64A bus time schedule & line map

64A Brackenleigh - Kingstown North View In Website Mode

The 64A bus line (Brackenleigh - Kingstown North) has 3 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Brackenleigh: 7:50 AM (2) Kingstown North: 8:15 AM - 5:05 PM (3) Nealhouse: 9:13 AM - 4:13 PM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest 64A bus station near you and nd out when is the next 64A bus arriving.

Direction: Brackenleigh 64A bus Time Schedule 44 stops Brackenleigh Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 7:50 AM Asda, Kingstown North Chandler Way, Kingmoor Tuesday 7:50 AM

Argos, Kingstown North Wednesday 7:50 AM

Houghton Hall Garden Centre, Houghton Thursday 7:50 AM Friday 7:50 AM Church, Houghton Saturday 7:50 AM - 4:13 PM The Green, Houghton

Tribune Drive In, Houghton

Fair Oaks, 64A bus Info Direction: Brackenleigh Eden Gate, Houghton Stops: 44 Trip Duration: 27 min Near Boot, Tarraby Line Summary: Asda, Kingstown North, Argos, Kingstown North, Houghton Hall Garden Centre, Houghton, Church, Houghton, The Green, Houghton, Longlands Road, Whiteclosegate Tribune Drive In, Houghton, Fair Oaks, Tarraby, Eden Gate, Houghton, Near Boot, Tarraby, Longlands Brampton Road, Whiteclosegate Road, Whiteclosegate, Brampton Road, Whiteclosegate, Art College, Whiteclosegate, Dykes Art College, Whiteclosegate Terrace, Whiteclosegate, Knowe Road, Knoweeld, Beechwood, Stanwix, Waverley Road, Moorville, Dykes Terrace, Whiteclosegate Morrisons, Stanwix, Waverley Road, Moorville, Brampton Road, Beechwood, Stanwix, Lansdowne Crescent, Stanwix, Car Park, Stanwix, Market Hall, , Chapel Knowe Road, Knoweeld Street, Carlisle, Broadacre House, Carlisle, The Knowe Road, England Courts, Carlisle, Thomas Street, Denton Holme, Blencowe Street, Denton Holme, Metcalfe Street, Beechwood, Stanwix Denton Holme, Kenmount Place, Denton Holme, Finn Avenue, Morton, Peel Street, Wigton Road, Waverley Road, Moorville Borrowdale Gardens, Morton, Borrowdale Road, Morton, Greta Avenue, Morton, Scawfell Road, Morrisons, Stanwix Morton, Whinlatter Way, Morton, Dunmail Drive, Morton, Woodend Drive, Morton Park, Top Of Levens, Waverley Road, Moorville Morton Park, Rashdall Road, Morton Park, Westrigg Road End, Wigton Road, Lyndhurst Gardens, Morton Beechwood, Stanwix Park, Glaramara Drive, Brackenleigh, The Beeches, Brackenleigh Lansdowne Crescent, Stanwix Scotland Road, England

Car Park, Stanwix Church Terrace, England

Market Hall, Carlisle 20-22 Scotch Street, Carlisle

Chapel Street, Carlisle 70-78 Lowther Street, Carlisle

Broadacre House, Carlisle 24 Lowther Street, Carlisle

The Courts, Carlisle 112-114 English Street, Carlisle

Thomas Street, Denton Holme 53 Denton Street, Carlisle

Blencowe Street, Denton Holme

Metcalfe Street, Denton Holme 92 Denton Street, Carlisle

Kenmount Place, Denton Holme

Finn Avenue, Morton Osborne Avenue, Carlisle

Peel Street, Wigton Road Priory Road, Carlisle

Borrowdale Gardens, Morton Borrowdale Gardens, Carlisle

Borrowdale Road, Morton Borrowdale Road, Carlisle

Greta Avenue, Morton

Scawfell Road, Morton Greta Avenue, Carlisle

Whinlatter Way, Morton Kirkstone Crescent, Carlisle

Dunmail Drive, Morton

Woodend Drive, Morton Park

Top Of Levens, Morton Park

Rashdall Road, Morton Park

Westrigg Road End, Wigton Road Westwood, Carlisle Lyndhurst Gardens, Morton Park Lyndhurst Gardens, Carlisle

Glaramara Drive, Brackenleigh

The Beeches, Brackenleigh Whitfell Avenue, Carlisle Direction: Kingstown North 64A bus Time Schedule 53 stops Kingstown North Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 8:15 AM - 5:05 PM Glaramara Drive, Brackenleigh Tuesday 8:15 AM - 5:05 PM The Beeches, Brackenleigh Whitfell Avenue, Carlisle Wednesday 8:15 AM - 5:05 PM

