Ashton Hayes and Horton cum Peel Parish Council candidates pen pictures

Lisa Allman

Lisa is married and has two teenage children. The family has lived in Ashton Hayes since 1997. Lisa is a Pharmacist and currently works for the NHS providing prescribing advice to four GP practices.

Lisa has been the Chair of Ashton Hayes & Community Shop Management committee since the group was formed to investigate and develop the idea of a community shop in Ashton Hayes in 2008.

Lisa has served as a Parish Councillor since 2010. Lisa has represented the Parish council on the Ashton Hayes Sports and Recreation Committee and in doing so has played an active part in organising the annual Village Summer Picnics.

Garry Charnock

I have lived in Ashton Hayes for 30 years and been on the PC for the last 10 years. In 1988, I co- founded a communications business with my wife Anne, which eventually employed over 40 local people. I am now a Director of the RSK Group, .

In 2005 I started the ‘Ashton Hayes Going Carbon Neutral Project’. This initiative has secured numerous benefits (over £500,000 worth) for the community including the new pavilion and its solar panels, plus solar panels that provide the primary school with free electricity. The footpath to Mouldsworth was also built to support our ‘carbon neutral’ aspirations.

I now sit on the DECC ‘Community Energy Contact Group’ which wrote the UK’s first Community Energy Strategy, published by the Government last year.

I believe in helping our community develop in sustainable ways that improve our well-being and protect our environment for future generations

Jane Colville

I moved to in 1975 and Ashton Hayes in the mid eighties . My training was in social work and I worked for what was then Cheshire County Council for some 35 years taking voluntary redundancy a year after the new Cheshire West and Council began.My family includes Martin ,my husband and Lauren , our daughter.

Having been born and raised in a rural area I feel comfortable in such a setting and value the beauty of the village and surrounding area . I also appreciate living in a community that generally looks out for others and is good at becoming involved in community initiatives . I have been on the Parish Council for around three years now and would like to continue to do so in order to help to ensure that the best interests of the community and all its members are served.

Barbara Craven

We have lived in the Woodside area for 50 years and I would like to give a voice to the parts of the parish outside the village. I was a founder member of the Ashton School PTA and the Village Hall Committee as well as being on the Scout Committee. Am a member of the PCC and a past churchwarden and am leading the project to reorder the church building so that it is suitable for use by the whole community. Served on two of the neighbourhood plan sub-committees concerning facilities and environment, produced the footpath survey and would like to be involved with the improvements needed. I feel strongly that we should protect the amenities available to us in this rural community for the benefit of all. I am a retired general practitioner and also worked at the Hospice of the Good Shepherd for 11 years.

Steve Davenport

Having joined the Parish council last year I have enjoyed being able to contribute to support and try to benefit the community. I hope to continue if I am re-elected to try to put the heart back into the village by actively supporting the alternatives of creating a venue for the community to be able to meet socially whist the Golden Lion is not open.

I am married with two adult sons and I feel I could bring many personal qualities to the position from my previous experiences. I was involved for a number of years with the USDAW union as a workers representative giving me a wealth of experience speaking and mediating on behalf of my co- workers. I have been involved in many years of football management and coaching with adult and children’s teams. I feel that both of these roles have given me invaluable experience in communicating with a diverse range of people. This is complemented in my everyday job as a self- employed barber, a profession which requires personable and listening skills.

Naomi Deynem

It is now over twenty years ago that I became a Parish Councillor and I should like to continue to represent not only the older generation in the village but all those who value the privilege of living in the relative tranquillity of the countryside. Acting as a coordinator of the Snow Angels and working occasional shifts in the Pavilion Café has given me the opportunity to meet many more members of our extremely supportive community, as did my time as Governor of our Primary School. I look forward to a future in which low-cost housing may be provided, when the Golden Lion may once again be a flourishing hub of our community but, above all, I hope that the village will retain its valued rural character.

Ian Dossett

Ian, Rosemary and their 2 grown up children moved to Ashton Hayes in October 2007, when they built a eco house next to Peel Hall.

Ian retired last summer from a career in Information Technology. He worked in roles from developing major projects to running IT departments. He has worked in large and small organisations including utilities, service organisations and central government. This background has given him a sound business understanding and extensive experience of dealing with people and organisations at all levels. The key theme of his career has been to bring about change effectively.

Over the last 18 months Ian has been leading the Environment team within the Ashton Hayes / Horton-cum-Peel Neighbourhood Planning.

One of the things Ian wants to do as a Parish Councillor is to help ensure the Neighbourhood Plan is delivered, and in a way which supports the evolving needs of the community.

Richard Kinsey

Richard who lives in Peel Hall and who farms locally and runs a race horse stables is away on holiday currently and has not been able to contribute to this exercise .

Dave Lee

I have lived in Ashton Hayes for over 20 years , I am married with four daughters who have all attended Ashton Hayes School.I have played football for Ashton FC and currently play for the vets team and am an active member of the committee.I currently run my own gardening business after taking redundancy from Astra Zeneca where I was a shift fitter and senior union steward.

I have been on the Parish Council for over 12 years. As a parish councillor I feel it is important to act upon the views and beliefs of the villagers.

My personal beliefs at present are ,

To reinstate the village pub or seek an alternative .

Improve the public transport in the village .

Maintain and promote usage of the village recreational field.

David Rounthwaite

I came to live in Ashton Hayes with my wife and two sons thirty years ago. My career, before and during our time here, involved a range of sales and marketing roles within ICI, and subsequently INEOS Chlor.

Over the years I have served on the Ashton Hayes Primary School PTA and the Scouts Committee. I am presently chairman of the Ashton Allotment Association.

I support the Community Shop, the Sports and Recreation Association, the Community Energy CIC and am a member of the Gardening Club.

My interests include DIY, gardening and more recently beekeeping, as well as a range of outdoor pursuits.

Having retired last year, I feel that serving on the Parish Council will be a positive way of putting something back into the community.

Trevor Scadeng

I have lived in Ashton Hayes for over 20 years and have been involved in several aspects of village life. On arrival I took over as chairman of the Scouts and Cubs committee and our team raised a good deal of funds through different functions for some 8 years.For a number of years whilst on the committee I helped raise money for the cricket club through barbeques and a black tie dinner.

I have been involved with the shop from it’s inception and am still involved on the committee and as a volunteer. As chairman of the Garden club for over 12 years I have enjoyed learning and socializing with some great people. Over the past 15 years I have served on our Parish council and I hope that I have contributed to the enhancement of the village for all to benefit. I have always believed that we should put something back into the society in which we live and I believe I have achieved this objective. I wish to continue and would ask that you vote me

David Wilson

I moved to Ashton Hayes with my family in 1989.

When I retired early from my position as Financial Manager in 2009 I was approached to help with many activities within the village, which I currently enjoy.

I have been a Parish Councillor for the last 3 years until the recent purdah resulting from the boundary changes. As a Local Authority Governor at Ashton Hayes Primary School I chair the Finance and Administration Committee, visiting weekly to hear children read and help out where I can. I am a shop volunteer working on the till and until recently sorting the papers on a Saturday morning. I attend regular meetings of the Ashton Hayes Community Energy C.I.C. where I am the Treasurer. I also volunteer as a Snow Angel.

For recreation I play badminton and golf as often as time permits.