Another successful year both on and off the field for the mighty bears. We fielded 17 teams this season: - 2 x Under 6 - 5 x Under 8 - 2 x Under 9 - 2 x Under 10 - Under 11 - Under 12 - Under 13 - Under 14 - Under 15/16 - Under 17

The Under 14 (Jindalee), 15/16 (Wests Juniors) and 17’s (Jindalee) teams were combined sides. This enabled our players to continue to play with their mates while also making new friends, all three were hugely successful. The Under 12’s and Under 14’s played their grand final yesterday, we are hoping for two flags. A huge thank you to all Coaches, Assistant Coaches, Managers and parents/siblings that help out on game day. Without you volunteering we could not play games. I would also like to thank our 3 umpires, Mitch Lake, Max Chambers and Aaron Luhrs, along with Keely Luhrs for the fantastic Friday night food. As I travel to most clubs it was interesting to hear positive feedback on Friday food from all opposition clubs. Next year we are planning on fielding teams in all age groups, under 6 to 17 again plus all girls’ teams in under 11, 13 and 15. Make sure you keep looking at our Facebook and web site for updates in the off season. Off the field we got a new grandstand, play-ground and shed continuing the great work of the committee.


It’s been a long year for some of the youngest members of our club starting way back in early March with AFL Auskick. We had a record number of participants (over 50 boys & girls) for the 6 week program and was capped off in style by our “Presentation Night” thanks to our local NAB Branch at Kenmore whom not just donated $500 towards a free barbeque and jumping castle, but also provided gifts to all our boys and girls as well as numerous staff on the night to run and supervise the evening. A very big thankyou goes out to all the staff at the Kenmore NAB and in particular the Branch Manager Samantha Beveridge for their involvement and contribution.

As a subsequent lead in to our U6 AFL program, 16 of our lucky Auskickers got the opportunity to play on at half time of the v game back on Sunday the 26th of April. While our local Brisbane Lions were unable to match their opposing team from the west, our boys had a fantastic experience and one in which they would not forget for some time.

Following on from Auskick a good proportion of our boys and girls transitioned into U6’s which continued again on Friday nights with a similar focus towards skill development, some short games on our newly marked out field while never departing from the overall theme of having some fun and enjoyment. In addition to our Friday nights, mid-season we introduced the opportunity for our U6’s to play more formal games on a Saturday morning as the Kenmore Blue Lions & Kenmore Gold Suns. While most games were held at Kenmore and played between each other, we did have the opportunity to play our teams on one occasion against two U6 Yeronga teams. See the below photo of all our boys whom participated. Thank you to all those Auskick and U6 parents/guardians for enabling your boys or girls to participate throughout the year and hope your combined experiences at our club have been a positive one and one that will continue long into the future. Finally the biggest thankyou of all goes to our two Auskick and U6 coaches, Jacob and Dakota. Without their involvement it would have been extremely difficult to get both programs up and running and not have been the success it has. Thanks again.


As Coach and on behalf of our Team Manager Scott, we couldn't be happier with the way the season has progressed throughout the year and the enthusiasm and improvements the team have made as both individuals and as a group. Our aim this year has been to have fun but at the same time focus on skill development and the introduction of some basic AFL game concepts under the heading of Team Rules. These team rules have been gradually introduced and included, “Staying on Your Feet”, “Running to Space”, “Manning Up”, “Compete Hard for the Ball” and “Looking Up to Pass to Team Mates”.

All the boys to their credit continued to improve from one week to the next highlighted in particular by the way in which our team played over their last few games. The boys and parents have been a great group to work with this year and a very big thanks in particular goes out to all the parents for their assistance and support throughout the year, hope to see you all back again next year.


What a fantastic season 2015 was for the girls, boys and parents of U8 Green. The improvement in play from the start of the season until the end was enormous and the kids should be so proud of themselves. We had 6 players who had played U8 last season and 4 younger ones, which was an excellent balance with the older boys really prepared to help their younger teammates get involved in the game.

We started the season with a real focus on accountability, i.e. marking your opponent and making it difficult for them to get possession. We learned that you don’t guard the goals, you stop the other team getting the ball as they can’t score goals if they can’t get the ball. The kids really bought into that early in the season, but it wasn’t until we were dominated by one of the other Kenmore teams in about week 6 that they realised what it was all about.

As the season went on we focussed on getting the ball first. The reasoning is that the other team wants the ball too, so you need to make sure you get the ball before they do. This gives us a chance to score more goals which we all love doing...sometimes too much.