Dobies Garden Centre, Nealhouse Thursday 8:15 AM - 5:05 PM Friday 8:15 AM - 5:05 PM Cranstons, Nealhouse Saturday 8:15 AM - 3:05 PM Entrance, Nealhouse

Lingy Lane, Newby West

Newby Cross, Newby West 64A bus Info Direction: Kingstown North Glaramara Drive, Wigton Road Stops: 53 Trip Duration: 63 min Caven Close, Carlisle Line Summary: Glaramara Drive, Brackenleigh, The Westrigg Road End, Wigton Road Beeches, Brackenleigh, Dobies Garden Centre, Nealhouse, Cranstons, Nealhouse, Entrance, Westwood, Carlisle Nealhouse, Lingy Lane, Newby West, Newby Cross, Lyndhurst Gardens, Morton Park Newby West, Glaramara Drive, Wigton Road, Westrigg Road End, Wigton Road, Lyndhurst Lyndhurst Gardens, Carlisle Gardens, Morton Park, Glendale Rise, Morton Park, Glendale Rise, Morton Park Winscale Way, Morton Park, Ashness Drive, Morton Park, Rosehill Drive, Morton Park, Langrigg Road, Easdale Bank, Carlisle Morton Park, Dunmail Drive, Morton, Whinlatter Way, Winscale Way, Morton Park Morton, Scawfell Road, Morton, Greta Avenue, Morton, Borrowdale Gardens, Morton, Borrowdale Ashness Drive, Morton Park Road, Morton, Osbourne Avenue, Morton, Peel Street, Wigton Road, Kenmount Place, Denton Ashness Drive, Carlisle Holme, Blencowe Street, Denton Holme, Metcalfe Rosehill Drive, Morton Park Street, Denton Holme, Thomas Street, Denton Holme, The Prince And Bear, Carlisle, Market Hall, Carlisle, Levens Drive, Carlisle Carlisle Cricket Club, Stanwix, Cross Street, Stanwix, Langrigg Road, Morton Park Beechwood, Stanwix, Thornton Road, Stanwix, The Crown, Stanwix, Waverley Road, Moorville, Lansdowne Road, Knoweeld, Morrisons, Stanwix, Dunmail Drive, Morton Beechwood, Stanwix, Waverley Road, Moorville, Art College, Whiteclosegate, Dykes Terrace, Whinlatter Way, Morton Whiteclosegate, Brampton Road, Whiteclosegate, Kirkstone Crescent, Carlisle Longlands Road, Whiteclosegate, Fair Oaks, Houghton, Eden Gate, Houghton, Near Boot, Tarraby, Scawfell Road, Morton Tribune Drive, Houghton, Stores, Houghton, Post Greta Avenue, Carlisle Oce, Houghton, Church, Houghton, Houghton Hall Garden Centre, Houghton, Argos, Kingstown North, Greta Avenue, Morton Asda, Kingstown North

Borrowdale Gardens, Morton

Borrowdale Road, Morton Borrowdale Road, Carlisle

Osbourne Avenue, Morton Peel Street, Wigton Road Priory Road, Carlisle

Kenmount Place, Denton Holme Kenmount Place, Carlisle

Blencowe Street, Denton Holme Nelson Street, Carlisle

Metcalfe Street, Denton Holme 52 Denton Street, Carlisle

Thomas Street, Denton Holme 53 Denton Street, Carlisle

The Prince And Bear, Carlisle 9 Devonshire Street, Carlisle

Market Hall, Carlisle 1 Market Street, Carlisle

Carlisle Cricket Club, Stanwix

Cross Street, Stanwix

Beechwood, Stanwix

Thornton Road, Stanwix 57 Scotland Road, England

The Crown, Stanwix 23 Scotland Road, England

Waverley Road, Moorville

Lansdowne Road, Knoweeld

Morrisons, Stanwix

Beechwood, Stanwix

Waverley Road, Moorville

Art College, Whiteclosegate

Dykes Terrace, Whiteclosegate Brampton Road, England

Brampton Road, Whiteclosegate

Longlands Road, Whiteclosegate

Fair Oaks, Houghton

Eden Gate, Houghton

Near Boot, Tarraby

Tribune Drive, Houghton Stores, Houghton

Post Oce, Houghton Oak Bank, Civil Parish

Church, Houghton

Houghton Hall Garden Centre, Houghton

Argos, Kingstown North

Asda, Kingstown North Chandler Way, Kingmoor Civil Parish Direction: Nealhouse 64A bus Time Schedule 50 stops Nealhouse Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 9:13 AM - 4:13 PM Asda, Kingstown North Chandler Way, Kingmoor Civil Parish Tuesday 9:13 AM - 4:13 PM

