and place the bids will publicly opened and read aloud. Any bids received after the above time will not be accepted under any circumstances. The Department of Pu~lic Works ~er~by ~otifies alt qualified bidders that minority business enterprises will be a~orded full opportunity to submit_ bids in .r~s~onse to this invitation and will not be discriminated against on Contract time is 360 calendar days. A bond of fifteen percent (15%) of the total bid price must accompany the t _e gr~unds of race, color, a~d nat_1onal ong1~ m_ conside_ration for an award. The bidder is required to submit bid. Bid security may be Certified Check, Cashier's Check, Bid Bond or other form acceptable to the Government with his proposal, a copy of his business permits in compliance with the Contractor's Registration and Licensing made payable to the CNMI Treasurer, with a notation on the face of the check: "Credit Accoun~ No. 14?1•. Laws of the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. Specifications and plans of the project are available on or after October 24, 1995 at_ the 1e_chnicat Services Division, Department of Public Works, Saipan. A non-refundable payment of $300.00 1s ~equ1re? for e~ch s~t. In addition, bidders are he~eby notified that all bids may be rejected if the lowest responsive bid received A receipt for the payment should be obtained from the CNMI Treasurer, Department of Finance in Capitol Hill, exce ~ds the Govern~en_l est1~ate b¥ more than five percent (5%) and it is determined that an award of contract EQUll HOUSING before applying for the bidding documents. wou 1 caus~ excess1vemflalionary impact. In the event that all bids are rejected for this reason this contract OPPORTUNITY ~~:~~al will be modified and may be deferred to re-advertising for bids until a more competitive situation The Department of Public Works hereby notifies all qualified bidders that minority business enterprises will be PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT afforded full opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, and national origin in consideration for an award. The bidder is required to submit Pre-bi_d Confe~ence fo_r _this project will be hel~ at 2:00 p.m. local time, Thursday, November 13 1995 at the FY 95 HOME PROGRAM with his proposal, a copy of his business permits in compliance with the Contractor's Registration and Licensing TecdhSrncal_S erv1ce~ p1v1s1on, Department of Public Works, Saipan. Questions concerning the plans specifi~ations Laws of the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. an pec1a 1Prov1s1ons should be submitted prior to the conference. ' ' 1his is to in\orm the general public that the Northern Marianas Housing Corporation (NMHC), on behall o\ the Commonwealth ol the Northern Mariana In addition, bidders are hereby notified that all bids may be rejected if the lowest responsive bid received 'Thh~ Government reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive any imperfection in the bid proposal in \slancls (CNMI), has been approvecl to receivecl $322,000.00 in FY 95 HOME exceeds the Governmerat estimate by more than five percent (5%) and it is determined that an award of contract t e interest of the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands.' Program \uncls the U.S. Department o\ Housing.and _Urban Devet~pme~l_(HUD). would cause excessive inflationary impact. In the event that all bids are rejected for this reason, this contract REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS HOME Program \unds will be used tor rehab1l1tat1on and re_pa1r act1v1t1es on proposal will be modified and may be deferred to re-advertising for bids until a more competitive situation ls/EDWARD M. DELEON GUERRERO resiclential dwelling units owned and occupied by very \ow-income fam1\1es. exists. CUC RFP NO. 95-0040 Secretary of Public Works Date: 10/13/95 Rehabilitation activities include, but not limited to, the tallowing: Constrnct or Pre-bid Conference for this project will be held at 2:00 µ.m. local time, 1hursday, November 8, 1995, at the OCTOBER 10, 1995 repair sanitary water and waste disposal system, together with related ptun:ib_ing Technical Services Division, Department of Public Works, Saipan. Questions concerning the plans, specifications, and fixtures· alter interior and/or exterior o\ unit to provide greater access1b1\i\y The Commonwealth Utilitif;ls Corporation (CUC) and the and Special Provisions should be submitted prior to the conference. !or disabled and/or handicapped household members; repair or replace Commonwealth Development Authority (CDA) are re­ deteriorating i11umbing system; construct additional room(s) lo ensure adequate 'The Government reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive any imperfection in the bid proposal in questing proposals from qualified firms to perform a study living area for all household members; repair or replace deteriorating or REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS the interest of the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands.' of the feasibility of privatization of CUC. The study will damaged roofs; repair or replace hazardous electrical system; and other consist of two (2) tasks: Task 1, tp determine the feasi­ assistance necessary to preserve the dwelling unit in asafe, decent a,1d sanitary bility of privatization and Task 2, to advise the Common­ The Public Auditor is ?oliciting a financial and compliance audit of the Commonwealth Ports Authority (CPA) ls/EDWARD M. DELEON GUERRERO for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1995. Proposals shall be submitted to the Public Auditor, P.O. Box condition. wealth concerning CUC's value and utility rates. Inter­ The "Program Description" for the FY 95 HOME Program is available for review Secretary of Public Wcnks 13t9h9t,hsafipan, 1y1P 96~50,. no later than 4:30 p.m .. October 31, 1995. The audit shall be performed in compliance ested parties may propose on either or both tasks. w1 e o1 1owing gu1del1nes: by interested persons upon request al NMHC's Central Office on Saipan and Date: 10/13/95 -- NMHC's Field Offices on Tinian and Rota. The Scope of Work, selection criteria and other provi­ 1. 0MB Circular A-128 NMHC will provide financial assistance under the HOME Program primarily JOB VACANCY sions are available upon written request from the CUC 2. Standards .for Audits of Government programs, activities and functions-revised through low-interest (3% lixed rate) loans ot up to $15,000.00_wit~ arepayme~t ANNOUNCEMENT Procurement and Supply Office in Lower Base, begin­ 3. Other applicable Generally Accepted Auditing Standards. term ot fifteen \15) years. Direct grants will also be mad_e ava1lab,e, bu( only_m JOB OPENING ning October 10,. 1995. situations where the applicant(s) demonstrates a critical need for f1nanc1al 1 MANAGER Proposals must at least have the following information: assistance and proven lack of financial resources for loan repayment. GENERAL MANAGER Each proposals is to be marked CUC-RFP NO. 95-0040. a Request for Proposals The following requirements must be met, as a minimum, to be eligible tor b Name of your company SAIPAN PHOTO LAB, INC_ IS HIRING A College graduate. One (1) original and five (5) copies of Sealed Proposals c Local address and telephone number firuincial assi['ance: SELF-MOTIVATED, RESPONSIBLE AND shall be submitted to the Chief, Procurement and Sup­ d Name of contact person and submission date 1. Combined gross annual income of all persons 18 years or older. must be EXPERIENCED MANAGER 2 years experience ply, P.O. Box 1220, Lower Base, Saipan, MP 96950, no less than o, equal to the 'very low-income limits" according to the size ol SALARY NEGOTIABLE, COMMENSURATE TO EXPERIENCE Salary- $5.00 per hour. later than 1600 hours local time, on November 13, 1995. Transmittal Letter: the household, as prescribed by HUD; MUST BE A U.S. CITIZEN. overtime 1.5 per hour 2 Applicant(s) must have lee simple title er at least a 40-year leasehold on Pursuant