Congressional Record—House H8450
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H8450 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 23, 2019 My hometown was founded on Octo- Colonel Morris is the epitome of what anon, in support of the 1st Battalion, ber 27, 1869, on just 70 acres of land in the Greatest Generation embodied. He 8th Marine Regiment and the 24th Ma- Orange County; and today, Santa Ana worked five jobs to stay in school dur- rine Amphibious Unit. is the second largest city in Orange ing the Depression and graduated from I vividly remember the evenings we County. Texas A&M with a bachelor’s degree in sat on the roof of the Marine barracks It is home to veterans of World War agriculture. with the American flag flying over our II, the Korean war, the Vietnam war, Working his way through school head. The barrage of small arms gun- and the last few conflicts. didn’t stop him from being an engaged fire and mortar rounds made it very It is also home to the largest His- member of the Aggie community. He clear that we were in harm’s way every panic population, percentagewise, in was senior class president, chaired the day. the country. It is essentially the new committee that set the first require- On this very day 36 years ago, a ter- Ellis Island of the United States. ments for seniors to earn the famous rorist affiliated with Hezbollah and fi- Congratulations to the city of Santa Aggie Ring, and was a member of the nanced by Iran drove a truck bomb Ana on their 150 years. Congratulations track and field team. into the barracks we called home. to their constituents and to the council He also knew what it meant to fight and to the mayor. 241 American servicemen were killed, for a man’s right to live free. He fought 220 of which were my fellow marines. f in the 38th Infantry of the 2nd Infantry 241 sons, brothers, fathers, and friends IMPEACHMENT INQUIRY BEHIND Division in World War II. He went on to never returned home. 241 came in CLOSED DOORS land on Omaha Beach during the inva- peace, and 241 lives were stolen from us sion of Normandy and, with his unit, he by an act of absolute pure evil. (Mr. WRIGHT asked and was given liberated the first city in France. It was the deadliest day for the Ma- permission to address the House for 1 Colonel Morris married his high rine Corps since the Battle of Iwo minute.) school sweetheart, and they were mar- Mr. WRIGHT. Mr. Speaker, my col- Jima. ried for 77 years. leagues on the other side of the aisle Colonel Morris celebrated his 109th It is by the grace of God that I was seem to think it is appropriate to con- birthday this August. When asked able to come home to my wife, Denise, duct an impeachment inquiry behind about the secret to living a long life, who was expecting our first child. My closed doors, shutting out the Amer- Colonel Morris said, ‘‘Do your best.’’ battalion had shipped out 10 days be- ican people. We could improve from adhering to fore the bombing. They have denied Republican Mem- such sage, simple advice. Mr. Speaker, today is not about me. bers of Congress the right to fully par- Colonel Morris, we thank you for People may not recognize the 241 ticipate in the inquiry process but ex- your service and for leading a life wor- names listed here, but they are the pect them to cast a vote to impeach a thy of example. May you rest in peace names of the 241 who answered the call duly elected President of the United now. God bless you, sir. of duty 36 years ago. States without seeing all the facts. In addition to all that, Democrats de- f Today is about those 241 soldiers, nied us the right to vote on a resolu- sailors, and marines who laid down HONORING THE 36TH ANNIVER- their lives to protect our freedoms, and tion to censure Chairman SCHIFF for SARY OF THE 241 MARINES LOST his deception of Americans day in and today is about every veteran who has IN BEIRUT, LEBANON nobly worn the uniform of our Armed day out. