February 10, 2012 Volume 8, Issue3

Town pulls plug on law suit but Ted Petkoff—oldest person in world to taxpayers still pay legal costs undergo hip replacement surgery Two weeks before his 108th ment in 2011. In a closed meeting of Geor- to drop the suit, Mr. Grossi birthday on January 31, Sutton’s Ted has lived in Georgina for gina council on Thursday, said many constituents had own “amazing” Ted Petkoff un- more than 30 years. Up to the February 2, town council questioned the potential ex- derwent total hip replacement time of his surgery, he was still unanimously resolved to dis- pense of the suit. surgery and is now driving his own car continue a defamation law suit “We listened to your concerns believed to be the and is a passionate against former Leisure Ser- and we agreed to move on,” he oldest person in golfer. vices Director John McLean. said. the world to have He moved from Mace- “Today Town Council decided The defendant in the case, Mr. done so. donia in 1930 and to discontinue our law suit as McLean, said he was pleased At 108 years old, worked during the the Town’s intent has been with the outcome of the meet- Mr. Petkoff is depression at odd jobs clouded by some misunder- ing on Thursday. currently recuper- such as shining shoes, standings,” Mayor Grossi said. “I am very pleased that the ating at South washing dishes and He said the lawsuit was never public rose up and fought for Lake Hospital working on the rail- a personal suit between him- what was right. They weren’t where he is prepar- road. He later started self and Mr. McLean but was necessarily fighting for me, ing for rehabilita- his own business in tion exercises to the food service indus- a unanimous council initiative. but what was right,” he said. help him start Ted celebrates his try and became the “The Town’s legal counsel “And I appreciate it.” walking on his proprietor of advised that the suit be in the He said he wasn’t happy about 108th birthday with own. Councilor Ken Hacken- “Amazing Ted’s” Mayor’s name as the most the last paragraph in the “He is walking with restaurant in Toronto. senior elected official,” he Mayor’s statement which sug- brook after receiving a a walker and eating signed photo of astro- In the past Ted has said. gested that Mr. McLean well,” said his niece shared his secret to A by-law which was enacted should have made his feeling naut and South Lake Vesela Petkovski. Hospital president, longevity. by council to pay the legal known at the appropriate time “The doctor said he Dave Williams. “Live right, take care costs of the suit by taxpayers, when he was the Director of is amazing.” of yourself, lots of was not rescinded during the Leisure Services. Lily Wauters, a 101-year-old love and stay active.” February 2 meeting. As a re- “Anyone who knows me British woman, is recorded by the Last year, Ted was given the sult, taxpayers will assume all knows that if I disagree with Guinness Book of World Records honour of raising the Macedonian legal costs until the claim is something, I would have said as the oldest person to have a flag at an anniversary celebration officially settled. something,” he said. total hip replacement in 2007. honouring Macedonia’s inde- In his statement to the public Margaret Jordan, a councillor And an internet search reveals pendence from Yugoslavia. “It after announcing the decision Continued on page 11.. that a 107 year-old New Dehli was the best day of my life,” he woman had a partial hip replace- said.

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2 Letter to the Editor Many of you have read in this McLean and we reviewed the publication or been told that I possibility for extended delays had filed a personal lawsuit by Mr. McLean and the poten- funded by the Town of Georgina tial for excessive costs we de- against an employee of the cided to withdraw the suit. Per- Town John McLean the one haps we got poor advice or the time Director of our Leisure Administration at the Town Services Department who is on should have disciplined Mr. a long term leave of absence. McLean in some other way. We You need to know that the infor- listened to our constituents and mation that you received is in- we responded immediately. correct. However the fact remains that The lawsuit was never a per- Mr. McLean lied about his re- sonal lawsuit between Mr. sponsibilities and he should be McLean and myself. As the held accountable for his state- highest ranking elected official ments. in the Town of Georgina and the As an elected official I know I CEO of the Corporation, your am subject to scrutiny and criti- Town Council was advised that cism and I have never shied the proper way of filing a law- away from either. suit on behalf of the Corporation The public has a right to that was to have it filed in my name dialogue and I welcome it. and it was decided unanimously If the ROC or any other project to use that advice in filing the is a failure or a success I as al- lawsuit. ways will take full responsibility The issue that was in question for my involvement. was whether a Town employee However I will never accept and (Mr. McLean) The Director of I should never accept on behalf the Leisure Services Department of every resident of this Town, a lied when he wrote letters to the Head of a Department paid with editor that stated he was re- your tax dollars who is involved quired to write reports that were in millions of dollars of projects contrary to what he believed blatantly lying about his in- because he was directed to do so volvement.