to CUC Procurement and Supply regulations, a) Briefly state your und~rstand!ng of the audit l'./Prk to be performed. Include an affirmative statement to the property to be assisted; section 3-107: If compensation cannot be agreed upon Qerform the work w1th1n the time period speq1l1ed. 3. The property to be assisted must be principal residence of the applicant(s); FOR APPOINTMENT, PLEASE CALL CORA 1 BARTENDER b) State a com_prehens1ve_ fee for which the audit will be performed. with the best qualified offeror, the negotiations will be c) Date on which the audit report package will be delivered to CPA. and AT 233-9299 OR 233-9298 1 SERVICE STAFF terminated with the selected offeror. If proposals were 4. The 'after-rehabilitation" value of the property must be less than or equal 1 SECURITY GUARD submitted by one or more offerers determined to be quali­ to, 95% of the median purchase price for the type of housing (single- Your Company's Profile: 1 D.J. fied, negotiations may be conducted with such other family unit) being assisted, as determined by HUD. . offeror or offerors in the order of their respective qualifi­ a) Provide a brief description of your company which includes your personnel'~ educational b3ckground and The time period for acceptance at rehabilitation loan applications will begin e~perienc~. ~umber of staff, level of staff_ (partners, managers. supervisors, e!c), and a listing of clients. high school graduate cation ranking if the amount of compensation is deter- b) Tl,e descr1pt1on must also include an afllrmat1ve statement that at least the partners are certified public on November 3, 1995 and run for aperiod of time until NMHC determines that I mined to be fair and reasonable. al teast$273,700.00 of the $322,000.00 in HOME Program Funds are exhausted 2 years experience accoun!anls. c) Name and profile of staff members to be assigned lo the audit, should your firm be awarded. and/or committed. All applicants will be determined or a 'first-come, first Salary $2.75 per hour CUC and GOA reserve the right to reject any and all served" basis, provided they quality. overtime 1.5 per hour. I proposals for any reason and to waive any defect in Award will _be based on lour evaluation factors; price, technical competence 1irior experipnec. ;•r·d ab·11·1ty to Those interested in obtaining a rehabilitation laan application or additional said proposals, or any of them, if in their opinion to do meet deadline. ' " ""• .. , information about the FY 95 HOME Program should contact NMHC's Gentral Contact­ so would be in the best interest of the Commonwealth. ;he contract lor _this auqit will be awarded not later than Nov. 7, 1995. The audit work shall commence Office at telephone numbe,s 234-6866n689/9447 or 7670; Tinian residents All proposals shall become the property of cue. ,herealter and a final audits report shall be completed by December 15, 1995 call 433-9213; and Rola residents call 532-9410. Reggae Club Aysa P.O. Box 8051, svrb It is NMHC's policy and commitment that interested "Minority and Women­ /s/ TIMOTHY P. VILLAGOMEZ Audit reports from previous years available at CPS's main office at the Saipan International Airport. owned Businesses (MBE/WBE) be given equal opponunity to compete for Saipan, MP 96950 Executive Director, CUC contracts for rehabilitation and repair work on properties assisted with HOMi: Tel- 233-0975 Program funds. Therefore, those MBE/WBEs interested in ~idding_ tor rehabilitation and repair work are urged to contact NMHC tor more inlormat1on. I FRIDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1995 -MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-69 68-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-FRIDAY- OCTOBER 27, 1995 of attempts to transfer employers Night Club. would check on his daughter out: them "very_nervousand~1ous." after they filed a labor complaint Beri and Lapuz said the two side. Once out of the office, Ben They satd the ~ccused s con- ,Ai.G • • • against Arts and Entertainment Pro­ officials exceeded their official du­ called his lawyer. duct led them to t!1mk they would Does sperm swim faster in space? motion Services in 1992 for unpaid ties and that they were liable for the Continued from page 1 Accordingtothecomplainants, be ~eld ~n.d f?fClbly put on next wages. Their applications for re­ ''generalandcompensatorydamages By BILL FOREMAN told his experiment was one be done in a min ilaboratory or into the module that kills the said. Berl, in a second attempt to leave Jones and Sablan "humiliated and day s Philippme-bound plane. they caused, as may be proven at theoffice,gavetheexcusethathe embarrassed" them and made The complainants acc~~ed newal of temporary work pennits KANSAS CITY, Kansas of five to be picked for mis­ "module" the size of a ciga­ sperm and stabilizes the Tash' s job in the next three Jones and Sablan of depnvmg were denied by the labor di vision for trial." (AP) - Spiny sea creatures the sions in December 1996. He rette pack. The module con­ chemicals that regulate move­ months is to show that the ur­ Jones and Sablan were also liable them of their due process and alleged failure to submit transfer ap- size of doughnut holes will also received a spot on a mis­ tains compartments for the ment they release while swim­ chin sperm can survive in the forpunitivedamagesundertheCNMI equal protection rights when the plications. . play an important part in a sion in spring 1997. sperm and sea water. A flip of ming. modules. Later, he will have to constitution, the complainants said. accused allegedly detained, ha­ According to the complainants, space shuttle experiment next NASA has given Tash an a switch mixes the two to­ If large amounts of calcium, write instructions for the experi­ They also held the CNMI liable for rassed, and intimidated them as a however, they could not submit them year that may help answer annual budget of about gether, waking up the sperm adenosine triphosphate and ment for the astronauts who will general and compensatory dam­ result of which they were denied because no transfer hearing was held. whether zero gravity would $140,000 for the next three to and creating a swimming en­ other chemicals key to move­ be performing it. Eventually, Tash' of their request for temporary The musicians had found an em­ ages affect human reproduction in four years. vironment for them. ment are found, that could will meet with the astronauts to since they said Jones and Sablan work authorization. ployer ready to accept their ser­ space. The sperm experiment could After about IO minutes, as­ explain why the sperm were discuss the study and train them Beri and Lapuz had had a string vices at the Managaha Karaoke were acting as government officers. The purple sea urchins were help answer future questions tronauts will inject a chemical more active in space, Tash in trial runs. the creatures of choice for re­ about the effect of zero grav­ searcher Joseph Tash because ity on .human reproduction in they produce lots of sperm and long-term space flight and it lasts longer than that of other livestock breeding in space species. colonies, Tash said. DWT.U .AMD +UH~.Ul .llttttOUNCiffitNT Tash, a University of Kan­ Dr. Victor Schneider, who sas Medical Center researcher oversees the NASA shuttle Martin Manglona Sablan who began developing his research program, said the project with NASA last month, space agency didn't have spe­ "Martin Kappun" said he hopes the experiment cific applications in mind for will shed light on which results from Tash' s experi­ January 4, 1962-0ctober 24, 1995 chemicals cause sperm to ment. The panel that chose the study was interested in devel­ In his death, he joins his: move and whether sperm swim Father: Vicente A. Sablan opmental biology and thought faster in space. Brother: Jose M. Sablan Tash's experiment could yield Although sea urchins and .. Grandparents: Jose M. & Ana A. Manglona humans are on opposite ends exciting results, he said. Benigno 0. & ConsolacionA. Sablan