One area we haven’t quite mastered yet is not diving on the ball, which goes against the natural instincts of most of the kids and is something that we will need to focus on next season. Once we started getting the ball we started to look at sharing it better and leading into space. There were some fantastic end to end passages of play as the season went on with players running to space and running onto the ball. We constantly worked on basic skills of kicking, hand balling and marking as well as playing our favourite games Across the Ocean, Stuck in the Mud and Bomb the Coach. But I think everybody’s favourite was using the Spekky bag. Here is a little about all the players:

Alec Bethel: Alec is a skilful player with a real eye for goal so much so that he didn’t miss one shot during the kick-a-thon. He is a strong mark on his chest and overhead and is really good at listening and following instructions. As he grows he will get better at winning his own ball and continue to develop into a great youth player.

Josh Broderick: Poor Josh missed the start of the season with broken arm, but once he got his confidence back got going really well. He has a really big kick and has started to get the “mad dog” instinct to win his own ball. Josh kicked seven goals in a game against Jindalee at the end of the season. In the off season he is going to work with his Dad on dropping the ball correctly so his kicks spin like a drop punt.

Harley Carruthers: Harley became affectionately known as “Nugget” and that is exactly how he plays. He is as hard as nails and loves the rough stuff, even with his team mates at training. His kicking has really improved and he knows how to win the ball. Prone to the odd lapse in concentration Harley will improve greatly with age and experience.

Alexandra Cutler: Alex is such a pleasure to have around, she is always smiling and well mannered. She seemed to really love playing footy and always tried so hard. It was really exciting for all of the team when Alex kicked her first goal late in the season. Hopefully she keeps going with footy as she is able to win the ball herself, which is a natural talent.

Joe Goudie: Joe is fantastic boy to have in the group, he is always happy with a little cheeky streak. He has fantastic skills for a seven year old and is really good at reading the play and involving his team mates. Joe watches a lot of footy and it shows in the way he plays. He has flair and confidence and takes fantastic overhead marks, both one and two handed. But Joey, sometimes it’s better to kick a drop punt rather than a grubber, snap or banana. Isabella Middleton: Issy is such a great girl who has footy in her blood. Sometimes I got the impression that there were places that Issy would rather be like having a sit down on the spekky bag or getting a drink. She is always the first to volunteer to sit on the bench if we had too many players, but when she did get the ball was a great kick. Hopefully she keeps playing as she will really improve with age.

George Murphy: Although this is the first time I have coached George I have seen him play since U6s and can see that he is going to be a great footballer. He is very good at getting in and under, is fast on his feet and has excellent hands. The way he plays reminds me of Dane Swan without all the tattoos. I’m sure he’ll keep getting better and will be really well suited to the limited tacking next year.

Lachlan Ogle: Lachlan’s season went from good to better. He always had a big kick and good hands, but once he started to take the game on and run forward with the ball he took his game to another level. In defence the ball rarely gets past him either on the ground or in the air, he is strong around goals and has a real desire to win the hard ball. Some work on his drop punts will really get him ready for U9.

Clayton Reid: Clayton always has smile on face and seems to enjoy his footy. He is really good at ready the play and has strong hands in marking contests. He has a booming left foot, but is prepared to kick with his right foot too. With time he will get better at winning the ball on the ground. Clayton is well and truly ready for U9s.

Jarvis Warr: I may be a little biased, but Jarvis is great little player. He is fast, has good hands and great left foot. He is one of the fortunate players who seems to have time with ball, which is because he reads the play very well. He watches a lot of footy and is always practising which is why is he keeps improving.

Many thanks to Chantal Cutler for being Manager this season, Matt Goudie for making the banner and filling in when Chantal was unavailable and to all the parents for helping with washing Guernseys, supplying fruit (the most important part of the game), helping with training and doing their time in the canteen when asked. We hope to see you all back again next year.

Chris Warr


What a good solid season of football we had in Under 8’s Blue. Our season began with a few players returning to the under 8’s, dusting off those footy skills learned in the prior season. We also had a number of new players who were trying out footy for the first time.

The first task was to focus on our kicking and marking the ball. In those early games the game plan was as simple as just getting the ball moving forward one kick at a time. This lead to a mad scramble once the ball landed after a kick. The team did well but there was lots of catching up to do with the other teams who seemed to have the benefit of prior footy experiences and knowing how each other played.

Next we introduced a focus on standing on the mark and putting pressure on the opposition when the opposition was moving the ball to their forward line. Over the next few months the team improved their skills in picking up the ball, kicking directly to each other, and of course using a handball which really opened up the play and brought in other players in the ream.

This produced better results. The team started to understand each other’s strengths, who was the best mark, who was good at running the ball, and who could kick the long ball.

By the season’s end we had the team picking the ball up under pressure and on the run, handling to each other to move the ball quickly forward, marking most of the balls, and fighting for the ball on the ground making a really good contest with the opposition. A few players were emerging as our specialist goal kickers, others were developing as good midfielders to get position in the centre, whilst some were resolute in defence in the backline.

