38 GRAND LODGE PROCEEDINGS. [ April. Entered Apprentice. Jonathan Tho/nas. Withdrawn. PROOEEDINGS D~. Nathan D. Anderson, \VilHs Hoard, S. Samuel Lawrd.nce, Steward. O~' THE Rejection. Joseph Strotht:r, jun., a man of a dark complexion, about 5 feet n inches high, a small scar GRAND LODGE OF KENTUCKY I)n the end of his nose.. AT A GRAND ANNUAL COMMUNICATION, RETURN OF WASHINGTON LODGE, BEGUN AND HELD AT THE MASONS' HALL, IN THE TOWN OF LEXINGTON, Held at Bairdstow1t. On Tuesday. the 11th day of October, A. L. 5803, A. D. 1803. Ofticers. \Vors. THOMAS SPEED, Master. DANIEl. 1- MORltlSON. Senior Warden. JAMIlS Cox,:/unior Warden. [Imprint]: LEXINGTON: Printed by DANIEL BRADFORD. Main Sp-eet. Master Masons. ( 8",0. 21 PP.] Adam Guthrie, Da nicl Jennings, David M'Clelian, Thomas Roberts, Benja.min Helm, Robert Kinl{. Entered Apprentices. Felix Grundy} Robert Wickllff. PROCEEDINGS, &c. At a Grand Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Kentucky, begun and held at the Masons' Hall, in the town of Truly extracted from the papers and proceedings of the Grand Lexington, on the second Tue!;iday in October, being the 11th day Lodge. of the month, Anno Lucis 5803, Anno Domini 1803. Teste, THOMAS BODLEY, Grand Secy. PRESENT. The. Most Wors. James Morrison, G. M. Right Wors. John Jordan, Jun.• D. G. M. Wors. James Moore. S. G. W. P. T. Wors. John Bobb, J. G. W. P. T. Thomas Bodley, G. Sec'y. Andrew F. Price. G. Treas. P. T. Daniel Bradford. S. G. D. P. T. William Bobb, J. G. D.
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