of San Roque, Saipan, was called to his of the evolutionary ladder, "In microgravity, we can Father-in-Law: Antonio Camacho Atalig eternal rest on Sunday, October 22, 1995 at Tash said sperm and the now use absence of gravity as He is survived by his: the age of 52. He is predeceased by his: chemicals that trigger them to a tool to tease out factors that Wife: Fermina A. Sablan Acelia C. and Ramon Dela Cruz ( move are basically the same make one gene turn on and Children: Anthony, Kenneth Martin, Jonathan Vincent, Pierre Joseph and Ryan Seth. Lavina C. and Urbano D. Babauta . Parents: Jose Villagomez & Rosa Manibusan Castro Frankie B. Castro and Faustina lndale for all creatures. another tum off," Schneider Brothers/Spouses: Bert/Cl1echang S. Sablan, John/Bobbie T. Sablan, Henry/Bernie P. Sablan, Victor B. Castro• Robert B. Castro Sea urchin sperm has at least said. Cris/Lucinda R. Sablan, Vicente/Bobbie DLG. Sablan, and Diego/Elaine SN. Parenls in Law: Joaquin Cruz & Rufina Lizama Babauta one major advantage over The simplicity of the experi­ Sablan Sisters/Spouses: Sisters & Spouses &-lo·Laws: Brothers and Sisters§pouses: other types of sperm - it has a ment also appealed to NASA, Angie/Jerry Reyes, Liana/Richard Hofschneider In loving memory of our longer shelf life. This is cru­ said Ron Schaefer, a Moun­ Mother-in-Law: Anita M. Atalig (Rota) Manuel M. & Maria J. Castro, Nicolasa C. Sablan & Isabel C. & Francisco S. Deleon Gu . tain View, California, scien­ Brothers and Sisters-in-Law: Lombardi, Justice Pedro/Nelida Atalig, Rosita/Robert Mendiola, Juanita/Robert\ Maria C. & Lee Porter cial for space-bound sperm, late Father and grandfather Lorenzo Robert, Marceliano M. Castro, Francis~o M. Castro, which must be loaded on the tist under contract with NASA Myers, Rita/Joaquin Manglona, Antonia/Diego Songao, Antonio Atalig, Juana C. Babauta, Soledad B. & Jose S. Pangelinan Felix L & Araceli Babauta shuttle about 19 hours before to help researchers develop Benita/Vincent Manglona, Francisco/Ofelia Atalig, Vicente/Carleen Atalig, In peace, he lives forever in the hearts of his wife, Dolores B. Caslro ''"''"' Lucia/Eusebio Manglona, Annette/David Calvo, Adrian/Brenda Atalig, and children and Grandchildren: Maria B. San Miguel {i takeoff, Tash said. If the mis­ experiments. JULIAN Nieves L. Babauta & Isidro R. Sablari T sion is delayed, the sperm Since the mission will last Annabelle Atalig/Simeon Santos. Juan L & Manuela A. Babauta · He is additionally survived by numerous nieces, nephews, uncles, aunts and cousins. Wim;..Rita Babauta Castro could sit on the shuttle for only up to 10 days, time re­ ····•·:-:-·-:·:.::::::\ii:?f:F'.·i:':\ t.b tn '1° 0~ ~ RAPE '.f· •• 1200 Sq; Ft.... ·Spoclous Parking Area INCLUDES FIVE (SJ GIG TICKETS have minimur1 3 years of experience $20.00 - Minors under 18 years are not allowed. ; - 0-<}~· ""~c vlctl. Location: Lower Capitol HIii Note: ONE (1) GIG TICKET IS EQUIVALENT Apply at Younis Art Studio For more Information: Call Tel. 322-3366/5558 • FAX:322-3886 18-20 years old are not allowed to drink Marianas Variety Newspaper Q iJ'ocf q< .. (~i;· ..;;~-;hi~k·-;~ 1.. .. TO ONE (1) DRINK. alcoholic beverages. Garapan-Saipan ~ RUN-AwAv-J have no way out, i 1'y\\.. On OCTOBER 28, 1995, Saturday, 8:00 PM - 2:00 AM L Pll.!Iatv,i;y l talk with us, ! -~ ADDENDUM No. 1 I I ?' l we think you do. i JUST WANT TO & CUC RFP No. 95-0040 Wear your scariest Halloween costume & win lots of prizes FOR RENT/LEASE . OVERSEAS IMMIGRATION SERVICE c§> \All phone calls arej TALK There is also a· raffle draw for everybody!!! • Garapan: Commercial Space currently used as Nrte Club, • Work Visas processed for lhe ff. countries: ~ handled with i <- Canada, U.S.A, Israel & Cyprus. : % ~ All Proposals shall be accompanied by a price AM Garapan: Two bedroom apartment; furnished, • lmmigranl Visa process for U.S.A. & Canada. ':--./ compassion and ! '? ,e., For more information, call Discotheque GIG at 234-3131 or 235-5150 hom 6:00 PM to 2:00 • Sponsors Provided. proposal for the work covered in the proposal. As Perdido: Two bedroom apartment; furnished. _{[ '·,, confiden.tiality. ) .,. , ; . or caD Niizeki lnternational·S!Jipan Co., Ltd. at 234·5050 hom 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM ... ~ ' • • I . Please call 234-6108 for more information. To inquire call Ms. Taylor, al Transpacen1er The price proposal shall be in a separate I, (670) 235-3355. fl- ~ ------:::s ~d!J10; . sealed envelope. The price proposals will not Commercial Tri USCG 56 Pax be opened until the evaluations have been MOTORCYCLES FOR SALE Recent Dry Dock Survey ~~ 234-5100 %~;of completed, and shall not affect the relative FULL RANGE OF 1995 HONDA M/CYCLES FOR ON ROAD Pl.any Spares, New Paint MOLEsrAnoN r:.P ranking of Proposals. USE & OFF ROAD USE & REPLACEMENT PARTS CONTACT Good Mee. Condition 98% of this proj"cct is funded from VOCA, a federal grant MICHAEL ON 234-6081 -71 EXT. 202 OR 287-0060 $1 SOK • 234-8230/233·8231 providing direct assislancc to viclims. · 72~MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-FRIDAY- OCTOBER 27, 1995 I DEADLINE: 12:00 noon the day prior to publication NOTE: If some reason youi ~d~:~,:~~~~ ;~;~~g;!~f:~61i;~~ ~tfalarianas ~arietr~ mmediately to make the necessary corrections. The Marianas Variety News and Views Is responsible only for one Incorrect ACROSS 40 Vacation II ~ insertion. We reserve the right to edit, refuse. reject or cancel any place , ad at any time. . 1 "Treasure 41 llluminaled Island" au th. 43 Revised 13 Gttitlt4> r~t tJlittt·] 4 Ardent (abbr.) 01 ASSISTANT MANAGER· Salary: 01 (3RD) ENGINEER-Salary:$600 per 9 Total 44 Ives ID 01 LANDSCAPE GARDENER-Sal­ $3.00-$5.00 per hour month 12 Policeman 45 "- Train· Employment Wanted ary:$2.75 per hour 04 INSPECTOR- Salary: $2.75-$6.00 01 COOK-Salary:$390 per month JOB VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT 13 Equine 47 ·- in Boots· Contact:CALVO'S DEVELOPMENT, INC. 01 MASTER (SEAMAN)-Salary:$1,200 ·sexual 04 CUTIER MACHINE-Salary: $2.75· sound so dba CALVO'S NURSERY & LANDSCAP· per month SERVERS/BARTENDERS/COOKS 14 Sue - Healing· ING TEL.234·6120(11/03)F21112 $7 .00 per hour 01 CHIEF ENGINEER-Salary:$1,050 per SALARY $2. 75 per hour, Langdon singer 04 BUTIONHOLE Machine Operator month ~ossible housing 15 -- rule 51 Food scrap 01 A/C & REF. TECHNICIAN-Sal­ 04 OVERHAULER· 01 ABLEBODIED SEAMAN (BOSUN)­ Conlact : Figueroa's Bar, Grill & Inn 16 Folksinger 54 - deco 50 SEWING MACHINE OPERATOR (670) 532-BEER. Rola Guthrie 55 Hillside ary:$3.00 per hour 10 PRESSER, MACHINE Salary:$390 per month openings Contact:ALEJANDRO G. MATSUMOTO Contact: TUGS & PILOTS, INC. TEL. 17 Step--! 'iifts1.ellaneous ' 04 MARKER· SALARY: $2.75-$5.00 per 18 Shinbone 56 Mao­ ,..~ ' . dba CHARMAT AIRCONDITIONING & 322·7788/0608( 11 /1 O)F4226 hour Garfield® by Jim Davis 20 Sommer 10 ·\ung REF. SERVICES TEL.234-3832(11/ 01 SALES REPRESENTATIVE,ADVER· Contact: NED FASHION Inc. Tel. 234· 21 Tanlalum 57 Genetic TISING-Sa!ary:$3.25-4.00 per hour 03)F21114 964214( 10·27)F20997 symbol material Contact:YOUNIS ART STUDIO, INC. dba 23 Tampa's st. 58 Critics Siske! and- MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS & VIEWS 03 MUSICINSTRUCTOR-Salary:$2.75· 24 Un­ 01 GENERAL FOREMAN- wholesome 59 Lawyer 10-27 © 1995 United Feature Syndicate TEL.234-9797(11/03)F 3.50 per hour Contact:A COMPANY TEL.234-5024( 11 / 01 PLUMBER vapor (abbr.) 03 CARPENTERS ATTENTION SALES PEOPLE: 28 Nigerian 6 River in 11 Was 01 COMPUTER OPERATOR-Sal­ 03F21117 03 MASON· Salary $2.75 per hour 30 Jazz.great DOWN Arizona introduced to 7 The sell 17 Kind ol ary:$1000 per month. Contact: NEW BUILDERS, INC. TEL. 32 Oeilies 02 CLEANER, HOUSEKEEPING-Sal· 8 Symbol !or orange Can communicate in Japanese language 234-9636(10-27)F20999 34 Author I -Victor ary:S2.75 per hour Want To rhodium 19 ·- at lirsl .... • both in reading & writing. Fleming 2 -Angeles Contact:JOY ENTERPRISES. INC. dba 9 - Francisco 20 One Contact:COMMONWEALTH MARINE 02 AUTO MECHANIC- Salary: $2.75 per 35 Island 3 Quarrel JOY RESORT HOTEL TEL.234-3476(11/ 36 Faded away 4 Empower 49ers (German) LEISURE CORP. dba MARINE SPORTS Make? 10 Kin of mono hour 39 Belore 5 Stunt pilot 21 Detroit player & LEISURE TEL.234-6601 (11/03)F21105 03)F21116 01'AUTO ELECTRICIAN-Salary:$ 22 ·- the Law 24 Kind of 02 SALES REPRESENTATIVE-Sal­ 5 per hour 01 COOK-Salary:S2. 