In summary, the team significantly improved their footy skills by seasons end and learned to use each other in general play. All of the players showed significant improvement and all enjoyed their time at training and playing on those sometimes cold Saturday mornings.

Thanks goes to the mums and Dad’s for washing the bibs, cutting up oranges, being time keepers and goal umpires.

Thanks also goes to the coaches (Quentin, Jeff, and Ron) and their manager (Tiffany) for organising the games.

And lastly thanks to the umpires (Max and Mitch) for showing patience with the players and comments that developed their skills.


Kenmore under 8 red’s came together in the early part of May and the boys had a range of skills, ability and confidence. I am very proud to say in the second half of the season all the boys were playing with high confidence and with much improved overall skills. They also respected each other, opposition and umpires. Coaching this team was made easy due to their enthusiasm towards the game and also having fun together. I would like to congratulate all of the boys on an enjoyable season and wish them the best of luck in their future playing careers. Angus Benjamin - Angus improved all of his skills throughout the season. His confidence allowed him to become an effective player in all positions. Asher Brownrigg - Asher’s skills have improved greatly, he is also enthusiastic, competitive and an important member of the team. Hunter Bruce - Hunter is courageous in defence and always respectful of the opposition. He also worked hard on being the best player he could be. William Howard - A consistent player who played well in all positions, by the end of the season his snap kicks reminded me of Stevie J. Zac Palmer - Zac has a very high standard of skills his willingness to learn made him a pleasure to coach. Henry Slatter - Henry is a great competitor. He always gave his best during Saturday matches and practice. Samuel Slatter - Sam is a very skilful player who has a keen eye for goal. He always practices hard and is willing to learn. Inu Watt - A caring and thoughtful member of the team. Inu’s enthusiasm is infectious. Inu never gave up on learning or playing the game, a true champion. Jake Weatherly - A great team player who always has a smile on his face. Every quality team needs a person like Jake. UNDER 9 GOLD

As a team the under 9 gold boys seemed to have a great year all round with a few more rules coming into the game for them this year. They really enjoyed the tackling part of the game and tackled really well each game. As the season progressed all the boys improved greatly and really enjoyed their footy.

The improvement in skills has really shown and I have had pleasure in seeing these young boys gain confidence as footy players throughout the year as well as seeing better skills for all of them.

Luke Abercombie - one of the smaller players who enjoyed training and playing and great asset to the team

Simon Aylwood - always full of energy with great pace on the field. Simon improved every week

Noah Brownrigg - another little guy who always got plenty of ball and positioned himself well all year

Seth Caruthers - Seth tackled well and managed to get many kicks and handballs each week

Brayden Cox - was consistent all year round with great kicking and reading the ball

Caiden Jones - loves his footy and was able to get plenty of kicks all year, he played consistently every game

Ryan Leben-Walker - Ryan improved greatly throughout the year and was a pleasure to have him in the team

Tarrant Mclean - Tarrant improved every week and was able to find a Kenmore player with his kicks an handballs

Oliver Odgers - was consistent all year getting a lot of ball he marked well and had some great runs with the footy

James Reichmann - one of the taller guys in the team and used this to his advantage throughout the year

Hayden Riley - improved immensely as the season went on getting kicks every week

Thomas Ruddell - Thomas played well every week, was great in defence and always got plenty of ball

A big thank you to Kenny Mclean for all the work he did as manager this year and all the parents who helped out with fruit, goals, time keeping etc throughout the year. Also a thank you to the young umpires who did a marvellous job each week. I enjoyed coaching these young boys and hope to see everyone down again next year to support the mighty Kenmore Bears.


“Everywhere we go….. …..MIGHTY MIGHT MIGHTY MIGHTY KENMORE!!!”

2015 - what a year!

If you follow the AFL and Kenmore Green under 9s you’re going to get just about every facet of life thrown at you! Last year was a “Nirvana” season - if you could bottle 2014 and sell it, Gina Rinehart would look like a rock collector!! This year every team and their dog (Dutchy included) had a chance and it just goes to show that if you’re slightly off your game (thanks very much Channel Nine and the Ashes…) you’re singing your song for the practice (and by the way Jack, because I didn't invest in some ear plugs, I AM "bloody deaf"!)

A review of the season has highlighted just how well we did considering what came our way. We lost a key player in Daniel to a neck injury mid-way through the season and Lars and Zac were playing up all year against some settled quality opponents. To play up, against much bigger kids and impact on a game says volumes for character and skill. Cheers boys!

I need to make mention of two outstanding new prospects Finn and Oscar, both boys came from Rugby backgrounds with few AFL skills, but their tenacity with the ball and their willingness to listen when getting coached is a credit to their character and to their parents. Welcome to the “only” game boys!

This year was also much different than all the others in terms of getting used to the extra physicality of tackling and next year with the introduction of a few different training drills I hope we see that part of our game on the improve.