by either myself or another Robert Grossi, Mayor. elected member of Georgina Town Council. The Council of the Town of Publisher/Editor Georgina along with discussions Karen Wolfe with members of our senior (705) 437-1216 management team agreed that [email protected] Mr. McLean had lied about his Proofreader responsibilities and that was not Nancy Koster the way Town business was Advertising Sales & Inquiries Karen Wolfe handled. (705) 437-1216 In order to protect the integrity [email protected] of our business and the employ- Distribution Inquiries ees of the Town of Georgina The Pefferlaw Post Offices who write reports as part of their 17 Otter Cove regular duties we sought advice Pefferlaw, from the Town’s solicitors. We L0E 1N0 were told that we should for- (705) 437-1216 mally ask for a retraction of Mr. www.thepefferlawpost.com McLean's comments. We did so and Mr. McLean refused to re- The Pefferlaw Post publishes on tract his false comments. the 10th and 24th of every month We were then advised that the (except December 24) and is dis- only other way to seek a retrac- tributed throughout Georgina and tion was to launch a lawsuit and beyond. The contents of this publi- our solicitors’ advice was that it cation are protected by copyright should be in the Mayor's name and may only be used for personal as he is the CEO. and non-commercial use. The Town Council voted unani- Pefferlaw Post accepts no respon- mously to do so. Once the suit sibility for claims made for any was launched and there was no product or service reported or initial response from Mr. advertised. 3 No complacency in Georgina... First and foremost… congratu- without risking a defamation lations to the residents of Geor- action… gina for speaking out and tak- Second, if council tied this suit ing action. Pierre Elliott Tru- up in a bow with Mr. Grossi’s deau wrote me a letter once name on it so they could use and said, “there is no other public funds to sue for defama- alternative but to have faith in tion, doesn’t that contravene the people.” Boy, was he right the statement above? in Georgina’s case. Way to go! Third, if it was never a private In my opinion, apathy and suit, then why was it necessary complacency are the harbingers for Mr. Grossi to declare a of deceit in a democracy. And conflict of interest in two I was so delighted to see so closed meetings? many people stand up and fight Fourth, in the statement Mr. for what they believed in. Grossi read after council de- The official reason given for cided to drop the suit, he said: discontinuing the defamation “we listened to your concerns lawsuit between “plaintiff” and we agreed to move on”. Rob Grossi and “defendant” If they were listening, then John McLean was “the Town’s why wasn’t the by-law re- intent has been clouded by scinded? It seems to me that is some misunderstandings.” what most people were upset I wonder what that means. about. Does it mean that the people of Fifth, if John McLean is still an Georgina got things wrong “employee” of the town as Mr. when they stampeded en masse Grossi stated in his statement, as digital ambassadors on then why wouldn’t his legal Facebook and various other bills be paid for from the internet blogs? town’s insurance policy which In addition to that question, I covers employees who are be- have some other overriding ing sued? queries about this entire fiasco. Now, although the suit has First, Mr. Grossi said in his been dropped, it doesn’t sound statement that this “was never a like the matter is quite over. personal suit” but one endorsed I’ve heard that a Keswick unanimously by council. I woman will make a deposition stumbled across this quote at the February 13 council which suggests that the courts meeting where she will de- will not allow governments to mand an investigation and ask sue for defamation: council to rescind the indemni- Corbett of the Superior Court fication by-law. Now that of Justice for Ontario wrote should be interesting especially that: “no government may if Georgina taxpayers turn out bring an action in defama- en masse for that one. I think tion…Everyone should be free I’m going to start calling this to criticize democratically mess “Georginagate”. elected governments, be they Karen Wolfe, Editor. federal, provincial or local, 4 Library Lego fun in Pefferlaw

And...a good time was had by all! Local kids and their parents spent a lovely Sunday after- noon at the Pefferlaw Li- brary on Feb- ruary 5 attend- ing Family Lego Build. This free, one hour program gave parents and their chil- dren an oppor- tunity to work together to build the next Lego super- structure.