75 per hour Contact: WON'S CORPORATION dba More? warship 01 WAITRESS, REST.-Salary:$2.75 per ary:$2. 75-3.00 per hour WON'S AUTO REPAIR SHOP Tel. 234· 25 Eye inleclion 02 TECHNICIAN-Salary:$2.75·3.00 per hour 3429(10-27)F21014 Money? 26 -oisclosure· Contact:FAR EASTERN GENERAL hour PEANUTS® by Charles M. Schulz actress MERCHANDISE dba DIAMOND CHI­ Contact:TRANSPACIFIC INTERNA­ 27 Pu\ up slake 01 AIRCONOITIONING MECHANIC· 29 Harem rooms NESE RESTAURANTTEL.234-8188(11/ TIONAL, INC. dba THE HOBBY SHOP, Sell advertising on Saipan's dominant island TRANSPAC BUSINESS CENTER 01 GEN, MAINTENANCE 31 Milk (pharm.) 03)F21123 Salary: $3.00 per hour TEL.235-3355(11/03)F cable company 33 Those who Contact: DALLA POZZA MANOR Inc. Tel act superior 01 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT-Sal­ 37 Assam 02 TAILOR-Salary:$2.75 per hour 234-3060(10-27)F21018 Join A Winning Team ary:$3.00 per hour 06 SEWING MACHINE OPERATOR· silkworm 02 SECURITY GUARD-Salary:$2.75 per Contact:TAE WOO CORPORATION Salary: $2.75 per hour 38 Absorb TEL.234-3423\ 11 /03)F21124 hour Contact: GRACE INTERN ATONAL INC. (information) 01 MAINTENANCE WORKER-Sal· 42 As Jar as TEL.234-9682( 10-27) F21013 Base Sal:~;;;~::mlssion ~ 45 - front 03 WAITRESS-Salary:$2.75 per hour ary:$2.75 per hour 02 COMMERCIAL CLEANER-Sal· 46 - bene Contact:GUANG LI SHENG CORPORA­ 01 CARPENTER- Salary: $2.75 per hour ary:$2.75 per hour 47 Launching - TION dba KELLY'S PLACE TEL.235- Contact: CECILLA M. CABRERA Contact:CHRISTINE MART, INC. dba 48 Vase 0888(11/03)F21122 Tel.235-5293/234-6601/3 Ext. 133(10· 49 Depol (abbr) · HELP SUPPLY SERVICE, ORESS Call Barbara at 235-6371 l!Ji 27)F21017 50 Chal\er 02 SEWING SUPERVISOR·Salary:$700- SHOP & BOUTIQUE, BEAUTY 52 0-U linkup SHOP.HOUSE/ROOM RENTAL, RE· 900 pe(month 01 WAITRESS· Salary: $2.75 per hour 53 Vielnam TAIL-GEN.M ERCHANDISE TEL.234· 02 MECHANICS(MAINTENANCE)-Sal­ Contact: RODREIGO DELA CRUZ holiday 5035(11/03)F STELLA WILDER 55 Eastwood ID ary:$800-1200 per month PEREZ dba RP ENTERPRISES/RP Re­ 10 MACHINE, PRESSER-Salary:$2.75- tail S\ore Tel.233-5131(10-27)F21016 FOR IMMEDIATE HIRING 3.00 par hour N.iscellaneous · · CPA FIRM URGENTLY NEEDS 30 SEWING MACHINE OPERATOR-Sal­ 02 COOK- Salary: $2.75 per hour 01 SEWING MACHINE OPERATOR· YOUR BIRTHDAY ary:$2.75-3 .00 per hour Contact: GREGORIO B. & NATALIA M. 10 CUTIER, MACHINE-Salary:$2.75· SALARY: $2.75 per hour MAGOFNA dba SNACK & FAST FOOD SOLVE THE REBUS BY WRITING 01 LAUNDRY WORKER:· Salary: $2.75 ACCOUNTANT Kjdtl!~ ..,. 3.00 per hour SERVICES/MGM RETAIL STORE Tel. ~W IN THE NAMES OF THE PICTURE 15 QUALITY CONTROL CHECKER-Sal- per hour 234-8282(10·27)F21011 to join its accounting group CLU!S AND ADDING OR SUBTRACTING THE LETTERS. ary:$2.75-3.00 per hour Contact: FABRICLEAN OF THE CNMI, 02ACCOUNTANT-Salary:$2.75-7 .50 per INC. dba Marianas Cleaner TEL. 234- 01 DRESSMAKER-Salary: $2.75 per Must be a Certified Public Accountant. Position requires at least By Stella Wilder read the corresl?onding para­ al status will not be at risk 6239/5323(10-27)F3983 graph. Let your birthday star be TAURUS ~April 20-May 20} - hour hour two years accounting experience. Responsible for all aspects _Born today, you are full of sur­ your daily guide. A Ion~ and difficult period of un­ 02 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT-Sal· Contact: NEW ERA INTERNATIONAL of recording and summarizing transactions in the general ledger ary·.$2.75-7 .50 per hour 01 ACCOUNTANT- Salary: $900.00per CORPORATION Tel.235-6156(10· pnses, and you use this to your ad­ SATURDAY, OCT. 28 certainty is at last drawing to a including preparation of reports. Salary negotiable depending close. 'N'r-\Y DO SK.ELE:TON':> 02 COOK-Salary:$2.75-3.00 per hour month 27)F21010. vantage in every endeavor, SC01:U'I0 (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) - You l?aywell feel as though 02 PROOUCTID°N SUPERVISOR-Sal· Contact JOSEPHINE J. PANGELINAN upon qualifications. y;hether you are pursuing socia! A. com~mation of luck and plan­ a great weight has been lifted off DRINK LOTS Ot= ary:$2000-2500 per month dba. BJ FISH & MEAT MARKET TEL. .Miscellaneous · mterests or professional success · ning will work to your advantage your shoulders today. I MILK? Contact:MARIANA FASHIONS, INC. 235-7219(10·27)F21021 . . . . Interested candidates send resume to Accountant, P.O. Box 725, and advancement. You are likely today: It will prove important to GEMINI (May 21-June 20) - to be the who shows off many know Just h~w much others are in­ Someone you know ci,uite well can TEL.234-8607(11/03)F21119 Saipan, MP 96950 type 02 DRESSMAKER-Salary: 275 per hour 01 ACCOUNTANT-Salary:$1,000 per diverse fa1ents when you are volved. offer you somet.liing m the way of 02 GENERAL MAINTENANCE Conlac\: JOSE PALACIOS dba. J&L En· month young, but that is no guarantee SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. stabili~ to_day. Indeed, you could WORKER-Salary:S2.75 per hour terprises TEL. 234-1081(10·27)F 21019 Contact: J.C.A., INC. dba McDONALDS that you will develop any of those 21) - You may think a little too use a little emotional caretaking. Contact:SIM CORPORATION dba OF SAIPAN TEL. 235-8761 ( 11 /1 O) F4244 prominent skills and be able to ~uch of your pwn welfare at this CANCER (June 21-July 22) - .L SEACH ROAD SAN JOSE SERVICE 01 ASSISTANT AUDITOR-Salary: $14.42 tum them into a lucrative career. time, rather than concentrating What you've been doing for others STATION/BLDG.MAINTENANCE, HELP per hour 04 BEAUTICIAN-Salary:$2.75 per hour On the contrary, your greatest enough on those who look up to for so long can be done for you to­ SUPPLY SERVICES TEL.235-2162(11/ Contact DELOITIE & TOUCHE Tel. 322· Contact:ESTHER MARPLE dba E&R successes are ljkely to come from you. day if you surround yourself with ENTERPRISE TEL.288-6672/235- (Dec. 22-Jan. the right people. 03)F21120 7337( 10-27)F3957 thmgs that are most last minute CAPRICORN 2888(11/1O)F21210 LAOLAO BY GOLF RESORT SAIPAN is in need of: and spontaneous. For you, plan­ 19) -:-- You are likely to enjoy a LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) - You 01 ACCOUNTANT-Salary:$:0.75 per hour 01 QUALITY CONTROL CHECKER· '!illg i1'. of only limited value. You dE:finmg moment or two today that may be tempted to throw caution 01 ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE-Salary:$500 will serve to clarify just what you to the wind today, but you are Contact:LVP PACIFIC DEV.CORP. dba 06 IRON WORKER (Press Operator) POSITION; BODY & FENDER like to !IllproVJSe as much as possi­ -se hereby advised to think twice. es­ NETWORKS COMPUTER SYSTEMS 10 SEWING MACHINE OPERATOR­ per month ble from day to day. are after and how you can get it. Contact: FELIPE Q. MAHINAY dba AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) pecially about romance. TEL.288-5330(11/03)F21115 Salary: $ 2.75 per hour NUMBER OF POSITIONS OPEN: ONE (1) This is not to suggest that you Contact: Owel MFG (Saipan) Ltd. ,a MAHINAY PRODUCTION & PROMO­ do not covet long-term develop­ - You can come to an important yJ~GO (Aug.. 23-Sept. 22) - WORK SCHEDULE: MONDAY-SATURDAY This 1s not the time for trivial 02 TOUR GUIDE-Salary:$3.00 per hour 234-9522-25(10-27)F 21003 TION P.O. Box 2223, Saipan, MP me1;1ts or seek out major, on-going solution to a stubborn problem to­ i. ~ meaningless bickering! Work to'. Contact:SAIPAN AIR-SERVICE, INC. 96950(11/1 O)F21220 HOURS: FLEXIBLE• RATE OF PAY: NEGOTIABLE proJects. Indeed, such efforts will day through a careful process of gether with family members to­ dba SEOUL CITY TOUR TEL.235- 05 SEWING MACHINE OPERATOR be essential to your contentment