Like last year there were so many highlights it's hard to remember them all but there are always a couple that stick in your mind. Everybody knows about the “banana”, the “checkside” and the “dribble”, but we've got a new skill and it's called "kick it to the curb". If anyone wants extra skills training talk to Blake "hungry" Robinson!!

Seb "cuts like a knife" Mc Cormack’s work in the last game against top placed Jindalee nearly got us over a very physical and skilled team. That game was brutal!! From both sides I don't know if I’ve seen that many tears during a game! (except when Carl and I have been watching Carlton this year).

“Browny” (another one of the true “Blue” believers) had another solid year, with bursting out of the pack and kicking goals a feature of his game this year.

Elijah also had another solid year in the middle and forward line with his shut down role and general defensive work earning him the “flying doormat” award (if we had one!).

Our other newcomers to the team "Dynamic Dave" with his run and carry was his standout feature of the season, with many a scorching run to set up team mates or kicking for goal along with Jack “the machine” Riddell’s determination around the ground was inspiring. I don't know how many times Jack set up a play with his ferocious tackling - a true team player.

Without a doubt "Krusher Keaton" had the cleanest hands in the team up until the last couple of games - he didn’t miss a team mate with his pop up handballs and the amount of times he set up an outside run and score was great.

Daniel “the danger man” Ebzery (before he was injured) showed time and again his ability to read the play and take a pack mark or kick a goal – he was sorely missed.

In closing I would like to say that I am very pleased with how we played the year out and after a short time (not right now) I'll be wondering when preseason will start!! Thank you to Geoff (team manager) and Carl (assistant coach) once again for your support.

Without a doubt you have made your Mothers (and Fathers) proud!!

Cheers boys and see you next year. Coach Lofty.


My U10s team came into the 2015 season full of enthusiasm and raring to go at the first training. After a few strong training sessions we were looking forward to our first game, but unfortunately it was a wash out. Finally game day arrived the following week and it was like we hadn’t had an off season. The boys skills and intensity at the ball really showed us that they were ready for a big season!!! Halfway through the season the boys basic skills of handballing, kicking and marking were up to a very good standard. Our last half of the season was fantastic. The next level of skills were starting to show with the boys starting to lead into positions, talking a lot more out on the field, hitting each other on the chest with their drop punts and getting in around the packs. We were surprising ourselves up against the stronger clubs and getting great results. The boys are well and truly into the spirit of this great game and are getting really comfortable around each other, which helps to build a fun, strong team. Some of the boys and I have been together for 3 seasons now and we have formed a great relationship. Anyone who knows me knows how passionate I am about AFL and how much I love coaching my team. I can’t tell you how proud I am of them. It’s awesome to see them out there having a great time each week and to see how far they have come in the 3 years I have been coaching them. All the boys are looking forward to a step up next year and building another strong team for this great club. To all the parents that help out each week-thank you, thank you, thank you!!! GO BEARS!!!!!!!!!!!!’

TOM GRAETZ- Tom has a great understanding of AFL and has improved so much this season. His willingness to listen and learn is really showing in his game. Fantastic ruckman and leader around the centre bounces.

JED HOOPER-Jed has had a great season and has been our most consistent player all year. His ability to read the play is outstanding and is ready for a step up next year.

BEN FIGALLO-Ben has been a strong player for the bears this year. His strength to break tackles and his use of explosive pace is great to see.

MITCH HOBBIS-Mitch has had a solid year, especially down back where he uses his full body strength and strong hands to clear the ball in defence. Also very handy up forward.

HARRY BAXTER-Harry has learnt a lot this year and it showed in his last few games. He was more willing to get in and go for the ball.

HAMISH CHALMERS-Hamish is our best leader and listener. He is a very smart footballer and has great skills. One of our most consistent players in all positions.

ELLIOT LOADER-CHOWN-Elliot always tries hard for his team. His skills have improved over the year.

GIAN DE STEFANI- Gian has improved a lot through the season with all of his skills. He has the ability to break the pack open with his pace.

COOPER ADAMS-Cooper has been fantastic in defence this year. His tackling is a real strength of his. He is ready for U11s next year.

CAMPBELL LOADER-CHOWN-Campbell has improved with all his skills this year. His kicking and handballing especially.

HUGO BOWMAN-Hugo has improved so much this year. His strength in the midfield has been great and his skills all-round have come a long way.