Top Left: Bryce Rogers, 5. Top Right: Aevan McLeod, 6. Bottom Left: Dallas Arsenault, 5. Bottom Right: Callum McLeod, 3. 5 Tennyson Tidbits watchers who have been touring south Lake Simcoe to photo- graph bald eagles, greater white- fronted geese, American coot and merlins. Mr. Harpley re- ported that 56 species of birds were identified during the Sut- ton Christmas Bird Count.

Congratulations to Bethany Jamieson on the occasion of her 80th Birthday. Family and friends attended a celebration on Sat. Feb. 4 at the Church of the Nazarene in Pefferlaw. Above, Cheers to the staff at Cedarvale Bethany holds a certificate from Lodge in Keswick who were the Town and poses with her recognized by Specialty Care son Jim & daughters Brenda and president Lois Cormak for Sherrill. qualifying as the highest rated crew within the company. Congratulations to Donald Knights of Sutton-by-the-Lake Grandma and Grandpa want to upon winning a $200 gift certifi- send out Happy Birthday greet- cate during Home Hardware’s ings to Coulton MacRae who Groundhog Day party. will celebrate on Feb. 12. Their best wishes are also extended to Cheers to Karen Freels at South Hunter MacRae whose birthday Paw for raising $327 in support is on Feb. 16. of the Georgina Animal Shelter over the holidays. And, congrats Ruth Reid reports everyone had to Linda Sutherland who won a wonderful time at the Robbie the gift basket raffle. Burns roast beef dinner at the Sutton Legion on January 28. I heard from Nancy Shepherd in On top of all the pomp and cere- Pefferlaw that a flock of red- mony, attendees were enter-  Life Insurance breasted robins spent a couple tained by singers, Scottish danc- of days rooting around for food ers and the York Region Police on her lawn during the last week Concert Band. If you missed, of January. WOW!!! plan for next year.

And it seems those aren’t the Happy Birthday to Brook Mar- only birds being viewed by resi- chand who turned 13 on Febru- dents these days. Paul Harpley ary 6. Cheers, Brook. was joined by a number of bird 6 Second annual Perchin for MS event

Avid outdoorsman and advo- out on the ice. cate for multiple sclerosis suf- “We will be doing everything ferers Doug Poirier will host we can to make sure that mo- the second annual Perchin for bility doesn’t restrict anyone MS ice fishing event at Sibbald from being a part of this Point Provincial Park on Satur- event,” he said. day, March 3, 2012. A $23,000 ARGO is also up Mr. Poirier is not only an advo- for grabs for the angler who cate trying to raise awareness can catch a perch that beats the and money to help find a cure provincial record of 2.42 lbs. for this debilitating disease, he Other prizes include a Hum- was diagnosed with MS in mingbird fish finder to the win- 2009. ner of a “Hummingbird Mys- “This year’s event will be the tery Weight Contest” and a one place to be,” Mr. Poirier said. -week fishing trip to Timmins “Local dignitaries, pro fisher- will go to the winner of the men and many families and Early Bird Draw. friends from all over Ontario Tickets are available at DW & and the U.S will be in atten- Son’s Bait and Tackle, South- dance trying to win some of paw Trading Post, D.C. Marine the thousands of dollars in cash and the Pefferlaw Post. and prizes.” Tickets cost $40 for a team, New additions to the event will family or single angler and the include the support of ARGO event runs from 8:00 a.m. until amphibious vehicles, which 1:00 p.m. when the weigh-in, will be on hand to assist those charity BBQ and auction will with physical disabilities to get follow. 7 Town negotiating with SSCBB to transfer assets The Town of Georgina is negoti- ating with South Shore Commu- nity Broadband (SSCBB) to transfer over $1 million worth of their assets to the town’s balance sheet. Since SSCBB began erecting towers to offer Georgina resi- dents and businesses a wireless broadband connection to the internet in 2005, they have in- curred approximately $1 million of debt—much of which is cur- nance this infrastructure, the rently held by the Town of Geor- company has repeatedly gone gina. before council to request and According to SSCBB board receive funding. The Town of member Andrew Sibbald, the Georgina is a major customer of company which is now known as the technology with 16 user loca- GeorginaConnects, currently tions throughout the town and is supplies internet connections to the company’s largest creditor over 300 Georgina customers. with $986,000 outstanding. “We don’t really know what will Should the town acquire the as- transpire here because we have sets of SSCBB, they would indi- only had two meetings with the rectly become the service pro- town,” Mr. Sibbald said. vider to customers although As a not-for-profit venture, Internet Lake Simcoe (ILS) pro- SSCBB (GeorginaConnects) has vides the services as a reseller erected close to nine 140 ft. tow- and has a contract to do so with ers throughout Georgina. To fi- SSCBB. 8 Haircuts for Hospice For the third year in a row, Amy Moska- lyk and her employ- ees at Allure Hair Creations in Kes- wick donated their time to open the salon on Sunday, February 5 and cut hair for Hospice Georgina. “Hospice Georgina is a great cause and they help out the community. There are so many people in the community who use Hospice,” she said. Ms. Moskalyk and her staff served a host of customers during six hours and raised over 780.00. Allure Hair Creations proprietor Amy Mos- The salon has raised kalyk (right) gives Hospice Georgina board more than $2,600 in member Cynthia Wesley-Esquimaux (left) a three years. new do during a fundraising event to raise money for Hospice Georgina.