Argos, Kingstown North Wednesday 9:13 AM - 4:13 PM

Thursday 9:13 AM - 4:13 PM Houghton Hall Garden Centre, Houghton Friday 9:13 AM - 4:13 PM Church, Houghton Saturday 9:13 AM - 2:13 PM The Green, Houghton

Tribune Drive In, Houghton

Fair Oaks, Tarraby 64A bus Info Direction: Nealhouse Eden Gate, Houghton Stops: 50 Trip Duration: 59 min Near Boot, Tarraby Line Summary: Asda, Kingstown North, Argos, Kingstown North, Houghton Hall Garden Centre, Houghton, Church, Houghton, The Green, Houghton, Longlands Road, Whiteclosegate Tribune Drive In, Houghton, Fair Oaks, Tarraby, Eden Gate, Houghton, Near Boot, Tarraby, Longlands Brampton Road, Whiteclosegate Road, Whiteclosegate, Brampton Road, Whiteclosegate, Art College, Whiteclosegate, Dykes Art College, Whiteclosegate Terrace, Whiteclosegate, Knowe Road, Knoweeld, Beechwood, Stanwix, Waverley Road, Moorville, Dykes Terrace, Whiteclosegate Morrisons, Stanwix, Waverley Road, Moorville, Brampton Road, England Beechwood, Stanwix, Lansdowne Crescent, Stanwix, Car Park, Stanwix, Market Hall, Carlisle, Chapel Knowe Road, Knoweeld Street, Carlisle, Broadacre House, Carlisle, The Knowe Road, England Courts, Carlisle, Thomas Street, Denton Holme, Blencowe Street, Denton Holme, Metcalfe Street, Beechwood, Stanwix Denton Holme, Kenmount Place, Denton Holme, Finn Avenue, Morton, Peel Street, Wigton Road, Waverley Road, Moorville Borrowdale Gardens, Morton, Borrowdale Road, Morton, Greta Avenue, Morton, Scawfell Road, Morrisons, Stanwix Morton, Whinlatter Way, Morton, Dunmail Drive, Morton, Woodend Drive, Morton Park, Top Of Levens, Waverley Road, Moorville Morton Park, Rashdall Road, Morton Park, Westrigg Road End, Wigton Road, Lyndhurst Gardens, Morton Beechwood, Stanwix Park, Glaramara Drive, Brackenleigh, The Beeches, Brackenleigh, Glaramara Drive, Wigton Road, Lansdowne Crescent, Stanwix Kingsrigg, Newby West, Lingy Lane, Newby West, Orton Park, Nealhouse, Cranstons, Nealhouse, Scotland Road, England Dobies Garden Centre, Nealhouse Car Park, Stanwix Church Terrace, England

Market Hall, Carlisle 20-22 Scotch Street, Carlisle

Chapel Street, Carlisle 70-78 Lowther Street, Carlisle Broadacre House, Carlisle 24 Lowther Street, Carlisle

The Courts, Carlisle 112-114 English Street, Carlisle

Thomas Street, Denton Holme 53 Denton Street, Carlisle

Blencowe Street, Denton Holme

Metcalfe Street, Denton Holme 92 Denton Street, Carlisle

Kenmount Place, Denton Holme

Finn Avenue, Morton Osborne Avenue, Carlisle

Peel Street, Wigton Road Priory Road, Carlisle

Borrowdale Gardens, Morton Borrowdale Gardens, Carlisle

Borrowdale Road, Morton Borrowdale Road, Carlisle

Greta Avenue, Morton

Scawfell Road, Morton Greta Avenue, Carlisle

Whinlatter Way, Morton Kirkstone Crescent, Carlisle

Dunmail Drive, Morton

Woodend Drive, Morton Park

Top Of Levens, Morton Park

Rashdall Road, Morton Park

Westrigg Road End, Wigton Road Westwood, Carlisle

Lyndhurst Gardens, Morton Park Lyndhurst Gardens, Carlisle

Glaramara Drive, Brackenleigh

The Beeches, Brackenleigh Whitfell Avenue, Carlisle

Glaramara Drive, Wigton Road

Kingsrigg, Newby West

Lingy Lane, Newby West Orton Park, Nealhouse

Cranstons, Nealhouse A595, Dalston Civil Parish

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