elimination. PISCES 19-March 20) ward a common goal. You mustn't BECAUSE , T'S I I I I IIi--,' 1~,-, 01 ASST. CLERK TOUR INFORMATION­ Within those structures defined by (Feb. 8283(11/03)F21100 Salary:$ 2.75 per hour Contact: Owe\ MFG (Saipan) Ltd. TEL Salary:$ 1,000-1,630 per month Any interested applicants must apply at the LaoLao continuity and time, however - Even the most innocent of flir­ be divisive 1 3 tations can be misunderstood to­ LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22) - 01 QUALITY CONTROLCHECKER·Sal­ 234-9522-25(10-27)F 21004 Contact:PACIFIC DEVELOPMENT INC. Bay Resort, Kagman. t:te/She may contact Ms. Del you're the kind to play it footloos~ day, leading to many complica­ You may actually have some diffi­ ary:$2.75 per hour TEL. 322·8796(11/10)F21219 and fancy-free. THEIR ·1 1 I I I I Camacho, Personnel Manager or Mr. Randall Hazelton tions and at least one broken culty expressing yourself as hon­ 01 SEWING SUPERVISOR-Sal­ 01 OVERHAULER-Salary: 10.70-$12.00 Also born on this date are: :S3N08 l:ll3H.L 1:::10.:l 0008" :1:::13MSNV "l:ooq;:~...... , heart. Play it safe! estly as you would wi.sh today. In­ ary:$1085-2150 per month per hour 01 MASON-Salary:$2.75-3.50 per hour at telephone nos. 256-8888/6000. John Cleese, actor and comic; ARIES (March 21-April 19) - deed, some of what you have to Contact:SAM MARIANAS, IN~. TEL.322· 01 ASST. SUPERVISOR, RECEIVING Contact: JRS ENTERPRISES CORPO· Nanette Fabray, actress; Simon RATION dba ELECTRO HAUZ INTER· You may _feel to';lay as though you say IS not easy. 3444(11/03)F21106 SECTION-Salary: $5.30-$6.80 per'hour LeBon, singer. 01 ACOUNTANT-Salary: $7.00-$8.00 per NATIONAL TEL. 234-0692(11/10)F21221 To see what is in store for you are walking a tightrope in some sense, but at least your profession- Copyri,'thl l995. Umtcd Fc:,1urr- S::,-ndir:ate. Jae. 01 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT-Sal· hour tomorrow. find your birthday and 01 GENERAL MANAGER-Salary:$1,000 Use color and ary:$2. 75 per hour 04 PRESSER, Machine Operator· Contact:JOSE T. TAROPE dba 10 SEWNG MACHINE OPERATOR· Sal­ per monlh 1 Contacl:MARIANAS PARAMOUNT DATE BOOK -;t; _r_-~rc'.a.dc~.s.tcr. ts 73: Huby D,·,· -t111u111g lo be a nation at all. would 1,,, CHEMIBOY ENTERPRISE TEU35- ary: $2. 75-$3.05 I;.;.)·,1 :idrcss, 1s 72. ll.R H:tldcm.111 to pernut it lo bccomt• a tan~lc ol sales will CORP. TEL. 233-4030{11/10)F2121B 2815(11/03)F21108 Contact: Uno Mada Corp. TEL. 234-1B61- Oct. 27, 1995 11 LI, 1.1.1.ll'. prcs1dcnlrnl a1dc-Wall'r squabbling nationalities.. Th: I .. 2(10-27)F3966 !•••••• g;''.'.' mnsp1rulor: Sylvia Plath I t !1:II Huosc•i•e•lt, 1!Ila · · 'ifl'r. is :1<1 l.l,JJ, the area around Manzanillu. § PRISES, INC. dba KIMCHI CABANA Today 1s the :woth ../ :·. Ml'XIL'o. was devastated liv a hurri 234-9352(10·27)F21006 9326/9329(11/1 O)F21223 day of 19!1;, and Ille • NIGHT CLUB & REST. TEL.234-6622(111 1,1 ;tm aim, 1a!wa1 a!J?;lii" TOll,\Y'S SPOllTS: On this da\' 111 rane · .15th day of frill. " ·· · · 03)F21107 ------1!17:l. Bl'ar llryant·s Alabama Crinis<>n wit~~l~~~~i~tt _tf/1 05 WAITRESS-Salary: $2.75 pet hour 01 AUTO BODY REPAIRER-Sal· ~~~~.'1!~~~~g~~~~ ~~i ~~II~~ q J:< J~'r SALARY $3.00/HR TODAY'S IIISTORY: On this dav in Tide ;1111assPd morL' than 81JO v;1rds 111 SllliHl 'E l!I\J:i WL·.ilht•r c;u1til' l'alt•m1;1r· .-\l'('111 ,: sales wlll Increase an averoge of 43% Call u A~ Contact: AN Y. GOLD Inc. dba. Poppy ary:$2.90-3.50 per hour 01 SUPERVISOR-Salary:$2.70 per hour 1904, the New York City subway b,;ga11 total nffl•nsl' in routing Virgi1ii:1 Tt•1·!1 l'ulil1:-hm~. Ltd today lo place your ad and get sales flying s t, Karaoke Club Tel.235-1865(10-27) 01 AUTO MECHANIC-Salary:$800 per Contact:PRINCE ENTERPRISES LTD. Apply at: 77 fi TODAY'S MOON: Betwe,·n month operating. dba S.M. MART TEL.234-7821(111 F21007 new moon ((kt. 1_-1 J and fir:-;! 01 AUTO MECHANIC HELPER-Sal­ TODAY'S BlllTHOATh: Nicolo J'a TOil,\ Y'S QUOTE: .. Then• 1s 11<1 ro«111 [)3)F21110 [O quarter (Oct :1111 Employment ary:$2.75 per hour Carmen Safeway Enterprises ganini I 1782· l 840), composer-violinist; in this country for hyphenated Arn,·,· §vlarianas %riet.r; 03 CARPENTER-Salary:$2. 75-3.05 per 01 AUTO PAINTER-Salary:$2.90-3.50 Theodore Roosevelt (1858-IUlnl, ll.S 1can1sm ... The one absolulelv cert.iin Tel. 234/6341/7578/9797 • FAX234-9271 ~ Chalan Kanoa, Beach Road president; Dylan Thomas (1!114 J!l:,:11. way of bringing tl1is nation t;, n1111. nl hour • • • • • • per hour 01 MASON-Salary:$2.75-3.05 par hour Contact:B & R CORPORATION dba .poet;. Ralph Kiner (1922·1, hasd1all µn.·,•t·nting all possilJility of its 1·ur1 Contact:ROCK CONSTRUCTION CO. ~~-~· Beach Road Auto Repair Shop TEL. 234· INC. Tli:L.234,6163(11/03)F21111 .~.. 7184/6019(11/10)F21217 FRIDAY, QC.TOBER 27, 1995 -MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-75 .74-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND V!EWS-FRIDA Y· OCTOBER 2i 1995 ager Bobby Cox wasted no time Braves ... in bringing in Pedro Borbon, who NBA superiority not yet under threat Pee Wee... struck out Jim Thome and Sandy PUBLIC NOTICE Continued from page 76 WNDON (AP)- Fourteen wins. semifinals and cruised to a comfort­ Continued from page 76 Alomar and retired Kenny Lofton Wooldrige scored a tournament­ 43,578 fans to the exits at quiet No losses. able 126-112 win over Italian cham­ record 91 points in three games for em earlier won by default over on a liner to right in his second The NMI Retirement Fund/Worker's Compensation Commission will hold its Jacobs Field. That's the record of NBA teams pion Buckler Bologna in Saturday's Budder Bologna, including34against NO NEED fOR ABIGGER Southern before getting defeated appearance of the postseason and regular meeting on Tuesday, October 31, 1995, at 6:00 p.m. in the A day after the Indians rapped againstintematjonalclubsintheseven title game. the Rockets. Retirement Fund Conference Room, Nauru Building, Susupe, Saipan. by Eastern in the opening day of 12 hits in a 7-6, 11-inning win, first in 19 days. editions of the McDonald's Champi­ WhiletheA~tralianandltalian While acknowledging the superi­ Interested persons are welcome to attend. For more information, please call Lofton went O-for-5 one game the league. Avery A very limited them to three onship-and there's no evidence to teams stayed close for the first half, ority of the Rockets, he said Buckler 234-7228. . 1011 nR nn,c. _..,,.., .. hits over six innings. Greg after reaching base in all six plate suggest the streak will end anytime both games turned into routs once the could have a chance against lower­ Team Standings McMichael followed with two apperances. . soon. Rockets picked up their fastbreak level NBA clubs. AGENDA: Really, you should call Pelley~""'­ Pee Wee DMsion Not since the 1991 Senes, when The Houston Rockets upheld the offense in the third quarter. "Ikoow I'veplayedonsometeams A. CALL TO ORDER scoreless innings. the Braves held a 3-2 lead over Team W L Mark Wohlers, whose 2 2-3- NBA'ssupremacybyeasilywinning With former Dream TearnerOyde in the NBA we could beat," he said B. ADOPTION OF AGENDA for all your storage needs! Minnesota, have they been in such C. ADOPTION OF MINUTES Northern 2 1 inning stint Tuesday night was the six-team event, which was billed Drexlerpushingtheballupcourt,soar­ Fonner NBA star Tom Chambers, • Various storage sizes to Southern 2 I a good spot. That year, they lost D. REPORT OF THE HEARING OFFICER his longest of the season, took this year as an WJOfficial world cham­ ing to the basket or dishing off to who played his first games in London E. REPORT OF THE LEGAL COUNSEL fit your needs. Eastern 2 I over in the ninth with a 5-1 lead the last two games at the pionship for clubs. Robert Hony, the Rockets were with Maccabi Tel Aviv, said he was Metrodome to the Twins, and then F. REPORT OF THE ADMINISTRATOR • Flexible-short or Central O 3 was tagged for Manny Ramirez's This was the first time the tourna­ clearly in another league. swprised at the level of