A BIG THANK YOU TO OUR COMMUNITY...The Pefferlaw & District Lioness Club is so proud of our community for the great support received for the CHRISTMAS ANGELS PROJECT in December. We wish to thank the following for their generosity:

Donations to Toy Boxes and Coin Jars Donations of Money for the Food Boxes and Other Items * Employees of Langstaff Cards, Edward D. Anderson Brian and Sharon McConnell Buchner Manufacturing and Braids & Larry & Phyllis Baines Debbie McLeod Laces Jack Beaudrow—JB Construction Ogilvie Ogilvie & Company * Businesses who accepted boxes for Ben’s Pharmacy Walter & Susan Pardue collection of toys and coin jars Buchner Manufacturing Inc. Pefferlaw Arts & Crafts Club * the PEOPLE who so generously Judy Butler Pefferlaw & District Lions Club donated toys and money at the follow- Club 55, Pefferlaw Pefferlaw Post—Karen Wolfe ing locations: Debbie & Rick Crook Port Bolster Community Hall Bank of , Sutton Garnet Machine Inc. (Robert Card) Marilyn & Ron Reid Belvedere Cookhouse, Pefferlaw Giant Tiger, Sutton Paul Rothfels & Margaret Almack Bodley’s Furniture & Appliances Diane Golding, Pefferlaw Chiropractic Mary Scott Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce Georgina Auto Parts Terry & Denise Sheedy—Living Cozy Comforts Restaurant, Pefferlaw Joanne Grozdanovski & Scholastic Books Landscapes Diane Golding Chiropractor, Pefferlaw Nancy & Albert Henderson Allan & Edna Slater Harry & Ginger’s Pizzeria, Pefferlaw Bob Howes Shearer Homes Incorporated Paul and Sandra James Shepherd’s Equipment Sales Lim’s Variety Store, Pefferlaw John and Carole Kennedy Valhalla Travel & Tours Maxi Mart on Hwy. 48 Sid Lamb Limited Dave & Debbie Van den Brink Morning Glory Public School John Leinster & Lynn Fairweather Nancy Walker Pefferlaw Dental & Medical Offices Leinster Joan Wehby, The Paws Spa Pefferlaw LCBO Lloyd’s Refrigeration Services Faye Wilkinson The Pefferlaw Post Office 725561 Ontario Ltd. (Maxi Mart) Dawn Zimmerman Pefferlaw Supermarket Residents of Rixon Manor, Pefferlaw ALSO A THANK YOU to Jane Clyde for her assistance, to Glen & Howard at Sutton Curling Club Giant Tiger, Sutton, to Steve Askew of Steve’s No Frills for his donations and Udora Convenience Store for co-ordinating and assembling food boxes and to Barb Scott and the Port Udora General Store Bolster Community Hall Board for their generous use of the hall. Udora Market & Post Office 9 Ground Hog Day in Georgina Well, it looks like the ro- dent vote is in from across Georgina...four more weeks of winter—and that’s not bad considering the winter we haven’t had yet. “Sutton Sammy”, “Keswick Buck” and “Jackson’s Point Jack” all predicted an early spring on Ground Hog Day. Photos: (left) Sutton Home Hardware celebrated Sut- ton Sammy’s prediction and customers Bob Morris (left) and Bob Swain (right) (photo bottom left) sample some cake at the store. (Bottom right) Kelly Brown (left) from Cedarvale Lodge serves Bonnie and Helmut Keberer during a free Ground Hog Day breakfast.

