University, Bangalore University, India in space Age Ramaiah

A. S. KIRAN KUMAR Chairman

Indian Space Research Organisation March 17, 2015, MS MS 2015, 17, March MS Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences

Formed by integrating the M.S. Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies (1999), M.S. Ramaiah College of Hotel Management (1993), M.S. Ramaiah College of Pharmacy (1992), M.S. Ramaiah Dental College (1991) and the M.S. Ramaiah Advanced Learning Centre (2012)

Committed to work on the philosophy of inclusiveness and service to society and to train its faculty members and students to contribute significantly to the growth of science, technology and society through their imaginative, creative and innovative pursuits. “THERE ARE SOME WHO QUESTION THE RELEVANCE OF SPACE ACTIVITIES IN A DEVELOPING NATION…..


THUMBA Indian Space Programme

• Initiated in 1960’s (1962 – INCOSPAR;

1969 – ISRO; 1972 - Space Commission & Prime DOS) Minister PRL Space • 3 National committees coordinate NARL Commission space system establishment and NE SAC Department applications: of Space SCL • INSAT Coordination Committee (ICC) ANTRIX

IIST • Planning Committee on National ISRO HQ ISRO Council Natural Resources Management System (PC-NNRMS)

SDSC- NRSC/ VSSC LPSC ISAC SAC • Advisory Committee for Space Sciences SHAR RRSCs (ADCOS)

• The DOS Secretariat and ISRO Headquarters (with programme offices) IISU MCF LEOS IIRS ISTRAC DECU at Bangalore. THE FACETS OF INDIAN SPACE PROGRAMME

Space Exploration

Satellite Advanced Navigation Space Systems

Satellite Communications Launch Vehicles

1962 Earth Observation Space Commerce




CARE SRE 01 01

+ 40 Satellites of 19 countries onboard Indian Launch Vehicles Indian National Space Systems

Launch Vehicles Remote Sensing (IRS) (PSLV, GSLV) Satellites (3 in GEO, 11 in SSO)

Communication (INSAT-GSAT) Satellites (10 operational)

Navigation Satellites Road PRA Parcel (IRNSS - 7 Satellites : Water 3 in GEO, 4 in GSO) Drain Field Survey Soil


Space Science & Planetary Earth Observation & Exploration Satellites Societal Applications (2 : Ch-1, MOM) India: Resources & Challenges EARTH OBSERVATION SATELLITES INFRASTRUCTURE








740 East 830 East

0 0 . 55 East 93.5 East

480 East 111.50East

11 Satellites providing 226 Transponders (mostly in C-band; Extended C-band, and Ku band) 96 Transponders leased from foreign satellites India’s Launch Vehicles

1 8 28 GSLV 4 (2000-) 2 launchpads GSLV 4 ASLV PSLV Mk III in Sriharikota (1988) (1994-) (2014) SLV-3 (1980)

Launch Vehicle SLV ASLV PSLV GSLV GSLV Mk III (Under development) Lift-off weight (Tonnes) 17 40 295 450 644 1750 (SSO) Payload (kg) 40 (LEO) 150 (LEO) 2200 (GTO) 4000 (GTO) 1400 (GTO) INDIAN STRIDES IN SATELLITE NAVIGATION

IRNSS-1A (01.07.13) IRNSS-1B (04.04.14)


• Independent regional navigation system - 7 satellite constellation and ground segment • IRNSS-1A IRNSS 1B and IRNSS-1C operating in Orbit • IRNSS-1D March 9 2015 • Coverage area ~ 1500 km beyond Indian territory. • Estimated horizontal position accuracy of 10-20 m in over India and adjoining areas. GAGAN: SATELLITE-BASED AUGMENTATION OF GPS NAVIGATION SIGNALS

[Jointly Implemented by ISRO and Airports Authority of India]

GAGAN Payloads operational in GSAT-8 Satellite (launched in 2011) GSAT-10 Satellite (launched 2012) GSAT-15 Satellite (in-orbit Spare) ISRO and AAI jointly Established 15 Indian Reference Earth Stations 2 Indian Master Control Centres 2 Indian Land Uplink Stations