XAVIER DE STEFANI-Xavier came into our team halfway through the season and has made a great contribution. Has a knack for being in the right spot at the right time to snag a few goals. UNDER 10 GREEN

Ben Murphy – Ben has had a sensational season this year. His sheer determination consistently has Ben positioned where he needs to be and he has scored some of the highest possessions throughout the year. Ben has been prolific goal scorer and a very dependable player. At the end of every game you know Ben has put his heart and soul into the game. Ben’s old man had better watch out as he will be soon taking Dad’s position in the seniors. Well done Ben and we are looking forward to watching your development through next season. Declan – Declan has been one of the most courageous players on the field throughout the year. This was clear during the last game vs Ipswich where Declan picked the largest player in the entire under 10 competition and marked him as if he was in the last quarter of the AFL Grand final. The only thing that could slow Declan down was a head clash with Ben Murphy which resulted in a trip to the hospital for concussion. Declan consistently placed his body on the line with tenacious tackling, running and defending. Because of his passion for competition he always sings the club song the loudest and proudest at the end of each game. Hudson – Hudson started the year a little timid and would stand off from the play. By the end of the season, Hudson was into the play and contributed to the team with fierce tackling. Hudson’s kicking improved dramatically and during the year and he contributed to the team score. Hudson would even shrug off injuries he received both before and during the game to soldier on and supported his team mates well in and around the play. Jack – Jack started the year a little shy of the ball but throughout the season, his confidence grew. He was getting in and around the play by grappling for the ball with opponents and providing support to team mates around the play. He has been a consistent, quiet achiever whose skills have steadily improved through the year. Jai – Jai has shown he is fantastic in and around the ruck which has improved throughout the year. His acceleration and speed has proven to be an attribute to the team whenever the ball is within reach. Jai would consistently use his handball skills to pass off to teammates opening up play. At times during the year Jai would pass off to his teammates to make sure all were part of the game. Jai is starting to read the play and position himself better. We look forward to watching Jai’s development through the break and into next season. Josh – Josh has been a very consistent player throughout the year and worked very well with his twin brother Sean and other team mates. Josh was consistently involved in the play by using his great ability to off load the ball in pressure situations. His competent kicking and marking skills developed throughout the season Sean – Sean would consistently run rings around all players who were in his zone and often it would take two or three opposition players marking Sean to slow him down. He always made a big difference to the team results with his consistent marking and disposal skills, competent goal kicking and tackling tenacity. Sean was a consistently high performing member of the team and we are looking forward to following his development in the future.

Oliver – Ollie’s handballs are a weapon and probably the hardest and most accurate on the team, (clearly this is not a skill he picked up from his old man). Ollie consistently uses every trick in the book to make sure he takes his opponent down. At the end of each training and game you would see that Ollie has expelled every last ounce of effort available in giving his best, consistent effort. Oliver consistently and reliably rucked the ball making efficient use of his height during games all year. . Kaden – Kaden has proven throughout the year he is a force to be reckoned with. He would skilfully drop the ball onto his left boot with the grace of a professional AFL player. He would duck and weave around the opposition to give himself suitable room for the right disposal. At times, during the half time break, you would see Kaden physically exhausted as a result of his consistent effort. Kaden is a valuable member of the team and a player to watch in the next few years. Quinn consistently contributed to each game this season with frequent marking, running for the ball and kicking to team mates. He continued to work with team mates around the play by handballing and crumbing for the loose ball. Quinn rucked the ball with opponents always looking to give the hardest tap. We look forward to seeing Quinn continue to be a valued team member next season. - Rutger – Rutger consistently developed competent ball skills throughout the year. He is a reliable player who would get stuck into the rough and tumble of the play. His confidence grew in marking and handballing whilst fighting for the ball in and around the play. His rate of disposal remained consistent and during the season this showed him as a valuable member of the team. Nathan – Nathan’s skills have consistently improved throughout the year. As his skills developed his ability to kick strong and straight became more evident. He even impressed everyone with his kicking ability and handballing to team mates. He quietly contributed to the team by supporting his team mates around the play.


We welcomed some new players to the U11’s this year. Sam, Cody and George joined established Bears players Ben, Zander, Ethan, James, Aaron, Hayden S, Aidan T, Jay, Henry, Thom and Aidan L for what shaped up to be a great season. The boys looked forward to some rule changes such as being able to like their AFL idols, play on a bigger ground without zones and have runners bring water to them on the ground. Needless to say the coaches enjoyed the fact that there are no coloured wrist bands anymore! At training and in the game the boys supported each other and were always inclusive. We have a team of different skill levels but irrespective of that everyone helped out each other. Not once did they exclude any of their team mates and they always rallied around each other. The boys were always keen to get involved with team and tactic discussions at training (sometimes they were too keen and the push up rule was invoked!).They all understood what was required, lead in the forward line, spread out and stick to your player in the backline. A special thanks goes out to Ben, Jed and Mitch who we needed to call on from time to time to play up from U10’s when we struggles for numbers. Thanks go to Geoff for helping me with coaching duties both on game day and during training. Last but not least to Lane who tirelessly works behind the scenes to ensure everything runs smoothly on game dame. The manager role is far more time consuming than that of the coaches and Lane did a great job. On behalf of myself, Geoff and Lane I would also like to thank all the parents who pitched in at training, took the boys to the games, helped cook the BBQ, ran the water, waved the goal flags and helped to raise money for the club this year. As a community based club your support is invaluable. See you all next year! Andrew Treacy

Aidan Lau - With a penetrating kick Aidan has developed into an exciting player. Aidan always put his head over the ball and seems to have found his niche in the midfield. Explosive out of the packs he will be remembered this season for constantly backing into a pack to take a great mark.