Trail conditions cancel dog sled races Although poor trail conditions forced the cancellation of the actual dog sled races at Can- nington this year, the Winter Festival portion of the event went on as planned. Over the three-day event from January 27 to 29 attendees enjoyed a concert by WhosArmy, sleigh rides, ice sculpting, games for the kid- dies and a slew of vendors offering a variety of crafts and refreshments. (Photos) (Above Left): Two- year-old Kailyn Stanway from Bowmanville has her own team of sled dogs. (Above Right) Emma Alneida, 12 from Cannington dives into the Pancake Breakfast. (Bottom) Dave Thirgood (left) and Adam Thirgood (right) put EXPERIENCED “IN-HOME” the finishing touches on their PHYSIOTHERAPY ice sculpting entries. AVAILABLE! 10 Citizens want Black River dredged Frank Sebo, a business owner the river dredged 10 years ago and home owner along the and asked them to take the lead Black River in Sutton, ad- again to ensure lake access and dressed the Committee of the safe passage. Whole on Monday, February 6 “If the roads are blocked with to ask council to consider snow, the Town plows them. spending $50,000 from the When the grass grows too long 2012 budget to dredge the in our parks, the Town cuts it. mouth of the Black River in Likewise, when navigation is Sutton. inhibited on one of our key “The Black River is a key wa- waterways, the town should terway in Georgina,” he told act,” he said. council. “However, due to sand In an interview with Mr. Sebo build-up at the mouth of the after the meeting, he said the river, it has become virtually dredging of the Black River impassable to watercraft. Re- should be as economically vi- dredging at the mouth of the able as spending $150,000 Black River is urgently required every year to clear weeds from to restore lake access and navi- Cook’s Bay and buy signs for gability.” the ROC. Armed with a host of letters “How can they afford $130,000 from business leaders and the for signage for the ROC, but Georgina Chamber of Com- they can’t afford $50,000 to do merce, Mr. Sebo discussed the this?,” he asked. positive impact the river would Although the town has dredged have on the local economy if it the mouth of the river in the were safe to navigate in the past, council questioned their summer. jurisdiction and responsibility Mary Kay of the Downtown to do so and asked the CAO to Sutton Merchants Association investigate how similar issues wrote: “We have always been were being handled by other noted as a tourist area and if municipalities around the lake. boats could come up the river to Her report is to be tabled prior our town it would promote the to 2012 budget negotiations. many businesses in Sutton and “You can bet if the town of the surrounding areas.” Orillia had a problem like this Mr. Sebo told council that the they would be looking after it Town of Georgina paid to have themselves,” said Mr. Sebo. Lioness sponsor Special Olympians