play abroad. Atlanta lost the 1992 Series in six G. REPORT OF THE INVESTMENT COMMITTEE long term Midget Division leadoff homer and a double by mentfealllredallchampiomhipteams, Drexler, who had 25 points, I0 "There is not as much difference as H.CORRESPONDENCE 0 • Low prices Southern 2 pinch-hitter Paul Sorrento. Man- games to Toronto. including the reigning NBA champs. assists and seven rebounds in the people think," he said ''In the States, l. OLD BUSINESS 2 • Total privacy Northern 0 Theoutcomeonlyconfirmedthatthe final, was voted the tournament's they think basketball is no good over 1. Commonwealth Credit Union-Update • With your own residents, and promote the spirits NMI bodybuilding NBA's best is still a class above the MVP. here. But I think it's very good and a 2. Fund's Office Building-Update Emerging Markets/Global Custodian RFP of sportsmanship. . rest of the world While U.S. amateur teams have good second choice if you' re not an 3. lock & key Palau... competition nears J. NEW BUSINESS 8 Carts & Hand Trucks to Supervising the league with ..Thegapisclosing,buttheydon't suffered nwnero~ losses in interna­ NBA caliber player." Continued from page 76 1HE NOR1HERN Marianas Body­ ·1. Civil Action #95-930 help you move in out PatTeUeiareboardmembersAlex havethedepthtocompetewithAmeri­ tional competition in recent years, Oneplayerwhoprovedhecould & Spec team of the Saipan Palau building Federation will hold the six~ 2. Reemployment Exemption-P. Ogo Ngotel, Marino Hiroichi, Bryan can players," Rockets coach Rudy experts say it's still a long way off be of NBA caliber was Buckler's Evangelical Church. annual CNMI Bodybuilding Qiampi· 3. Cost of Living Allowance (COLA) Rate ... Adelbai, and Joe Milong who will Tomjanovich said beforethesupremacyofa U.S.Dream ~roatian guard, Arijan Komacek. Games will start immediately onshipsonNov. l l,4p.m.at~5_aiP3:'1 K. MISCELLANEOUS FREE PICK-UP SERVICE also work as the league's score­ Case in point The Rockets played Team or NBA champion will be He scored 85 points in three games after the opening ceremonies. Multi-Pwpose Center. Admission IS 1. Merril Lynch-Financial Markets Update Packaging Materials Available keeper. without superstar Hakeem Olajuwon, challenged. and showed why several NBA 2. Council for the Humanities Workshops The league started in 1990 and Patrick Tellei is the acting tour­ $5. 01ildren undex 1Oyears old are free its first three seasons were swept of charge out with elbow and back injuries, but Significantly, the best all-around teams have expressed interest in 3. Portfolio Performance Reports Come visit us for a free inspection tour! namentdirector, while Steve Tellei free.agent acquisition Mruk Bryant player on the international teams in signing him. 4. Report of the Technical Analyst PELLEY'$ ' by the Specs. 11obrY Cl1b Yellll lallllllmll is the league's chief umpire. London was a former NBA veteran, 'I could see him playing in the L NEXT MEETING MINI-SELF The league was organized to {Juniors· playoff games resu11s) steppedinanddidafinejobatcenter. The board chair is inviting the First Bale The Rockets blew out the Austra­ Orlando Woolridge. After a 13-year NBA," Tomjanovich said. "He M. ADJOURNMENT Call 233~~!!!~r t~3-929!J enable Palauan residents to ac­ 1-1'1111111'1 , yp ~ STORAGE P public to regular watch the games Playerl la. IP 2P n lian champion Perth Wildcats by a career in the NBA, Woolridge is ex­ really has a nose for putting the tively involve themselves in rec­ 2 28 every Sunday at the Koblerville Dela Cruz J. 33 1 11 314 celling in Europe at the age of 35. ball in the basket." reational sports, foster camarade­ ChDngJ. 32 0 8 - 3 16 tournament record 44 points in the ballfield. GtJefrefO R. 20 0 11 - 2 22 rie between Palauans and local Guerrero P. 22 0 6 - 1 12 CONSTRUCTION & MATERIAL ~~ri~LY, INC. CanachoC. 23 0 4 'l/2 3 10 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL ReyesJ. 13 0 0 - 1 0 Gualo Rai Warehouse Tel.# 234-61~);~'.~15?. half which ended at 45 all. Maratl1a B. 7 0 3 - 2 6 Expos pitcher anxious to play again The Division of Public Lands within the Department of Lands Tatll 1 a !,'I 14 M Oceanic ... In the last half, Paredos' Clark SANTO DOMINGO, Dominican omy, and released three Sept. 25 on a he hopes is a chance to start anew. and Natural Resources is soliciting proposals from qualified T-7-U, F 1P Continued from page 76 Playerl ... :IP 2P n Republic (AP) - Montreal Expos $ 50,000 bone[ Toe Fulton County The left-hander, who insists he is firms to prepare and print Annual Reports for calendar years Ngiraidong scored 24 points more BenG. 2 0 4 2 8 - 2 21 in the last half, but the Panthers to his 16 points in the first half, June F. 1 0 10 1/4 pitcherCarlosPerezsaidTuesdayhe district attorney has yet to decide innocent,iswodcingoutwiththeLicey 1993 and 1994 cl the Division of Public Lands. ll3ve s. 23 0 2 W2 2 4 nearly doubled its offensive and butOceanicHeights' JohnAcosta, BenP. 8 0 16 - 3 32 wants to forget about the past and get whether he will pursue the case. Tigers and hopes that once the season Th~A;:i;;.;;~J,, - 25 Luis C. 33 3 6 4/5 on with his career. Perez, 24 and the brotherof former starts Friday, he can concentrate on Fee Proposals shall be submitted to the Director of Public scored 59 points in the same pe­ Randy Pelisamen, and Jesse Celis DannyW. 10 0 0 W2 1 0 5 0 0 1 0 Perez, who raised eyebrows as a major league pitcher Pascual Perez:, baseball and not the pending case. Lands. no later than 4:QQ p.m.. November 20. 1995. riod. combined forces in winning the Ando B. - CLOSING OQJ:'.~JllE Tobll m 111'1111 Ill National League rookie this season, received special permission to travel "I was ambushed and I paid the Proposals must be enclosed in an envelops 'CONFIDENTIAL' Guerrero and Cepeda stood their game. SeCDllll6- and labelled 'ANNUAl REPORTS-1993 & 1994'. Ngiraidong played his QeSt for T- llc:9NIC llliglltl . F 1P was accused ofrape Sept 23. He was to his native Dominican Republic to price. I am innocent ofall the accusa­ Sept 25 to Qs~ 31;f9K9it:cfhie,fn}Products grounds for 7-Up, but the four PIIJ9IS la. 3P 21' n Panthers players pulled a two­ Paredos with 40 points spread in Jason Taisacan 5 1 3 315 2 12 arrested, charged with rape and sod- play winter league baseball and what tions against me. I would never force Scope of Work John Acost! 14 7 9 1/5 1 40 anyone to do anything they didn't &> stage rally that reversed the lead the game. But his effort was Dwayne Alallg 2 0 6 1/1 4 13 1. Plan, Design, Prepare and Print the 1993 and 1994Annual Tues Batht~; - 8 and stole the game for good from equally matched by Oceanic Chavo Palacios 7 0 4 - want to do," Perez, who finished the Reports Randy t':/'samen 12 O 7 3/5 3 17 Kohler the Soda Drinkers. Heights' Acosta who unleashed Jesse is 13 2 6 3/5 2 21 season with a I 0-8 record and a 3.69 2. Submit two (2) draft copies to DPL for review, correction Florida · ·KJtt1er< Tobll 18. 1511/ZI 12111 ERA in 23 starts for Montreal, said and approval Organizers The win earned a match with seven triples for 21 points as he Tea:hndn II, IP ZP n f 1P ''Thatwomanthoughtlhadmoney 3. Submit. no later than 120 days of the date of 'Letter to ~~~\ Faucets season runnerup Hi-5 in the sec­ amassed 40 points also in the 3 40 ~:':!e .·. t::W 03 1 16 5111 and went out to get the publicity." Proceed', one hundred (100) printed copies of Annual Space Savers ond game yesterday. game, 35 of them in the last half. Mario S. 11 0 4 - 1 8 Pavers /·. · Toilet &,ats JJ L 04 0 4 - 1 8 As Reports for calendar year 1993 and 1994 In another game, Oceanic Results of yesterday's matchups 0 1 2J2 5 16 theopeningdaystarterforLicey, Wine Racks JohnC. 34 ,,,,.._. Thai Ceramics ·· · Heights earned a match with 01' between 01' Aces and Oceanic John R. 00 0 10 'lJ3 2 22 .,_ Perez plans to pitch most ofthe winter Sinks CasperY. 