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under This morning, I joined dozens of my Forces. the Speaker’s announced policy of Jan- colleagues as we stormed into the SCIF On this somber day, I look out at the uary 3, 2019, the gentleman from Indi- demanding transparency, shedding flag flying above the U.S. Capitol and ana (Mr. PENCE) is recognized for 60 light on this corrupt process. Instead of feel the same reverence I felt standing minutes as the designee of the minor- having a conversation, Chairman below the Stars and Stripes on the roof ity leader. SCHIFF abruptly ended the deposition, of the Beirut barracks in 1983. Though taking the witness with him out of the GENERAL LEAVE I will never know exactly why I was room. Mr. PENCE. Mr. Speaker, I ask unan- spared when so many were not, I under- The Speaker of this House is putting imous consent that all Members may stand that our first duty is to remem- her hatred of the President above what have 5 legislative days in which to re- ber and be faithful. is best for her constituents. She is vise and extend their remarks and in- Mr. Speaker, three of my fellow ma- harming the entire Nation by con- clude extraneous materials on the rines, Representatives GALLAGHER, ducting this inquiry in such a manner. topic of my Special Order. CARBAJAL, and MOULTON, joined me to Mr. Speaker, enough is enough. We The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there offer legislation to remember the faith are better than this; our country is bet- objection to the request of the gen- and loyalty of the 241. ter than this; and the American people tleman from Indiana? Fellow marine, Representative There was no objection. certainly deserve better than this. GALLEGO, joined me to offer legislation They deserve better than an impeach- Mr. PENCE. Mr. Speaker, we are here to provide a sliver of justice for the ment inquiry in a secret room based on today to honor the 241 American heroes Gold Star families who lost their loved assertions of a phantom whistleblower. who made the ultimate sacrifice on ones. Our bill, the OORAH Act, passed this very day 36 years ago in Beirut, f both the House and Senate, and for Lebanon. that I am very grateful. TRIBUTE TO COLONEL TOM C. For my family and so many families, ‘‘IKE’’ MORRIS today is deeply emotional. But, Mr. Speaker, there is still work to be done here. Terrorists and those (Mr. ROY asked and was given per- When I enlisted in 1979 as a young who support them financially must be mission to address the House for 1 man, I wanted to serve and be part of held accountable for their terrible ac- minute.) something bigger. That led me to the Mr. ROY. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to United States Marine Corps and, like tions. pay tribute to a constituent of the 21st every marine, I took an oath to God, Mr. Speaker, I thank my colleagues Congressional District of Texas. This country, and to the Corps. for participating in this Special Order man was a hero, veteran, and the old- Semper fidelis is not just a slogan or to remember the sacrifice of those who est known graduate of Texas A&M Uni- a creed; it is a way of life that only answered the call of duty to defend our versity, the alma mater of my bride. those who have earned the eagle, globe, freedom in conflicts across the globe. His name was Colonel Tom C. ‘‘Ike’’ and anchor can fully understand. Sem- Mr. Speaker, I yield to the gentleman Morris. per fidelis is part of the very fabric of from Indiana (Mr. BAIRD), my fellow Colonel Morris passed away Sunday every marine, past and present. Hoosier and decorated Vietnam vet- in San Antonio at the age of 109 years I served as a first lieutenant in the eran. old, leaving behind a life and legacy all 3rd Battalion, 3rd Marines. In 1983, my Mr. BAIRD. Mr. Speaker, I thank the of us can only aspire to someday. battalion was ordered to Beirut, Leb- gentleman for yielding. VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:59 Oct 24, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00060 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K23OC7.116 H23OCPT1 October 23, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H8451 Mr. Speaker, I rise today to join my Mr. PENCE. Mr. Speaker, I yield to Sergeant Anthony K. Brown from De- colleague in remembering the 36th an- the gentleman from Michigan (Mr. troit niversary of the appalling terrorist at- BERGMAN), my friend, colleague, and Hospital Corpsman 2 Michael H. tack on American troops stationed in fellow marine. Johnson from Detroit Beirut, Lebanon, on October 23, 1983. Mr. BERGMAN. Mr. Speaker, I thank Sergeant Michael R. Massman from This horrific attack took the lives of my friend, colleague, and fellow ma- Port Huron 241 U.S. troops and injured countless rine, GREG PENCE, for the honor to Sergeant William H. Pollard from others. This incident marked the high- speak before this body tonight on such Flint est single-day death toll for the United a—you don’t call an occasion like this First Lieutenant William A. Zimmer- States Marine Corps since the Battle of important, but I think we call it rel- man from Grand Haven Iwo Jima.