Aaron Tonkes - Aaron must have been hitting the gym in the pre-season as he returned this year bigger and stronger. A terrific set of hands he uses his strength well in packs and has a great ability to find a handball target when under pressure.

Aidan Treacy - 50 games milestone this year. An “old style” forward Aidan excelled this year as a key forward. With a big right boot he can hit a target on a lead or kick a goal from 25 out. Aidan has a good understanding of the game and reads the play well.

George Bowman - Eligible to plays U11 and in need of a tall ruckman the call went out to George (who plays U12) to help us out this year. George was great around stoppages and was a pinch hitter in the ruck. It was great to have his experience in the team. Unfortunately appendix surgery cut short his season.

James Donaghy - You know something is going to happen when James gets the ball. Not afraid to put his body on the line he is one of the best at breaking tackles. Always takes the opposition on and most of the time you will see him streak away ball in hand.

Jay Daley - 50 game milestone this year. Jay is a typical in and under player. A great runner with a big tank he can play in any position. Jay can take a great overhead mark and is not afraid to put his head over the ball. You can guarantee that Jay will keep chasing and running until the siren goes.

Hayden Smith - Another lighting quick player Hayden’s kicking skills have improved immensely this season. He works hard and has enjoyed success in the backline utilising his pace to clear the ball out of the danger zone. A great player with a great kick on the run.

Sam Tooth - A first year player with the Bears you could see Sam’s confidence grow every week. Sam reads the play well, is a great “team man” and was always asking questions of the coaches. His first game was a cracker earning him player of the week.

Cody Tallis - Cody had a great first season with the Bears. You wouldn’t have known this was his first year. Naturally athletic Cody just runs and runs and his clearance work was second to none. You’ll always find Cody practicing his “dribble kicks” at training.

Henry Spry - 50 game milestone this year. Another one of the senior members Henry has excelled this year. A hard worker around the packs he reads the play well and always seems to be on the end of a handball. Not afraid to run he has the confidence to take on his opposition player. Has a great kick on him.

Ethan Hobbis - Ethan has been a valued member of the team this year. His height dictates that he’ll always get the tap down to his teammates from the ruck contest. He’s a natural runner with great fitness. Remembered this year for a quick fire 2 goals last quarter getting the Bears over the line.

Ben Deeth – In his second season Ben is already an “old hand”. He has a deadly accurate kick on him and reads the play well. Ben has a great leap on him and likes to fly and take a “speccy”. Ben always seems to be a shoe in for mark of the year.

Sarnavan Kamalananthasarma - Sarnavan has proved himself to be a great team man. Always keen on feedback from the coach to improve his game he always works hard. Sarnavan has laid some great tackles this season, particularly in defence denying the opposition team any scoring opportunities.

Thomas Bosscher - Thom has taken his game to another level this year. Thom can always be relied upon to negate any of his opposition players by sticking close to them and shutting them down. Quick across the ground he has a penetrating kick on him. Loves to kick a sausage.

Zander James - Zander has developed into a great player this season. His kicking has improved immensely during the season and he works hard around the ground. Zander has taken some great overhead marks this season.


What a great year for the Under 12 team with all the boys learning from the highs and lows of the season. After a tough start to the year we built throughout the year to play some really good footy. With most players returning from last year we also welcomed to the club Maxx Bacon, Cooper Perkins, Jai Dekker, Rory Marsden and Xavier McKay (welcome back) to the club and the boys were quick to adapt and contribute to the team. Once again the boys passion for their footy was evident throughout the year and they worked hard at improving their skills.

Unfortunately we had some major injuries during the year with Rory damaging his ACL and Zac breaking his ankle. Both boys have shown amazing strength of character to work through these injuries and should be really proud of themselves. We missed the boys on the field however, these type of circumstances remind us all the relationships we make at footy are bigger than win and losing. We wish both the boys all the best in their recovery.

Once again l would like to say a huge thanks to Mel Fortescue (team manager), Cam Buchanan (assist coach), and Julian Smith (runner) for all their help during the year. All the support team are quality people that are great role models for the boys and their help each week is much appreciated by all the parents in the group.

Also thanks to all the parents for their help throughout the year, we are a very lucky group to have so many people willing to help without fuss every week. This type of support makes the year so much more enjoyable for everyone involved.

