Taiwania, 58(2): 85–103, 2013 DOI: 10.6165/tai.2013.58.85 BOTANICAL HISTORY “The Distribution, Morphology and Classification of Taiwania” (Cupressaceae): An Unpublished Manuscript (1941) by John Theodore Buchholz (1888–1951) Rudolf Schmid Department of Integrative Biology, University of California, Berkeley CA 94707-1022, USA. Email:
[email protected]; website: http://www.rudischmid.com (Manuscript received 20 September 2012; accepted 30 January 2013) ABSTRACT: A recently discovered unpublished manuscript on Taiwania cryptomerioides (Cupressaceae) written by John Theo- dore Buchholz (1888–1951), probably in 1941, is published with 25 added notes, plus a recently discovered unpublished diagram entitled “Phylogeny of conifers. J. T. Buchholz — 1941.” The manuscript and diagram are important in expanding our understanding of the research and interpretations of this renowned worker on the anatomy, morphology (especially embryology), and systematics of gymnosperms. KEY WORDS: Buchholz, conifer phylogeny, conifers, Cupressaceae, embryology, gymnosperms, Taiwan, Taiwania crypto- merioides. INTRODUCTION the collection from the effects of Adriance S. Foster (1901–73; see Gifford, 1974) of the University of In the spring and summer of 1936, John Theodore California, Berkeley, after Foster’s death. Possibly as a Buchholz (14 July 1888–1 July 1951; Fig. 1–2) visited source for writing his classic morphology book (Foster California and made detailed studies of the vegetative and Gifford, 1959), Foster had acquired the collection morphology, reproductive morphology, and embryol- from Clarence Sterling (1919–96; see Feeney et al., ogy of Sequoiadendron giganteum (giant sequoia, big 1997), whose signature appears on 18 of the reprints. tree, or Sierra redwood) and Sequoia sempervirens (red- Sterling was a plant anatomist-morphologist in the wood or coast redwood).