22 1 2 - 1 7 / Award will be based on the following factors: Price; technical Vinyl Aces by eliminating Paredos by Heights, and between Panthers Total 2 a .,., U1DI inhopesofremainingshaipforspring -~·'' IO points Wednesday, 111-101. and Hi-5 were not yet available training. competence; prior experience; and ability to meet deadline. many more ... It was a tight game in the first when Variety Sports went to press. -~ tnc:1 many Interested firms shall submit proposal to the Director of the late teammate Ken Babauta. GIAWSS ... Division of Public Lands, P.O. Box 10007, Saipan, MP 96950, Continued from page 76 50%;{o 70% off! Also in the team are first and REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL no later than 4:00 p.m., November 20, 1995. ·········~n=offt MGD ... third baseman Jerry Ayuyu, Emergency Crew in game three. CUC Rf P 96-0002 Continued from page 76 The Division of Public Lands reserves the right to reject any pitcher Elias Rangamar, second Tours & Review and Why Not, also October 13, 11995 Allitems must GO! with 1-1 slate, willcollideingamefour, or all proposals in the interE;St of the CNMI government. Award, while shortstop Mel baseman and left fielder Winsor The COMMONWEALTH UTILITIES CORPORATION {CUC) is soliciting proposals for the supply and delivery of Deodorizer/Degreaser for a ** It~ms~re limited so hurry before it's too late** Peter, third baseman Ron while Commerce Capitalists and Just Sakisat was accorded the season For Fun, both with no wins in two period of one (1) year for the use of the Wastewater Division on Saipan. MVP trophy. Benavente, first baseman and left outings, will collide in game five. ·~ ' fielder Tony Camacho, General Specifications for the deodorizer/degreaser are as follows: Centerfielder Riang Yoshino The public is encouraged to watch • The deodorizer/degreaser shall be non-toxic, non-polluting, biodegradable, compatible with wastewater trealment processes, and shall had the most RBIs, pitcher Tom shortcenter Alphonse Abrahams, and cheer their favorite teams at the meet all EPA and local regulations for discharge to the sewer system and the environment. 1 1 1 1 Lee had the lowest ERA. and Pat catcher Rosendo Skang, and right Susupe ballfield on Saturday. Garnes I1! g111 ffl I iJii~ 1I 1~ B:l ti Tenorio was rP,<;ognized as the fielder Peter Camacho. will start at 9 am The General Guidelines for suppliers of Deodorizer/Degreaser are as follows: • VeRdor shall submit the total volume of deodorizer/degreaser necessary to lreat five (5) million gallons/day of lypical domestic sewage The Commonwealth Ports Authority (CPA) is first best manager. under anaerobic conditions at sewage lift pump slations and in collection and 1ransmission lines. The Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana ls­ Sakisat also brought additional Government Women's Slowpitch Soft hall • The vendor shall provide the concentration ( In ppm) that their product requires in order to effectively degrease/deodorize. soliciting proposals for the procurement of one (1) honors for his team for being (Statistics as oi Ocl. 21 games) • Vendor shall specify how their product acts to remove and prevenl further grease build-up. lands Office of the Civil Service Commission has new tractor for agricultural use with 2300/2500 awarded as the batting, homerun, Batting Leaders based on 5 or more r:mcs at bal • Vendor shall specify how their producl acts to remove odors, specifically hydrogen sulfide. • Vendor shall provide Material Safety Dala Sheet {MSDS), along with any laboralory test results relating to product performance. moved to Capitol Hill, Building #1211 RPM, 70-80 gross HP, 6070 HP on PTO, two-wheel and RBI champion. He also tied Players Team AB II Ave. • Vendor shall quote cost of product inclusive of insurance, freight, delivery and handling ·charges to CUC compound in Lower Base, drive with the tire size 16.9 x 24x 8 reply rear, 7 .50 Bart Jackson in the doubles de­ Maryann Celis Review & Otal\cnge 7 6 857 Saipan. partment. Irene Alpct Li'l Darlings 6 5 833 Mailing Address: x 16 x 6 front, power steering, dual stage clutch, Marz.ic Sablan Review & Challenge 6 5 833 The only award not won by Hit 6 750 Selection Criteria for selection are as follows: Julie Roberto Money Makers 8 • Firm's ability to meet product specification hydraulic system, diesel fuel, 12 volt systen:i ~ith · and Run was the Best in Triples Marylaine Togowa Review & Challenge 7 5 714 P.O. Box 5150, CHRB Brenda Hadel<» Looney Toonics 6 4 667 • Firm's ability to meet general guidelines all additional standard equipment and transm1ss1on which went to Paul Ogumoro, Erny Quitugua Why Not 6 4 667 • Cost and highest strikeo~ts which was Josephine Fcjcrnn Just For Fun 5 3 WO Saipan MP 96950 of eight forward and four speed reverse with sliding 600 All Inquiries regarding Iha proposal should be direc1ed to Mr. David Yamartino, CUC Wastewater Division Engineer, at (670) 322-6706. awarded to Romino Saimon. Bertha Sablan Review & Challenge 5 3 collars and helical gears industrial yellow color, four Lillian Mendiola Capitalists 5 3 600 Since the awarding ceremo­ Doll Diaz Li'l Darlings 5 3 1,00 Proposals shall be marked CUC·RFP 96-0002 and six (6) copies submitted to the Chief, Procurement & Supply, Commonwealth Utilities New Telephone No.: Alvina Somorang Wawc 5 3 600 Corporation, Lowe'. Base, Salpan, MP 96950, no later than 4:00 p.m., local time on November 15, 1995. Late proposals will not be cylinders, 450 RPM PTO. nies, Hit and Run players said it 7 4 571 Cathy Pangelinan Review & Challenge considered. not once, "This team will stay Vicky Muna Sluggers 7 4 571 (670) 322-4363 together for the years to come." Li2 Palacio~ DCCA 7 4 571 Proposals must be submitted to the Commonwealth Debra Sanlos Re ... icw & Challenge 6 3 500 Discussions may be conducted with responsible offerers who submit proposals determined to be reasonably susceptible of being selected The players and officials ac­ Mel Pangelin111 Emergency Crew 6 j 500 for award for the purpose of clarilication and to ensure full understanding of, a!ld rnsponsiveness to, solicitation requirements. Offerers (670) 322-6954 Ports Authority, Office of the Executive Director, knowledged the support of Pa­ Calhy Pangelinan Slugicrs 8 4 500 shall tJ accorded fair and equal treatment with respect to any opportuni1Y for discussion and revision of proposals and such revisions may Lcnlcc Kapilco Looney Toonics 8 4 500 be permitted after ,;ubmission and prior to award for the purpose or obtaining the best and final offers. In conducting discussions, there Saipan International Airport on or before Nove; .,ber cific Trading for the team as a Debra Rosario Wawe 8 4 5110 shall be no disclosure of any information derived from proposals submitted by competing offerers. 9, 1995 at 10:00 a.m., at which time the proposal factor in realizing their goals. New Fax No.: "Without the sponsorship, it lndlvldual Leaders CtJC reserves the right to .eject any and all proposals for any reason and to waive any defect In said proposals, or any of them if in its sole (s} will be publicly opened and read. The CPA Runs:,(7) Ben Sablan of Review and Challenge and Li1. Lcbrin (5) of W.iwc would have been hard for this Do.ublcs: (3) Irene Alpct or Li'! D01lings opinion to do so would be In the best interest of CUC. All proposals shall become the property of CUC. (670) 322-3327 reserves the right to reject any and all proposals thing to happen," Tenorio said. Triples: Lorraine Babauta and Debra Rosario of Li'I darlings had two each. Homcruru: Brenda Haddo~ (2) of Looney Toonics Timothy P. VillagDmez pursuant to Section 3.2 (7) of CPA's Procurement Hit and Run is also dedicating RBIs: Li1 Darling5'Jrcne Al pet and Ami gas' Nadia Li1.ama had ~i:i:. each. Executive Director, CUC Rules and Regulations. its awards to the memory of the --· ...·.~ ·---