• Certified by DGCA to provide Non-Precision Approach services for “En-route Navigation” over Indian Airspace • India is the fourth country to offer safety of life navigation services to aviation sector National Natural Resources Management System (NNRMS) ….. NNRMS integrates data/info from Remote Sensing into the National/ Regional/ Local systems with appropriate technical, managerial and organisational linkages – NNRMS Mandate (1985)

Planning Committee Priorities Standing Central and NNRMS Committees State NNRMS Standing Agencies Food and Water DOS Centres Committees NRSC, SAC, SNRMS Security RRSSCs , National Natural NE -SAC Resources Chair: Secretaries of Govt. Management System (NNRMS) of India Private State RS Infrastructure Enterprise Centres Development • Agriculture & Soils NGOs/ Academic/ • Water Resources Voluntary Research Institutes • Bio-resources & Organizations Environment and Environment Ecosystem • Geology & Mineral • Rural Development Disaster Management • Urban Development Support • Oceanography & Meteorology • Cartography Weather & Climate • Training & Technology Studies Application Driven EO Programme in support of National Priorities……

Food Security • Crop Inventory and forecasting • Watershed development g • Potential Fishing Zone forecast • Wasteland monitoring

Water Security • Reservoir Capacity Evaluation • Ground water prospects & recharge • Irrigation and command area studies

Environment & Ecosystem • Forest cover mapping & Biodiversity • Snow & Glacier studies • Desertification & Land degradation • Natural Resources Census

Infrastructure Development • Urban & Infrastructure development • Rural road Connectivity • Town / cities development plans

Disaster Management • Near real time monitoring • National database for Emergency Management • Support to International Charter

Weather & Climate • Space and Ground observations • Essential Climate Variables • Snow & Glacier studies MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE

Crop Acreage and Production Forecasts WHEAT

Mid November Early December Early January Mid February Mid March

• Production Forecasts for 8 Major Crops : Rice (kharif & rabi), wheat, rapeseed & mustard, potato, jute, sugarcane, cotton and sorghum (rabi) - about a month before the harvesting • Institutionalized at Mahalanobis National Crop Forecast Centre,by ISRO.

Area (Million Hectares) Production (Million Tonnes) CROP YEAR MNCFC DES % Diff. MNCFC DES % Diff. Wheat (F3) 2013-14 29.87 31.34 -4.7 89.12 95.85 -7.0 Rice (F3) 2013-14 37.48 39.56 -5.3 86.87 92.01 -5.6

First Estimate Second Estimate Third Estimate Early stage Mid Season Before harvest

Satellite Images Satellite Images Integrated Models Ground Data Meteorological data Remote Sensing & Temp./ Rainfall Ground data Agro-meteorology MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE National Agricultural Drought Assessment and Monitoring System (NADAMS)

Prevalence, intensity and persistence of agricultural • Agricultural drought vulnerability Analysis using multi drought at district/sub-district level temporal satellite data. • Coverage: 185 districts of 13 Drought Prone states

June 2012

Agricultural area NDVI Assessment July 2012 August 2012

Aug 2012 MINISTRY OF RURAL DEVELOPMENT Wasteland Mapping & Change Analysis

• Bring culturable wastelands under cultivation Wasteland Map • Enhance food grain production (2008-09) • Bring 30% under cover o National Wasteland Inventory Project (1986 - 2000) o National Wasteland Updation Mission (2003 - 2004) o Monitoring of the wasteland areas (2005-06) o Wasteland Change Analysis (2008-2009) o Coverage : Entire India in 1:50,000 scale o No. of Wasteland categories : 28

Area (Mha) % of TGA Year of Data 63. 85 20.17% 1986 -2000 55.27 17.45% 2003 47.22 14.91% 2005 LS TM, Feb 1987 IRS L3, Feb 2002 46.73 14.76% 2009 MINISTRY OF RURAL DEVELOPMENT Watershed Monitoring & Management

• Improve productive potential of degraded watersheds • Create alternate livelihood options • Process Monitoring & Mid-course correction • Watershed prioritization & Development

Satellite Data application in • Delineation • Characterisation • Prioritisation Visible Impacts • Development Plans • Increase in Cropping intensity • Monitoring/Midcourse • Wastelands reclaimed Correction • Increase in the extent of irrigated crops • Impact Assessment • Increase in Household Income • Improvement in livestock & Milk yield MINISTRY OF MINES National Geomorphological and Lineament Mapping