A big thanks to all the boys for their efforts during the year. I have been really proud to coach this team over the last 6 years (cannot believe it’s been 6 years) as they are a great bunch of boys who enjoy each other’s company and have a natural team first attitude. The way they go about their footy and the sportsmanship displayed is a credit to them.

The Players

Isaac- Another great years from Isaac. Reliable defender that is rarely beaten one on one and plays a team based game.

Will B – Will rucked for large parts of the year and despite being undersized provided a great contest and used his pace to his advantage. When moved forward he worked hard and brought his team mates into the game with handball.

Eli- Has great natural speed and can get himself into space in the blink of an eye. Played forward more this year and his pressure once the ball hit the ground provided turn overs and goals for the team.

Zac- Unfortunately got injured in the back half of the season. Prior to injury Zac trained hard to improve his skills and his kicking efficiency started to improve.

Aidan- Dangerous around the goals and kicked a number of important goals during the year. Uses his speed to pressure defenders and provides a good lead up option in the forward line.

George- Another that suffered due to injury and missed a large part of the second half. Always battled hard and provided up first use of the ball when he played in the ruck.

Froggie- Contested ball winner who played his best footy in the centre this year. Froggie worked back hard in defence and created options linking the backline and forwards.

Lachlan W – Played CHF all year and worked hard for the team to provide a leading option. Difficult position as a junior but never gave up and kick some good running goals.

Ben Walter- Another one of our ultra-consistent back 6. Played team role and had very few goals kicked against him as he concentrated for 4 quarters of footy.

Cooper Perkins- Dangerous crumber who kicked some important goals throughout the year. Coop worked hard on his kicking throughout the year and made significant improvements to add another dimension to his game.

Dylan Eberton- Gives enormous effort each week and always trains with high intensity. Good at winning contested ball Dylan looks to bring others into the game with his ball use and plays an accountable game style.

Jai Dekker- Pleasure to coach and had an ultra-consistent year playing multiple positions from forward, mid and backline. Works hard during games and is dangerous when in broken plays through the middle of the ground.

Jared Alexander- Second year of footy and made significant improvements in his game awareness and skills. Got to the right spots to receive and used the ball better and better as the year progressed.

Lachlan S- Settled into the forward pocket in the second half of the year and kicked a couple of good running goals. Great to see Lachlan leading up at the ball and provide the team a good target in the forward line.

Zoshi- Beautiful kick of the ball with good balance that provided the team with some good attacking plays from the midfield. Worked hard at his contested ball ability which made Zoshi more dangerous as the year progressed.

Maxx Bacon- Sizzle is a great athlete that is very hard to stop when in open space. Another good kick that can provide attack from anywhere on the ground.

Patty- Solid as a rock in defence. Patty had a really good year and made a great contribution to the team by locking down on opponents and conceding very few goals.

Rory- Unfortunately Rory ruptured his ACL mid-way through the season. Rory is very agile for a big player and we certainly missed his presence when out of the team.

Will G- Our focal point up forward. Will lead to the right spots and forced a contest for the crumbers to kick goals and took his chance when kicking for goal.

Will R- Will was very versatile throughout the year and played up forward and down back. A good listener Will got to the right spots and provide a contest for the team.

Xavier- Although he loves a goal Xavier played a very important role for us at full back. His willingness to play down back and provide a good balance of both defence and attack we a big part of our success through the year.

Myles- Started play for us in the last 6 games to help with cover injuries and was such a great fit for the team. Fantastic work rate and skills for a big man and always got to the right spots to help his team mates.

Caleb- Another that helped out due to injuries and once again a great fit for the team. Wins his own ball and always provides a contest.

This report has been written prior to the Grand Final so an outcome for the season is not possible however, win or lose this year has been a big success for all the boys measured by the enjoyment and development throughout the year, well done to all.

Hope to see the boys back in 2016


While our end position on the ladder may not have reflected a good season, I believe it was. We had a group of 19 young people who when-ever they could, put on the jersey. We did not forfeit any game and only played with 17 on the field for a quarter. That is an amazing effort and testament to such a fantastic group of young adults. From a club’s perspective we had Under 11’s Jack Spry and Cody Tallis who helped us along with a number of the Under 12’s – thank you. On to the 19, I was very happy to be coaching a group that I had watched for a number of years. My objectives were to provide a fun environment and grow the group as people and improve their football. I think we achieved that, illustrated by the turn up at training and how we fared on game day. We changed how we played, which, when it clicked, meant we played some very, very good football. In fact the Coaches of 1st and 2nd said that we played some of the best footie they saw in the year from anyone. Unfortunately we weren’t consistent (neither are AFL teams) and we missed key players in some key games that cost a final’s spot. It has however meant that the foundations have been set, the group know how to play a different modern style and also more importantly have learnt more than one position, another very important learning in their development.