Dr. Barry Hanser

Dr. Karen Chu Benjamin Harding (left) and brother Jonathan (right) accept a $1,000 donation from Pefferlaw Lioness president Terry Win- dsor. The money will help Benjamin and Jonathan, who are Ontario floor hockey gold medalists, bring home some hard- ware from the Special Olympics in St. Albert, . The boys fly out on Feb. 27 and will leave after the closing ceremony on Mar 3. Benjamin is a goalie and Jonathan plays forward. 11 Taxpayers still pay legal costs even though lawsuit dropped Continued from page 1. tax dollars to pay for it. And, volunteers “We feel the mayor himself should be the who was on town council at the time the were lining up to lend their support— one incurring those costs,” she said. “He tube and terrain park was being discussed support which Mr. McClure says had an can try and hide it however he wants, but it said she remembers Mr. McLean speaking impact on council’s decision to drop the is quite evident that this is a personal mat- out at that time. suit. ter between he and John McLean. And, he “He did raise the fact that there were other has thrown everybody else under the bus priorities, other than the tube and terrain with him.” park, that his department wanted to focus Ms. Toomey also questioned why the “I am doing this because I believe that on at budget meetings,” Ms. Jordan said. Mayor did not declare a conflict of interest everything should be have been done “With one of them being the YMCA.” in closed sessions when the matter was above board.” Communication vehicles which residents Kristina Toomey, Keswick being discussed. used to voice their objections and mobilize “We are also going to ask for an investiga- against the decision to pay the legal costs tion into those closed meetings,” Ms. with tax dollars were the internet and so- “It think it had a huge impact because it Toomey said. cial media sites. Within days of traditional validated how unpopular the decision was. “I am doing this because I believe that media outlets announcing the indemnifica- Hundreds of people were coming together everything should be have been done tion by-law, an electronic petition and a to talk about this and it was gaining mo- above board. It should have been brought citizens’ website were established. The mentum everyday,” he said. to the people first before they made a deci- digital petition spread like wildfire garner- Although the law suit against Mr. McLean sion on anything.” ing over 400 signatures within days and has been dropped, citizens’ groups are still In a statement from the Chief Administra- constituents began mobilizing for a door-to demanding the by-law to pay legal costs be tive Officer for the Town of Georgina Wi- -door campaign gathering hard copy signa- rescinded. nanne Grant, she said, “While I can’t speak tures to quash the indemnification by-law. Kristina Toomey from Keswick is on the for the Mayor’s opinion, I can clearly say Mr. William McClure, a Keswick resident, agenda for the council meeting on Mon- that it was council’s position and continues created a Facebook page called Georgina day, February 13 at 7:00 p.m. when she to be council’s position that the lawsuit Forum where hundreds of residents posted will make a deputation before council and was justifiably funded by the town as it comments reflecting their feelings about ask them to rescind the indemnification by was the integrity of the town council and the lawsuit and council’s decision to use -law. staff that was being challenged.” 12 Coming Events & Announcements Don’t forget to check out Thursday, February 23 where third Tuesday of the month. The Udora Leaskdale Lions have provided SnoFest at De La Salle Park they will show the film “My And don’t forget their Bid an ice pad at the hall and the outside lights on Saturday, February 11 Week With Marilyn”. Call Euchre tournament on Sat. are on until 9:00 pm. from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm. (905) 722-9587 for tickets. Mar. 3. This is a free, fun-filled day The York Regional Police Udora News and Events with many activities for the Male Chorus, a volunteer The Annual General Meeting IN MEMORIAM entire family. Snow or no group representing theYork of the Udora Hall board is snow—it will be fun. Regional Police as a public being held on Thursday, Feb- Earl Leslie Heardman The Sutton Legion is hosting relations vehicle since 1971, ruary 16, 7:00 pm at the Hall. February 12, 2009 a Spring Fling 50s-60s has started hosting a “new Everyone is invited and new Look around your garden Lord Dance on Sat. Feb. 11. Fun, members” evening as part of members are welcome from food and music. Call (905) their rehearsal every Monday both York and Durham. If He won’t be too hard to find 722-3967. until June 11. All interested you are interested in becom- He has a heart that’s full of love men are invited to look for ing involved in the commu- And a face that’s sweet and The Georgina Arts Centre them in the “Seminar Room” nity and have fresh ideas for is hosting an opening recep- kind located in the York Region activities and events, this is tion on Sunday, February 12 Tell him that I love him Administrative Centre in the best place to be. from 1:00 to 3:00 pm to wel- And when he turns and smiles Newmarket. They start at To address speculation re- come an exhibit and show of 7:30 pm and go until 9:30 garding The Udora United Put your arms around him work by local artists. And hold him for awhile. pm. For information call Church, it is closed for the

The Georgina Arts Centre (905) 727-9676. winter but will re-open in the In loving memory is also hosting a Reel Gems spring on Easter Sunday at Club 55 in Pefferlaw re- movie night at the Gem 11:00 am and everyone is Your wife minds all seniors of the Tues- Theatre in Keswick on invited to attend. Yvonne day lunches on the first and

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