• Three Level Classification Schema for Geomorphology with 417 Landforms • Two-fold classification of Lineaments (Structural / Geomorphological Lineaments) • Seamless database of States ported on to Bhuvan and on GSI portal for online visualization MINISTRY OF WATER RESOURCES Irrigation Infrastructure and Potential Assessment

Canal Network : part of Narayanapur Right Bank Canal, Upper Krishna Project Satellite based assessment of Irrigation Potential created 700000 594615 600000 524121 500000 400000 300000 200000 100000 70494

Irrigation Potential (ha) 0 IP target IP IP Created Balance

• Cartosat derived irrigation infrastructure is compared with design & evaluation of hydraulic connectivity. • High resolution Cartosat data is useful for time stamping the Irrigation Infrastructure Progress and Compliance Monitoring for AIBP Implementation Gaps in Narayanapur Reservoir Bank Canal MINISTRY OF WATER RESOURCES India - Water Resource Information System (India-WRIS)

• Access to water resources data to all water resources departments. • Tools to create value added maps for integrated water resources scenarios. • Provide foundation for Spatial Decision Support Systems and modelling. MINISTRY OF DRINKING WATER & SANITATION Ground Water Prospects Mapping (RGNDWM Project)

• Identification of potable ground water sources in terms of depth and yield • Identifying suitable sites for constructing recharge structures.

Visible Outcome

• About 9,200 recharge structures constructed • About 3,00,000 drilled with 90- 95% success rate. • A few states using these maps for MGNREGA and watershed development programmes

Ground Water Prospects Map MINISTRY OF URBAN DEVELOPMENT National Urban Information System (NUIS) Multi scale (10K ,2K &1K) hierarchical Urban Geospatial database for Urban Planning, Infrastructure development using satellite data, Aerial data & GPR techniques.

Thematic database of Base layers, Urban Landuse, Geology/Geomorphology, Soils along with administrative / forest / town boundaries and Settlement locations on 1:10,000 scale

One Mapsheet - No. D43J15D Benefits (3’ x3’ ~ • Preparation of development plans • Transportation plans • Urban site suitability analysis • Urban environmental planning

• 139 out of 152 Towns Database hosted on Bhuvan Portal MINISTRY OF EARTH SCIENCES Potential Fishing Zone - Reaching out to fisherman

•Satellite-based Potential Fishing Zone Advisories to the Fishing Vessels delivered regularly and timely, in their local languages

•Potential Fishing Zone based on Chlorophyll & Sea Surface Temperature. Search time reduction by 60-70% Average catch per unit effort increased 2-4 times. • Ground station established at Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services (INCOIS) for enabling near real time generation of fishery forecasts.

Chlorophyll Distribution PFZ Map Chlorophyll Distribution Sea Surface Temperature PFZ Map

Mode of Dissemination SMS, Radio, TV, Web, Kiosks, Telephone, Fax, Email MINISTRY OF EARTH SCIENCES India Meteorological Department – Weather Forecasting

• Operational weather forecast and cyclone tracking, its intensity and landfall. • INSAT-3D Meteorological Data Processing System (IMDPS), developed by ISRO, is commissioned at IMD for retrieval of Geo-Physical Parameters.

Geo-Physical Parameters and Derived Products Cyclone PHAILIN (INSAT-3D VIS : 10 Oct 2013 03:30Z) MINISTRY OF SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY 1:10,000 scale Cartographic quality maps Topo-Thematic Mapping at 1:10,000 Scale

Outputs • Vector Map data layers • Digital Elevation Model • Ortho Image/Geo-rectified image • Value Added Products

Dubrugarh, Imphal, Nowgong, Tezpur MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT & FOREST Biodiversity Characterisation

•125 vegetation types mapped for the entire country •6,000 species database generated. • high & high biological richness and disturbance area identified for Biological Richness Map of Western conservation and bio-prospecting Himalayas prioritization.