76-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-FRIDAY-OCTOBER 27 1 1995 SPOBTS'2b¥lMtWJJ!'aM Braves one win to World Series CLEVELAND (AP)-Even the ship that has al ways eluded them, Three-time Cy Young winner will head home with two more enth. Luis Polonia's go-ahead Atlanta Braves will be hard­ beating the Cleveland Indians 5-2 Greg Maddux, who pitched a two­ chances to win. The stats are on double chased KenHill,andDavid pressed to blow this. Wednesday night for a 3-1 lead. hitter in the opener, will try to their side, too: Of the 39 teams Justice hit a two-out, two-run The Braves, behind Steve Atlanta, whose postseason his­ clinch it Thursday night in Game taking a 3- l edge in the Series, 33 single off Paul Assenmacher. Avery, moved within one victory tory is filled with failure, could 5 against Orel Hershiser. have won it. Doubles by Fred McGriff and of the World Series champion- not ask for a better position. Even if they lose, the Braves After sixth-inning homers by Javier Lopez in the ninth added an Ryan Klesko and Albert Belle left insurance run against Alan it tied at 1, the Braves broke it Embree, and sent a few of the Palau softball's 6th season to unfurl open with three runs in the sev- Continued on page 74 THE SIXTH season of the Chinatown, which signified its Wa~es, Tanapag's Kool Run­ Palau League Association intention to join the league. ning team, Marlin, Shooscho, · GIAWSS leaders to part ways Slow-Pitch Softball will kick The opening ceremonies will Ambassadors, South West, lHETHREEearly leaders of the Gov­ they clash in the sixth game. off this Sunday at the be at 8:30 a.m. Palauan commu­ Nan Madol, Wild Thing, and ernment Inter-Agency Women's CUC Wawe, on theotherhaoo, will ·Koblervil1e ballfield. nity president James Miwata wil1 Paredos. SlowpitchSoftballleaguewill part ways either end up sharing the lead with the at the top of the standings as the games sixth-game winner or join the loser in Fifteen teams will challenge deliver the opening address with Also in the league are 1994 continue this Saturday. second place with other~ when it the hold on the title of ·1995 Elias Okamura: season Division A pennant The leaders with identical 2-0 win­ faces the Fmance Money Makers in season Champion Red Torch. Le~gue acting board chair •winner Kautz Glass Currents, loss records are Public School System gametwo. The league's board will meet Patrick Te11ei said the other teams and Division B winner Koror Sluggers, Commonwealth Utilities Governor's Amigas and U'I Dar­ to discuss the inclusion of two this season are the Koror Tigers, Bombers, andseasonrunnerup Corporation Wawe, and Northern lings-bothwith 1-1 card-willclash other teams, Peleliu and Warriors, Saipan Stevedore Marianas College Looney Toonies. in the opener. Continued on page 74 At most, two of the three teams will Cultural Affairs will try to gun for its stay at the top with a possibility that a first win in the season or end up in the solo leader will emerge. cellar when it f~ Health Center Pee Wee mid-season leader decided Sunday The Sluggers will break its tie with Health Center F.mergency Crew when Continued on page 74 TIE BREAKER games will be two teams. The three teams had identical played on Sunday to detennine All matches will be played by 2-1 win-loss records. the top team in the first half of the one quarter. But if the quarter Northern was the last team to Oceanic Heights KO Paredos; season in the Pee Wee division. match will end in a tie, the game forge a tie after it defeated winless The playoff games were arrived will continue until one of the two Central last weekend, 19-6. North­ Panthers foil 7-Up finals bid at by league and concerned team teams scores: . Continued on page 74 7-Up sustained its most devastat- ited in the first half. Ben Guerrero officials when Eastern, Northern, ing setback in the 1995 Rotary pounded the board with a series of and Southern teams ended in a Club Youth Basketball League buckets and combined talents with· three-way tie after three week­ RGA tourney at COP when it was defeated in an upset Luis Cepeda and June Fujihlra in ends of games. win by sixth placer Panthers putting up a 12-point lead at the Northern will play in game 1 THE REFALA W ASCH Golf Wmners in the Ace of the Month Wedntsday at the Ada gym. top half of the game. . against Southern at 11 a.m., fol­ Association's Ace of the Month of tournament series will compete in the After harvesting straight victo- Bu.t Panthers' Ray Guerrero lowed by a match between the September tournament will be held AceofAcestoumamentinDecember ries in the regular season, 7-Up and Joey Chong, with Jesse Dela game 1 winner and Eastern. Sunday at the Coral Ocean Point fortheRGAGolferofthe YearAwrud lost its chance ofadvancing to the Cruz and Patrick Guerrero, The loser of game I will also Tee-off is 6:30 am. Golfers must be For inquiries, ca11 Tony Rogolifoi semifinals after the Panthers strongly bounced back in the sec- play against Eastern in the 12:30 on the course by 6 am. at 234-1001. The Oct 29 tournament edged them in a come-from-be- ond half to win the game. third game. The ace tournament for October will be limited to 16 players only. hindwinwithanarrowfour-point 7-,Up maintained its scoring lfnecessary, a tie-breaker match will be held after two weeks. Venue Reservation is on a first-come, first­ margin, 94-90. momentum and scored 43 points will be played between the top and time will be announced later. pay, first- served basis. 7-Up playl;!~-wc:rn-·nign-tpir~-·~ - ·Co;itim.;cd on pS!~~ 74 MGD Hit & Run: A team of achievers MGD Hit and Run, the first team league, it was the only team to hit. The second was against Peace- Budweiser Wild Thing. Hit & Run was also the only to bag the first Saipan Softball post two shutout victories. One makers, 28-0. Out of 21 games played, more team to score eight homeruns in a Association Island-Wide Men's was against Budweiser Wild It also scored a triple play dur- than 11 of it were limited to five game. Slow-Pitch League,· started the Thing, 16-0, giving up only one ing the shutout win· against inningsbecauseofthe 10-runrule. For them, the real challenge of season on a wrong footing. making the team strong is not on Game one against DFS Packers winning games on the field, but was a defeat by default. on how to maintain the team spirit Out of its 18-man lineup, only and respect for one another- in eight players made it to the first and out of the field. game because of earlier commit- It is an all-star team made up of ments by some members and the players with no star-complex. decision of others to abandon the The team is made of players team for other teams. from the A-team of Pat Tenorio, The team was still coping from Tom Lee's Blue Sharks, and Jeff the loss of teammate Ken Babauta Stein's Lite team. in the previous season when the Toe team was organized out of season started. the desire to form one solid team But strong team spirit and high based on teamwork. respect for fellow teammates The team from then on con- lifted MGD Hit and Run to a 19- quered one league after another. 2 season record that led them to It won the Budweiser Touma- win the pennant and league title, ment beating Saipan Stevedore and comer 12 of 14 awards at the Waves in the finals, defeated end of the season. Team Saipan in the Miller Lite It is a team composed of top Tournament, then took the Triple ) players from three differentteams. Crown series in Guam. It is a team of highly regarded The Achievers Team. The First Saipan Softball Association champion team MGD Hit & Run. Seated from In the SSA league, right fielder · left, Jerry Ayuyu, Elias Rangamar, manager Pat Tenorio, Greg F. Camacho Mel Sakisat and SSA hoard baseball and softba l1 players. It is chairman Jeff Stein. Standing, from left; are Pacific Trading representative Ed Fujihara Winsor Peter. Ron and first baseman Greg F. a team of achievers. Benave,·1te, Tom Lee, Tony Camacho, Riang Yoshino, Alphonse Abrahams, Rosend~ Skang, and Peter Camacho won the finals MVP In the just-concluded SSA __C._am_ac_h_o_. ______..:..______~C~o~n~tl~n~u~ed~o~n~p~, 8~1g~,e~7~4 t;Marianas %riety;~ Micronesia's Li,adlng Newspaper Since 1972 ~ P.O. Box 231 Salpan. MP 96950 • Tel. 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