The Group

Alex Price-Powell – Alex improved greatly this year and grew in confidence. His attack on the football a real feature along with his kicking proved a real bonus down back. He saved countless goals without even realising and seemed to thrive ending up on a back flank. One of the big improvers. Nathan McMultrie – Macca played everywhere man. Half back, back pocket, wing, up forward with down back being his best spot. Macca has great skills by foot and great vision and balance and an ability to create which appears to be natural. Charlie McCellend – Charlie had a great year at full back, to be one of the best in the Comp. Charlie (Mister laid back) seemed to take on more responsibility which in turn meant he drove himself harder. His marking, mobility and second efforts improved incredibly, He ended the season swapping in the ruck and thrived on the challenge. Great season. Isaac Barwick – Isaac will do anything I asked him to do, except yell loudly for the ball! Isaac was another big improver who’s kicking and marking made him one of our solid back man. A real improver this year. Ash Wells – Cracker, he is either cracking himself up at training or others. A great young man who has great kicking skills and running ability, showing what he can do on a number of occasions getting us to switch the ball to space to him running wide normally ending up as a goal. Good potential. Dylan Palmer – Dylan’s first year of Aussie Rules and he took to it like a natural. He was like a ball magnet and has an ability to get out of congestion with ease. He thrived on a wing and showed heaps of potential with his ability to get the ball and athleticism. A good future. Zac McNamee – Zac joined us this year and fitted in well, He is very hard at the footie and has a great awareness of the game and became one of our key players having a great season in the middle. Zac has all the skills to go on and be a success in the game. Jaiden Tallis – Jaiden has great balance and skills and uses the ball very well. Jaiden was one of the leaders at training and worked very hard on his game. He showed his ability taking a couple of screamers and dominating quarters in a few games. Jack O’Flaherty – Jack O had a very good year, improving his marking and kicking significantly. This improved his confidence so he thought he was as good as we all knew he was. He did more than just kick goals, he got rewarded for his tackles 4 games in a row something I’ve never seen, was one small forward who kept the ball in the 50. A really determined young man. Caleb Whitehead – Caleb only knows one way get the footie and do your thing. A really focussed young footballer who learnt a lot of new skills this year and was one of our key players. He can play back, middle or forward very handy for any team. A strong mark who has a good future in the game. Tom Mulvihill – Mulvi a new player (Dan W’s neighbour) who moved from Adelaide what a blessing for us. Great skills and game awareness but took a while to find his feet in the new Competition and team. When he did, he became a dominant CHF in the Jonathan Brown mould. Had a great second half of the season and was a real focal point and barometer of the team. Great season mate. Dan Weatherly – Dan played everywhere too, I started him forward and he asked to go back. He was right, he was very, very good late in the season at CHB and seemed to grow in confidence resulting in a CHB that started our attack. Dan has great hands and a good kick and the ability to have a good Aussie Rules career. Phoebe Bowman – Phoebe joined us this year in her first year of Aussie Rules. Phoebe had no fear and brought off some of the biggest hits of the season, while always getting straight up. Phoebe always gave her best and was a good addition to the team. Sam McGarry – Sammy has great kicking ability and good hands. Makes good decisions when he has the ball. Unfortunately got a few injuries during the season so wasn’t able to be as consistent as he would have liked. Myles Brown – Myles had a good season, interrupted unfortunately again by injury. Myles has great hands, kicking ability, goal sense and an inane ability to find space in the forward line. Another that has a bright future in the game. Jack Spry – Jack was at the bottom of most packs and one of our most determined and committed players. Always leading by example, Jack one of our followers always did what- ever was asked and was one of our key players again this year. Tom Seaholme – Tom played everywhere, but relished the time at full forward where his goal sense came to the fore. Was able to create goals out of nothing, with his illusiveness and skills. A good season, however needs to work on consistency. Isaac Luhrs – Isaac was our Captain who led from the front. Despite being small for a Ruck man he always gave a physical contest all around the ground. His marking and positional play improved greatly during the year, while he continues to work on his skills below his knees. Great season mate. Hamish Olsen – Hamish was our Vice Captain, key player and a natural leader by actions. A young man who is very competitive and has good instincts for the game, played mostly in the mid field giving us a lot of drive all season. Another very good consistent season again from Hamish.

A huge thank you to Macca, Kurt and Geoff whose assistance was much appreciated and needed. Guys it could not have happened without you, thank you for creating the vibe in the group. Finally, to the parent group. While I really enjoyed the time with your young adult, I loved the banter with you, your willingness to help in any way makes the group special. Let’s all come back in 2016 and build on it. Remember any tall friends would be made to feel welcome. Have a relaxing fun and safe off season. Mike UNDER 14 JINDAMORE CAMELS



Finally, a big THANK YOU to our sponsors for 2015!

See you in 2016