•Satellite derived snow cover area (Accumulation/Depletion) & field measured hydro-met data are used to predict snowmelt runoff. •Snow melt runoff forecast model both seasonal and short term (16 Snowmelt runoff forecasting daily basis) during Apr-May-Jun

Forecast Results(Sutlej basin) 25

20 Five major Himalayan 15 river basins: 10 Chenab, Beas, 5 Yamuna, Ganga LCD's in Discharge 0 and Sutlej 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 Forecast Actual MINISTRYENVIRONMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND ECOSYSTEM & FOREST MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS SPACE-BASED DISASTER MANAGEMENT SUPPORT

DELIVERABLES FLOOD: Hazard Zonation, Inundation mapping CYCLONE: Landfall Prediction, Damage Assessment EARTHQUAKE: Damage Assessment FOREST FIRE: Active fire detection & Alerts LANDSLIDE: Hazard zonation, Damage Assessment

Flood Early Warning in 15 Districts of Assam

INFRASTRUCTURE Disaster Support Centre & National Database for Emergency Management (NDEM) North Eastern Regional Node for Disaster Risk Reduction (NER-DRR) Ground Based Observational Networks

SUPPORT TO INTERNATIONAL INITIATIVES Charter, Sentinel Asia, UN Spider… Use of Space Inputs in Kedarnath Disaster Value-added products to assess Pre & Post event analysis Support for Emergency Communication

Damage Assessment and support in rehabilitation measures

• 12 Satellite phones were provided to Local administration with necessary training. 10 phones were deployed at far interior places. • 5 transportable satellite terminals (One Mobile WLL van and four fixed terminals) were provided to facilitate videoconference, data, and voice transfer between any two locations.

(i) Extent of damage to structures, roads, etc.; (ii) Formation of new channel (iii) flow of debris 17 Use of Space Inputs in Cyclone Phailin

1) IMPROVED IMAGING SYSTEM 2) FIRST GEO-SOUNDER SYSTEM OVER INDIAN OCEAN .Middle-infrared (enabling night-time imaging of low clouds and fog) .40 levels of Vertical profiles of Temperature (surface to 70 km) .Two Thermal bands (better estimation of sea surface temperature) .21 levels of Vertical Profiles of Humidity (surface to 15 km) .Higher spatial resolution in visible (1 km) & thermal IR band (4 km) .Integrated Ozone content (from Surface to ~ 12 km)


• Correct location of the cyclone • Eye-wall and radius of maximum wind • Cloud structure & properties - droplet radius & optical depth • Atmospheric motion winds. • Pixel-level rainfall distribution within the Atmospheric Motion Winds cyclone

The damage to human loss due to cyclone “Phailin” (October 09th -12th, 2013 ) in Odisha, Jharkhand & Bihar was minimized due to early Cyclone central cloud structure – TIR images warnings & constant tracking of cyclonic system. Emergency Communication

Distress Alert Terminal (DAT)

• Floatable; suitable for marine environment • 1850 numbers distributed to fishermen through Coast Guard

Type-D Satellite Phones

• Connectivity on Demand: Terminal to Terminal; Terminal to PSTN; PSTN to Terminal • 12 numbers utilised during the Uttarakhand disaster. DTH based DWDS • Uses low-cost DTH-technology in Ku-band. • Provides warning interrupting the programme. • Any STB or a group of STBs or all STBs can be selected for issuing warnings • Out of 500 numbers planned with IMD, 80 are established SPACE BASED INFORMATION SUPPORT FOR DECENTRALIZED PLANNING

Joint effort of ISRO and Planning Commission - . To strengthen decentralized planning & decision making at grass root level. . State level repository with Natural Resource database at 1:10,000 scale & Cadastral information. . Local level interface and Multi-mode information dissemination.

NR Database National Level – MIS Monitoring

State Level - Data Repository Creation & Updating

District Level - Database Usage and updating

Panchayat Level - Usage through customized interface

Cadastral Overlays Suitable sites for energy plantations Catchment treatment Cadastral Referencing Database • State level seamless digital database of Cadastral - Geo-referenced with satellite data. • For citizen-centric e-governance, implementation & monitoring of developmental plans

Maharashtra, Chhattisgarh Gujarat , Orissa, Karnataka ….

