The Parish of Saint Luke, Frodsham & St Cuthbert-by-the-Forest, Mouldsworth Diocese of Shrewsbury Reg. Charity No. 234025 LPA12 (RUNCORN & FRODSHAM) Parish Priest: Fr. James Kenny PARISH WEBSITE: Rev Deacon: Peter Lafferty PARISH e-mail:
[email protected] St Luke’s, 61 High St. Frodsham, Cheshire WA6 7AN PARISH CENTRE: 01928 733 127 Telephone: 01928 733127 School: 01244 259999 SCHOOL WEBSITE: St Cuthbert’s, Station Road, Mouldsworth, Cheshire CH3 8AJ Safeguarding Reps.: Victoria McNeill 07913 073575 (St Luke’s) & Steve Clapham 07971 648192 (St Cuthbert’s) THE SACRAMENT OF MERCY (CONFESSIONS): Saturday 5.00-5.45 pm BAPTISMS, CONFIRMATION, FIRST HOLY COMMUNION& MARRIAGES: Please contact Father James or the secretary Wednesdays or Fridays 10.00am-3.00pm. ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT: First Friday of the month 8:15am. MORNING PRAYER FROM THE DIVINE OFFICE: Weekdays (except Tuesdays) 9:15am, before Mass. Psalter Week III Sunday Cycle A THIRD SUNDAY OF LENT W/day Cycle II Day Feast Time Service Intention Sat 14th Evening Mass of the 5:15pm Exposition Sunday 6:00pm Mass John Reynolds (RIP, Ann.) Sun 15th 9:00am (SC) Mass Mary Robertson & Ronald Gold Third Sunday of Lent (RIP, Ann.) 11:00am Mass Parishioners’ Intentions Mon 16th Ferial 9:30am Mass Mike & Rita Robertshaw Int’s Tue 17th St Patrick, B Patron of 7:00pm Mass Vocations to the Priesthood Ireland Wed 18th Ferial 9:30am Mass Mary Hanrahan (RIP) Thurs 19th St Joseph, Husband of the 11:30am Lent Devotions Blessed Virgin Mary 12:00 Noon Mass Canon Christopher Dwyer (RIP) Fri 20th Ferial 9:30am Mass Tim & Susan Foley (RIP) & Family Intentions Sat 21st Evening Mass of the 5:15pm Stations of the Cross Sunday 6:00pm Mass Catherine Vaughan (RIP) Sun 22nd Fourth Sunday of Lent 9:00am (SC) Mass Cleary Family Intentions 11:00am Mass Parishioners’ Intentions “SC” – Saint Cuthbert’s REST IN PEACE: Please pray for the repose of the soul of Michael Scott of Manley who died recently.