• Land Information System for Cadastral level advisories, alternate landuse, crop insurance … • Monitoring of implementation of developmental activity • Social and Environmental Impact Assessment BHUVAN: EO data visualization & Services

• Seamless Multi-Sensor Data • Rich Thematic Information • Terrain Profile & 3D Fly Through Data Archive Visualization • Weather & Ocean Services • Community Participation • Download of satellite data & products Thematic Services Geo-Processing SATCOM APPLICATIONS AND SERVICES

Telecom >10,000 BSNL Circuits ( point-to-point ) ~1.7 Lakh VSATs Television; DTH National Coverage; > 4.2 Cr DTH Subscriptions News gathering On-spot; Real-time news coverage Radio- 326 AIR Stations networking Mobile Services Emergency communication Search and Supports 13,000 Indian Beacons from Maritime Rescue Service and Aviation Agencies Met Data ~1700 Automatic Weather Stations Dissemination >950 Automatic Rain Gauge Stations 40 Met Data Dissemination Stations Tele-education 83 Networks , ~5000 Interactive classrooms, 51,000 Receive only Terminals, 26 States & 3 UTs covered Tele-medicine 384 Hospital provided with Telemedicine Facility; 60 Specialty Hospitals; 306 Remote Hospitals; 18 Mobile Vans Tele-Education and Tele-Medicine

Tele-Education Tele-Medicine Training & Dev. Communication Channel (1995) 384 Hospitals Jhabua Dev. Communications Project (1996) 306 Dist/ Rural Hospitals 60 Specialty Hospitals GRAMSAT Pilot Project (Current) 18 Mobile Units EDUSAT Utilization Prog (Current)

Referral INSAT GSAT Hospitals > 56,000 Virtual Class Rooms School Video Conferencing 0.9/1.2m Super Specialty Ku & Ext C Hospital ROT VSAT Hub Cardiology State Capital

1.2/1.8 m Higher Sec./ Studio University HUB SIT Pathology Video AMBULANCE Conferencing Panel of Doctors

~ tele-education networks are used for about 4-8 hours in a day ~ 1 Lakh Patients treated annually

TMC images of Chandrayaan-1 Lunar Impact Craters

Dark Haloed crater Ray Crater

Apollo-17 Landing site Tauru-Littrow Valley North Massif

Light Mantle Landing site Sculpured Hills

Central Crater cluster Massif

Central valley Mineral maps of NE of Lalande Crater

FCC FCC ratios Ejecta TiO2 FeO material

Lunar Mineralogy : HySI data

23 Nov 2008 5 4 1 Mare Orientale is one of the youngest basin on the Moon surface. Location of Mare 3 Orientale is shown as red dot on extreme left Lunar composite image. 2 2 The HySI image from Chandrayaan-1 data 1 represent sixty four 5 colour of Lunar surface. 1. Plagioclase The reflectance curves 2. Iron bearing minerals on generated from HySI Basaltic terrain data helps us to identify 3 3. Highland soils highland and basaltic 4. Iron rich rocks on rocks on Moon. 4 Highland terrain 5. Mare soils

Detection of Lunar rock types using HySI reflectance data 20 km Chandrayaan-1 : Mini SAR Results

North South

Mini SAR Polar mosaics

MiniSAR Image of Peary Crater (North pole) Red regions show high CPR values

•Volumetric water-ice reflections are known to have CPR greater than unity

•While surface scattering from dry regolith has CPR less than unity Circular Polarization ratio for Ice detection Global Mineralogy : M3 data

Near Side Compositional Variability

Red - High Land Rocks

Blue - Basaltic rocks Pyroxene

Green - Basaltic Olivine 1st image taken by Color Camera

Indian Subcontinent imaged at an High dynamic range image of the altitude of 70,000 km above earth Sahara desert by MCC on Nov 23, with a spatial resolution of about 3.5 2013 at 0900 UT from 18,746 km km altitude with a resolution of 0.91 19th November km 2013, 0820 UT 13:50 hrs First day images from Mars Orbiter Mission (MOM)

MOM Image Coverage Over Frame 1 Frame 5 Mars on 24th Sep.2014

5 4 3 2 1


Frame Time (UT) ALT

1 7:27:34 74578

2 7:27:46 74580

3 7:27:58 74582

4 7:28:10 74584

Try-1 HDR Image generated from all above frames for better display effects MOM FULL DISC IMAGE OF MARS 30th SEPT 2014 Mars Orbiter Mission : Mosaic created with Mars Color Camera (MCC) images

7. Loire Valles 6.



1 6 2

3 5



2. Kansk Kilometers 0 40 80 160 Date of Imaging: 02 March 2015 Spacecraft Altitude: 2293 km to 4138 km Spatial Resolution: 200 m 3. Peta 4. Phobos imaging by MCC

MCC acquired images of Phobos, one of the natural satellite of the Mars, on Oct 14, 2014, ~ 11:25 UT from an altitude of about 16000 km above Mars. The spatial resolution is about 550 m. Phobos as it orbits around Mars is seen moving left to right in this picture. The actual time taken for this movement is 35 seconds. Deimos imaging by MCC

MCC acquired images of Deimos, farthest of the two natural satellites of Mars. The above image was acquired on Oct 14, 2014, ~ 13:05 UT from an altitude of about 24,500 km above Mars. The spatial resolution is about 300 m. Deimos appears bright due to dark space in the background

SENSOR ORBIT DATE ALTITUDES DESC. MCC 11-10-2014 3906,4170, 4433 Harris/Lapygia

This is a value added processing output : Mosaic of all three frames, linearly stretched using histogram. 4 October 2014: Relatively Clear Atmosphere

20 October 2014: Relatively dusty atmosphere with a dust storm outburst in north-east part (black ellipse). Valley is also relatively haze as compared to that on 4 October.

28 October 2014: The dust storm on 20 October is disappeared, but dust is relatively dispersed over the region and is trapped in valley canyon 4 Oct. 2014 20 Oct. 2014 28 Oct. 2014

Con(20 Oct. 2014) Con(20 Oct. 2014) Con(28 Oct. 2014) Con(28 Oct. 2014) (%) 0 5 10 15 0 1.5 3 4.5 Global mosaic of Methane Sensor for Mars (MSM) for the month of October, 2014

MSM Apparent MSM Apparent Reflectance for Reflectance for Reference Methane channel at 1640 channel at 1640 to 1660 nm to 1660 nm


Melas 4.8 km 2.2 km N 5 km Louros Valles

Coprates Chasma 3.8 km

Hebes Chasma

Echus Chasma

Luna Planum Image by MCC SENS ORB DATE Altitude Resolution(m) DESC. OR IT (km) MCC 49 2014-12- 21074 1050 Valles of Marineris , deep 05 canyon on Mars HDR 1.


3. Louros Valles 3

2 1 Martian Surface image by MCC SENS ORBI DATE Altitude Resol( DESC. OR T (km) m) MCC 68 28-01- 5797 300 Haze in Valles of Marineris 2015 in moderate resolution

1. Ophir Labes 1 2. Coprate 2 Labes


0 20 40 80 Martian Surface image by MCC SENSO ORBIT DATE Altitude Resol(m) DESC. R (km) MCC 71 05-02- 4403 220 Fractures showing tectonic 2015 activities on Mars

1. Eos Chaos 2 2. Capri 1 3. Aurorae Sinus 3


0 20 40 80 Martian Surface image by MCC SENSOR ORBIT DATE Altitude Resolution DESC. (km) (m) 59 4-1-2015 1070 556 Clouds around MCC 7 Arsia mons Ortho view Topo corrected Martian Surface image by MCC SENSOR ORBIT DATE Altitude Resolution DESC. (km) (m) MCC 75 16-02-2015 2286 110 Wind Streaks seen in the region kinkora crater over Mars


0 10 20 Martian Surface image by MCC SEN OR DATE Altitud Resoluti DESC. SOR BIT e (km) on (m) 63 15-01- 9010 450 Schiaparelli Large Impact Crater in MCC 2015 high Resolution MCC data


0 40 80 160 Martian Surface image by MCC SENSO ORBI DATE Altitude Resolution DESC. R T (km) (m) 77 19-2- 19 High resolution image of multiple MC 2015 366 impact crater Herdeshir valles C Martian Surface image by MCC SENSO ORBI DATE Altitude Resoluti DESC. R T (km) on (m) MCC 59 4-1- 10707 556 MCC Data Draped Over MOLA DEM 2015 Arsia Mons Thank You